

Strikeforce ‘Challengers 14’ Live Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com's Rodney Dean reports from the Cedar Park Center near Austin, Texas, at approximately 9 p.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of Strikeforce “Challengers 14,” which is headlined by Lyle “Fancy Pants” Beerbohm vs. Ryan Healy.

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Drew Pendleton vs. Dennis Dombrow
Round 1
Pendleton starts the action by taking Dombrow down. Ground-and-pound is the order of the day. Very quickly is Pendleton in a near mount, but Dombrow is able to get to guard. Not for long, though, as Dombrow turtles and takes punishment from behind. The fight returns to the feet and the fighters exchange punches at distance. Pendleton looks tired, while Dombrow swings wide and hard. Pendleton goes in head down, kicking, but soon finds himself eating a knee and some solid shots from Dombrow. 10-9 Pendleton.

Dave Mandel

Pendleton caught Dombrow.
Round 2
Pendleton comes out in the second frame looking even more fatigued. Dombrow continues to land more of punches, but both men are intent to inflict punishment. A knee from Dombrow gets cheers, but Pendleton digs down for a flurry of hands. Dombrow dials-in on his range on a tired opponent and finds his mark. He tries to capitalize by taking Pendleton to the ground. Fortunes are soon reversed as Dombrow finds himself in a solid guillotine. Pressure is applied, arms are tapped, and the fight is ended. Both fighters lay motionless; due to exhaustion, submission or both. Drew Pendleton defeats Dennis Dombrow by submission (guillotine) at 2:38 of round two. The Austin crowd applauds the local product.

In a prefight interview that may air on the Showtime telecast, Nick Gonzales just sang, "The stars at night, are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas!"

D. Mandel

Franco (right) won suddenly.
Ousmane Thomas Diagne vs. Aaron Franco
Round 1
Diagne starts us off with a low kick. He and Franco exchange a bit. Franco takes the fight to the ground, sitting in Diagne's guard doing a whole lot of nothing. A stand up seems imminent. But yet, the nothingness continues. Franco can't seem to operate in Diagne's guard. He attempts an elbow and some rudimentary ground and pound, and eventually starts to land. Diagne is locked on from the bottom, but the crowd has chosen Franco, the local boy, as its hero. Diagne works his way to an attempted ankle lock, but gave it up quickly. Franco passes to the side, and then to mount where he ends the fight with left, right, left, right, good night. The official time is 4:22 of round one.

D. Mandel

"Tarzan" put a beating on Gonzalez.
David Douglas vs. Nick Gonzalez
Round 1
Referee Jon Schorle starts the 150-pound catchweight bout. Douglas charges forward and unleashes a flurry almost immediately. Gonzalez flees, using movement to evade the blows. Douglas is not denied for long, however, and the Gracie jiu-jitsu practitioner finds Gonzalez's chin with a left hand. Douglas pounces and begins landing heavy ground and pound, causing Gonzalez to give up his back. Douglas sinks the rear-naked choke and Schorle waves off the bout at 1:05 of round one.

Erik Apple vs. Ryan Larson
Round 1
Apple takes center cage to start and fires a leg kick. Apple fires a one-two, but both shots whiff. Larson drops for a double, but Apple stuffs it and shoots a takedown of his own. Both men are now working hard from the clinch. As they break, Larson lands a shot and shortly afterward hits a double-leg. Larson passes easily to side control and secures a topside crucifix. Larson continually lands jackhammer left hands, but Apple is game and continues to squirm. Larson now steps over the head, setting up a farside kimura. Apple defends, however, and Larson returns to the crucifix position. Larson again goes for the kimura, attempting to jerk the arm out. Suddenly, Apple gives up his back but quickly recovers guard. In a shocking reversal, Apple tries to lock up a heel hook and then a kneebar. Larson appears in no real trouble, however, and passes to mount as the horn sounds to end round one.

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Larson
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Larson
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Larson

D. Mandel

Larson was too much for Apple.
Round 2
Apple smiles to start round two. After a brief exchange standing, Larson scores an easy takedown and nearly passes to mount. Apple recovers half and then full guard. Apple attempts to push Larson off with his feet, but Larson counters and secures mount. Apple gives up his back, and Larson flattens him out before locking up a body triangle. Larson now switches back to his hooks. As Apple rolls, Larson transitions back to mount and begins to rain down punches. Apple is game, but Larson slaps on a slick backside triangle choke, ending up on his back and finishing the hold. Referee Kerry Hatley calls a halt to the fight at 3:14 of round two.

Ryan Couture vs. Lee Higgins
Round 1
Referee David Lassiter starts the lightweight contest. Both men come out cautiously. Couture lands a pair of light inside leg kicks followed by a heavier outside kick to Higgins' thigh. Couture switches to southpaw briefly but switches back quickly to orthodox. Couture is now back fighting southpaw and throws a sidekick to Higgin's body. Higgins rushes forward with a combination, but Couture evades. Couture throws a one-two and follows up with another leg kick. Couture lands a straight left and then a nice counter right hook. Couture is now back orthodox and lands two nice low kicks. Southpaw for Couture once again. He lands a cracking liver kick, but Higgins catches it and looks for a takedown. Couture counters with a guillotine attempt. Higgins escapes, but Couture is controlling him with a cradle. Couture locks up an anaconda choke, but cannot finish as the round ends.

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Couture
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Couture
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Couture

Round 2
D. Mandel

Couture dominated Higgins.
Couture lands another leg kick as the round begins. Higgins rushes forward, pressing Couture against the cage, but Couture circles out and now has Higgins pressed against the fence. As they break, Higgins throws several haymakers. Higgins now takes center cage. Couture lands another leg kick, then throws a switch kick to the liver. The pair clinches, and Couture cracks Higgins with a sweet right hand, buckling his knees. Higgins is not done, though, and pops back up. Couture then takes the fight to the floor and snatches the mount. Higgins rolls, and Couture tries for a side choke. Higgins defends well, and Couture abandons the submission, again taking Higgins' back. With one minute left in the round, Couture is takign his time and locks up a body triangle.

Couture, perhaps frustrated, drops big hammer fists to Higgins' ribs and punches at his skull as the round expires.

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Couture
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Couture
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-8 Couture

Round 3
Higgins comes out aggressively in the final frame, ducking for a takedown. Couture defends well, though, and circles off the fence. Higgins drops levels for another takedown, but Couture's base is stout, shaking off a single-leg easily. Couture lands a body kick and clinches, landing a right hand on the break. Couture throws a lazy low kick and turns his back to Higgins, who grabs a standing waist lock. Couture escapes easily, however, and takes his man down. Couture transitions to back control and cinches up a rear-naked choke. Higgins winces in pain as his face turns read. To his credit, Higgins escapes the choke. Couture is relentless and digs the choke in once again. Higgins struggles and grimaces and squirms, but he cannot escape this time around. Higgins taps out at 4:41 of the third frame.

D. Mandel

Prater put Travers to sleep.
Bryan Travers vs. Carlo Prater
Round 1
Referee Jon Schorle starts the 160-pound catchweight contest. Prater scores a takedown early and immediately cinches up an anaconda choke. Travers loses consciousness in the choke, and Schorle pulls the pair apart only 38 seconds into the bout.

Lyle Beerbohm vs. Pat Healy
Round 1
Referee Kerry Hatley starts the main event. Beerbohm throws a hard high kick and shoots a quick double leg right out of the gate. Healy defends well, however, and the two clinch against the cage. Beerbohm lands a left hook on the break. Healy tries to counter a Beerbohm shot with a near-side cradle, but Beerbohm powers out. Beerbohm is relentless, locking his hands and hoisting Healy above his head before slamming him to the mat. Healy pops back up, but Beerbohm is still in control. Beerbohm shoots once again, and Healy again defends the takedown. Beerbohm hits a nice switch and he briefly takes Healy's back. Healy escapes and now has a body lock which he turns into a gut wrench. Both men throw punches as the round ends.

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Beerbohm
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Beerbohm
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Beerbohm

Round 2
Healy lands a series of jabs to begin round two. Beerbohm shoots again, and Healy defends once more. Beerbohm now hits a double and is trying to pull his man away from the fence. Healy shucks him off his legs and stands. Beerbohm is constantly smothering Healy against the cage and looking for more takedowns. On yet another double leg attempt, Healy counters with an inverted triangle, but Beerbohm pops his head out. Back on their feet, Beerbohm again shoots, and Healy again locks up the inverted triangle. Healy tries for a hammer lock and then switches off to a kimura. Healy throws ground and pound as round two expires.

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Healy
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Healy
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Healy

Round 3
D. Mandel

Healy gave Beerbohm his first Loss.
The final round begins, and Healy lands a jab. Healy wades forward with punches and presses his foe against the cage. After defending a takedown attempt, Beerbohm throws a body kick. Now Healy has the Thai clinch and is peppering with knees and then punches. Healy scoops Beerbohm up against the cage and dumps him on his back. Healy now has partial back control and is looking for a rear-naked choke. Beerbohm manages to escape and takes Healy's back for a moment before Healy recovers half guard. Beerbohm passes to side control, but Healy recovers guard. Now Healy reverses the position, but Beerbohm somersaults, lookin gfor a leg lock. Beerbohm once again reverses the position and gains top control before Healy escapes and stands. Both men are exhausted. Beerbohm shoots, but Healy sprawls. Both men throw flurries as the round ends.

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Healy (29-28 Healy)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Healy (29-28 Healy)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-10 (29-29 draw)

Official scores: 29-28s across the board for Pat Healy, winner by unanimous decision.
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