

UFC Fight Night Results: ‘Edgar vs. Faber’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com will have live UFC Fight Night play-by-play at 7 a.m. ET.

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Nolan Ticman vs. Zhikui Yao

Round 1

Ticman sticks Yao with a jab in the opening moments and gets a grin from the Chinese fighter. Zao rushes into the pocket with straight punches, backing Ticman up to the fence, but it’s Ticman who lands a counter uppercut. A body shot is waiting the next time Yao steps inside, then a thudding kick to the body. Ticman is constantly backing up, circling and cutting angles while Yao chases after him. The next flurry from Yao yields a few connections and a nod from Ticman after he’s forced to circle off the fence. Midway through the round, Yao has stopped being so aggressive with his punches, instead waiting for Ticman to strike. Yao hits a takedown in the center, but Ticman hits the switch immediately and the flyweights scramble up. A single, long right hand from Ticman scores inside the final 40 seconds, then he gets back to backpedaling. Ticman whiffs on a left hand to end the round and nearly trips as Yao runs him down before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ticman
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ticman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ticman

Round 2

The flyweights go right back to their motion from round one, with Ticman moving backward and Yao trying to close the gap to throw punches. Ticman cracks Yao with a left hook, then Yao tries to rush him to the ground, but Ticman scrambles out and gets back to his feet. Yao pins him against the cage with an underhook and throws a few foot stomps before Ticman circles out. Yao waits for Ticman to throw a high kick and then steps in to clinch.. He spins to grab a rear waist lock, drags Ticman to the ground momentarily and tags the American with a right hand on the way up. Ticman lands a stiff jab around the two-minute warning but there’s not a lot going on as the 125ers continually circle the cage. Yao sprawls on a high double-leg shot, and Ticman springs back to his feet and resumes his backward motion. Ticman lands an outside leg kick but it’s timed by Yao, who connects with a right hand that sends Ticman tumbling backward. Ticman shakes his head as he gets back up before the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ticman
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Yao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ticman

Round 3

Yao is hunting early in round three, lunging at Ticman with overhand rights. It’s Ticman getting the better of the brief exchanges with his counter right hands, but same as the rest of the fight, Yao is the constant aggressor. Ticman is landing a solid punch every 20 seconds or so, mixing in a couple leg kicks, but it’s all one-and-done, strike and circle away. Two minutes in, Yao hits a quick single-leg in the center and is immediately reversed. Both men jump back to their feet and get back to circling midway through the round. Ticman lands a left hook, drops levels, gets stood up and shoved Yao against the fence. Ticman holds him there with an underhook and spends a minute attacking Yao’s legs with short, hard knee strikes. Referee Terry Hill calls for action in the last 40 seconds, so Ticman drives a knee into Yao’s stomach with the Thai plum and releases. Yao tries a single-leg in the center, spins Ticman to the ground and gets reversed again. Ticman finishes the round on top, zapping Yao with a few punches on the canvas to close out the bout.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ticman (30-27 Ticman)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ticman (29-28 Ticman)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ticman (30-27 Ticman)

The Official Result

Zhikui Yao def. Nolan Ticman via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Jon delos Reyes vs. Roldan Sangcha-an

Round 1

Sangcha-an walks through a hard knee to push Delos Reyes against the cage and deliver a few knees to the Guamanian’s body. Sangcha-an tosses delos Reyes to the ground, then defends as delos Reyes tries to spin and take the back. Snuffing out a triangle attempt, Sangcha-an connects with a pair of hard left hands on the ground. Delos Reyes sweeps with an omoplata and drives a big knee into the grounded Sangcha-an’s chest. Now it’s delos Reyes trying to jump on the back; he’s riding high with his hook unsecured, so delos Reyes gets off and tries to reset. The second back-take sticks, and delos Reyes slaps on a body triangle as he works for a rear-naked choke. Sangcha-an defends the RNC, slips out the back door and then has to escape an armbar, too. The flyweights scramble back up three minutes into a hectic opening round. Sangcha-an gets double underhooks and works a neck crank, triping delos Reyes to the ground and landing in full mount. Delos Reyes doesn’t appear to be in danger as he shrugs at referee Greg Kleynjans, eventually escaping to sweep into top position. Delos Reyes pushes Sangcha-an against the cage in the closing moments and socks him with a couple hard left hands. Sangcha-an struggles back to his feet, drills delos Reyes with a pair of punches and thumps him with a body kick.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Delos Reyes
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Delos Reyes
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Delos Reyes

Round 2

Delos Reyes shoves Sangcha-an backward to the cage and leaps at him with a double knee, one of which lands hard. They clash heads, however, and it opens a cut on the right side of delos Reyes’ face. After a short clinch, a firefight breaks out, Sangcha-an dropping delos Reyes with a flash knockdown. Delos Reyes regains his wits and closes the gap to put Sangcha-an back on the fence. Delos Reyes lands an elbow on the split, answered by Sangcha-an with a right hook. Sangcha-an chases his man to the other side of the fence and goes body head on the bloodied Guam native. A massive right hand knocks out Sangcha-an’s mouthguard and sends him crashing to the ground. Delos Reyes slams his head into the canvas with more punches from the standing position, then comes down to Sangcha-an’s guard. As soon as the action slows, referee Kleynjans pauses the fight to have delos Reyes’ gushing cut checked by the doctor. Delos Reyes is cleared to continue, and they resume in the same position, delos Reyes on top. He stands, gets clipped with an upkick and dives back to the ground. Delos Reyes climbs on Sangcha-an’s back, secures the position with a body triangle and snakes his right arm under the chin for a rear-naked choke. Sangcha-an guts out the first RNC, but delos Reyes adjusts and reapplies the choke. This time, there’s nowhere to go, and Sangcha-an is forced to submit.

The Official Result

Jon delos Reyes def. Roldan Sangcha-an via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R2 3:13

Royston Wee vs. Guangyou Ning

Round 1

Ning blitzes Wee with punches, winging hooks and backing him up to the fence, then takes Wee to the ground nearer the center. Wee neutralizes most of Ning’s offense on the ground, bides his time and then explodes to his feet from butterfly guard. The southpaw Ning flurries again, lands a couple more punches and brings Wee right back to the floor, this time against the fence. Wee wraps up Ning from underneath while referee Steve Perceval calls for ation. After half a minute of inaction, Perceval resets them. Ning lands a leg kick that makes Wee jump backward, then has to block a right high kick from Wee at the two-minute warning. They spend the better part of a minute circling, then Ning steps in with another solid combination. Wee tries a few leg kicks; Ning walks through them and takes down Wee one last time before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ning
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ning
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ning

Round 2

Ning chases after Wee, who sprints away from the Chinese lefty. When Ning catches up, he chops Wee to the ground with a hard low kick and then pounces to land on top. Wee wraps him up in his guard, not giving Ning the space to strike. Referee Perceval stands them up after a few seconds, and it’s back to Ning chasing Wee around the cage with low kicks. Wee taps Ning with a left hand, but his follow-up low kick lands to the groin. Ning takes a knee and spends a minute recovering from the low blow. Wee is again on his back foot when they resume, landing leg kicks here and there but taking hard jabs from Ning in between. The bantamweights trade body kicks as the round enters its final minute. Wee gets knocked backward with a left straight to the chin. Referee Perceval calls for action in the last 30 seconds, but neither man is engaging. With seconds to go, Ning drops Wee with an overhand left, a right hook and a left to the body. Ning follows him to the ground and bashes away with elbows as Wee covers up on his side, and referee Perceval stops the fight.

The Official Result

Guangyou Ning def. Royston Wee via TKO (Punches and Elbows) R2 4:59

Jingliang Li vs. Dhiego Lima

Round 1

Li comes forward in the opening minute and takes a grazing overhand right on the ear to deliver a hard pair of counterpunches. Li’s right uppercut scores twice, three times, then a pair of hooks rock Lima’s head and send him crashing to the canvas at the fence. Li follows to the ground and sets up on the side of the kneeling Lima, sending huge right hands underneath Lima’s armpit. Lima takes five or six of the shots and slumps forward on his knees, out cold, before referee Terry Hill waves off the bout.

The Official Result

Jingliang Li def. Dhiego Lima via KO (Punches) R1 1:25

Kajan Johnson vs. Lipeng Zhang

Round 1

Zhang catches a kick from Johnson, can’t keep hold, then gets rushed to the ground by the Canadian. Zhang gets back to his feet, so Johnson wraps him up from behind and drags him back down. Back up again comes Zhang, still held by Johnson, who releases after 30 seconds and lands a knee on the split. Zhang takes a high kick in order to get hold of Johnson and take him down in the center of the cage. Johnson sweeps with a heel hook attempt, then drops back to try and straighten out Zhang’s left leg. Zhang gets to his knees, relieving most of the pressure, but Johnson still has the leg and uses it to keep of Zhang as the Chinese fighter stands up. Johnson shoves him against the fence, trips him to the ground with the whizzer, and the lightweights bounce back up. Johnson spends a few seconds holding Zhang on the cage, releases with a pair of punches and catches the incoming Zhang with an overhand right to end the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 2

Zhang presses forward at the start of the round, firing off high kicks which Johnson dodges or blocks. Zhang slips on one kick and hits the mat, then wraps up Johnson in his guard when the “Ragin’ Kajan” comes to the ground. Johnson stands, drops a left hand and then grabs a rear waist lock as Zhang tries to scramble up. The 155ers wind up against the fence, where Zhang is warned for the second time in as many rounds for grabbing the fence. Johnson pulls Zhang to the mat two minutes into the round and is reversed right away. Johnson kicks away Zhang and jumps up, and they reset in the center halfway through the fight. Zhang ducks under a left high kick but Johnson rushes in behind it and delivers a pair of knees to the gut. Zhang comes away from the exchange pawing at his eye; referee Greg Kleynjans tells him to fight on. A few seconds later, Kleynjans has to pause the action when Zhang lands an inside thigh kick square to Johnson’s cup. Johnson recovers after a minute or so, and Zhang restarts the action with a good right hook on the end of a combination. Johnson shoots for a single-leg, gets sprawled on and takes a few elbows to the side of the head before he drives through and gets Zhang down to one knee. Zhang stands and stomps the foot of Johnson, who releases and decks Zhang with an elbow at the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 3

Zhang flashes some spinning kicks at the onset of the final round, then opts to clinch after Johnson dodges the strikes. With his back up against the cage, Johnson tries to trip Zhang, but the Chinese fighter keeps him in the clinch with an underhook. Zhang releases after a minute or so and attacks Johnson’s legs with kicks, then finds his mark with a lead uppercut. Johnson is on his back foot now, drawing Zhang forward and not mounting much offense in return. Suddenly, Johnson reverses the momentum by changing levels and flooring Zhang with a takedown near the fence. Zhang gets back up, but Johnson is wrapped around his waist and keeps him tied up for another trip takedown. Zhang stands right away, now with under two minutes on the clock and Johnson still clung to his waist. Johnson rips Zhang to the ground and tries a kimura, then spins to take the kneeling Zhang’s back. Johnson gets one hook in, figure-fours Zhang’s legs and rolls through to try a toe hold. Zhang never looks to be in any real danger, and he waits out the leg lock attempt to sweep Johnson underneath just before time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Johnson (30-27 Johnson)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Johnson (30-27 Johnson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson (30-27 Johnson)

The Official Result

Kajan Johnson def. Lipeng Zhang via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Jon Tuck vs. Tae Hyun Bang

Round 1

Tuck takes the center and keeps Bang out of range with some speedy kicks to the midsection. Bang probes with jabs, pulling up short, but sends a straight right down the pipe and knocks Tuck backwards. Tuck eats another hard punch before switching levels and charging on Bang’s legs, flooring the Korean with a takedown at the fence. Bang powers back to his feet and jabs Tuck away, and the lightweights meet back in the middle two minutes into the fight. A kick lands on Bang’s cup, but he doesn’t want to take a break. Tuck counters a low kick with a stinging left hand counter that touches Bang’s face. A left high kick rocks Bang’s head, but he eats it well and fires back with an overhand right. Another overhand and an uppercut force Tuck to circle away. Bang ducks under a high kick and is met with a right hook on the other side, sending him to the ground near the fence. Tuck drops a couple punches, then jumps on his back and wraps his left arm around Bang’s throat to secure a fast rear-naked choke. The RNC is tight, and it’s only on for a few seconds before Bang taps out.

The Official Result

Jon Tuck def. Tae Hyun Bang via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 3:56

Levan Makashvili vs. Mark Eddiva

Round 1

Eddiva opens with a few hard low kicks, but he eats a nice right hook from Makashvili in the first punching exchange. Makashvili whiffs on the next right hand as he tries to close the gap on the backpedaling Filipino fighter. Eddiva grabs for Makashvili’s legs and gets caught in a front headlock by Makashvili, who stands after a few seconds and pushes Eddiva toward the fence. The featherweights jockey for the outside position before Makashvili changes levels, lifts Eddiva and slams him to the ground. Eddiva gets back up under threat of another front headlock from Makashvili, who releases the head as Eddiva stands to work an underhook on the fence. Eddiva reverses midway through the round, gets spun around again, and soon the clinch is broken up by referee Terry Hill. Makashvili inches forward, blocks a left high kick and knocks Eddiva backward a few steps with an overhand right. Eddiva continues to score with clean leg kicks and now ducks under a big right hand to shove Makashvili against the cage. Makashvili tuns him around and trips Eddiva to the mat with 40 seconds to go. From half guard, Makashvili tries to unload with right hands, but Eddiva bucks him off and stands before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makashvili
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Makashvili
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makashvili

Round 2

Pumping jabs to test the range, Makashvili creeps forward on Eddiva, finally closing the distance after about a minute to deliver a right hand and a low kick. A left high kick is deflected by Eddiva, who is having trouble finding a target for his leg strikes as Makashvili has gotten wise to the low kicks. Eddiva stuffs a takedown and tries one of his own, but Makashvili holds him in the whizzer, stays standing and then separates. Halfway through the round, Makashvili shoots for a single-leg takedown and completes it despite Eddiva grabbing the fence on his way to the canvas. Makashvili isn’t doing enough on the ground for referee Hill, who orders the fighters to stand with 80 seconds on the clock. Makashvili catches a kick, wraps up Eddiva and bullies him against the fence. Eddiva looks to his corner for advice and is able to escape out the weak side soon after. Eddiva eats a right hand but manages to stuff Makashvili’s final takedown attempt of the period.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makashvili
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Makashvili
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makashvili

Round 3

Eddiva uses kicks to fend off Makashvili for the first 30 seconds, but the Georgia native gets inside to tie up. Although Eddiva blocks a takedown, Makashvili keeps him on the fence and twice tosses him to the ground. Eddiva is back on his feet within seconds both times, but when Makashvili scores another takedown two minutes into the round, he does so away from the fence. Makashvili passes to side control and stays heavy as Eddiva rolls to his stomach. Eddiva gets to his knees, then his feet, denying Makashvili the opportunity to take his back. The featherweights break, and again it’s Makashvili on the march, stepping inside on Eddiva to land a body-head combo. Makashvili gets another takedown in the last 90 seconds and tries to take the back as Eddiva gets to one knee. After taking half a dozen fast right hands to the face, Eddiva powers back up, and the fighters finish on their feet.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makashvili (30-27 Makashvili)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Makashvili (30-27 Makashvili)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makashvili (30-27 Makashvili)

The Official Result

Levan Makashvili def. Mark Eddiva via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Yui Chul Nam vs. Phillipe Nover

Round 1

Nam walks Nover toward the fence, hands cocked to throw big punches, but before the “Korean Bulldozer” can unload, Nover drops low and starts working a double-leg. Nam hits the ground momentarily, posts and stands, only to be dumped back to the mat at the base of the fence. Nam stands again and is greeted by a knee to the head. Nover keeps his man on the fence, and referee Greg Kleynjans warns Nam not to grab the cage. Nam scores with a standing elbow before he’s lifted and slammed again. Nam gets up and keeps one hand on the mat to avoid knees, so Nover instead bashes him with hammer fists to the side of the head. Nover finally brings Nam back down with just under one minute on the clock. Nam is trapped on the ground, absorbing right hands, until Nover gives him a little space and allows him to stand. Nover closes out the round with a pair of hard level elbows to the standing Nam.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Nover
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nover
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nover

Round 2

Seconds into the middle round, Nover has Nam back on the ground in the center of the Octagon. Nam stands and is suplexed back to the canvas, but when Nover tries to climb on his back, the Korean slips out the back door. Nam sits up in Nover’s guard and has to fend off an armbar attempt. Nover switches to a triangle, gets shucked off and winds up seated, Nam bombing him with right hands. Nover regains his footing under fire but now he’s on his back foot as Nam pushes the action. Nover slows the pace by putting Nam against the cage with another double-leg. With two minutes left in the round, Nover completes the takedown and kneels in Nam’s half guard, but this time Nam stands with in a few seconds. Nam rips Nover down to the ground and stands over the former “TUF” competitor to swing punches with both hands. Suddenly, Nover is taking some damage as Nam connects with ground punches at round’s end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Nam
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nam
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nam

Round 3

Nam gets a fast takedown on the fence and then holds Nover there when the American stands back up. Now a trip takedown lands Nover on the mat with Nam in side control on the left side. Nam has to wait out a brief guillotine choke from Nover two minutes into the round. Nam’s head pops free and he flattens out Nover with head-and-arm control before passing to full mount. Nam isn’t able to capitalize on the position before Nover kicks him back to guard. Nam catches Nover trying to scramble up, decks him with a punch and sets up an arm-triangle choke on Nover’s right side. Unfortunately for Nam, that’s the side of Nover which is flush to the cage, making it impossible for Nam to move to side control and get the space he needs to finish the choke. Nover spends the better part of the final minute in the arm-triangle; when Nam finally releases, he passes to mount and finishes the fight dropping punches on Nover.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Nam (29-28 Nam)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nam (29-28 Nam)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nam (29-28 Nam)

The Official Result

Phillipe Nover def. Yui Chul Nam via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Neil Magny vs. Hyun Gyu Lim

Round 1

Magny double pumps his jab into the lead mitt of Lim, who cuts off the American’s angles from the center. Lim threatens with a flying knee but instead runs into the pocket and touches Magny with a straight punch. A jab snaps back Magny’s head, then a big right hook and a running knee sends him to the ground. Magny regains his footing and is assaulted by more knees, slashing elbows and huge hooks from Lim near the fence. Magny wraps up Lim and slows his roll by pinning “The Ace” to the cage with an underhook. Magny drags his man to the ground and climbs on the back of Lim, who stands and escapes out the back door. Now it’s Lim on top in Magny’s guard, but Magny soon sweeps by threatening with a triangle. Lim quickly turns the tables by catching the right arm of limb and working for an armbar. Magny stacks him up and pulls his arm free, then passes to full mount and starts unloading with both hands. With 40 seconds left, Lim bucks off Magny and the welterweights stand. Magny escapes a rear waist lock and knocks Lim backward with a straight right hand and follow-up punches to end the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Magny
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Magny
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magny

Round 2

Magny wraps up Lim with a body lock, ragdolls him to the canvas and passes straight to full mount. Lim rolls to his side under fire, then goes to his knees, where Magny is able to secure back mount. Lim is in trouble now, just covering up while Magny flattens him and bashes away with left hands to the side of the head. Referee Steve Perceval tells Lim to fight back, and when the Korean fighter offers nothing in return, Perceval halts the fight.

The Official Result

Neil Magny def. Hyun Gyu Lim via TKO (Punches) R2 1:24

Mark Munoz vs. Luke Barnatt

Round 1

Barnatt fires off quick jabs to keep the shorter man out of range. When Munoz steps into the pocket, Barnatt cracks him with an uppercut, then puts a couple more jabs in the American’s face. Munoz shoots for a single, gets drilled with a knee to the face but completes the takedown anyway. Barnatt upkicks Munoz away and scrambles up, but the “Filipino Wrecking Machine” goes straight after another takedown. He can’t keep Barnatt on the ground, but Munoz uses a high body lock to keep the Englishman on the fence. As he releases, Munoz hurts Barnatt with an uppercut, and “The Bigslow” wobbles away on unsteady legs. Munoz catches up with him and puts Barnatt on his seat with another takedown. Munoz is having trouble keeping the massive Barnatt on the ground, but once Barnatt stands, Munoz has no problem getting him back down. Barnatt continues to be tossed to the ground, eating more huge hammer fists from Munoz each time. A thudding right hand bounces Barnatt’s head off the canvas before he kicks Munoz away and scrambles up. They wind up on a cage post with 90 seconds left, and now Barnatt is able to reverse a Munoz takedown attempt to toss the wrestler to the ground. Back up they come, and Barnatt catches Munoz walking in with an uppercut. Barnatt flicks out a long body kick and a jab to keep Munoz out of the pocket. Munoz counters a low kick with an overhand right haymaker, then grabs hold of Barnatt and holds him on the fence until the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Munoz
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Munoz
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Munoz

Round 2

Munoz comes out bombing with overhand rights and big kicks to start the second, but he’s soon slowed by Barnatt’s long jabs and a hard knee to the gut. Munoz takes the body shot to close the distance and trap Barnatt on the fence with a high single-leg. Barnatt widens his base and tosses Munoz over his leg, but Munoz regains his balance before he fully hits the ground. Munoz changes levels for a high single-leg, elevates Barnatt and dumps him to the ground. Barnatt holds him in butterfly guard and once again upkicks Munoz away to create space and stand. Munoz comes back to press Barnatt against the cage midway through the round and the fight. Barnatt breaks free a minute later and steps in on Munoz with a knee to the breadbasket. The Brit stuffs a takedown and stalks Munoz around the outside, stifles another shot and eats an overhand right from Munoz as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Munoz
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Barnatt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Munoz

Round 3

Munoz tags Barnatt with another overhand right early on, but Barnatt recovers enough to defend a single-leg takedown attempt from the wrestler, hopping on one leg until Munoz releases. Another huge right hand finds its mark on Barnatt, and Munoz follows up with a left hook and another right. Now it’s a takedown from Munoz against the fence, kneeing Barnatt in the body as the downed man works his way back up. Munoz has “The Bigslow” trapped against the fence with three minutes remaining in the fight. An elbow to the side of the head drops Munoz to his knees, and Barnatt follows up with a few more, though Munoz hides his head a little more effectively after the first. Halfway through the frame, they separate and Munoz lights up Barnatt with a big left hand on the end of a combination. An overhand right snaps back Barnatt’s head, then Munoz goes for another double on the fence. Barnatt tries to throw elbows but can’t get the angle with Munoz’s head buried in his chest. Barnatt stands up, Munoz still on his knees, clinging to the Englishman’s legs. Now, Munoz comes back up as well, holding Barnatt to the fence with an underhook. Barnatt rolls over the top and threatens with a kimura, but Munoz soon escapes danger and stands over the prone fighter. Munoz dives back to the ground with big hammer fists and finishes the fight in side control.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Munoz (30-27 Munoz)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Munoz (29-28 Munoz)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Munoz (30-27 Munoz)

The Official Result

Mark Munoz def. Luke Barnatt via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Gegard Mousasi vs. Costas Philippou

Round 1

Mousasi covers up with a high guard to deflect Philippou’s hard jab and counters with a hard low kick. Philippou throws a few kicks of his own, but Mousasi times the second or third one, grabs hold and completes an easy takedown. Philippou puts Mousasi in half guard, but the Dutchman finds space to deliver a pair of hard hammer fists upstairs. More heavy right hands thump Philippou’s face as Mousasi postures up. Philippou reclaims full guard midway through the round, so Mousasi stands up and sits back down with another hard right. Philippou briefly threatens with an armbar but it’s quickly busted up by Mousasi, who continues to keep Philippou flattened out in the center of the cage. Philippou sits up and gets caught in an arm-triangle, but Mousasi is unable to close the choke and the New Yorker sits up to negate the space. With Philippou clinging to his right leg, Mousasi kneels, lands an elbow to the face and pushes his opponent back to the ground in the last 40 seconds of the round. Mousasi ends the first frame threatening with another arm-triangle choke.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mousasi
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Mousasi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mousasi

Round 2

Mousasi evades a couple combinations, changes levels and floors Philippou with another easy takedown on the fence. Philippou walks up the fence and gets back to his feet quickly this time, then throws three or four kicks at Mousasi’s lead leg. Now it’s Philippou grabbing for Mousasi’s waist, but the “Dreamcatcher” pushes him away. A sweeping right hand connects for Mousasi, and Philippou comes away from the exchange pawing at his left eye. Mousasi lands an inside leg kick on Philippou’s groin, and referee Greg Kleynjans calls time to allow Philippou to recover. Philippou is ready in under a minute, but as soon as he checks back in, he’s taken down by Mousasi in the middle of the cage. Mousasi leans right to left across Philippou’s body in side control and threatens with a kimura on the far arm. To north-south goes Mousasi, then side control on the other side with two minutes left in the round. Mousasi sits up in Philippou’s deep half guard, trying to move to mount, but he just winds up flattening Philippou. With 20 seconds on the clock, Mousasi puts a short, hard knee on Philippou’s chest, then follows up with punches and elbows to finish the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mousasi
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Mousasi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mousasi

Round 3

Mousasi keeps the fight standing for the first minute of the final round, pecking at Philippou from range with quick jabs and short, hard hooks. Philippou is staying active with leg kicks but taking the worse of the damage from Mousasi’s punches. After Philippou lands a couple punches, Mousasi goes low and puts the fight back on the floor. Philippou wraps up Philippou in full guard and overhooks his arms to stifle the topside offense. Mousasi gets his arms free with two minutes remaining and gets back to mashing on Philippou’s face with right hands. Passing to half guard, Mousasi elbows Philippou’s head into the mat, then pops him in the jaw with a nasty right hand. Mousasi keeps heavy on top in the closing moments and gives Philippou a couple more elbows for the road.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mousasi (30-27 Mousasi)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Mousasi (30-27 Mousasi)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mousasi (30-27 Mousasi)

The Official Result

Gegard Mousasi def. Costas Philippou via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Frankie Edgar vs. Urijah Faber

Round 1

Steve Perceval is the referee for tonight’s featherweight main event. Faber’s first kick lands on Edgar’s cup, but Edgar tells referee Steve Perceval that he’s fine to continue. Edgar catches Faber coming inside and lands an uppercut, and Faber answers with an inside leg kick. A right hook on the back end of a combination pushes Faber to the fence, then Edgar touches the Californian’s body with a spinning kick. Edgar wraps up Faber with a rear waist lock and holds him against the fence, where referee Perceval warns Faber for lacing his fingers in the fence. Edgar releases with 90 seconds left in the round and backs out to the center of the cage. Faber slaps with a low kick outside, throws a straight punch and gets picked off by Edgar’s counter left. Faber stuffs a single-leg takedown from Edgar in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edgar

Round 2

Faber steps in and catches Edgar changing levels, cracking the New Jerseyan’s nose with a knee. Edgar misses with a spinning back kick then has to bail out when Faber tries to attach himself to his back. A combination backs Faber up to the fence, and Edgar finishes with a partially blocked head kick. Faber sticks a left hand on Edgar’s stomach, misses with the overhand right behind it. A left hand scores for Faber, then he catches a low kick and tries to trip Edgar but can’t keep hold. The featherweights exchange overhand rights in the middle of the round, Edgar landing the harder shot. Edgar connects with an uppercut and continues to bounce around in the center of the cage, just out of range of the relatively flat-footed Faber. The Team Alpha Male fighter whiffs on an overhand right and eats a counter left hook inside the last 40 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edgar

Round 3

Edgar stays in Faber’s face at the start of the third, mixing up his combinations to the body and head of the “California Kid.” Another body punch and a slapping kick to the midsection find their mark for the former lightweight champ. Edgar drops levels and completes a fast takedown, instantly removing a Faber guillotine threat by passing to side control. The featherweights come right back to their feet, where Edgar keeps a body lock on Faber and drags him back to the mat halfway through the stanza. Faber stands again, Edgar still glued to him, and now “The Answer” lumps up Faber’s right eye with a couple high knees. Edgar completes another takedown, prevents Faber from sweeping and tries to jump on his back. Faber stands and continues to grab the cage; this time it appears to help him resist a takedown, and also gets Edgar to disengage.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edgar

Round 4

Edgar misses with a pair of punches but knocks Faber backward with a hard kick that deflects off his forearm. Faber throws a straight punch to Edgar’s body and then has to back up as Edgar bursts forward with a four-punch combination. Faber tries to catch a low kick but can’t keep hold of Edgar’s right leg. Faber touches Edgar with an overhand right, answered by Edgar with a nice right hand of his own. A straight right down the middle scores for Edgar, and a leg kick behind it. Edgar dips into the pocket, puts a right hook on Faber’s cheek and escapes before Faber can throw his counter. Edgar sprawls on a shot, then rushes forward and puts Faber on the ground with a trip takedown. Faber stands, Edgar still hanging off his waist, then peels away Edgar’s hands and spins around to free himself. A hard left hook touches Edgar’s face in the last 30 seconds, and Faber backpedals to evade Edgar’s retaliatory combo. Faber finishes the round with a jab, and Edgar heads back to his corner with a freshly bloodied nose.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edgar

Round 5

Faber spins around with a high kick, misses and gets caught with a counter right hand from Edgar on the other side. Both men’s hands still look fast in the final frame, but they’re pulling up short with a lot of jabs and feints. Edgar has a right hook blocked but follows through with an uppercut that rocks Faber’s head. “The Answer” ducks under a hook from Faber, wraps him up and dumps him to the ground at the base of the fence. The 145ers bounce right back to their feet, but it’s only a matter of seconds before Edgar completes another takedown. Again, Faber underhooks Edgar’s arm and stands, and now they circle to the center with half a round remaining. Faber connects with a hook, has an uppercut blocked. A pair of overhand rights come through for Faber, answered by Edgar with two more uppercuts. Edgar charges on Faber, looking for a takedown, but Faber hops backward and yanks his leg away. Final minute now and Edgar double pumps his jab in Faber’s face. Faber touches him with another overhand right and eats three quick Edgar punches in return.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Edgar (50-45 Edgar)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Edgar (50-45 Edgar)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edgar (50-45 Edgar)

The Official Result

Frankie Edgar def. Urijah Faber via Unanimous Decision (50-45, 50-45, 50-45) R5 5:00
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