UFC 238 ‘Cejudo vs. Moraes’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round-by-Round Scoring
- Henry Cejudo vs. Marlon Moraes
- Valentina Shevchenko vs. Jessica Eye
- Tony Ferguson vs. Donald Cerrone
- Jimmie Rivera vs. Petr Yan
- Tai Tuivasa vs. Blagoy Ivanov
- Tatiana Suarez vs. Nina Ansaroff
- Aljamain Sterling vs. Pedro Munhoz
- Karolina Kowalkiewicz vs. Alexa Grasso
- Ricardo Lamas vs. Calvin Kattar
- Xiaonan Yan vs. Angela Hill
- Bevon Lewis vs. Darren Stewart
- Eddie Wineland vs. Grigory Popov
- Katlyn Chookagian vs. Joanne Calderwood
Sherdog's UFC 238 coverage kicks off Saturday at 6:15 p.m. ET.
Katlyn Chookagian vs. Joanne Calderwood
Round 1
Welcome everyone to the UFC 238 play-by-play. This should be a great card. First up is a women’s flyweight bout between Katlyn Chookagian and Joanne Calderwood. The referee for this bout is Dan Miragliotta. No touch of gloves. Calderwood comes out immediately and lands a low kick. Chookagian lands a kick to the body. Calderwood returns fire with one of her own. Low kick by Calderwood. Chookagian just misses landing a high kick. They exchange jabs and Calderwood follows it up with a right hook. Low kick by Calderwood. She lands a jab. Calderwood with a big left hook. Chookagian with the jab and then a kick to the body. Jab by Calderwood. Good start to this fight so far. Calderwood lands a high kick. She then lands a straight right. Chookagian with a low kick. Chookagian returns with one of her own. Calderwood with another kick to the body. Another low kick by Calderwood. Right hook by Chookagian and she follows it up with a kick to the body. Calderwood with another kick to the body. Chookagian shoots for a poorly-telegraphed takedown which Calderwood easily stuffs. Chookagian with a high kick that Calderwood blocks. Once again she stuffs a poorly-telegraphed takedown. Chookagian’s leg appears to be badly bruised from all the low kicks Calderwood has landed. Another brutal low kick by Calderwood. Body kick by Calderwood. The 10-second clapper rings and Chookagian lands a straight right. They exchange kicks and the round is over.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 CalderwoodAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Chookagian
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Chookagian
Round 2
Round two begins. Calderwood comes out with another low kick. Chookagian returns with one of her own, and then another. Right hook by Chookagian. Calderwood pushes forward and slams Chookagian to the mat. Chookagian is able to make her way back to the fence and they are now in the clinch. Calderwood lands a couple knees to the body from the Thai clinch. They break. They exchange jabs. Low kick by Chookagian. Straight right by Chookagian. Calderwood with a low kick. Chookagian with a 1-2 combination. Calderwood with a jab and then a low kick. Another 1-2 by Chookagian. Brutal straight right by Chookagian lands. Calderwood lands a kick to the body. Uppercut by Chookagian followed by a straight right. Calderwood rushes in for a double leg takedown but Chookagian stuffs it. Jab by Chookagian. Kick to the body by Calderwood. Now Calderwood is able to land a trip takedown and throw Chookagian to the mat. Calderwood is on top of Chookagian in her full guard. Chookagian is doing a great job of staying busy on her back by tying Calderwood up and landing punches from the bottom. Chookagian is looking for an armbar but the round is over.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 ChookagianAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Chookagian
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Chookagian
Round 3
The third and final round begins and this fight appears to be destined for a split decision. They come out kicking each other’s lower limbs yet again. Chookagian with a 1-2 combination. Calderwood lands an overhand right. Low kick by Chookagian. Jab by Chookagian. Overhand right by Chookagian. Jab by Calderwood. Another 1-2 combination by Chookagian lands. Low kick by Calderwood. Chookagian throws a front kick but Calderwood catches it and throws Chookagian to the mat but Chookagian is able to quickly get back to her feet. Low kick by Calderwood. Jab by Chookagian. She lands another 1-2 combination. Calderwood with a low kick. Another hard low kick by Calderwood and then an overhand right. Chookagian with a jab. She lands another 1-2 combination. Chookagian lands a left hook. Calderwood is sticking her tongue out now and trying to get under the skin of Chookagian but there’s not much time left in this fight. They finish the fight exchanging low kicks and jabs and now we are headed to the judges’ scorecards. Very close fight.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 Chookagian (29-28 Chookagian)Ant Walker scores the round: 10-9 Chookagian (30-27 Chookagian)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Chookagian (30-27 Chookagian)
The Official Result
Katlyn Chookagian def. Joanne Calderwood via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)Eddie Wineland vs. Grigory Popov
Round 1
Next up is a bantamweight bout between Eddie Wineland and Grigory Popov. The referee is Kevin MacDonald. They touch gloves. Wineland comes out very aggressive and moving forward. Popov keeps him away with a low kick. Wineland lands a straight right to the body. Low kick by Popov. Wineland lands a straight right. He has Popov backing up. Another straight right by Popov. Once again he stings Popov with a straight right. Low kick by Popov. Brutal low kick by Popov, and another. Kick to the body by Popov. Another low kick by Popov. Kick to the body by Popov. Wineland is moving forward by Popov is doing a great job defending with these kicks. Popov with a step-in elbow. Left hook by Popov. Knee to the body by Popov. Teep kick by Popov. Wineland with a straight right and it appears he’s rocked Popov. But Popov is able to quickly recover and land another low kick. Another straight right by Wineland and he has Popov pushed up against the fence. The round is now over.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 WinelandAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Wineland
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Wineland
Round 2
Round two begins. They touch gloves. Popov lands a straight right and it looks like Wineland is hurt. Wineland is badly wobbled. He manages to regain his wits fairly quickly. Knee to the body by Popov. Kick to the body by Popov. Wineland shoots for a double leg takedown but Popov stuffs it. Low kick by Popov. Kick to the body by Popov. Another kick to the body by Popov. Wineland lands a straight right. Wineland lands a low kick. Punch to the body by Wineland. He lands a right hook on Popov’s chin. Brutal kick to the body by Popov. Straight right by Popov. Wineland with a left hook to the body and a right hook over the top to the chin. Low kick by Popov, and another. He lands a straight right. Wineland lands a double leg takedown but Popov jumps right back up. Popov nearly throws Wineland to the mat but Wineland is able to stay on his feet. Another kick to the body by Popov. Wineland lands a nasty combination that ends with a brutal straight right and he drops Popov. Wineland is looking for a power guillotine choke but Popov is able to get out of it. They stand back up. Another brutal straight right by Wineland. Now Wineland lands a brutal overhand right and drops Popov. He keels over and the referee jumps in and stops the fight due to TKO. Vintage performance tonight by Wineland.The Official Result
Eddie Wineland def. Grigory Popov via TKO (Punches) R2, 4:47Bevon Lewis vs. Darren Stewart
Round 1
It’s time for a middleweight bout between Bevon Lewis and Darren Stewart. The referee is Marc Goddard. Low kick by Stewart drops Lewis who gets right back up. He drops Lewis again with a low kick. They clinch along the fence. Lewis lands a nice knee to the body from the clinch. Stewart reverses positions. They continue to jockey position along the fence. Lewis lands some hard knees from the clinch. They finally break. Stewart with a straight right. Lewis decides he doesn’t like it and clinches Stewart again. They break and Stewart lands a right hook that looks like it hurts Lewis. But he’s able to once again clinch Stewart against the fence. They break. Low kick by Stewart. Jab by Stewart and he drops Lewis with a low kick. Stewart continues moving forward but Lewis lands a right hook right after the bell that appears to hurt Stewart, but the referee doesn’t notice it.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 StewartAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Stewart
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Stewart
Round 2
Round two begins and they touch gloves. Low kick by Stewart. Another low kick but Lewis checks it. Lewis moves forward and lands a spinning back fist but Lewis deflects most of it. Low kick by Stewart. He lands a straight right but Lewis grabs a hold of Stewart and clinches him. But Stewart is able to get out of it. Lewis lands a brutal knee to the chin of Stewart but he doesn’t follow it up. Jab by Lewis. He lands a straight right. Now Stewart presses forward and lands a straight right. Low kick by Stewart. He continues to move forward until the end of the round. Very little action that round.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 StewartAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Stewart
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Stewart
Round 3
The third and final round begins and Lewis likely needs a finish at this point. Lewis clinches up with Stewart looking for a body lock takedown but Stewart is able to stay upright. Lewis is just pushing Stewart against the cage and now Stewart breaks from the clinch. They are now in the center of the Octagon but no one is throwing anything in terms of power. Daniel Cormier, the commentator for the bout, says they are “playing pattycake” and it’s hard to disagree. Lewis clinches up with Stewart once again. They continue to jockey for position along the fence until the fight ends. Awful fight.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 Lewis (29-28 Stewart)Ant Walker scores the round: 10-10 (30-28 Stewart)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-10 (30-28 Stewart)
The Official Result
Darren Stewart def. Bevon Lewis via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)Xiaonan Yan vs. Angela Hill
Round 1
It’s time for a women’s strawweight bout between Xiaonan Yan and Angela Hill. Kevin MacDonald is the referee. Yan moves forward with a combination of punches. They clinch up and Hill lands a knee to the body but Yan lands an overhand right on the break. Jab by Yan, and another. They clinch up and Hill throws Yan to the mat. Yan is working on the rubber guard now. She is able to get back to her feet. Hill lands a straight right but Yan is able to trip Hill to the floor and is now on top of Hill in her full guard. Hill is working for an armbar from the bottom and then switches to a triangle choke. Yan is managing to survive for now and the bell saves her from being tapped out.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 HillAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Hill
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Hill
Round 2
Round two begins. Yan drops Hill with a kick to the body. She lands a straight right and Hill falls backwards but gets right back up. Yan nearly lands a high kick right to the chin of Hill. Yan moves forward and lands a straight right to the temple of Hill. She has Hill on the defensive this round. Left hook by Yan lands, then a low kick. Hill with an overhand right. Jab by Hill. Brutal low kick by Yan. She lands a side kick to the face of Hill. Yan with a hard jab. Low kick by Yan. Jab by Yan. Hill with a kick to the body. They exchange punches up close. Both women are really going at each other hard in this fight. Hill with a right hook. Yan with a straight right. Side kick to the body by Yan. Hill moves forward and Yan slams her to the ground with a body lock takedown. Hill gets back up quickly and they clinch along the fence. They break and Yan drops Hill with a straight right just before the end of the round.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 YanAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Yan
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Yan
Round 3
Round three begins. Yan with a low kick. Right hook by Yan. She lands a low kick. Hill with a kick to the body. Jab by Yan. She is really starting to pick up the volume now. Low kick by Yan again. Hill lands a right hook to the chin but it doesn’t bother Yan. Now Yan is moving forward working off the jab. She lands a side kick to the head of Hill. Jab by Yan. Low kick by Hill. Yan with a side kick to the legs. Hill with an overhand right that hurts Yan but she recovers quickly. Hill with a right hook. This fight is super close. Yan moves forward and they clinch up and Yan lands an uppercut. Another jab by Yan. Low kick by Yan and then a body kick. Another low kick by Yan. Hill with a side kick. Jab by Yan. Hill with a step-in elbow. They clinch and Hill lands a knee to the body. Yan with a left hook and then an uppercut. Straight right by Yan. Hill with a jab. Yan with a side kick to the body. Hill with a straight right. Yan with a straight right of her own. Great fight that is going to be interesting for the judges to score.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 Yan (29-28 Yan)Ant Walker scores the round: 10-9 Hill (29-28 Hill)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Hill (29-28 Hill)
The Official Result
Xiaonan Yan def. Angela Hill via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)Ricardo Lamas vs. Calvin Kattar
Round 1
Up next is a featherweight bout between Ricardo Lamas and Calvin Kattar. The referee is Dan Miragliotta. No touch of gloves. Lamas with a low kick. He lands a kick to the body. Another low kick by Lamas. He lands another. Front kick to the body by Kattar. Now Kattar lands a jab. Another low kick by Lamas and he shoots for a double leg takedown that Kattar easily evades. Jab by Lamas. Uppercut by Lamas and then a kick to the body. Kattar just misses landing a head kick. Low kick by Lamas. Jab by Kattar and Lamas is wobbled. Kattar with a heavy left hook. Lamas with a head kick that Kattar blocks. Kattar with a 1-2 combination. Kick to the body by Lamas. Kattar works off the jab again. Brutal kick to the body by Lamas. Kattar with a left hook and a brutal straight right that sends Lamas to the floor in a heap. Kattar follows him to the mat with punches but before he can land any more ground and pound the referee steps in and saves Lamas from any further punishment. Great finish by Kattar.The Official Result
Calvin Kattar def. Ricardo Lamas via TKO (Punches) R1, 4:06Karolina Kowalkiewicz vs. Alexa Grasso
Round 1
Up next is a women’s strawweight bout between Karolina Kowalkiewicz and Alexa Grasso. The official in charge of the action is Kevin MacDonald. They don’t touch gloves. Grasso immediately lands a straight right. Kowalkiewicz moves forward and lands one of her own. Grasso with another straight right. Grasso lands a low kick. Grasso with a brutal straight right. Another low kick by Grasso. Kowalkiewicz lands a low kick but Grasso returns fire with a body kick. Double jab by Grasso. Kowalkiewicz with a kick to the body. Grasso lands a brutal left hook to the body but Kowalkiewicz returns fire with a body kick. Grasso with a double jab followed by a straight right. Low kick by Grasso and then a kick to the body. Kowalkiewicz misses landing a spinning back elbow. Double jab followed by a low kick by Grasso. Sharp jab by Grasso followed by a low kick. Overhand right by Grasso. Kowalkiewicz with a low kick. Grasso with the double jab and then a straight right behind it. Her combination punching so far in this fight has been phenomenal to watch. Another straight right by Grasso lands. Low kick and then a body by Grasso. She clinches Kowalkiewicz up against the cage. They break and start swinging right before the end of the first round. Great action so far in this fight.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 GrassoAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Grasso
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Grasso
Round 2
Round two starts and they touch gloves this time. Grasso comes out with hard low kicks right away. Kowalkiewicz with a stinging jab pushes Grasso away. Grasso with a 1-2 combination. Grasso is doing a great job right now of mixing up her punches with low kicks. Grasso with a hard left hook. Kowalkiewicz nearly lands a head kick but Grasso evades it. Side kick by Kowalkiewicz. Grasso with a straight right. Kowalkiewicz with a spinning back fist that is blocked by Grasso. They clinch up and Kowalkiewicz pushes Grasso against the cage. Grasso is doing a good job of landing elbows from inside the clinch. They break. Grasso lands a low kick and then a left hook. They clinch up again and Grasso lands some short, hard punches. Kowalkiewicz continues to move forward but Grasso is countering her well. Another straight right by Grasso. She moves forward and lands a body kick and the round is over.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 GrassoAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Grasso
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Grasso
Round 3
Round three. Grasso lands a head kick that Kowalkiewicz partially blocks. Grasso continues to move forward landing punches at will. They clinch up and Grasso lands some brutal knees to the face and body. Grasso is putting on a striking clinic now. They break and soon after clinch up once again and Grasso lands some more knees to her opponent. Grasso with a jab. She lands a straight right behind it. Brutal kick to the body by Grasso. They clinch again and Grasso lands some nasty elbows to the face of her opponent. This is turning into a beatdown. Grasso moves forward and lands another nasty low kick that backs Kowalkiewicz up. Right hook and left hook combination by Grasso. Straight right by Grasso. This is a real beating. Another straight right by Grasso. She continues to move forward landing strikes at will. Kowalkiewicz is hanging in tough but Grasso has absolutely dominated her tonight. Right before the end of the round Grasso jumps guard for a guillotine choke but time runs out. Great action for 15 miuntes, but a one-sided fight.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 Grasso (30-27 Grasso)Ant Walker scores the round: 10-9 Grasso (30-27 Grasso)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Grasso (30-27 Grasso)
The Official Result
Alexa Grasso def. Karolina Kowalkiewicz via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)Aljamain Sterling vs. Pedro Munhoz
Round 1
Up next are the bantamweights as Aljamain Sterling takes on Pedro Munhoz. The referee is Marc Goddard. Sterling comes out firing with kicks. He lands a kick to the body. Munhoz returns with one of his own. Sterling lands a right hook and then follows it up with a left hook. Another body kick by Sterling. Straight right to the body by Sterling. Munhoz lands a body kick. Sterling returns fire with a high kick that’s blocked. Sterling with a right hook and then a left hook behind it. Munhoz lands a 1-2 combination. Kick to the body by Sterling. He drops levels for a double leg takedown but Munhoz stuffs it. Another right hook by Sterling. He lands a step-in elbow. Sterling is landing at will right now. Right hook to the chin of Munhoz by Sterling. He shoots for another double leg takedown but Munhoz stuffs it once again. Munhoz lands a kick to the body. Sterling with a straight right to the chin. Low kick by Sterling. He lands another right hook to the chin of Munhoz. Now Munhoz lands a head kick but it doesn’t land clean. Sterling lands a knee to the body. Munhoz clips Sterling with a right hook and goes for a guillotine choke briefly but Sterling escapes. They continue to exchange strikes until the end of the round.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 SterlingAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Sterling
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Sterling
Round 2
Round two begins. Munhoz comes out firing kicks. Sterling moves away and lands a spinning back elbow. Munhoz lands another kick to the body and then to the legs. Nasty low kick by Munhoz that drops Sterling. Now Sterling lands a hard straight right. Munhoz lands another kick to the body. Low kick by Sterling and then a left hook to the chin of Munhoz. Low kick by Munhoz. Sterling kicks Munhoz in the body and circles away. Another low kick by Munhoz. He lands a body kick. Munhoz is nailed by a left hook and appears stunned but is still standing in the pocket. Sterling gets hit by a right hook. Sterling lands a spinning back fist and then lands an upwards elbow. Munhoz with a knee to the body. He lands a right hook to the body. Sterling with a right hook to the head. Munhoz drops Sterling with a low kick and then briefly goes for a choke but Sterling escapes. Kick to the body by Munhoz. Sterling appears to be slowing down significantly as the fight goes on. Big right hook by Munhoz. Sterling returns fire with a straight right of his own and then lands a right hook. Munhoz lands a low kick and the round is over.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 MunhozAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Sterling
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Munhoz
Round 3
The third and final round begins to what has been so far a tremendous fight. Sterling comes out throwing kicks to keep Munhoz at bay. But Munhoz continues to move forward throwing low kicks of his own. Sterling with a right hook and a straight left behind it. They stand in the center of the Octagon and start exchanging. Sterling lands a left hook and right hook behind it. Munhoz just misses landing a high kick. Sterling starts to work off his jab but Munhoz moves forward and land a body kick. Sterling is pushing Munhoz away with his jab but Munhoz keeps moving forward. High kick by Munhoz that Sterling blocks. Kick to the body by Munhoz. Sterling with a right hook to the body. Another low kick by Munhoz. Sterling lands a double jab. Kick to the body by Munhoz. Sterling shoots for a double leg takedown but Munhoz stuffs it. Sterling with a jab and then a long straight right. Munhoz keeps walking forward with his kicks but Sterling is landing low kicks of his own. They continue to swing bombs at each other right until the end of the round. What a great fight.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 Sterling (29-28 Sterling)Ant Walker scores the round: 10-9 Sterling (30-27 Sterling)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Sterling (29-28 Sterling)
The Official Result
Aljamain Sterling def. Pedro Munhoz via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)Tatiana Suarez vs. Nina Ansaroff
Round 1
The final preliminary bout is a women’s strawweight bout between Tatiana Suarez and Nina Ansaroff. The referee is Rob Madrigal. No touch of gloves between these two. Suarez comes out throwing a low kick. She immediately dives in for a single leg takedown. Ansaroff is able to get to the fence and briefly defend it but Suarez gets her down soon after. Suarez moves into half guard and stays strong on top. Ansaroff scrambles and gets up but Suarez continues to hold her against the cage. Suarez has her hands clasped and is looking for a double leg takedown and completes it. Suarez is staying strong on top in Ansaroff’s full guard. Suarez is landing some nice ground and pound now but Ansaroff is hanging in touch. Suarez remains on top until the end of the round.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 SuarezAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Suarez
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Suarez
Round 2
The second round begins. Ansaroff is trying to get going on her feet with her striking, leading with her jab. Ansaroff is landing some kicks but Suarez changes levels and is working for a single leg takedown. Suarez gets Ansaroff down to the mat. She is looking to take the back of Ansaroff now, but Ansaroff manages to use the fence to get back to her feet. Suarez sticks to her like glue and completes another single leg takedown. Suarez is now in the full guard of Ansaroff. She continues to pin Ansaroff to the mat and is starting to land some nasty ground and pound. Ansaroff scrambles back to her feet but Suarez continues holding her against the cage. She is landing some hard knees and nails Ansaroff in the groin. The referee calls time but Ansaroff is quickly back and ready to go. Time in. The rest of the round takes place on the feet with little in the way of insignificant striking as Suarez takes a commanding lead into the third.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 SuarezAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Suarez
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Suarez
Round 3
The third and final round begins and Ansaroff needs a finish here. Suarez shoots for a double leg but Ansaroff stuffs it. Suarez continues to chase Ansaroff around the cage but Ansaroff lands a counter straight right. Suarez lands a straight left to the head and Ansaroff returns with a straight right to the body. Another straight left by Suarez lands. Suarez lands a body kick and then changes levels and pushes Ansaroff against the cage. Ansaroff is able to escape and get back into the center of the cage. Ansaroff is actually doing a good job right now of evading Suarez and outstriking her on the feet. Suarez lands a body kick and then a low kick. Ansaroff with a low kick of her own. Ansaroff lands a left hook. Suarez with a low kick. Ansaroff is doing a nice job of sticking and moving in the third round, but it’s too little too late. At the end of the round she actually gets Suarez up against the fence and lands a nasty combination of punches that rocks Suarez, but she can’t get the finish and will lose the decision.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 Ansaroff (29-28 Suarez)Ant Walker scores the round: 10-9 Ansaroff (29-28 Suarez)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Ansaroff (29-28 Suarez)
The Official Result
Tatiana Suarez def. Nina Ansaroff via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)Tai Tuivasa vs. Blagoy Ivanov
Round 1
The first fight of the pay-per-view portion of UFC 238 is a heavyweight bout between Tai Tuivasa and Blagoy Ivanov. The referee is Dan Miragliotta. They touch gloves and the fight is on. Tuivasa with a low kick. He moves forward but Ivanov circles away. Tuivasa clips Ivanov with a straight right. They clinch against the cage. Tuivasa connects on a short elbow in the clinch. He continues to lean on Ivanov against the cage. They break. Ivanov lands a right hook and drops Tuivasa. Ivanov is now looking for the neck of Tuivasa but Tuivasa recovers quickly and clinches up with Ivanov again. Ivanov has the neck of Tuivasa and uses it to turn Tuivasa against the fence. They break. Tuivasa lands a knee to the body. Ivanov with a straight left hand. Ivanov lands a right hook that wobbles Tuivasa, who responds with a nice 1-2 combination. Ivanov lands a straight right. He lands a straight left and backs Tuivasa up once again. The round soon comes to a close.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 IvanovAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Ivanov
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Ivanov
Round 2
Round two begins. Ivanov clips Tuivasa with a straight left again. Jab by Ivanov. Tuivasa rocks Ivanov with a straight right. Ivanov is on wobbly legs and could be in serious trouble. Ivanov manages to clinch up and regain his composure. Low kick by Tuivasa. Ivanov lands a straight left. Another straight left by Ivanov. Jab by Ivanov. Tuivasa lands a jab of his own. Ivanov backs Tuivasa against the fence. Tuivasa lands a 1-2 on Ivanov. Jab by Tuivasa. He lands a nasty low kick. Ivanov with a straight left. Both guys are very tired and very slow right now. Ivanov lands a 1-2 of his own. Left straight to the body by Ivanov. Another jab by Ivanov. Tuivasa returns with one of his own. Low kick by Tuivasa. They clinch up. Ivanov is able to drag Tuivasa down to the ground and actually taps Tuivasa out with a guillotine choke but it was after the bell.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 IvanovAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Ivanov
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Ivanov
Round 3
Round three begins. Tuivasa comes out with a jab but Ivanov moves forward and clubs him with a right hook. Tuivasa lands a right hook on Ivanov. They clinch up. Ivanov takes the neck of Tuivasa and drags him to the mat. Tuivasa gets back to his feet but Ivanov continues to lean into him against the cage. They jockey positions against the cage. Ivanov starts to knee Tuivasa in the body. They break. Tuivasa likely needs a finish if he wants to get his hand raised. Tuivasa lands an overhand right and Ivanov returns with a straight left. Another straight left by Ivanov. He lands another left hand, which has been money for him the whole fight. Low kick by Tuivasa. Both guys are absolutely exhausted right now. Jab by Ivanov. The fight comes to a close with both men absolutely exhausted. Terrible fight and you have to question the UFC’s decision to put this on the main card.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 Ivanov (30-27 Ivanov)Ant Walker scores the round: 10-9 Ivanov (30-27 Ivanov)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Ivanov (30-27 Ivanov)
The Official Result
Blagoy Ivanov def. Tai Tuivasa via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)Jimmie Rivera vs. Petr Yan
Round 1
It’s time for a bantamweight fight between Petr Yan and Jimmie Rivera. The referee is Kevin MacDonald. Yan takes the center of the Octagon right away and starts to back Rivera up. Yan lands a right hook. Low kick by Rivera. They clinch up and exchange some shots before breaking. Yan just misses landing a big overhand right and Rivera counters with a straight right of his own. Yan works off the jab. He just misses landing an uppercut. Rivera lands a nasty low kick. Rivera grabs a hold of Yan and shoves him against the cage. They break. Rivera lands an overhand right and a counter uppercut after Yan misses landing his own right hand. Low kick by Rivera, and another. Straight right by Yan. He rushes in and shoots for a single leg takedown but Rivera defends it. Yan kicks Rivera in the body. Yan shoots for a single leg takedown but Rivera stuffs it. Yan moves in and lands a brutal left hook that drops Rivera just before the end of the round. He is able to survive but there’s no doubt Yan stole the round back with that punch.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 YanAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Yan
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Yan
Round 2
Round two begins. Yan tags Rivera again with that clubbing left hook of his. Rivera lands a right hook of his own that hurts Yan. Uppercut by Rivera. He lands a low kick. Yan’s leg is badly damaged but he shakes it off. Another nasty low kick by Rivera. Yan with a straight right to the body. Rivera with a double jab. Yan with a kick to the body. Yan lands another nasty body kick. Rivera lands an overhand right and then a nasty low kick. Yan with a jab. Low kick by Rivera. Left hook by Rivera. They clinch up and exchange punches to the body. Yan lands a head kick that rocks Rivera but he eats it and clinches up with Yan. They break. Rivera lands a left hook and Yan returns with one of his own. They are out here swinging. Low kick by Yan. He has Rivera backed against the fence and he drops him with an uppercut. But Yan doesn’t have enough time to get the finish and Rivera survives another late knockdown.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 YanAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Yan
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Yan
Round 3
Round three begins. Yan lands a nasty kick to the body. Rivera changes levels and briefly gets a single leg takedown but Yan bounces back up. They continue to exchange punches and kicks but Yan is the one getting the better of the exchanged, nailing Rivera with an uppercut that knocks his mouthpiece out. Rivera lands a left hook to the body. He’s swinging but Yan keeps moving away from him. Rivera lands a jab and follows it up with a straight right. He continues to move forward and lands a heavy left hook to the chin of Yan. Now Yan lands a body kick on Rivera. There’s an accidental eye poke by Rivera and Yan needs time to recover. He says he’s okay and the fight resumes. Rivera lands a nasty kick to the body and then a low kick. Rivera continues to move forward but Yan connects on a straight right. Now Yan clinches Rivera against the cage. Rivera lands a left hook on the break. The fight is in its dying seconds now and Yan is able to take Rivera to the mat, and that should seal the victory for him.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 Yan (30-27 Yan)Ant Walker scores the round: 10-9 Yan (30-27 Yan)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Yan (30-27 Yan)
The Official Result
Petr Yan def. Jimmie Rivera via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)Tony Ferguson vs. Donald Cerrone
Round 1
It’s time for the most-anticipated fight on the whole card, a lightweight bout between Donald Cerrone and Tony Ferguson. The third man in the Octagon is Dan Miragliotta. They touch gloves and the fight is on. Cerrone opens up with a low kick. He kicks Ferguson in the body. Ferguson with a body kick of his own. Cerrone lands a jab. He lands another jab. Ferguson with a straight right to the body. Cerrone continues to work off the jab. Ferguson returns with a jab of his own. Right hook by Ferguson. Low kick by Cerrone. Ferguson lands a jab and Cerrone lands one of his own. Low kick by Ferguson and Cerrone returns with one. Ferguson with an elbow. Cerrone with a 1-2 combination. Ferguson lands a kick to the body and then a jab. Cerrone with a straight left. Ferguson with the jab. Left hook by Ferguson. Front kick to the body by Ferguson. Low kick by Ferguson. He just misses landing a spinning back elbow. He kicks Cerrone to the body. Cerrone lands a body kick of his own. Ferguson with a kick to the body and then another. Cerrone with the jab. Ferguson returns with one of his own. Kick to the body by Ferguson. Low kick by Ferguson. Cerrone lands a left hook and then a kick to the body. He appears to have Ferguson stunned but Ferguson hangs in tough and kicks Cerrone in the body just before the round ends.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 CerroneAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Cerrone
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Cerrone
Round 2
Round two begins. Ferguson lands a jab that appears to stun Cerrone. But he recovers quickly and lands a low kick. Now Ferguson lands a left hook. He lands a brutal kick to the body and then a low kick followed up by a jab. Another low kick by Ferguson. Cerrone with a 1-2 combination. Cerrone with a hard low kick. Ferguson with a left hook. Cerrone returns fire with a straight right. Cerrone with a high kick that’s blocked. Ferguson just misses landing a spinning elbow. Brutal jab by Ferguson and Cerrone’s face is busted up. Ferguson lands a spinning back elbow that touches Cerrone’s chin. Cerrone takes Ferguson down to the mat with a body lock takedown but Ferguson bounced right back up. Low kick by Ferguson. He just keeps coming forward. More low kicks by Ferguson. Nasty jab by Ferguson. Front kick to the body. Left hook by Ferguson. Cerrone responds with a low kick. Kick to the body by Ferguson. He lands a brutal elbow to the face of Cerrone. The 10-second clapper rings and they exchange strikes and Ferguson lands a straight right after the bell. The referee gives a hard warning but doesn’t take a point.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 FergusonAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Ferguson
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Ferguson
Round 3
Right before the beginning of the third round the doctor comes into the Octagon and takes a look at Cerrone, who cannot see. The doctor is forced to stop the fight due to Doctor Stoppage TKO, giving the win for Ferguson.The Official Result
Tony Ferguson def. Donald Cerrone via TKO (Doctor Stoppage) R2, 5:00UFC Women's Flyweight Title Fight:
Shevchenko vs. Jessica
Round 1
It’s time for the co-main event between UFC women’s flyweight champion Valentina Shevchenko and Jessica Eye. The referee is Rob Madrigal. Shevchenko with a nasty kick to the body right away. She lands another one. This time Eye checks a third kick to the body. Eye changes levels and takes Eye down with a body lock takedown. Shevchenko is in half guard working on top of Eye. She moves into side control and then nearly into full mount but Eye regains half guard. Shevchenko has a dominant position but hasn’t been able to do much with it as far as offense goes. Eye is finally able to regain full guard. Eye is able to get back up but Shevchenko is still shoving her against the cage. Shevchenko slams Eye right back to the mat. She’s in side control now. Shevchenko gains the crucifix position and then looks for a kimura at the end of the round but Eye survives.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 ShevchenkoAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Shevchenko
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Shevchenko
Round 2
Round two begins. Shevchenko lands a nasty kick right to the body of Eye. Shevchenko then lands a brutal head kick that knocks Eye out cold! What an absolutely brutal knockout, probably one of the most vicious KOs in women’s MMA history.The Official Result
Valentina Shevchenko def. Jessica Eye via KO (Head Kick) R2, 0:26UFC Bantamweight Title Fight:
Cejudo vs. Marlon
Round 1
We’ve arrived at the main event of UFC 238, a bantamweight bout between Henry Cejudo and Marlon Moraes for the vacant title. Marc Goddard is the referee for this title match. Moraes comes out firing with a low kick. He throws a high kick that Cejudo blocks. Low kick by Moraes. He rushes forward and lands a left hook. Cejudo with a low kick and Moraes unloads on a vicious combination of punches. Cejudo with a high kick that’s blocked and Moraes counters with a low kick. Another low kick by Moraes. Cejudo changes levels for a single leg takedown but Moraes evades it. Moraes unloads on another tight combination of hooks on Cejudo. Nasty low kick by Moraes. He lands a body kick. Cejudo looks for a body kick of his own and Moraes returns fire with a left hook. Cejudo is having a problem reaching him. Moraes lands another low kick. The round soon comes to a close.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 MoraesAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Moraes
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Moraes
Round 2
Round two begins. Cejudo just misses landing a high kick to the temple of Moraes. Now Moraes lands a nasty low kick. Cejudo is starting to pressure more but Moraes is landing good counters as he moves forward. Cejudo lands a left hook that appears to wake Moraes up. But he continues his onslaught and lands a nasty low kick. Cejudo throws an overhand right but Moraes evades it. Moraes lands another chopping low kick. Cejudo lands a low kick of his own. Cejudo moves forward and Moraes drops him with a low kick that takes his legs out. Cejudo lands an overhand right that rocks Moraes. But Moraes is still in the pocket and throws back a right hand of his own. Moraes lands a head kick but Cejudo just eats it. Cejudo is just walking forward throwing punches in bunches on Moraes and he’s landing on him. Cejudo clinches Moraes and starts smashing his chin with knees. The tide seems to be turning in the favor of Cejudo. They continue throwing bombs at each other right until the end of the round. Great fight so far.Sherdog Scores
Adam Martin scores the round: 10-9 CejudoAnt Walker scores the round: 10-9 Cejudo
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Cejudo
Round 3
Round three begins. Both men walk right back into the center of the Octagon and get right back at it. We’re now seeing a more aggressive Cejudo being the aggressor. Now Cejudo ties Moraes up and clinches him against the cage. Low kick by Moraes. Cejudo lands an overhand right and continues to move forward. There’s an eye poke by Cejudo and Moraes requests time which the referee grants. The fight is back in. Cejudo throws Moraes to the mat but Moraes stands back up. Now Cejudo clinches Moraes and starts kneeing Moraes in the face and body. Cejudo has Moraes against the cage and he pulls him to the mat. Cejudo is looking for an anaconda choke but Moraes defends it. Moraes appears to be exhausted and Cejudo continues to pressure him and push Moraes against the cage. Cejudo pushes Moraes to the mat and is now in his guard. Moraes look for an armbar but Cejudo gets out of it. Cejudo is now on top in half guard smashing Moraes with elbows and punches from the top. Cejudo continues raining down strikes and the referee is forced to step in and stop the fight. Henry Cejudo is now a two-division champion in the UFC. Unbelievable performance.The Official Result
Henry Cejudo def. Marlon Moraes via TKO (Elbows and Punches) R3, 4:51Related Articles