

UFC Fight Night 139 ‘Korean Zombie vs. Rodriguez’ Play-by-Play & Results

Sherdog's live UFC Fight Night 139 coverage kicks off Saturday at 7 p.m. ET.

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Mark De La Rosa vs. Joby Sanchez

Round 1

Sanchez lands first with a short left hook, but it’s De La Rosa taking control of the center of the cage, pressuring Sanchez in the opening minute. When Sanchez whips a right hand across De La Rosa’s face, “Bumblebee” shoots for a takedown at the fence. Sanchez pushes down on De La Rosa’s head as the Texan clings to a single-leg. De La Rosa abandons the takedown attempt and gets backed up by another big right hand. Halfway through the round, De La Rosa is bleeding from the nose and looks to be getting frustrated, as he motions for the circling Sanchez to stay still and engage. De La Rosa works the lead leg of Sanchez with a few kicks, whiffs when he tries to go upstairs. Sanchez takes another leg kick to stick a stiff jab in De La Rosa’s face. Another hard jab touches De La Rosa, then Sanchez goes body-head as he dips in and out of the pocket. The flyweights tangle at the end of the round, finishing the frame in a clinch on the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sanchez

Round 2

Sanchez continues to work behind his jab at the start of round two, sticking and moving, keeping the BJJ black belt De La Rosa away from his legs. De La Rosa lands a low kick and clinches behind it, but Sanchez looks to have the strength advantage as he once again turns De La Rosa against the wall. When Sanchez drops to try a takedown, De La Rosa threatens with a guillotine, then tries to spin and take the back. Sanchez bails out and goes back to circling, now with three minutes on the clock. De La Rosa lands another low kick but gets blasted with a left hook; Sanchez’s lefts have marked up the right eye of De La Rosa, who continues to press out from the middle. De La Rosa shoves Sanchez against the wall with an underhook, drops to try a single-leg, but winds up with his back against the fence after Sanchez reverses once more. De La Rosa catches Sanchez leaning in and pops him with a hard right hand. Sanchez is still landing his jab and still looks fresh for a late-replacement fighter, but De La Rosa has shown much better striking and cage control in this round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 De La Rosa
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 De La Rosa
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 De La Rosa

Round 3

Both bantamweights come out slinging hands, with De La Rosa landing at a higher clip but Sanchez appearing to land the harder shots. Sanchez tries to slow things down with a clinch and gets shoved away. Sanchez’s jab has bloodied the nose of De La Rosa, who’s still trying to close the distance on the constantly circling New Mexico native. Halfway through the round, the 135ers tie up on the fence; De La Rosa breaks out of the brief clinch and starts chasing after Sanchez once again. Sanchez catches him coming inside and zaps “Bumblebee” with a hard right hand, then circles away, resets and does it again. Sanchez clinches with 50 seconds on the clock, pushes Sanchez to the fence and drops to try the single-leg again. Sanchez shows good balance, keeping his footing and circling away with 15 seconds remaining. Neither man is in a hurry to make anything happen, and time expires without incident.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Sanchez (29-28 Sanchez)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sanchez (29-28 Sanchez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sanchez (29-28 Sanchez)

The Official Result

Mark De La Rosa def. Joby Sanchez via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Joseph Morales vs. Eric Shelton

Round 1

Shelton works off his back foot and lands leg kicks as Morales presses forward in the opening minute. Morales commits to rushing inside, eats an uppercut and gets spun against the fence as he tries to get hold of “Showtime.” Shelton catches Morales throwing a kick and knocks him backward with a right hand, though it appeared that Morales was more off-balance than hurt. Shelton gets backed up to the fence, changes levels and shoots a double-leg, flooring Morales near the center of the cage. Morales stands up, but Shelton takes his back in the process and pulls him back to the floor. Morales peels away Shelton’s hooks, and now the flyweights scramble back to their feet with 70 seconds on the clock. Shelton plows Morales back to the mat; this time, Morales tries his luck with a guillotine, but Shelton pops his head loose and finishes the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Shelton
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Shelton
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Shelton

Round 2

Shelton starts the round with another takedown, putting Morales on his seat up against the fence. Morales posts and stands, preventing Shelton from taking his back in the process. Shelton stays measured in the ensuing minute, throwing sporadic punches to the body and head as Morales tries to press forward. Halfway through the round, Shelton scores yet another takedown; Morales tries the guillotine again, and while he comes much closer this time, Shelton is able to pop free after a scary moment in Morales’ guard. Shelton clings to Morales’ legs, keeping him on the ground as Morales tries to post and stand again. Morales gets back on his feet with 40 seconds remaining in the round. Shelton gets caught in a bad position as he shoots in the last 10 seconds and finishes the round in Morales’ triangle, getting elbowed in the side of the head.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Shelton
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Shelton
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Shelton

Round 3

Morales tries to close the distance on Shelton early in the final round, but Shelton swings big punches to keep him at bay. After 45 seconds, Morales changes levels and takes Shelton to the ground for the first time in the fight. Shelton gets stacked up against the fence, then kicks Morales away and flips over before scrambling to his feet. Shelton shoots straight into yet another guillotine, but again Morales doesn’t have the angle to finish the choke. Morales releases the neck and uses a kimura to escape to his feet, now with just over half the round remaining. Within seconds, Shelton has another takedown, once again clinging to Morales’ waist to keep him grounded. Shelton seems content to ride out the final 90 seconds in top position, pinning Morales to the floor. Morales manages to get to his knees, but Shelton yanks his legs out and holds him down. Morales climbs back to his feet and catches Shelton with a right hand, then tries to take his back, but the Team Alpha Male fighter can’t make anything happen before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Morales (29-28 Shelton)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Morales (29-28 Shelton)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Morales (29-28 Shelton)

The Official Result

Eric Shelton def. Joseph Morales via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 27-30) R3 5:00

Devonte Smith vs. Julian Erosa

Round 1

Smith opens with a body kick, gets countered by a long left hand from the much taller Erosa over the top. Smith presses forward, touches Erosa with a check leg kick. When Erosa tries to come back to the center, Smith blasts him with a clean one-two on the jaw, sending “Juicy J” crashing to the canvas. Smith bounces Erosa’s head off the canvas with a few follow-up punches, and referee Tim Mills has seen enough. Devonte Smith produces an emphatic finish in his UFC debut.

The Official Result

Devonte Smith def. Julian Erosa via KO (Punches) R1 0:46

Davi Ramos vs. John Gunther

Round 1

Ramos wastes no time in double-legging Gunther to the ground and passing to side control. When Gunther tries to sit up and stand, Ramos whips around to take the American’s back and immediately begins hunting for a rear-naked choke. The submission ace wraps his left arm around Gunther’s jaw but can’t get under the chin on his first few attempts. Ramos softens up Gunther with a few punches, then tries the RNC again -- and this time, it’s tight. Ramos squeezes, and it looks as if Gunther will go to sleep, but “The Machine” opts to tap at the final second.

The Official Result

Davi Ramos def. John Gunther via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 1:57

Chas Skelly vs. Bobby Moffett

Round 1

Moffett takes the center of the cage and tries to close the gap on the rangy Skelly, who keeps the UFC newcomer on the end of his jab in the early going. Moffett tries to get hold of a kick, but Skelly yanks the leg back. Skelly changes levels and drives off the fence with a double-leg shot. Moffett turns around to try and escape, giving up his back in the process. Still standing, Skelly tries to take Moffett’s back and ride him to the ground. Moffett drops to his knees to fend off a rear-naked choke attempt, Skelly riding him like a backpack with both hooks in. Moffett clamps down on Skelly’s right arm, so “The Scrapper” uses his left hand to try and soften him up. Moffett pulls Skelly’s right arm all the way over his shoulder, but Skelly remains locked in back-mount, now by way of a body triangle. Moffett stays out of submission danger by locking down Skelly’s arm for much of the final minute. Skelly finally jumps down with 15 seconds left and has to withstand a late flurry from Moffett.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Skelly
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Skelly
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Skelly

Round 2

Moffett brings the pressure early in round two, quickly backing up Skelly to the fence with outside leg kicks and punches. After a minute of this, “The Wolfman” changes levels and turns the tables on Skelly with a takedown of his own. Skelly tries to escape underneath, but Moffett floats on top. Skelly wall-walks and tries to flip over the top, but he’s caught in a D’arce/brabo choke setup. Moffett can’t finish the choke immediately, as he doesn’t have control of Skelly’s legs, leaving the pair to spin around on the ground a few times while Moffett squeezes tight. Moffett manages to trap one of Skelly’s arms just before referee Tim Mills tries to check the fighter’s consciousness. Skelly’s legs stop kicking for a second, and Mills interprets this as the Skelly being out cold; however, a furious and still conscious Skelly protests as soon as the ref stops the fight.

Following the stoppage, referee Tim Mills leaves the cage to review the end of the fight on a monitor. Mills tells an official that he checked Skelly’s arm, felt it to be limp and decided that Skelly was “in distress,” leading to the technical submission stoppage.

The Official Result

Bobby Moffett def. Chas Skelly via Technical Submission (Brabo Choke) R2 2:43

Ashley Yoder vs. Amanda Bobby Cooper

Round 1

The strawweights spend a slow first minute testing the range with pawing punches and low kicks, with Cooper landing the cleaner strikes than the southpaw Yoder. After a minute, Cooper finds the opening for her first good power punch. However, when she tries to follow up and close the gap, Yoder is able to sting her with a sharp counter left. Cooper charges forward, diving on Yoder’s hips, pushing her against the wall, then dragging her off it to complete the takedown. Cooper drops an elbow from side control, but Yoder is using her long legs to trap the head of “ABC.” Yoder bridges and rolls to her knees, pulling Cooper’s arm over her shoulder and hitting a beautiful sweep to land her on top with 40 seconds left. Yoder finishes the round strong, popping Cooper with punches on the ground.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cooper
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Cooper
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cooper

Round 2

Cooper tries to get hold of Yoder, who grabs “ABC” in the Thai clinch and drives three knees up the center. Undeterred, Cooper comes straight back to shove Yoder against the fence with underhooks. Yoder stays there for the better part of a minute before hip-tossing her to the ground. Cooper kicks her away and scrambles to her feet, then catches Yoder in the transition and pushes her to the fence again. Cooper prevents Yoder from getting the overhook this time, now mindful of the Team Quest fighter’s throws. After a prolonged clinch, Cooper lifts and double-legs Yoder to the mat with 90 seconds remaining in the round. Cooper looks to mount, can’t get the position, then stands and drops two hard left hands on Yoder’s face. Cooper moves to north-south position and gets snared in a reverse triangle just before the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Yoder
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Yoder
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Yoder

Round 3

Cooper applies pressure early in the final round, forcing Yoder backward with right hands and push kicks. Yoder tags her back with a straight left hand counter, then steps back to the center of the cage and pulls down Cooper’s head to deliver a knee. Cooper throws a reaching three-piece, catching Yoder with the third punch, then changes levels and hits a takedown. Yoder’s back hardly touches the canvas, as she rolls through and puts Cooper on the bottom in one swift move. Cooper traps Yoder in her half guard and immediately works for a kimura from the bottom. Yoder stands up to escape the submission, then kneels down in Cooper’s guard and has to fight off an armbar attempt. Cooper is relentless off her back, constantly hunting for submissions and giving Yoder no room to land ground-and-pound. Yoder tries a kneebar and seems to have a good grip on Cooper’s leg, but Cooper never seems concerned with the submission. Cooper yanks her leg free and goes for an armbar, now going belly down but still unable to force a tap. As Yoder escapes from the sub attempt, she takes Cooper’s back and whips an arm around her face. Yoder holds Cooper in a neck crank for the final 15 seconds, but she’s unable to sink the RNC before time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Yoder (29-28 Yoder)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Yoder (29-28 Yoder)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cooper (29-28 Cooper)

The Official Result

Ashley Yoder def. Amanda Bobby Cooper via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 27-30) R3 5:00

Michael Trizano vs. Luis Pena

Round 1

Trizano opens with a series of leg kicks, while the southpaw Pena looks to set up his long left hand with range-finding push kicks. “Violent Bob Ross” touches Trizano with a jab but narrowly misses with the big left on the follow-through. Pena slaps Trizano’s face with a whipping high kick, but there’s not enough on it to sting the Tiger Schulmann student. Halfway through the round, after absorbing several hard leg kicks, Pena shoots for a takedown and winds up holding Trizano against the fence. The lightweights wind up in a stalemate, fighting for position in the clinch, and after a minute, Pena backs up. A flying knee attempt gets Pena into range, but when he looks for another takedown, Trizano jumps guard with a guillotine. Pena shakes his way loose, the fighters scramble back up soon after, and they finish the round tumbling to the ground with both men looking for a kimura.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Trizano
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Pena
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Trizano

Round 2

Trizano goes back to work on Pena’s lead leg at the onset of round two, forcing the taller man backward. Pena gets tagged in an exchange and goes shooting for a takedown; unable to bring Trizano to the ground, “Violent Bob Ross” opts to climb on the New Jerseyan’s back while they’re still standing. Trizano pulls Pena’s arm over his shoulder and leans forward, trying to shake him off, but Pena is locked in place with a body triangle. Trizano drops to his back with 1:40 on the clock, still fighting off a choke attempt. Pena loses the lock on the body triangle, allowing Trizano to flip over with the space created by his long legs. Trizano lands a few heavy punches when Pena’s face is flat on the canvas, but it’s Pena who finishes the round on the verge of an omoplata sweep.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Pena
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Pena
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pena

Round 3

Pena starts the final round with a jab, but he’s still taking damage to his lead leg from Trizano’s kicks. Trizano fires a quick right hand over the top, beating the longer man to the punch. Pena tries to check the next low kick, then reaches back with a left hand, but it’s slipped by Trizano with good head movement. Pena dives for Trizano’s legs from a mile up and winds up on his knees, grabbing at air. Two minutes in, Pena corners Trizano near the fence, ducks inside and tries a single-leg. Pena spins Trizano away from the fence and completes the takedown with 2:45 on the clock. Trizano attacks the legs of Pena to force him to stand up, then sits out and attacks Pena’s legs, looking for a takedown of his own. Pena fights off the shot, then charges after Trizano recklessly and gets taken down anyway. Pena sweeps but can’t do any damage from top position before Trizano is able to escape to his feet. The 155ers meet in the middle of the cage with 40 seconds left. Trizano lights up Pena with a pair of hooks, a heavy right hand, then another leg kick. Pena tries a few left hands but Trizano is able to slip them and fire back, forcing “Violent Bob Ross” onto his back foot in the final moments of the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Trizano (29-28 Trizano)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Trizano (29-28 Pena)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Trizano (29-28 Trizano)

The Official Result

Michael Trizano def. Luis Pena via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Maycee Barber vs. Hannah Cifers

Round 1

Cifers walks straight across the cage at Barber, throwing right hands to the body and head of the karate stylist. Barber answers with a partially blocked head kick and a follow-up right hand. Cifers quickly grabs hold of Barber and tries to hustle her to the ground, then nearly gets taken down herself. Instead, Cifers winds up with her back to the fence, Barber in the outside position. The strawweights trade knees inside, and Cifers lands a right hand on the break. Back to the center they go, Barber narrowly missing with a left high kick, then coming back to slap Cifers’ face with her right foot. Cifers smiles but quickly grabs hold of Barber for another clinch on the fence. The fighters trade positions in the clinch, Barber scoring with a hard knee to the body and a few foot stomps, while Cifers finds space for a short elbow strike. The larger Barber is able to trap Cifers against a cage post. Cifers walks her off the fence, then stuffs a takedown attempt and clips Barber with a right hook on the way out. They reset with 40 seconds left, and Cifers catches an axe kick on the shoulder to trip Barber to the ground. Barber stands up, eats a punch, but spins Cifers against the fence and slams her with a couple nasty elbow strikes in the final 10 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Barber
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Barber
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barber

Round 2

Barber attacks Cifers with a variety of kicks to the body and head in the opening minute. Cifers’ nose is gushing blood inside of 30 seconds, and Barber makes matters worse with a couple standing elbows. Cifers botches a throw and winds up on the bottom; she tries to sleep with an omoplata, but Barber steps over and takes top position. Cifers sits back to try a heel hook, but Barber stands up and rains down some heavy right hands. Cifers grabs the leg again and gets caught on her knees, getting slammed with punches. Cifers’ face is a bloody mess now, and though she’s trying to roll and dodge Barber’s ground-and-pound, she’s still taking a lot of punishment. Referee Kevin MacDonald has seen enough and steps in to rescue Cifers, who’s still conscious but sporting a deep gash on the right side of her forehead.

The Official Result

Maycee Barber def. Hannah Cifers via TKO (Elbows and Punches) R2 2:01

Beneil Dariush vs. Thiago Moises

Round 1

The rangy southpaw Dariush closes the distance on Moises early, pushing the Brazilian against the fence. Moises answers by jumping guard, but Dariush easily escapes from the loose guillotine choke. Moises throws up an armbar, tries to go belly down and winds up on his knees, up against a cage post, with Dariush kneeing his thighs. Moises stands up, blocking Dariush from taking his back in the process. Dariush tries to throw a knee and instead eats a standing elbow strike. Moises blocks a takedown attempt and nearly forces Dariush to the bottom; instead, the lightweights climb back up and clinch again. Moises tries jumping guard with the same guillotine, and again Dariush pops his head free within seconds. Dariush lands a few punches as Moises climbs back to his feet, and they reset with 90 seconds on the clock. Moises lands a body kick but eats a left hand from Dariush in the same instant. Dariush completes another takedown at the base of the fence, gets one hook and tries to take the back. Moises rolls onto his back, leaving Dariush in full mount, dropping punches and elbows for the last 10 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Dariush
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Dariush
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dariush

Round 2

Dariush marches on Moises and slaps the Brazilian with a left high kick, then shoots in to try an early takedown. Moises tries to reverse, but Dariush’s bodylock allows him to trip the former RFA champion to the canvas. Moises holds Dariush in full guard, but the Kings MMA fighter is able to use his long arms to come over the top with some heavy elbow strikes. Moises opens up his guard to kick away Dariush, scrambling to his feet near the halfway point of the round. Dariush gives him no space to escape, trapping Moises against the fence and looking to take his back. Dariush has two minutes left to work, but Moises’ right side is flush to the fence, so Dariush tries to pull him away from the wall. Moises is trapped on one knee, with Dariush pulling him up and down, trying to create space to take the back. Dariush finally climbs onto Moises’ back inside the final minute and comes close to securing a rear-naked choke, but Moises shows excellent defense in peeling away Dariush’s hands on each attempt.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Dariush
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Dariush
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Dariush

Round 3

Dariush dodges a spinning kick, lands one to the body, but eats a vicious right hand in return. Moises catches Dariush coming inside and slams him with an uppercut, but Dariush gets hold of the Brazilian and clinches him on the fence. Yet again, Moises jumps guard with a guillotine choke attempt, and once more Dariush stays standing and shakes him off. Dariush comes down to Moises’ half guard and lands short punches, a few elbows. Moises gives up his back, and Dariush immediately secures the position with a body triangle. Moises fights off multiple RNC attempts, but he’s helpless to escape from the position with Dariush’s triangle. Dariush abandons the position inside the final minute and goes back to top position. Moises rolls underneath, grabbing for a last-ditch leglock, but Dariush is wise to it and stays out of danger. Dariush finishes the round in the wrestling ride, landing short right hands.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Dariush (30-26 Dariush)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Dariush (30-27 Dariush)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dariush (30-26 Dariush)

The Official Result

Beneil Dariush def. Thiago Moises via Unanimous Decision (30-25, 30-25, 30-26) R3 5:00

Raquel Pennington vs. Germaine de Randamie

Round 1

Pennington looks to bring the fight to de Randamie in the opening moments, but it’s “The Iron Lady” who winds up pressing the action in the opening minute, pushing Pennington backward with stiff jabs. Pennington eats a right hand that sends her grasping for a clinch, then pushing de Randamie against the fence with an underhook. De Randamie keeps a wide base, standing up against a cage post to keep her balance while Pennington looks to trip her up. With two minutes left, de Randamie reverses to the outside and uses the Thai clinch to attack Pennington with several hard knees to the body. One liver shot appears to hurt Pennington, who drops her hands to cover her midsection. De Randamie keeps attacking with knees, narrowly missing Pennington’s chin with a few of them. Pennington retakes the outside position with one minute remaining and goes back to hunting for a trip takedown. De Randamie finally circles out to the middle with 30 seconds left, slugs “Rocky” with a right hand, then stuffs the American’s takedown attempt.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 de Randamie
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 de Randamie
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 de Randamie

Round 2

Pennington goes grabbing for de Randamie’s legs early in round two, only to be shoved away and slugged with a heavy right hand from the muay Thai stylist. Pennington is eating the punches and trying to mount some offense of her own, but each time she comes charging at de Randamie to strike, “The Iron Lady” uses her smooth footwork to slide out of range. Halfway through the round, Pennington is bleeding from the nose, still slinging long right hands and being picked off by de Randamie’s counters. De Randamie has timed out Pennington’s leg kicks, and she’s blasting the American with some heavy counters now. Pennington changes levels and drives de Randamie against the fence, but she still can’t complete the takedown. Pennington lands a few short punches and elbows inside, but de Randamie breaks loose with 40 seconds left and walks her down with more punishment. Pennington shoots again, going so far as to lift de Randamie this time, but still she cannot bring the Dutch fighter to the ground.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 de Randamie
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 de Randamie
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 de Randamie

Round 3

De Randamie spends a slow first minute walking down Pennington with long punches and low kicks. Pennington ducks under a right high kick, throws one back and whiffs as well. De Randamie isn’t finding much joy coming forward, so she takes a turn on her back foot, catching an incoming Pennington with a few counters. Pennington’s legs are reddened from de Randamie’s low kicks, and after one particularly hard shot, “Rocky” decides to close the distance and tie up. De Randamie lands an accidental knee to the groin, and referee Keith Peterson gives Pennington a break to recover. When action resumes, Pennington comes straight back at de Randamie, shoving her against the fence for yet another clinch. Still, it’s de Randamie landing the better strikes in the clinch, and the Dutch striker breaks loose to finish the fight with another leg kick.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 de Randamie (30-27 de Randamie)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 de Randamie (30-27 de Randamie)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 de Randamie (30-27 de Randamie)

The Official Result

Germaine de Randamie def. Raquel Pennington via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Donald Cerrone vs. Mike Perry

Round 1

Cerrone ducks under Perry’s first wind-up right hand, then clinches with “Platinum” near the center of the cage. The welterweights trade knees to the body, then “Cowboy” releases and they resume their cautious circling. Cerrone grabs for Perry’s legs again, gets shoved away, comes back for a brief clinch, but nothing comes of it. Surprisingly, it’s Perry who takes down Cerrone, but it’s not long before the UFC veteran hits a sweep. Cerrone climbs onto Perry’s back, but he loses the position when Perry stands up and shakes him off. When Perry tries to stack up and land some ground-and-pound, Cerrone throws up his legs and catches him in an armbar. Cerrone goes belly-down, and Perry can only hold out for a few seconds before tapping. In his home state of Colorado, Donald Cerrone scores a first-round submission victory to become the all-time record holder for wins and finishes in the UFC.

The Official Result

Donald Cerrone def. Mike Perry via Submission (Armbar) R1 4:46

Chan Sung Jung vs. Yair Rodriguez

Round 1

Referee Kevin MacDonald is the third man in the cage for tonight’s 145-pound main event, with judges Derek Cleary, Sal D’Amato and Mark Van Tine scoring the bout should it complete the scheduled five rounds. Jung opens with a leg kick as the “Korean Zombie” takes the center of the cage and inches toward Rodriguez, who works from his wide stance as a southpaw. Rodriguez thumps the body of Jung with a kick, then stands stock-still in front of the Korean veteran, waiting to counter. Rodriguez flips to orthodox and fires a few long right hands down the center, then chops at the lead leg of the incoming Jung. Grabbing Rodriguez in the the collar tie, Jung lands a pair of short uppercuts, but “El Pantera” escapes without taking much damage. Rodriguez continues to work the legs of Jung with calf kicks, now throwing a few stomps. Jung backs up Rodriguez with a front kick but can’t connect with the big right hand behind it. Jung takes a jab on the nose and then checks to see if he’s bleeding; he’s not. Jung appears to hurt Rodriguez with a combination, but the Mexican prospect recovers before Jung can capitalize.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rodriguez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Rodriguez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jung

Round 2

Jung tries to pressure Rodriguez early in the second stanza, looking for a takedown as he pushes “El Pantera” toward the fence. Rodriguez reverses to take the outside, but soon after, he catches Jung with a knee to the groin. Referee MacDonald pauses the action, but Jung seems uninterested in taking his full five minutes, and they’re soon back to business. Jung blocks a left high kick, but Rodriguez continues to land hard shots to the legs of the “Zombie.” Jung lands a clean left hook, then a step-in jab. Jung comes charging at Rodriguez with a pair of punches; Rodriguez ducks down, then wheels around with a spinning-back elbow. Jung eats the elbow and grabs hold of Rodriguez, then wrestles him to his knees. Rodriguez rolls through and jumps back to his feet, and the featherweights reset with 90 seconds on the clock. Rodriguez paws his way toward Jung, then follows through with a cracking right hand that draws a grin from the Korean vet. Rodriguez misses with a leaping knee, then slaps Jung’s face with a right high kick. Jung looks to clinch, then separates and winds up in a firefight. Both fighters land punches down the stretch, but it’s Jung who comes away from the final exchange bleeding from a few places on his face.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rodriguez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Rodriguez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rodriguez

Round 3

Rodriguez misses with a head kick in his opening salvo, but a stiff jab behind it forces “Zombie” to take a step backward. Rodriguez is throwing some flashier strikes now, whirling toward Jung with beautiful, flowing kicks. Jung takes a couple shots to the body, even catching hold of one, but Rodriguez yanks the leg back and escapes without punishment. Jung scores with a right hand over the top and Rodriguez backpedals away, but “Pantera” seemed to be caught off-balance more than he was hurt by the punch. Jung catches another kick and hustles Rodriguez against the fence. Jung bloodies the nose of Rodriguez with a left hook, then forces him backward with a jab. Rodriguez flops to the ground in front of Jung, threatening an Imanari roll, but Jung wants no part of it. Rodriguez cartwheels at Jung with a “Rolling Thunder” kick, then has to go on the defensive as Jung attacks with punches at the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rodriguez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jung
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rodriguez

Round 4

Jung comes out aggressively, stinging Rodriguez with an uppercut and then walking him down to land a left hook. The “Korean Zombie” checks a pair of leg kicks but takes a jab on his busted upper lip. Rodriguez is bleeding from the nose or mouth, too, and he’s being forced to absorb increasing pressure from the onetime featherweight title contender. Rodriguez is hunting for the same spinning elbow he landed earlier, but Jung seems wise to the strike now. Rodriguez gets caught backing up and clipped with a right hand. Jung comes charging forward and through a flying knee from Rodriguez, who seems to be complaining of a low blow after the exchange. Referee MacDonald isn’t having it, and they fight on with 90 seconds remaining in the round. Jung is pumping his jab in Rodriguez’s grill, both guys smiling through bloody faces. A long right hand snaps back Rodriguez’s head, and Jung gets the final strike of the round with a jab in the last 10 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jung
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jung
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jung

Round 5

Rodriguez switches between stances as he feints and fakes, trying to get Jung to bite on something. Instead, it’s Jung landing jabs and counter right hands, rattling Rodriguez’s head. Rodriguez works southpaw now, throwing oblique kicks and Superman punches, albeit rather ineffectively at this late stage of the bout. The featherweights look tired, both spending time standing still in the center of the cage. Rodriguez shoots for a takedown, gets shoved away and tagged with a left hand along the way. The fighters stop to celebrate themselves, raising their arms to the crowd, but there’s still 2:20 left on the clock. Rodriguez is trying anything at this point, including a standing hammerfist that doesn’t even come close to landing. “Zombie” takes a few shots to the body and then stomps forward bombing Rodriguez with punches. After another brief celebration, the featherweights attack one another for the final time. Jung blitzes Rodriguez with his head down, but Rodriguez ducks low and throws a no-look elbow that catches Jung right on the button. Jung hits the ground face-first, completely unconscious, and referee Kevin MacDonald steps in to wave off the fight just as the final horn sounds.

The Official Result

Yair Rodriguez def. Chan Sung Jung via KO (Elbow) R5 4:59
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