

UFC 223 ‘Nurmagomedov vs. Iaquinta’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round-by-Round Scoring

UFC 223 available for order on Amazon Prime (Prime Video PPV)

Sherdog.com's UFC 223 (now available on Amazon Prime) coverage kicks off Saturday at 8 p.m. ET.

Check out the MMA Forums to discuss the card or enter your comments and predictions below.

Devin Clark vs. Mike Rodriguez

Round 1

The southpaw Rodriguez takes the center of the cage, but it's Clark rushing inside to land a right hand before tying up. Rodriguez tries to keep his balance but gets taken down near the fence. Clark can't keep Rodriguez on the floor, though he does dig an underhook and hold "Slow Mike" against the wall after they stand. Rodriguez tries to create space, but "Brown Bear" is all over him, leaning his weight on the larger man. There's not enough action for referee Dan Miragliotta, who separates the 205ers with just over three minutes left in the round. Rodriguez chops down Clark with a hard leg kick, then traps him against the fence and follows up with a couple good punches. Clark turns the tables with an underhook, and now Rodriguez is breathing heavy with his back glued to the wall. The fighters finally separate with 90 seconds left, and Rodriguez shoots for the spectacular with a flying knee. Clark dodges the flashy strike, however, and takes Rodriguez back to the floor. Rodriguez gives up his back in the final 20 seconds, but Clark can't do much with the position.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Clark
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Clark
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clark

Round 2

Rodriguez backs up Clark with a low kick, then catches the incoming "Brown Bear" with a short left. Rodriguez delivers a kick, then a heavy knee to the body of Clark, who quickly opts to close the distance and tie up. Clark drops to try a single-leg, can't get it, and instead opts for more chest-to-chest position against the fence. Rodriguez reverses and escapes with 3:30 on the clock, slugging Clark with an elbow on the way out. Clark clinches again, now around the midway point of the round and the fight. Rodriguez makes him pay for the stalling position with a hard knee to the gut. Clark tries to change levels for a double-leg, but Rodriguez stands tall and shoves him away. Rodriguez lands a clean one-two, but Clark tags him back with a left hand before plowing him to the ground. Back up comes Rodriguez, but Clark isn't letting him go anywhere, and they stay on the fence until the end of the frame.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Clark
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Clark
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clark

Round 3

Clark wastes little time putting Rodriguez against the fence again; "Slow Mike" spins around and walks a few steps toward the center, only to be pushed right back to the wall. Clark drags Rodriguez to his knees and tries to jump on his back, but he can't get there before Rodriguez begins to post and stand. Clark yanks out the post to keep Rodriguez on the floor; Rodriguez's next effort brings him back to his feet with just over three minutes left to fight. Referee Miraglitotta calls for more action in the clinch; Clark responds with yet another takedown. Rodriguez scoots backward to the fence, looking exhausted, but he still manages to climb back to his feet. Clark is just staying glued to Rodriguez, not leaving him an inch of space. "Brown Bear" scores another takedown, Rodriguez stands back up, but Clark keeps him on the wall until the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Clark (30-27 Clark)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Clark (30-27 Clark)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clark (30-27 Clark)

The Official Result

Devin Clark def. Mike Rodriguez via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Ashlee Evans-Smith vs. Bec Rawlings

Round 1

Evans-Smith lands a leg kick, then shoots on Rawlings with a single, but the Australian fends off the first takedown attempt from the wrestler. Evans-Smith continues to apply pressure in the opening minute, working the body of Rawlings with kicks and then firing right hands upstairs. Rawlings is stuck on her back foot, unable to connect with much of anything through the first half of the round. Evans-Smith clinches up at the fence, but it's Rawlings landing a knee to the body, then an elbow on the break. Evans-Smith continues to beat up Rawlings' legs with loud kicks that land right on the knee. With 65 seconds on the clock, Rawlings tries to push Evans-Smith against the wall, but the American isn't having it. Evans-Smith shoots in the final 10 seconds and scores a late takedown, but Rawlings is back on her feet before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Evans-Smith
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Evans-Smith
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Evans-Smith

Round 2

Evans-Smith takes the center of the cage and tries to keep Rawlings on the outside with long jabs and kicks to the body. Rawlings comes down the center and splits the American's gloves with a right hand, then a low kick. Evans-Smith responds with an uppercut, grabs for a double-leg and gets shoved away by the Aussie. Evans-Smith goes back to the leg kicks, now eats a jab to land an uppercut when Rawlings stays in the pocket. Rawlings starts to come alive around the two-minute warning, but her right hand appears to wake up Evans-Smith, who flurries with punches and knees, now looking for a Thai clinch. Rawlings pulls away from the larger woman; Evans-Smith comes forward again and snaps back Rawlings' head with an uppercut. Evans-Smith lands a partially blocked spinning backfist, then goes back to the body. Evans-Smith dives for an ankle in the final 20 seconds, but she winds up on her knees, and Rawlings is able to get a few punches in before Evans-Smith can stand.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Evans-Smith
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Rawlings
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Evans-Smith

Round 3

Evans-Smith fires a one-two through the guard of Rawlings, who responds with a low outside leg kick. Rawlings continues to land single punches but isn't following up on any of her connections. The output from both flyweights has dropped off significantly in the first half of the final round. Evans-Smith catches Rawlings rushing insde and eats a jab, then a clean right hand. Evans-Smith is controlling the center of the cage, occasionally stepping out to fire off a combination or a leg kick; with two minutes left, Evans-Smith looks content with riding this out and leaving it in the judges' hands. It's all Evans-Smith down the stretch, and the American comes alive in the final 30 seconds, trying to lay some final damage on Rawlings. "Rowdy" gets in a nice right hand of her own before the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Evans-Smith (30-27 Evans-Smith)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Evans-Smith (29-28 Evans-Smith)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Evans-Smith (30-27 Evans-Smith)

The Official Result

Ashlee Evans-Smith def. Bec Rawlings via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Evan Dunham vs. Olivier Aubin-Mercier

Round 1

Dunham lands a good left hand early, but it's Aubin-Mercier coming forward in the opening minute. Dunham makes a mistake by trying to clinch up, as Aubin-Mercier immediately throws a pinpoint knee to the liver that folds Dunham in half. Dunham keeps his footing at the fence, while Aubin-Mercier tees off with punches, trying to finish the job. Aubin-Mercier stops punching to throw another knee to the gut. Dunham drops to his knees; this time he's not getting up, and referee Todd Anderson steps between the lightweights for the stoppage.

The Official Result

Olivier Aubin-Mercier def. Evan Dunham via TKO (Knees to the Body and Punches) R1 0:53

Karolina Kowalkiewicz vs. Felice Herrig

Round 1

Kowalkiewicz comes out firing, landing a couple shot early, but a clean right hand to the chin from Herrig slows down the Polish fighter. Still inside the opening minute, Kowalkiewicz times a nice right hand, coming over the top to counter a Herrig low kick. Herrig reaches and misses on a body punch, then comes upstairs to clip Kowalkiewicz with a right. Kowalkiewicz tries to clinch and eats a flurry from Herrig, though the punches don't seem to faze the former title challenger. Herrig keeps the bodylock and looks for a trip takedown; Kowalkiewicz keeps her balance as she puts her back against the fence. The flyweights separate, and now it's Kowalkiewicz's turn to take control, hitting Herring with a pair of punches and a hard knee to the gut before the American can tie up again. Herrig has the outside clinch position with 80 seconds left, fails on a trip attempt, and now Kowalkiewicz escapes the tie-up. Kowalkiewicz tries a rolling kneebar in the center of the cage, but Herrig escapes and sets up on top in guard. Kowalkiewicz throws up a triangle and uses it to sweep, and suddenly it's Herrig finishing the round on her back.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Kowalkiewicz
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Kowalkiewicz
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kowalkiewicz

Round 2

Kowalkiewicz pumps a few stiff jabs in the face of Herrig, lands a leg kick and slides backward before the "Lil Bulldog" can find a counter. Herrig shoots a single, gets stood up and throws a right hand on Kowalkiewicz's face before backing out. Kowalkiewicz continues to be the more accurate striker through the center of the round, when she whirls around to deliver a spinning backfist in the middle of the cage. Kowalkiewicz roughs up Herrig in the clinch for a moment before dropping to try a single-leg takedown. Herrig hits her knees, blocks Kowalkiewicz from taking her back and then stands up. Both women look for takedowns, but they wind up in the whizzer, now clinching on the wall. Kowalkiewicz reverses to the outside, but Herrig blocks her next throw attempt. With 30 seconds left, the strawweights are back to striking. Herrig finds some success with late low kicks.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Kowalkiewicz
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Kowalkiewicz
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kowalkiewicz

Round 3

Herrig emerges from her corner for the final round with a lumped-up left eye, and Kowalkiewicz offers some more damage with some crisp right hands. Kowalkiewicz mixes in some low kicks, now socks the American with a one-two. Kowalkiewicz stuns Herrig with a right hand-clinch knee-level elbow combination. Herrig keeps trying to counter Kowalkiewicz though, as she has throughout the fight with limited success. Two minutes left and Kowalkiewicz is looking loose, bouncing in and out of range to pick at Herrig with long left hands. Herrig slugs Kowalkiewicz back with a left of her own around the 80-second mark, but Kowalkiewicz just eats it and continues to bring the pressure. With 55 seconds on the clock, Herrig lands a left hand to the temple that appears to wobble Kowalkiewicz. The Polish fighter stumbles backward a few steps before Herrig charges forward and wraps her up, shoving Kowalkiewicz against the fence. The 115ers separate with 10 seconds left, and both exhausted fighters throw hands to the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Herrig (29-28 Kowalkiewicz)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Kowalkiewicz (30-27 Kowalkiewicz)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kowalkiewicz (30-27 Kowalkiewicz)

The Official Result

Karolina Kowalkiewicz def. Felice Herrig via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Joe Lauzon vs. Chris Gruetzemacher

Round 1

Lauzon connects with several heavy right hands in the first 15 seconds, and Gruetzemacher waves him forward for more. Lauzon keeps the pressure on "Gritz" near the fence, slinging long one-twos at the shorter man. Gruetzemacher tries to tie up in the center of the cage and gets zapped with an elbow from Lauzon, who subsequently shoots, then pulls guard. Lauzon wraps up tight from the bottom, looking to flip Gruetzemacher over with butterfly guard. Gruetzemacher stands up and leaves Lauzon on the ground, throwing punches at the UFC vet's body from Ali-Inoki position. Lauzon gets hold of a leg and starts working for a heel hook as they hit the midway point of round one. Gruetzemacher pulls the leg free, but he leaves Lauzon enough space to get back on his feet. Lauzon lands a hard knee, eats a couple short jabs from Gruetzemacher as the lightweights trade strikes in the pocket. Gruetzemacher lands an uppercut, then Lauzon gives him one in return. Lauzon is trying to tee up Gruetzemacher's head for a standing elbow, but Gruetzemacher is wise to it after eating a few. Gruetzemacher is coming on strong here in the final two minutes, starting to land big right hands as Lauzon begins to look very tired and flat-footed. Gruetzemacher blasts Lauzon with an uppercut, doubles up on a jab and then goes to the body with a ripping right hand. Lauzon looks to be barely hanging on as the first round comes to an end.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Gruetzemacher
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Gruetzemacher
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Gruetzemacher

Round 2

Gruetzemacher has Lauzon on the run early, landing hard inside leg kicks and right hands. The Massachusetts native is backed up to the fence, now shoots for Gruetzemacher's legs, but "Gritz" easily shuts down the long takedown attempt. Now it's Gruetzemacher trying to tee up Lauzon for standing elbow strikes in the clinch, ripping Lauzon's body with punches and knees to the body in between. Lauzon looks finished, just taking abuse as he leans against the fence. Gruetzemacher allows him off the wall, then the lightweights tie up in the center. Gruetzemacher lands a knee to the chest, shoves Lauzon backward to the wall, now halfway through the round. A knee to the body, followed by a right hand to the breadbasket, nearly folds Lauzon over. "J-Lau" tries to flurry and mount some kind of comeback, but there's nothing behind his arm punches. Lauzon's face is a mess, too, with blood covering his right cheek and massive swelling beneath his right eye. Lauzon gets his head rocked with an uppercut; Gruetzemacher doubles up on his jab, then follows through with a blasting right hand. A knee to the body folds Lauzon, and referee Dan Miragliotta is finally taking a close look, seemingly considering a stoppage as time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Gruetzemacher
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Gruetzemacher
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Gruetzemacher

Almost as soon as the fighters return to their corners, one of Lauzon's team informs referee Miragliotta that they want to end the fight.

The Official Result

Chris Gruetzemacher def. Joe Lauzon via TKO (Corner Stoppage) R2 5:00

Zabit Magomedsharipov vs. Kyle Bochniak

Round 1

Bochniak comes out swinging, closing the distance on the 6-foot-1 Magomedsharipov by ducking low and weaving into the pocket with punches. Magomedsharipov slides backward and avoids the American's early assault, landing a few low and side kicks in the process. Magomedsharipov catches Bochniak coming inside and hits him with a counter uppercut. Magomedsharipov blasts the right side of Bochniak's body with a nasty kick. Bochniak drops his arm to cover up, but he doesn't stop moving forward. Halfway through the round, Bochniak continues to throw everything behind his punches, trying to put away Magomedsharipov early. Magomedsharipov is doing well to dodge most of the punches, and the ones that connect barely seem to register on the poker-faced Russian. Magomedsharipov throws a leaping switch kick that Bochniak gets a glove up to absorb. Magomedsharipov ducks under a big right hand, clinches and hits Bochniak with a knee to the ribs. Bochniak absorbs a right high kick, then a few to the body. Magomedsharipov narrowly misses with a speedy spinning backfist. Bochniak continues to throw his fists at Magomedsharipov's face, but he seems to be having difficulty finding the right angle on the towering Dagestani.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Magomedsharipov
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Magomedsharipov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magomedsharipov

Round 2

Bochniak blitzes Magomedsharipov at the start of round two, backing up the Russian to the fence. Magomedsharipov uses good head movement to avoid all of Bochniak's power punches, however, before wrapping up the American with a standing rear waistlock. Magomedsharipov clasps his hands and throws his right hook in before dumping Bochniak to the floor. Bochniak, who appears to be welted and bleeding on the right side of his body from Magomedsharipov's kicks, closes his guard and wraps up from the bottom. Magomedsharipov gets kicked away, and now Bochniak scrambles back to his feet. Magomedsharipov lands a left hand; Bochniak drops his hands to his waist and screams at Magomedsharipov to do it again. Magomedsharipov tries to clinch, but Bochniak shoves him away and hits the Dagestani with an open-handed slap on the way out. Magomedsharipov's left hand has busted up the area under Bochinak's right eye, which is now swollen and leaking blood. With 90 seconds left, Magomedsharipov hits a nifty foot sweep in the center of the cage, then kneels down in Bochniak's guard. Bochniak throws up an armbar, which never appears to trouble Magomedsharipov but nonetheless allows "Crash" to jump back to his feet. Bochniak shoots a mile-long double and is sprawled on, then slapped with a spinning backfist. Just before the horn, Magomedsharipov busts open Bochniak's forehead with one more spinning backfist.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Magomedsharipov
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Magomedsharipov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magomedsharipov

Round 3

Just as in the previous rounds, Bochniak starts the round aggressive, trying to catch Magomedsharipov flat in the opening seconds. Magomedsharipov stays calm, though, and sizes up Bochniak for a nasty spinning kick. Magomedsharipov points to the sky, then changes levels and plows Bochniak to the ground with an effortless takedown. Bochniak posts and stands, but Magomedsharipov is looking to take his back. Bochniak shakes him, can't keep the Russian on the mat, and now "Crash" works for a single-leg at the fence. Magomedsharipov kicks him away, and the fighters circle with under 90 seconds to go, both men finally slowing down. Bochniak tries to come on strong down the stretch, throwing hands freely and shouting at Magomedsharipov, but it may not be enough to influence the scorecards.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Magomedsharipov (30-27 Magomedsharipov)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Magomedsharipov (30-27 Magomedsharipov)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magomedsharipov (30-27 Magomedsharipov)

The Official Result

Zabit Magomedsharipov def. Kyle Bochniak via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Calvin Kattar vs. Renato Carneiro

Round 1

Both featherweights line up orthodox, and Carneiro strikes first with a quick leg kick. There's not much action in the opening minute as Kattar inches forward on the taller man, both testing the distance with probing punches. Kattar comes over the top with a right hand that momentarily wobbles Carneiro. "Moicano" recovers quickly, but Kattar looks to have found the timing on his right hand as he touches the Brazilian with it again. Two minutes remain in a round which still appears very much up for grabs. Carneiro swipes a right hand across Kattar's face, then lands another leg kick. Kattar counters the next "Moicano" low kick, but as the American presses forward, Carneiro snaps his head back with a hard jab. Kattar checks the next low kick as Carneiro begins to turn up the heat on his leg strikes in the closing minute.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Carneiro
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Carneiro
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Carneiro

Round 2

Carneiro stuns Kattar with an early counter right hand, but the Brazilian's follow-up combination fails to do any further damage. "Moicano" resumes his leg-kicking, then goes upstairs with a left high kick that Kattar barely blocks. Carneiro is swinging for the fences now, whipping huge right hands at Kattar in between inside leg kicks. Kattar is clearly bothered by the kicks, first trying to check them and then switching to southpaw stance. Carneiro starts working the other leg, now catches the incoming Kattar with a nice left hook. Kattar is back in orthodox now, while "Moicano" has gone lefty. Kattar's left knee looks badly swollen, and Carneiro continues to target it at every opportunity. An uppercut and a body kick score for the Brazilian, who is firmly in control of this bout with 90 seconds left in round two. Kattar's offense has dropped off, too, as he's forced to check kicks and chase "Moicano" around the cage.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Carneiro
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Carneiro
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Carneiro

Round 3

Kattar catches a low kick and trips "Moicano" to the ground, but the Brazilian is back on his feet before Kattar can do anything with the position. Carneiro lands a pair of right hands behind the ear which slow Kattar's roll momentarily. Kattar soon resumes his forward pressure, trying to jab his way inside on Carneiro with little succcess. Instead, it's Carneiro waiting to counter Kattar's attacks, then striking and sliding out of the pocket before Kattar can swing back. Carneiro's jab continues to bust up Kattar's face, which is leaking badly and streaking his chest with blood. Carneiro is still abusing Kattar's legs when the Brazilian lands maybe his hardest punch of the fight, a stinging right hand that puts Kattar on rubber legs. Kattar recovers quickly, but Carneiro isn't finished; "Moicano" blitzes the American with uppercuts, hooks and more leg kicks, maybe trying for a late finish. Kattar is hanging tough, refusing to go down even though a win for Carneiro appears a foregone conclusion. With 20 seconds left, Kattar swings a big right hand; Carneiro gets out of the way, angles off to his right, then pops Kattar with a hard jab.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Carneiro (30-27 Carneiro)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Carneiro (30-27 Carneiro)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Carneiro (30-27 Carneiro)

The Official Result

Renato "Moicano" Carneiro def. Calvin Kattar via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

UFC Women's Strawweight Title Fight:
Rose Namajunas vs. Joanna Jedrzejczyk

Round 1

Keith Peterson is the referee for the first half of tonight's championship doubleheader. Jedrzejczyk strikes first with an outside leg kick, the former champion constantly moving in front of the relatively calm Namajunas. After a slow opening minute, the strawweights meet back in the center of the cage, both women still trying to test the other with feints and probing shots. Both fighters land glancing right hands, then Jedrzejczyk hops out of the way before "Thug Rose" can touch her with another. Jedrzejczyk lands a leg kick, tries to land it again and is caught by Namajunas with a one-two. Namajunas is having success with her counters here in the middle of the frame, and Jedrzejczyk's right eye is looking worse for it. Namajunas leaps into range with a switch kick, then slugs Jedrzejczyk with a right hand. Jedrzejczyk staggers backward a few steps, where Namajunas touches her with the right hand again. Jedrzejczyk tags Namajunas with heavy left hook in the last 10 seconds, but it's the champion who finishes the round bombing Jedrzejczyk with punches.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Namajunas
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Namajunas
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Namajunas

Round 2

Namajunas counters the first low kick from Jedrzejczyk with a crisp combination. Jedrzejczyk wears it well and snipes back at "Thug Rose" with a long jab. Jedrzejczyk is on her back foot but still landing strikes to Namajunas' lead leg. Namajunas throws up her hands, egging on the ex-champ, trying to draw the Pole into an exchange. Jedrzejczyk keeps her distance and continues to pick at Namajunas' lead leg through the middle of the round. Namajunas uses slick head movement to dodge three Jedrzejczyk left hands in a row. After a brief clinch on the fence, Namajunas disengages with a big overhand left. Jedrzejczyk complains of an eye poke, but referee Peterson tells her to fight on. Namajunas counters a slow kick from Jedrzejczyk and taps her on the chin with a left hook. The American jams Jedrzejczyk against the fence and holds her there for the final 30 seconds; Jedrzejczyk manages to hit the champ with a short elbow and a knee to the gut.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Namajunas
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Namajunas
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Namajunas

Round 3

Namajunas catches an off-balance Jedrzejczyk with a short right hand; the Polish fighter smiles and shakes her head to indicate her staggering was merely the result of a slip. The champion is wearing some swelling underneath her left eye as the third round begins, and Jedrzejczyk continues to chew up Namajunas' already reddened left leg. Jedrzejczyk looks to be gaining some steam in this round, while Namajunas' offense has dropped off a bit from the previous 10 minutes. Jedrzejczyk goes up top with a deflected right high kick, then swats Namajunas with a right hand just behind it. Jedrzejczyk ducks under a right hand, but Namajunas slaps her with a backfist on the other side. More kicks crash into Namajunas' left leg, which is almost completely red above the knee, inside and out. Jedrzejczyk scores with a heavy left hook, then lays a thudding kick across Namajunas' body before finishing the round with one more right straight.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk

Round 4

Jedrzejczyk opens the championship rounds with another inside leg kick, as the former champ stakes out the center of the cage. Namajunas misses with a one-two, gets caught with a long right hand from Jedrzejczyk, who finishes the combo with yet another low kick. Namajunas takes a few more leg kicks before she finds a good counter, coming over the top with a crashing right hand for Jedrzejczyk's face. Halfway through round four, it's ex-champ Jedrzejczyk on the ascent, while Namajunas appears to be slowing down, increasingly tentative as she stays on the outside of Jedrzejczyk's range. Namajunas steps inside and tries to clinch, but she's quickly punched out of the pocket by the Polish muay Thai stylist. Namajunas' left leg is looking rough, but she still stands in front of Jedrzejczyk to land a right hand. Jedrzejczyk just smiles at the champion and bounces on her toes in the middle of the cage. Jedrzejczyk lands a reaching right hand to the body; Namajunas makes her pay with a counter left hook that leaves Jedrzejczyk smiling.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk

Round 5

Jedrzejczyk lands an inside leg kick, tries to go back to the well and eats a left hook counter. Another left hook from Namajunas -- this one square on the grill -- almost buckles the legs of Jedrzejczyk, but the challenger keeps her footing. Namajunas counters a low kick beautifully, snapping back Jedrzejczyk's head with a straight left. "Thug Rose" looks emboldened now, stalking Jedrzejczyk, whose right eye is nearly swollen shut. Another pinpoint punch from Namajunas appears to break, or at least bloody the nose of Jedrzejczyk. A lead uppercut from Namajunas puts Jedrzejczyk on roller skates, but still the former champion refuses to go down. Halfway through the final round, Namajunas is doing some fantastic work in what could be the decisive frame. Jedrzejczyk's face is a mess, but she continues to attack Namajunas with punches and leg kicks. Namajunas appears to have more behind her strikes at this late stage, and her head shots are clearly doing significant dammage. With 25 seconds on the clock, Namajunas barges into the pocket, wraps up Jedrzejczyk and trips her to the floor. Jedrzejczyk scoots backward to the fence and tries to land some strikes from the seated position before the final horn, but it could be too little, too late.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Namajunas (48-47 Namajunas)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Namajunas (48-47 Namajunas)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Namajunas (48-47 Namajunas)

The Official Result

Rose Namajunas def. Joanna Jedrzejczyk via Unanimous Decision (49-46, 49-46, 49-46) R5 5:00

UFC Lightweight Title Fight:
Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. Al Iaquinta

Round 1

Referee Dan Miragliotta is the third man in the cage for tonight's 155-pound championship bout, with judges Derek Cleary, Sal D'Amato and Chris Lee scoring at cageside. Iaquinta crouches low and presses out from the center of the cage, swinging and missing with a few overhand rights in the opening seconds. Nurmagomedov drops to his knees on his first shot, gets pushed off by Iaquinta, who hops away. The second takedown attempt from "The Eagle" is more successful, and within seconds, Nurmagomedov has taken Iaquinta's back. The New Yorker shakes Nurmagomedov off his back in a scramble and jumps back to his feet. Nurmagomedov stays glued to him, however, and immediately trips Iaquinta back to the mat. Nurmagomedov steps over to full mount; Iaquinta uses a kimura to escape the precarious position, but he's trapped on his knees up against the fence with Nurmagomedov landing short, hard left hands. Nurmagomedov has Iaquinta trapped in the ride position with two minutes remaining in round one. Iaquinta gets back to his feet with 80 seconds on the clock -- but he's on his back again 10 seconds later. Nurmagomedov continues to land left hands as he holds Iaquinta in place. Once again, Iaquinta struggles back to his feet, and this time he manages to stay vertical for the final 20 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Nurmagomedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Nurmagomedov

Round 2

Iaquinta keeps a low stance as he moves forward on Nurmagomedov in the opening moments of round two, testing out some punches but not committing too much to the attacks. After 50 seconds, Nurmagomedov drops low for a single-leg, switches to an ankle pick but can't get Iaquinta to the ground. Same as in round one, Nurmagomedov's next attempt yields a takedown. Iaquinta briefly looks to throw up an armbar, then rolls to his knees instead with 3:15 on the clock. Nurmagomedov isn't allowing Iaquinta to stand this time, sucking his legs out to keep him on the mat. Iaquinta turns his back to try and stand, and Nurmagomedov immediately jumps on. Nurmagomedov sinks in both hooks and tries a rear-naked choke; Iaquinta rolls onto his back to escape the choke, leaving Nurmagomedov in full mount. Iaquinta rolls to his belly with 90 seconds on the clock, and now Nurmagomedov will try to pound him out from the back. After dropping a few heavy punches, the Russian frames up an arm-triangle choke, but Iaquinta hooks his own leg to defend. With 45 seconds left, Nurmagomedov takes back-mount again; Iaquinta kneels and buries his chin as the final minute of the round ticks away.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Nurmagomedov
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Nurmagomedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Nurmagomedov

Round 3

Iaquinta sticks a jab but struggles to land any further punches as he steps forward on Nurmagomedov in the first minute of the frame. Nurmagomedov slaps the New Yorker's body with a kick, seemingly in no rush to secure a takedown as he lets nearly two minutes tick down without a shot. Nurmagomedov snaps off a couple jabs in Iaquinta's face and then shrugs at his late-replacement opponent, who starts jawing back. Iaquinta stuffs a shot and pops Nurmagomedov with a short right hand, then lands another over the top. The punches don't seem to faze Nurmagomedov, who continues to circle with his hands very low. Iaquinta, meanwhile, is a bloody mess after Nurmagomedov's crisp jabs, his nose leaking plasma all over his chest. Iaquinta lands a nice counter right to a Nurmagomedov low kick, then points at the leg, inviting "The Eagle" to throw another. Iaquinta is still on the march at the end of the round, but Nurmagomedov is rattling his head with quick, accurate jabs.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov

Round 4

Iaquinta shuts down Nurmagomedov's first takedown attempt and fires back with a right hand. Nurmagomedov's punches are coming harder and faster, but Iaquinta is still landing some well-placed shots, including a left that turns the head of the unbeaten Russian. Iaquinta limp-legs out of another single-leg from Nurmagomedov, who is now 0-for-3 on takedowns in the round. Iaquinta is on the march now, constantly walking forward on Nurmagomedov, who continues to do good work with his jab. Iaquinta shoots a single, gets denied then comes back upstairs to pop Nurmagomedov with a short punch. With 60 seconds left, Iaquinta comes over the top with a right hand that gets Nurmagomedov's attention. Iaquinta is landing punches in the last 10 seconds of round four -- easily the New Yorker's most successful frame, yet one that could still be scored for Nurmagomedov.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov

Round 5

Iaquinta is still busy at the start of the final round, but for all his volume, he's not managing to find Nurmagomedov's chin with many strikes. The ones that do connect don't draw much of a reaction from "The Eagle," who continues to pop Iaquinta's bloodied mug with jabs. Two minutes in, Nurmagomedov tries a takedown at the fence, but Iaquinta denies the deep double-leg from the Russian. Nurmagomedov looks annoyed by this as he backs off and begins swinging big punches, chasing Iaquinta across the cage. Nurmagomedov changes levels and this time scores his takedown. When Iaquinta rolls to his knees, Nurmagomedov tries to take back mount, but "Raging Al" rolls through and shakes him off. Iaquinta's tank may finally be empty as he breathes with his mouth open, unable to escape Nurmagomedov's clutches up against the wall. Nurmagomedov gets back-mount with both hooks in, tries a rear-naked choke but only gets his arm across Iaquinta's face. Iaquinta tries to escape out the back door, but Nurmagomedov finishes the fight on his opponent's back.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov (50-44 Nurmagomedov)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov (50-43 Nurmagomedov)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nurmagomedov (50-43 Nurmagomedov)

The Official Result

Khabib Nurmagomedov def. Al Iaquinta via Unanimous Decision (50-43, 50-44, 50-44) R5 5:00

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