

‘TUF 24’ Finale Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog's live “The Ultimate Fighter 24” Finale coverage kicks off Saturday at 7 p.m. ET (online betting).

Check out the MMA Forums to discuss the card or enter your comments and predictions below.

Devin Clark vs. Josh Stansbury

Round 1

Stansbury comes forward at the start but is soon backed up by a Clark one-two, followed by a body kick. Clark waits for Stansbury to press toward him again, then changes levels and puts the Ohio native against the fence with a single-leg takedown attempt. Stansbury stays standing, and the 205ers trade knees in the clinch before separating with 3:30 on the clock. Stansbury clips Clark with a nifty counter right hand, but Clark comes right back with a shot to the body. Stansbury goes body-head now, just misses with a head kick. Halfway through the round, Clark shoots again and drives Stansbury to the canvas near the center of the cage. Stansbury goes to deep half guard after taking a few short right hands to the face. Clark stands over him, can't keep Stansbury on the floor but does corral him against the wall as soon as he stands. Stansbury tries to pull guard with a guillotine, but Clark doesn't appear to be in any danger and simply waits out the hold.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Clark
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clark
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Clark

Round 2

Clark opens the round in a wide stance and hits Stansbury with a pair of inside leg kick. Stansbury stuffs a shot and gets Clark backing up, but it's Clark who recovers his footing quickly and comes back to touch Stansbury with a jab. The light heavyweights come back to the clinch on the fence, this time with Stansbury on the outside. Clark gives up his back in an attempt to escape the clinch, then peels away Stansbury's hands and gives him a right hand on the way out of the tie-up. Seconds later, Stansbury pushes Clark back against the wall and the sequence repeats; this time, Stansbury gives Clark some knees to the back of the thigh and prevents him from escaping. Referee Chris Tognoni calls for action as the 205ers continue to clinch through the middle of the round. The fighters finally separate, Stansbury landing a pair of right hands on the break. This gets the attention of Clark, who swings forward with a four-punch combo, including a heavy left that pops Stansbury in the face. Clark goes to the inside leg kick twice, then once upstairs, slapping the side of Stansbury's head. Clark shoots a sloppy shot and gets caught in a headlock, then pushed back agains the fence with 60 seconds left. Clark spins him around and looks for a late double-leg that doesn't materialize.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Clark
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clark
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Clark

Round 3

Clark shows some aggression early in the final frame, closing the distance to attack Stansbury with a series of punches. Stansbury connects with a counter right hook at the end of the exchange, but only after absorbing blows from Clark. Before too long, though, the fighters wind up clinching on the fence again, resulting in another stalemate. Stansbury breaks away with a right hand, drawing Clark forward, and now Stansbury catches him with another counterpunch. Stansbury pushes forward, denies a long shot from Clark and spins him against the fence with a whizzer. Clark reverses to the outside position at the halfway point of the round, and now the fighters take another breather in the clinch. Referee Tognoni calls for action; Clark throws a few knees to the body, but there doesn't look to be much behind them. They split with 90 seconds remaining in the fight; Stansbury tries to push forward, but he's soon put on his back foot by Clark's right hands. Stansbury sits down on Clark's final takedown attempt, but Clark scrambles and turns the corner to take Stansbury's back in the final moments of the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Clark (30-27 Clark)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clark (30-27 Clark)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Clark (30-27 Clark)

The Official Result

Devin Clark def. Josh Stansbury via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Elvis Mutapcic vs. Anthony Smith

Round 1

Mutapcic pushes the pace at the start of the fight, pushing toward Smith with quick steps and feints. Smith lands a right hand to back him up momentarily, but Mutapcic comes right back and leg-kicks the feet out from under him. Mutapcic stands over Smith, stacking him up to drop punches; Smith throws up an armbar from the bottom but loses it when Mutapcic lifts and drops him on his head. Referee Mark Smith warns Smith a second time for lacing his toes through the chain-link fence in an attempt to reclaim guard. Smith does manage to put Mutapcic back in guard with 3:00 left in the round, and then wraps up "The King" to prevent any damaging ground-and-pound. Mutapcic is getting through with a few hard shots but seems mostly concerned with keeping Smith on his back. Mutapcic is doing enough on the ground to prevent a stand-up order, keeping heavy pressure on Smith while mixing in sporadic body and head strikes.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Mutapcic
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mutapcic
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Mutapcic

Round 2

Both fighters emerge for round two swinging heavy strikes; Smith finds the mark with a few long right hands, but Mutapcic gets in a couple hard low kicks. Smith is really beginning to find his range in the opening minute, keeping the shorter Mutapcic on the end of long, hard punches. A right cross snaps Mutapcic's head back; the Iowan tries to swing back but whiffs on a pair of punches. Smith keeps landing, right hands and knees, now a standing elbow strike, and somewhere in the sequence, Mutapcic gets a cut on the left side of his forehead. Another long right hand stings Mutapcic, now a stiff jab and a kick to the body. Smith has completely taken control of this right, and he's got more than half a round left to work. Smith scores with a clinch knee, another cracking right hand. Mutapcic stays in the pocket and Smith wallops him with a nasty elbow to the face. Mutapcic collapses to the mat and Smith polishes him off with three or four punches from the standing position.

The Official Result

Anthony Smith def. Elvis Mutapcic via TKO (Elbow and Punches) R2 3:27

Kailin Curran vs. Jamie Moyle

Round 1

Curran flicks out some long jabs but they don't seem to faze Moyle, who steps straight inside, wraps up the Hawaiian and trips her to the floor. Moyle kneels in the open guard of Curran, landing the occasional short punch, but Curran kicks her away and scrambles up without sustaining any damage. Curran tries to push forward with jabs and long kicks, but again Moyle halts the attack with a clinch. Moyle pushes Curran against the fence and throws a few knees but can't touch the chin of the taller fighter. A solid knee gets through for Curran at the halfway point of the round, but her attempt to spin Moyle away from the wall is unsuccessful. Curran finally breaks the position by threatening with a modified guillotine; the choke doesn't stick, but it puts Moyle's back against the wall. Curran hits her with a standing elbow, but Moyle lands a clinch knee and then separates. Moyle catches the incoming Curran with a clubbing overhand right as they enter the final minute of the round. Curran comes down the middle with a right hand before she's wrapped up against the fence once again.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Moyle
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Moyle
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Moyle

Round 2

Moyle emerges from her corner sporting a mouse above her left eye, the result of an apparent headbutt in the opening frame. Moyle goes in search of the takedown early in round two, but she winds up using a single-leg attempt to push Curran against the fence again. Curran works her way off the wall, back to the middle of the cage, but Moyle never lets go of her and soon wrangles her back to the fence. Curran widens her base to defend the takedown, then tries to turn the corner and take Moyle's back. The strawweights separate with 3:00 on the clock. Curran scores with a jab and a plunging right straight, now a left hook. Moyle is on her back foot now, backpedaling away from Curran's stiff jab. Moyle throws a low kick and gets picked off by Curran's speedier left hand. Moyle digs an underhook and puts Curran back on the fence with 1:20 on the clock. Moyle drops for a double-leg, lifts Curran away from the fence and slams her to the floor in the center of the cage. Moyle is cut open now, spraying blood all over Curran as they grapple. Curran holds Moyle in half guard as the last minute ticks down, now switches to butterfly guard, but Moyle stacks up and lands a few left hands as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Moyle
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Curran
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Moyle

Round 3

Moyle marches straight forward on Curran and pushes her against the fence yet again, this time with an underhook. Moyle drops for a double-leg, switches to a single, then drops to her knees and goes back to the double. Curran goes over the top, stands up Moyle and gives her a knee to the body. Moyle returns the favor with a knee of her own, then spins Curran around once more. Moyle tries a head-and-arm throw and winds up on her back, with Curran dropping right hands from half guard. Curran stands and gets kicked away by Moyle, who scrambles up to her feet and catches a knee to the chest on the way. Referee Chris Tognoni calls the doctor to check on Moyle's damaged left eye, and she's soon cleared to continue. Curran looks to keep the fight at range when action resumes, picking at Moyle with more long punches. Moyle gets the Thai clinch and pulls the taller woman inside. Curran escapes the tie-up with 90 seconds remaining, and Moyle swings some very tired-looking punches as they separate. Curran is bringing the pressure now, walking on Moyle with increasingly accurate punches. Moyle is clipping her with arm punches in return but Curran seems unaffected. Moyle takes advantage of the aggression, changes levels and hits one more takedown that keeps Curran on her back for the final minute.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Curran (29-28 Moyle)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Curran (29-28 Curran)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Moyle (30-27 Moyle)

The Official Result

Jamie Moyle def. Kailin Curran via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Brendan O'Reilly vs. Dong Hyun Kim

Round 1

Kim gets an early bodylock as he pushes O'Reilly against the fence, then pops the Australian with some short left hands in the tie-up. O'Reilly reverses to the outside in the second minute, catches Kim with a standing elbow strike and a knee to the midsection. Kim gets an underhook, takes the outside position and trips O'Reilly to the mat. Kim lands in half guard and begins peppering O'Reilly with left hands before passing to side control. O'Reilly tries to shrimp underneath and gives up his back; O'Reilly drops to his knees and gets a knee to the face from the standing Kim, who keeps control of a bodylock. Referee Mark Smith takes no action, and now Kim pulls O'Reilly to the ground and establishes back-mount with hooks. O'Reilly tries to walk off the wall and manages to flip over, leaving Kim in full mount with one minute remaining. Kim drops elbows from mount, gets pushed back to half guard in the last 30 seconds. O'Reilly tries to catch an armbar, but Kim stifles it and finishes the round with a few more left hands.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Kim
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kim
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Kim

Round 2

O'Reilly opens with an outside leg kick and then steps inside with a wind-up right hand that Kim sees coming from a mile away. Kim slips the punch, wraps up O'Reilly with a bodylock and trips him straight back to the ground. Thumping left hands score for Kim as he works from half guard on O'Reilly's right side, keeping the Australian's left side close to the fence. Referee Smith calls for action, and Kim obliges by passing to side control. O'Reilly kicks off the fence and flips Kim over, then tries to transition onto the Korean's back. Before O'Reilly can establish his hooks in back-mount, Kim flips over and winds up in top position once again. More left hands land for Kim on the ground, still working from O'Reilly's half guard. O'Reilly fishes for a kimura from the bottom just as the referee warns of an impending stand-up. O'Reilly is focused on the kimura, and while he is, Kim easily passes to side control, then full mount. O'Reilly gives up his back in order to stand, shaking Kim off his back as he gets up. Now it's O'Reilly in the outside position in the clinch with 60 seconds remaining. O'Reilly backs up a step, decks Kim with an elbow strike and then comes back to the clinch. Another elbow lands for O'Reilly, now an uppercut, but it's not enough to overcome the lead built by Kim in the previous four minutes.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Kim
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kim
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Kim

Round 3

Kim takes about 15 seconds to close the gap and push O'Reilly against the fence once again. The lightweights spend a minute on the fence, Kim holding the position with an underhook. O'Reilly spins him around but doesn't do much with the outside position, offering only a few foot stomps. An elbow catches Kim on the chin, followed by a foot stomp and another elbow. O'Reilly keeps finding the mark with the standing elbow, but Kim seems unconcerned. O'Reilly tries a spinning backfist, Kim goes underneath, and they're back in the beginning position with Kim on the outside. "Maestro" drops to try a takedown, but O'Reilly stands him back up. Referee Smith separates the fighters with 1:35 remaining in the bout. Kim clinches up again, takes O'Reilly's back standing and rides him to the mat, where O'Reilly rolls onto his back. Kim nearly catches an arm-triangle setup but instead passes to full mount. O'Reilly uses the cage to flip Kim over yet again, but with only 20 seconds on the clock, there isn't much left to do for the Australian.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 O'Reilly (29-28 Kim)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 O'Reilly (29-28 Kim)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 O'Reilly (29-28 Kim)

The Official Result

Dong Hyun Kim def. Brendan O'Reilly via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Rob Font vs. Matt Schnell

Round 1

Schnell lands a few leg kicks and glancing jabs in the first 30 seconds, but when Font shoots inside for a takedown, he drives Schnell straight to the mat near the fence. Schnell throws up reverse triangle, can't get it, and now Font spins to catch him in the transition and take Schnell's back. Font locks up the position with a body triangle, now with 3:30 left to work, and begins fishing for a rear-naked choke. Schnell uses two-on-one hand defense as he sits up in the center of the cage, trying to loosen Font's grip. Schnell breaks loose halfway through the round and immediately regains some ground with a pair of punches, followed by a low kick. Font fires a jab, then catches Schnell with a beautiful front kick that puts "Danger" on wobbly legs. Font tries to blitz his wounded opponent with punches, but none of the follow-up shots land cleanly. Seconds later, Font obliterates Schnell with a switch knee, then follows the UFC newcomer to the ground with heavy follow-up punches. Schnell survives for a few seconds, but when he goes belly-down and stops defending himself, referee Yves Lavigne halts the bout.

The Official Result

Rob Font def. Matt Schnell via TKO (Knee and Punches) R1 3:47

Gray Maynard vs. Ryan Hall

Round 1

Hall fakes a long single-leg into a rolling leglock attempt, but Maynard clears his legs before the jiu-jitsu ace can grab hold. Back up comes Hall, then back to the mat, but again he can't catch Maynard and must stand up. Hall throws a side kick to Maynard's chin; "The Bully" just eats and and rushes forward to try and catch Hall with a punch. Hall waits until Maynard comes close enough and then drops to the mat to try a heel hook. Maynard fights his way free and stands over Hall, though the UFC veteran gets popped with an upkick along the way. Hall drops for a double-leg try, but Maynard hits the switch and scrambles clear again. Hall jumps up with him and immediately dives for another leglock, this time coming up empty. Back on the feet with two minutes to go, Hall lands a short right hook as he wades backward, waiting for Maynard to come forward. Hall drops to the ground a few more times, prompting Maynard to throw up his arms in frustration.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Hall
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hall
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Hall

Round 2

Maynard comes forward with his right hand cocked, but Hall sprints away, even turning his back at one point to evade "The Bully." Every time Maynard comes close enough or moves forward with some momentum, Hall drops to his back and extends his arm to try and hook one of Maynard's legs. After several more cartwheels and attempted leglocks, the Las Vegas crowd begins to jeer. Maynard nearly gets caught up in a heel hook attempt early in the third minute, but he drags himself clear and Hall has to stand again. Hall goes upstairs to land another head kick, but none of the shots seem to be discouraging Maynard from pressing forward. This is rapidly turning into a no-win situation for Maynard, who can't land strikes in the pocket due to Hall's constant, range-maintaining kicks, and even get too close to his opponent without Hall immediately dropping to the ground.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Hall
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hall
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Hall

Round 3

Hall drops to guard almost instantly; Maynard doesn't allow him to stand at first, but eventually referee Chris Tognoni orders Hall back to his feet. The featherweights circle for a moment, Hall goes to guard again, and Maynard spends a few seconds circling around him. Hall finally tumbles close enough to catch one of Maynard's legs, but as soon as he rolls through, "The Wizard" comes up complaining to referee Tognoni. The ref takes no action, and Maynard uses the opportunity to pull his leg free. Back on the feet with 3:00 on the clock, Hall slaps the side of Maynard's head with a right high kick and then falls to the ground again. Hall stands, throws a turning kick which invites Maynard to try and grab a rear waistlock, then tries to roll through for a leglock, to no avail. Maynard tries to rush Hall with punches, slips to the ground and has to scramble up before Hall can lock up a triangle attempt. Inside the final minute now, Maynard pushes forward on Hall with hands loaded, still not throwing much. Hall hits the deck one more time, gets told to stand one more time and finishes the round with a kick to Maynard's body.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Hall (30-27 Hall)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hall (30-27 Hall)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Hall (30-27 Hall)

The Official Result

Ryan Hall def. Gray Maynard via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Ryan Benoit vs. Brandon Moreno

Round 1

Benoit pushes out from the center in the opening minute while Moreno circles the outside, catching Benoit with inside leg kicks when opportunities present themselves. Moreno steps out to the middle and pops Benoit with a one-two, then catches a high kick and runs Benoit to the ground. Benoit is back on his feet in a hurry, back to working from the middle of the cage. Benoit lands a hard left hand in a close-quarters exchange, but Moreno swings back and then changes levels for another takedown. Benoit stands, gets taken down again, stands and has Moreno wrapped around him with a standing rear waistlock. Moreno drives knees into the back of Benoit's legs as he works from the position with 2:00 left in round one. Benoit frees himself but in an ensuing exchange, Moreno hits him with a kick to the groin. Referee Mark Smith calls time, Benoit recovers, and they back on with 90 seconds remaining. Moreno tries to jab his way into range, gets a hard kick to the body and then eats a combination. Moreno clips Benoit with a left hook, slowing the American's attack in the final moments.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Moreno
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Moreno
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Moreno

Round 2

Benoit shoots across the cage to try an early takedown, but it's stuffed as Moreno backs up against the fence. The flyweights separate and circle with half the cage between them, prompting referee Smith to tell them to engage. Moreno closes in on Benoit near the fence but has to back away as Benoit swings a big overhand right. Two minutes in, Benoit times a low kick from Moreno and comes over the top with a left hand that knocks the Mexican to the floor. Moreno powers back to his feet immediately, seemingly no worse for wear. Moreno is swinging wide punches as he comes forward, and the more compact Benoit picks him off with a short right, then another. With two minutes left, after eating a couple hard punches, Moreno drops levels, lifts Benoit with a double-leg and slams him to the mat. From Benoit's open guard, Moreno reaches around the Texan's back to wrap up his right arm. Moreno lands a few shots to Benoit's unprotected face before Benoit gets the arm free. Benoit scrambles back to his feet, only to be taken down almost immediately, with Moreno finishing the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Moreno
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Moreno
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Moreno

Round 3

Moreno gets hold of a single-leg and pushes Benoit's back against the fence. Benoit is forced to balance on one leg as he's held there, with Moreno landing a few short right hands in the process. Benoit separates and dashes away, resetting in the southpaw stance. Moreno comes over the top with a pair of good right hands; Benoit answers with a combo to the body, but Moreno comes back with a one-two that puts Benoit on his back foot momentarily. Moreno falls to the ground on a failed flying knee attempt, but he's back on his feet before Benoit can trap him on the floor. Benoit presses forward with 2:00 left in the fight, but it's Moreno landing the better shots from his back foot, constantly putting right hands in Benoit's face. Moreno shoots for a high single-leg, prevented by Benoit with a grab of the fence. Moreno keeps hold of a bodylock but gives it up and circles away with 30 seconds to go. Benoit comes forward swinging big left hands, but it's too little, too late and he can't catch up with Moreno.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Moreno (30-27 Moreno)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Moreno (30-27 Moreno)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Moreno (30-27 Moreno)

The Official Result

Brandon Moreno def. Ryan Benoit via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Alexis Davis vs. Sara McMann

Round 1

McMann steps into the pocket with an overhand right, but Davis gives her a right hook in return before the wrestler can back out. McMann scores with a body shot, resets, now steps forward throwing three straight punches, all of which crash into Davis' face. McMann throws another right hand and then drops levels, quickly taking down Davis in the center of the cage. Davis throws up her legs, hunting for a triangle or armbar. McMann bears down in her opponent's guard, slowly trying to work her way free; as she does, Davis connects with several solid elbow strikes from her back. The pace slows as McMann works her arm free and sets up in Davis' closed guard. The bantamweights trade short strikes on the mat, Davis' sticky guard making things difficult for McMann to generate power. With 80 seconds on the clock, McMann gets free for a moment and slams Davis with a couple hard right hands. Inside the final minute, McMann jams Davis up against the base of the fence and finds space for some more ground-and-pound. Davis throws up another triangle with 30 seconds left, and McMann spends the final half minute trapped, absorbing more elbows to the face.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Davis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McMann
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Davis

Round 2

Davis comes forward with a leg kick and swings a heavy punch at McMann, who grabs hold of the Canadian and hurls her to the ground in the middle of the cage. Davis instantly reaches for a heel hook, but McMann clears the leg and then works to pass Davis' half guard to side control. Davis manages to hold McMann in half guard; McMann is starting to frame up an arm-triangle choke, although she would need to be on the other side to finish. It looks like McMann has the arm-triangle locked up; now she passes to mount, then quickly over to the other side, and Davis is in deep trouble. Davis tries to hook her arms around her own leg to loosen McMann's grip, but the wrestler is locked on tight. After a few moments of struggling, Davis taps out.

The Official Result

Sara McMann def. Alexis Davis via Submission (Arm-Triangle Choke) R2 2:52

Jared Cannonier vs. Ion Cutelaba

Round 1

Cutelaba gets right in Cannonier's face with a barrage of punches, a few of which appear to get through. Cannonier backpedals and bounces off the fence, then circles to the other side of the cage. Cannonier waits for Cutelaba to come forward and then plunks the Moldovan with a neat right hand over the top. Cutelaba gets tied up briefly, separates and then swings back at Cannonier with a heavy right hand, a body blow. Cannonier wraps him up again, pressing Cutelaba against the fence with an underhook while referee Yves Lavigne calls for action. Cutelaba turns the clinch into a throw, landing Cannonier on his back. Cutelaba threatens with a footlock, stands and drops a hard right hand on Cannonier's face. Back down to the ground comes Cutelaba, then back up to look for more ground-and-pound opportunities. Cannonier finally picks the ankle and trips Cutelaba to the ground, then both light heavyweights scramble back to their feet. Cannonier tries to push Cutelaba to the fence with underhooks, but Cutelaba uses the position to hurl Cannonier back to the ground. Cannonier grabs for a foot, can't get one and stands up to close out the final 20 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Cutelaba
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cutelaba
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Cutelaba

Round 2

Cutelaba scores an early takedown and feeds a few right hands to Cannonier as the American struggles back to his feet. Cannonier slips around to the back and sits to pull Cutelaba to the ground, but Cutelaba sweeps to top position before Cannonier can establish back-mount. Cutelaba stands over his grounded opponent, and Cannonier threatens with upkicks until he's able to stand. The 205ers separate with three minutes left, and suddenly Cutelaba is looking tired, breathing heavy as he backs away from Cannonier's power punches. Cutelaba cuts short the assault with a well-timed takedown in the center of the cage. Cannonier climbs back to his feet, wraps up Cutelaba with a standing rear waistlock and pulls him to the ground. With one minute on the clock, Cannonier works from half guard atop the tired, bloody-nosed Cutelaba. Cannonier gets through with a few short punches, now a thudding right hand to the body. Cannonier is still grinding away with short elbows and body blows when the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Cannonier
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cannonier
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Cannonier

Round 3

Cutelaba sends a few heavy right hands off the gloves of Cannonier, who answers with a jab and a nasty kick to the body. Cannonier works from the center, Cutelaba circling the outside; when Cutelaba steps to the center to swing punches, Cannonier sidesteps and is nowhere to be found. Cutelaba gets a quick takedown, but Cannonier is back on his feet almost immediately, then socks Cutelaba out of the pocket with a big right hand to the face. Cannonier counters a low kick with a stiff jab that turns Cutelaba's head sideways. Cannonier's counter right hands are landing with regularity now, and Cutelaba's power punches are starting to come up short more often than not. Cannonier is on the march midway through the final frame, pressing forward to slug Cutelaba with an uppercut. Cutelaba gets staggered with a whipping right hand, then eats a one-two from Cannonier as he tries to escape. Cutelaba slows things down with a clinch on the fence; Cannonier reverses to the outside, but the Moldovan is locking down his arms to prevent punches. Cannonier gets his hands free and begins tagging the body and chin of Cutelaba with uppercuts. Cannonier is marching forward on Cutelaba with hands by his waist; Cutelaba tries to make him pay for the showmanship, but his backfist only bounces off Cannonier's face. Cannonier gets the final word with an uppercut and a left hand just before the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Cannonier (29-28 Cannonier)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cannonier (29-28 Cannonier)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Cannonier (29-28 Cannonier)

The Official Result

Jared Cannonier def. Ion Cutelaba via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Jorge Masvidal vs. Jake Ellenberger

Round 1

After a slow opening minute, Masvidal catches a kick from Ellenberger and begins socking the Nebraskan in the face with left hands while he hops on one leg. Masvidal releases and presses forward, swarming Ellenberger on the fence with speedy combinations to the body and head. A body kick gets Ellenberger tilting to his right, and Masvidal pours on the punishment with more punches that knock "The Juggernaut" to the ground. Referee Herb Dean looks to be on the verge of a stoppage, but he doesn't intervene and Ellenberger recovers on his knees to climb back to his feet. Masvidal slows his assault with three minutes remaining in the opening round. Ellenberger eats a jab, tries to return the favor but comes up short. Masvidal catches another kick and makes Ellenberger pay with more punches to the face. Ellenberger tries to rush in behind a right hand but can't keep Masvidal on the fence. Masvidal comes out to the center, takes another punch to the face and starts jawing at Ellenberger. In a bizarre sequence, Ellenberger catches a kick and tries to run Masvidal against the fence; Masvidal breaks free and Ellenberger runs into the fence, where his right foot gets stuck in the chain link of the fence. Masvidal stands over his downed opponent and drops punches as referee Dean rushes in to pause the fight. Dean calls the doctor to check on Ellenberger while the ref leaves the cage to consult with the other officials. Dean wants to know if the foot in the fence can be considered a "cage malfunction," but it appears the fight will go down as a stoppage win for Masvidal.

The Official Result

Jorge Masvidal def. Jake Ellenberger via TKO (Punches) R1 4:05

Henry Cejudo vs. Joseph Benavidez

Round 1

Cejudo takes the center of the cage and stands firm as Benavidez plants a pair of front kicks in his midsection. Benavidez clips Cejudo with a counter right hand, but Cejudo comes right back and drops Benavidez with a powerful left hook. Benavidez looks to be in trouble momentarily but powers back to his feet and begins swinging back. An ensuing exchange sees Cejudo plant an inside leg kick on Benavidez's cup, and "Joe Jitsu" needs a moment to recover. Benavidez takes less than one minute of his alloted five, and the flyweights are back to business. Benavidez is keeping Cejudo on the outside with kicks to the legs and body; Cejudo is trying to run him down with more powerful punches. Cejudo throws another inside leg kick that lands on Benavidez's groin, and again the fight is paused. Referee Yves Lavigne takes one point away from Cejudo for the second foul in two minutes. The fight resumes with Cejudo swinging for the fences, marching forward on Benavidez, who slips on the canvas and has to scramble back to his feet. Benavidez steps inside and tries to tie up with overhooks, but Cejudo trips him to the mat. Benavidez is back on his feet within seconds, switching stances as he slides on his back foot. Cejudo walks after him to land another straight right hand, but Benavidez catches changing levels and dings the wrestler with a knee. Cejudo tries a level-change but can't get hold of Benavidez; the 125ers separate and Cejudo plants a kick on the veteran's body. Cejudo takes a kick to the face but catches hold of the leg and trips Benavidez to the ground.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 9-9
Chris Nelson scores the round 9-9
Mike Sloan scores the round 9-9

Round 2

There's a lot of throwing but not much connecting through the first minute of round two. Cejudo is still trying to decapitate Benavidez with massive punches, while Benavidez dips in and out of range, flashing kicks low and high. Benavidez dodges a punch but Cejudo follows through and steps inside to pull down on his head, then drills Benavidez with a knee. Three minutes left in the round and it's still very much up for grabs, though Cejudo has done the better work so far. Benavidez connects with a straight right hand, his best of the fight so far; Cejudo gets backed up to the fence, allowing Benavidez to catch up and deliver a kick to the midsection. Cejudo comes forward again, swinging punches; Benavidez ducks underneath but takes a kick to the gut on the other side. Down to the final minute of the round, Cejudo steps inside and gets clipped by two left hands. Now it's Benavidez's turn to give Cejudo a couple kicks to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Benavidez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cejudo
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Cejudo

Round 3

Benavidez tries to attack but slips to the ground, and Cejudo pops him with a short left hand on the way back up. Cejudo catches a kick, trips Benavidez to the ground and then tries to keep hold as he stands. Benavidez peels the wrestler off of him and creates space; Cejudo walks him down and goes body-head with a combination, then back to the body with another kick. Benavidez sprawls on a single-leg shot, steps forward swinging punches but can't catch Cejudo with his hands. Cejudo steps inside and receives a well-timed Benavidez knee to the body. Halfway through the final round, Cejudo continues to press forward, though he's not landing punches at the high clip he was in the previous round. Benavidez steps into range and scores with a clean left hook on the end of a combo. Down to the final 90 seconds now, Benavidez steps inside with another left hook to the body-right hook upstairs; Cejudo replies with another kick to the body. Thirty seconds now, they're going punch-for-punch, swinging hands as they clatter around the cage. Both men are still swinging at the final horn, though neither comes up with anything particularly damaging in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Benavidez (29-27 Benavidez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Benavidez (28-28 Draw)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Cejudo (29-27 Cejudo)

The Official Result

Joseph Benavidez def. Henry Cejudo via Split Decision (30-26, 29-27, 27-29) R3 5:00

UFC Flyweight Title Fight:
Demetrious Johnson vs. Tim Elliott

Round 1

Referee Herb Dean is the third man in the cage for tonight's 125-pound title fight, with judges Sal D'Amato, Junichiro Kamijo and Jeff Mullen scoring at cageside. Johnson hits a quick takedown in the center of the cage and cartwheel-passes the guard into a nifty armbar attempt. Elliott rolls into top position and stacks up to free the arm, then starts putting some short punches on the champion's face. As "Mighty Mouse" rolls underneath and starts to work back to his feet, Elliott jumps guard with a guillotine. Johnson moves to free himself, and Elliott transitions to a brabo/D'arce choke. The choke looks very tight, but Johnson appears unconcerned and gives referee Dean a thumbs-up to show he's still awake. Elliott gives up on the choke, Johnson sweeps to top position, and suddenly it's the champ hunting for a guillotine choke. Elliott escapes the headlock and powers back to his feet, but the challenger is looking very tired now, leaning over to rest on his haunches. Elliott jams Johnson against the fence and throws a sequence of body punches, then a left hand to the chin which appears to drop Johnson. The champ springs back to his feet, only to be taken down by Elliott a few feet away from the fence. Elliott works from top position with 30 seconds left, now fishing for a topside guillotine. Elliott gives up the choke and grinds his elbow into Johnson's face for the final few seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Elliott
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Elliott
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Elliott

Round 2

Elliott takes the center of the cage to start round two, while Johnson moves around the outside, dipping into range to pop the challenger with a few fast punches. Elliott backs up Johnson with a body kick, but Johnson bounces off the fence and changes levels, forcing Elliott to defend a takedown. Johnson plants his challenger at the base of the fence; Elliott rolls to his knees and Johnson tries to secure back-mount, then opts to work for a no-hooks rear-naked choke. Elliott slips free and puts his back on the ground, and Johnson winds up back in side control. Elliott kicks off the fence, trying to snare Johnson in a reverse triangle; Johnson stays compact in side control, bearing down on Elliott's chest, looking to set up a mounted crucifix. Elliott refuses to surrender his near arm, so Johnson leans across to the far side and works a kimura on the left arm. Johnson switches to a straight armbar, but it doesn't look like Elliott is in too much danger with the armlock. Elliott rolls to his knees, gets caught in a front headlock and drops to his back again. The sequence repeats, this time with Elliott powering back to his feet. Johnson stays glued to him, but Elliott snatches up a leg and completes a takedown, and it's the challenger who finishes the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 3

Johnson charges inside and catches hold of Elliott, then pulls him to the ground. In a flash, the champion attaches himself to Elliott's back and goes hunting for a rear-naked choke. Johnson switches to a no-hooks RNC, but Elliott gets his chin underneath, bellies out and scrambles to top position. Johnson sits up and drives on a single-leg, absorbing some punches in the process, including a few which look to land to the back of the champion's head. Elliott eventually cedes the takedown, putting Johnson back on top in half guard with more than half the round remaining. Elliott takes some short punches to the face before he's able to adjust off the fence and put Johnson back in full guard. Elliott throws up a triangle, easily shucked aside by Johnson, who continues to maintain top position as they enter the final 80 seconds of the round. Johnson leans right to left across Elliott's body in side control, driving short elbows into the side of the challenger's head.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 4

Johnson shoots a long single-leg shot but still manages to drive Elliott to the ground near the fence. A few seconds later, Mighty Mouse is in side control, dropping punches on the challenger's head. Johnson moves briefly to north-south position, then back to side control. Elliott sits up against the fence, and Johnson slips around to the back, where he threatens the challenger with another no-hooks rear-naked choke. Elliott grimaces but doesn't seem to be in danger of going to sleep, and after a tense couple of seconds, he peels away Johnson's grip. Johnson remains in side control with half the round left to fight, and now he traps Elliott in the mounted crucifix. Five or six speedy punches fall on Elliott's face before he's able to free himself from the dangerous position. Down to 90 seconds now, Elliott tries to sit up and escape, then has to lie flat on the canvas again when the champ threatens with another back-take. Johnson tries a kimura from cross-side control, wrenching Elliott's left arm behind his back, but Elliott won't tap. Johnson switches to an armbar, but Elliott escapes by grabbing hold of a leg and driving forward, somehow finishing the round on his feet.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 5

Johnson lands yet another takedown in the opening minute of round five. Elliott sits up and nearly has his back taken before Johnson flattens him out on the mat again. Back to side control goes Johnson, who's having trouble mounting any offense with Elliott tangling him up from the bottom. Referee Dean calls for action as the champion hits his first prolonged stretch of inactivity. Two minutes remain in the bout, which seems all but sealed for Demetrious Johnson. The champ continues to work from Elliott's half guard, stretching out his left arm to work on another kimura or straight armbar attempt. Elliott reels the arm back in and now starts working for a kimura of his own from the bottom. Johnson goes to his knees to stack up, then transitions beautifully into an armbar attempt of his own. Elliott winds up on his back again, with Johnson in side control, hunting for an arm until the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Johnson (49-46 Johnson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson (49-46 Johnson)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Johnson (49-46 Johnson)

The Official Result

Demetrious Johnson def. Tim Elliott via Unanimous Decision (49-45, 49-46, 49-46) R5 5:00
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