

UFC Fight Night Results: ‘Edgar vs. Swanson’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from the Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas, at approximately 7 p.m. ET with live UFC Fight Night “Edgar vs. Swanson” play-by-play.

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Doo Ho Choi vs. Juan Puig

Round 1

Puig sticks a jab and a leg kick in the opening seconds, but Choi answers with a right straight on the jaw that sends the Mexican fighter to the canvas. Choi stands over his downed opponent and tacks on six or seven more punches that force referee Mario Yamasaki into action.

The Official Result

Doo Ho Choi def. Juan Manuel Puig via TKO (Punches) R1 0:18

Kailin Curran vs. Paige VanZant

Round 1

VanZant opens with an inside leg kick before tangling up with Curran and pressing the Hawaiian against the fence with an underhook. Curran throws knees in the clinch, creates some space and forces VanZant backward with a right straight. Curran sprawls on a shot, gets pushed against the fence again, but not before popping VanZant with another right hand. VanZant keeps after the takedown but gets tossed to the floor, where Curran lands in position for an arm-triangle choke. VanZant flips over, nearly taking the back of Curran as the 115-pounders stand up. Instead, they wind up clinched against the cage again, both women landing punches in the collar-tie position. Just over two minutes into the round, Curran hits a trip takedown and then defends an armbar attempt by stacking up VanZant. Another armbar try from VanZant comes a little closer, so Curran lifts and slams “12 Gauge” near the fence. VanZant is still hunting for the submission, now going belly-down as she stretches out Curran’s left arm. Curran yanks her arm loose and stands over her prone opponent, dropping a right hand and dodging an upkick. Curran comes back down to VanZant’s open guard, and now VanZant tries a double straight armbar which makes Curran grimace before she frees her limbs. VanZant wraps up Curran’s arms from underneath, picks the ankle and nearly takes full mount as Curran falls to the canvas. VanZant finishes the round standing over Curran, then dropping punches before falling back to dodge a last-second leglock attempt.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Curran
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 VanZant
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 VanZant

Round 2

VanZant marches right into the pocket and puts Curran back on the fence, then lands some hard right hands as Curran leans over. A few knees to the body score for VanZant now, though Curran is doing well to deflect and dodge the shots in the clinch. Curran reverses the position briefly, gets turned back around and tries to use both hands to push back VanZant’s head, to no avail. VanZant lands a couple high knees, aimed at Curran’s head but seeming to connect on the solar plexus. VanZant backs off for a second, and that’s all it takes for Curran to wrap her up and trip her to the ground, Curran’s third takedown of the fight. She can’t hold VanZant down, but Curran does bring her back to the ground almost as soon as she stands. Again, VanZant pops back up to hold Curran against the cage. More short punches and high knees in the clinch have bloodied Curran’s nose a bit, but she’s resisting all of VanZant’s attempts to trip her up and bring the fight back to the floor. Curran pushes off the fence, only she can’t break loose from VanZant’s clinch and the strawweights wind up in the same position on the other side of the fence. Curran gets another takedown with 20 seconds remaining, postures up and finishes the round defending another armbar from VanZant while taking punches to the head.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 VanZant
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 VanZant
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 VanZant

Round 3

It’s straight back to the clinch on the fence for VanZant, who manages to get Curran to her knees early in the round this time. After eating a couple punches, Curran powers back to her feet and tries to escape, but VanZant keeps an underhook in place and follows along to try and pins Curran to the cage. Good work from VanZant in the clinch here, popping the Hawaiian with short punches, uppercuts and foot stomps while maintaining control and outside position through the midway point of the final round. With just over two minutes remaining, VanZant hits a trip, traps Curran’s right arm with her leg and begins unloading with left hands until referee Kerry Hatley intervenes.

The Official Result

Paige VanZant def. Kailin Curran via TKO (Punches) R3 2:54

Akbarh Arreola vs. Yves Edwards

Round 1

Both men parry punches in the opening moments, but it’s Arreola who gets through with a right uppercut. Edwards responds with a few outside leg kicks, checked by Arreola, who puts a shot to the veteran’s body. Another uppercut from Arreola sends Edwards crashing to the ground near the fence, but the American Top Team fighter quickly regains his wits and gets back to his feet. Arreola keeps control of a leg and brings Edwards back to the ground, where Arreola transitions from full mount to an armbar in a flash. Edwards resists the submission for a second, but after Arreola fully extends his left arm, Edwards is forced to tap out.

The Official Result

Akbarh Arreola def. Yves Edwards via Submission (Armbar) R1 1:52

Nick Hein vs. James Vick

Round 1

Vick strikes first with a front kick to Hein’s breadbasket, then keeps the shorter man on the outside with a few kicks up high. The local Texas favorite puts a couple jabs on Hein’s cheek, marking up the German fighter just 90 seconds into the fight. Hein steps into the pocket, where the southpaw clubs Vick with a left hook on the ear which sends the 6-foot-3 lightweight to the ground. Hein follows him to the ground, landing in side control, but Vick puts him back in half guard and then sweeps to top position 30 seconds later. Hein jumps back to his feet, takes another kick to the gut and misses with a few punches as he tries to find his way back inside Vick’s range. Vick steps in and lands a hard knee to Hein’s chin, but it’s Vick who hits the deck as Hein connects with another hard counter left hook. Vick gets back to his feet to finish the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hein
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Hein
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hein

Round 2

Vick sends a right high kick off Hein’s glove, then backpedals to evade as Hein steps in to throw another hard left hook. Hein lands the left with the next attempt on the back end of a pair of punches. The “Sergeant” is dodging all of Vick’s high kicks now, so Vick switches to straight right hands, two of which find their marks on Hein’s chin. Meanwhile, Vick’s long left jab continues to keep the lefty out of range midway through the round. The right hands from Vick have opened a cut on the outside of Hein’s left eye, now trickling blood down the German’s cheek. Hein blocks a right high kick and tries to clinch on the fence, but Vick slips out and circles away. The lightweights clash strikes as the round ends, with Hein throwing a spinning back fist that collides with a Vick kick.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Vick
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Vick
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Vick

Round 3

Hein targets the lead leg of Vick with kicks in the opening minute, while Vick has a few more high kicks blocked. Vick gets backed up to the fence and stumbles, but he jabs his way out of danger to move back to the center. Vick eats a three-piece combo and answers right back with a double-pumped jab that snaps back Hein’s head. Hein is backing Vick toward the cage again but can’t find his way past the taller man’s sweeping right hooks and jabs. With 80 seconds to go, Hein continues to press the action but neither man is landing cleanly with any regularity. Vick knocks out Hein’s mouthguard with a jab, which referee Jacob Montalvo replaces with 35 seconds on the clock. A frustrated Hein shrugs his arms at the evasive Vick just before the fight comes to a close.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Vick (29-28 Vick)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Hein (29-28 Hein)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10 (29-29 Draw)

The Official Result

James Vick def. Nick Hein via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Luke Barnatt vs. Roger Narvaez

Round 1

Barnatt puts a kick on Narvaez’s cup in the opening moments of the bout, and referee Dan Miragliotta gives Narvaez a moment to recover. The southpaw Narvaez hits Barnatt with a quick, straight left on the restart, but the Englishman is still pushing forward, throwing long punches at the shorter man. Narvaez continues to pick at Barnatt with sporadic right hands in between low kicks. Barnatt puts a kick on Narvaez’s midsection, but Narvaez blocks the next one and fires back with a left high kick that catches Barnatt under the arm. Barnatt misses with an uppercut and continues to try and walk down Narvaez, but it’s the quicker Narvaez landing down the stretch. Narvaez catches Barnatt missing with a spinning back fist and tries to wrap him up for a takedown, but Barnatt nearly lands a trip of his own at the end of the frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Barnatt
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Narvaez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Narvaez

Round 2

Barnatt continues to press the action at the start of round two, coming forward on Narvaez and keeping him at bay with jabs and front kicks. N inety seconds in, with the Austin crowd booing the lack of action, Narvaez shoots for a single-leg and pushes Barnatt against the fence. Barnatt quickly escapes the clinch and marches on Narvaez, who is fiddling with his knee braces even as the “Bigslow” closes the range. A pair of punches land for Narvaez, and he slips out of the pocket before Barnatt can grab him in the Thai plum. Narvaez is cut on the right side of his hairline from a Barnatt combination. Barnatt is working from the center while Narvaez jogs around the perimeter, the British fighter following him around and peppering with long punches. Barnatt backs Narvaez up to the fence with a kick, then lands a straight right and a left hook behind it. Another right hand connects for Barnatt upstairs, followed by one to the body, and Barnatt closes the round with a hard uppercut.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Barnatt
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Barnatt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barnatt

Round 3

Barnatt slaps Narvaez with a body kick but takes a left hook counter a few seconds later. A left high kick grazes Barnatt’s temple and Narvaez smells blood, chasing him down and dropping the big man with a right hand. Narvaez tries to finish with elbows and punches from top position, but Barnatt does well to tie him up and minimize the damage. Narvaez gives up on the ground-and-pound and stands to change positions, wrapping his left arm around Barnatt’s throat and sitting down to try and finish the rear-naked choke. Barnatt doesn’t tap, so Narvaez switches arms and tries to sink the RNC on the other side. Narvaez is under Barnatt’s chin, but Barnatt has his man’s other arm tied up, preventing Narvaez from closing the choke. With just over two minutes remaining, Narvaez switches to top position and begins dropping elbows through Barnatt’s half guard. Narvaez stands to advance position but winds up back in the full guard of Barnatt, who’s been sliced open by the shots he’s taken on the ground. Barnatt somersalts backward to stand with 20 seconds left and catches Narvaez with a glancing right high kick on the cheek just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Narvaez (28-28 Draw)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Narvaez (29-28 Narvaez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Narvaez (29-27 Narvaez)

The Official Result

Roger Narvaez def. Luke Barnatt via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Josh Copeland vs. Ruslan Magomedov

Round 1

Copeland crouches low and tries to duck inside with a right hand, gets swept back out with a knee from Magomedov. A hard right hook from Magomedov sends the “Cuddly Bear” backward toward the fence momentarily. Copeland connects with a right hand to the body, follows Magomedov around the outside and puts a pair of punches upstairs on the Dagestani. Magomedov answers back with a right hand, cuts an angle to reset and then counters a lunging Copeland overhand right with a counter right hook. Copeland hits the deck for a second, bounces back up and takes a hard kick to the leg. Magomedov keeps flicking quick left high kicks up top, though they’re blocked by Copeland’s glove. A loud leg kick catches Copeland, who eats another right hook as he tries to rush forward. Magomedov finishes the round missing with a spinning kick that gets Copeland moving backward.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Magomedov
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Magomedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magomedov

Round 2

Magomedov gets Copeland moving backward with a left hook and then fires a right straight down the center. Copeland steps into the pocket again and connects with a right hand that cuts Magomedov on the bridge of the nose. A front kick backs up Copeland, who tries to come straight back in and eats a hard right hook. Magomedov follows up with a body kick, then one to Copeland’s lead leg. Copeland keeps trying to get inside on the taller man, but Magomedov is countering with clean, short hooks. Copeland takes a left high kick and turns his back, then covers up against the fence while Magomedov unloads with punches, another head kick. Copeland knocks Magomedov backward with a punch in the exchange, but Magomedov stays out of danger in the closing moments of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Magomedov
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Magomedov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magomedov

Round 3

Copeland is still coming forward, lunging at Magomedov with big right hands, but Magomedov keeps slipping out of range and dodging the strikes or keeping Copeland away with rangy kicks. Magomedov gives Copeland a stiff kick to the gut, then one to the leg, followed by a jab and another body kick. Copeland connects with a left to the body and a big right up top, then clinches the Dagestani fighter against the fence with an underhook. Magomedov reverses the position immediately, and the big men trade knees to the body in the clinch. Magomedov gives Copeland a foot stomp before the heavyweights separate, tries a switch kick upstairs but Copeland backpedals out of range. Copeland lunges at Magomedov with an overhand right and winds up on the ground as Magomedov changes levels and sends Copeland over the top to end the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Magomedov (30-27 Magomedov)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Magomedov (30-27 Magomedov)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magomedov (30-27 Magomedov)

The Official Result

Ruslan Magomedov def. Josh Copeland via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Isaac Vallie-Flagg vs. Matt Wiman

Round 1

Vallie-Flagg moves straight to the clinch, pinning Wiman against the fence with double underhooks. He switches to a body lock and tries to peel Wiman off the cage, can’t do it, so he hits Wiman with a couple right hands to the body before backing away. Vallie-Flagg hits Wiman with a hard leg kick before pushing him back to the cage, where Wiman lands a sharp, short elbow with his back against the fence. Vallie-Flagg answers with a few elbows of his own, one of which opens a small cut toward the back of Wiman’s head. Wiman is doing well to keep his balance as Vallie-Flagg tries to pull him down, throwing elbows at the Jackson-Wink MMA fighter at every opportunity. Vallie-Flagg grabs the Thai plum and sends a couple knees at Wiman’s body, then Wiman answers with a knee of his own and gets off the fence. Vallie-Flagg gets hold of Wiman again almost instantly and puts the fight back on the cage, then goes back to the body lock and tries to trip up Wiman again. Wiman circles out of the clinch, then shuts down a shot and turns the corner to attach himself to Vallie-Flagg’s back. Wiman secures back control with both hooks in and 30 seconds remaining, then transitions to an armbar attempt. Vallie-Flagg resists the armbar, so Wiman switches to a triangle and cracks Vallie-Flagg with a couple elbows. Wiman goes back to the armbar as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Wiman
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Vallie-Flagg
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Wiman

Round 2

Wiman shoots a single-leg in the center of the cage and gets shut down by Vallie-Flagg, who scores with a couple punches as the lightweights move back to the fence. It’s back to the familiar position from round one, Vallie-Flagg on the outside, wrapping up Wiman and then changing levels to try and pick the ankle. Wiman is warned by referee Mario Yamasaki for grabbing the fence before he reverses the position and comes off the cage. Wiman scores with an uppercut as the two trade shots in the pocket, and now he tags Vallie-Flagg with a level elbow and a right hook. Vallie-Flagg pushes Wiman against the cage again, but Wiman escapes quickly this time. The lightweights trade hard punches in close quarters again, then Vallie-Flagg pushes Wiman against the cage and lands an uppercut. Vallie-Flagg changes levels for a takedown, but again Wiman is able to hit the switch and transition straight to back mount. Wiman can’t secure the position this time, and Vallie-Flagg is able to twist around and stand. They finish the round in the clinch, Wiman tagging Vallie-Flagg with a right hand over the top just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Wiman
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Wiman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Wiman

Round 3

The lightweights reverse positions to start round three, with Wiman on the outside throwing shoulder shrugs onto Vallie-Flagg’s face. Wiman tries a single-leg, switches to a double, but he abandons the takedown attempt when Vallie-Flagg begins landing elbows to the side of his head. Referee Mario Yamasaki breaks up the fighters with 3:30 remaining in the fight. Wiman goes straight back to the clinch, holding Vallie-Flagg on the fence with an underhook. Vallie-Flagg slips out and takes the outside position, then goes for a single of his own and has to defend a Wiman guillotine attempt. Once again, Wiman transitions to back control off a failed Vallie-Flagg takedown try, and this time Wiman secures the position with a body triangle. Vallie-Flagg fights off Wiman’s hands while the “Handsome” one hunts for a rear-naked choke. Wiman switches from the body triangle to hooks, then tries to bury his face when Vallie-Flagg throws punches over his shoulder. Wiman loses one hook but still finishes the fight in back mount, and the fighters have to be separated after the horn as they continue to jaw at one another.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Wiman (30-27 Wiman)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Wiman (29-28 Wiman)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Wiman (30-27 Wiman)

The Official Result

Matt Wiman def. Isaac Vallie-Flagg via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Joseph Benavidez vs. Dustin Ortiz

Round 1

Benavidez sticks a pair of right hands in the opening 30 seconds while moving backward, evading the strikes of Ortiz. A left hand on the end of a combination lands for the southpaw from Team Alpha Male, followed by a body kick and a short right hand. Ortiz keeps coming forward, sending right hands over the top, but Benavidez has the clear speed advantage in the early going. A left high kick clips Ortiz on the cheek, then a right hook and another head kick. The flyweights exchange body kicks, then Benavidez fakes a level change and connects up top with an overhand right that rocks Ortiz’s head. A left hook sends Ortiz staggering back toward the fence, where Benavidez clinches up and pops his man with a couple more punches before releasing. Ortiz catches Benavidez coming forward with a counter left hook, but his next three-piece combination pulls up short. Benavidez drives Ortiz to the ground with a takedown at the 30-second mark and leans left to right across Ortiz’s body, dropping a few elbows before time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Benavidez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Benavidez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Benavidez

Round 2

Benavidez has a kick caught but yanks the leg free and then hits Ortiz with a high kick on the other side. “Joe Jitsu” clinches on the fence for a second, exits with a pair of punches and then backs up as Ortiz comes forward throwing hands. Benavidez sticks a left hand on Ortiz’s body, resets and goes upstairs with a big left high kick. Ortiz clips Benavidez with a short left which sends Benavidez to the ground, then it’s Ortiz changing levels and pulling his man to the ground. Benavidez is right back up on his feet, now sporting a cut beneath his right eye. Benavidez clubs with a left hand that wobbles Ortiz, sends a shot to the body and then comes over the top with a hard right. Ortiz catches a kick and dumps Benavidez to the ground, but again Benavidez springs straight back up. The next left hand from Benavidez opens a cut on Ortiz’s forehead, and the flyweights are back to striking at range with 90 seconds left in the round. Benavidez scores over the top with another hard left hand on the incoming Ortiz, then backs him up with a body kick. Ortiz tries to close the gap with a left hook-overhand right, but both miss as Benavidez cuts an angle and dips away. Ortiz stuffs a double-leg shot, so Benavidez stands up and gives him an overhand right. The next time Benavidez lunges forward with a right hand, Ortiz changes levels to shoot, but Benavidez turns the corner and moves to take Ortiz’s back before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Benavidez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Benavidez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Benavidez

Round 3

Benavidez jumps into range with a Superman punch, misses and nearly slips to the ground. When Ortiz shoots for a takedown, Benavidez tries to catch him in a headlock, then stands and takes Ortiz’s back standing as they fight on the fence. Ortiz throws a couple elbows over his shoulder, Benavidez knees at his opponent’s legs, and the flyweights separate after a few seconds. Benavidez lands a hard body shot that sends Ortiz shooting, and again Benavidez looks for the guillotine from north-south position. Ortiz pulls his head free and lands a knee to Benavidez’s body as they stand. Benavidez catches Ortiz with a rear waistlock, tries to suplex and instead sits down to pull Ortiz to the ground. Ortiz sits out and scrambles to his feet, where he gets an underhook and pushes Benavidez against the cage. Ortiz rips Benavidez off the fence and pulls him to the ground, but Benavidez throws a hard elbow over his shoulder and grabs a leg to free himself from Ortiz’s back control. They stand and jockey for position on the fence, then Ortiz changes levels and gets sprawled on. With 45 seconds left, they’re back to trading, and Benavidez connects with an overhand right before a body kick. Ortiz keeps pressing forward and puts a hook on Benavidez’s body, then shuts down a takedown attempt from the Team Alpha Male fighter. Benavidez misses a spinning heel kick, gets clinched up and lands a knee to Ortiz’s body. Ortiz jumps at Benavidez with a Superman punch and eats a right hook as the final round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Benavidez (30-27 Benavidez)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Benavidez (30-27 Benavidez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Benavidez (30-27 Benavidez)

The Official Result

Joseph Benavidez def. Dustin Ortiz via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Alexey Oleinik vs. Jared Rosholt

Round 1

Rosholt lands an outside leg kick but eats a counter right over the top from Oleinik in the opening exchange. The big men clinch near the fence, where Oleinik lands an uppercut and Rosholt answers with a pair of his own. Rosholt follows up with a knee, more punches, and he appears to have Oleinik hurt as the trade heavy shots in close quarters. Rosholt catches Oleinik shooting in and traps him in a front headlock, then pushes the Russian back to the fence. Oleinik controls Rosholt’s left hand as they grapple on the cage, then releases to land more uppercuts. Rosholt responds with more uppercuts, mixing it up to Oleinik’s body and head now. The heavyweights fight out of the clinch and Oleinik clubs Rosholt with a lead uppercut, a left hook, then another left on the cheek that puts Rosholt on his back. Oleinik gives Rosholt no chance to recover, smashing the American’s chin with a pair of hammer fists before referee Kerry Hatley can get between them.

The Official Result

Alexey Oleinik def. Jared Rosholt via KO (Punches) R1 3:21

Brad Pickett vs. Chico Camus

Round 1

Pickett stakes out the center of the cage early, while Camus circles the perimeter. “One Punch” lands a clean right hook in the first exchange, but Camus answers right back with a flying knee. Pickett connects with a cracking left hook, changes levels to try a takedown and gets shut down by the “King.” A lead uppercut lands for Camus, who drops his hands and goes back to cutting angles around the outside. Pickett makes him pay with a thumping right and then goes low for a takedown, and this attempt from the Englishman puts Camus on his back. Pickett connects with some elbows as he fights through Camus’ closed guard halfway through the opening round. Pickett passes to half guard on the now-bloodied Camus, who’s leaking from his nose and a cut on the right temple. Pickett stands to drop punches but leaves Camus open to roll and stand. Camus sticks a jab that opens up a cut on Pickett’s nose, then follows up with a right hook. Camus tries another flying knee, misses, but shuts down another takedown attempt from Pickett and moves back to the center of the cage. Camus catches Pickett stepping in with a sweeping left hook, resets and lands another, then pushes the ATT fighter back with a push kick. Pickett stuffs a takedown attempt and tries to pull guard, but Camus opts to stand and tags Pickett with a left hand to end the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Camus
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Pickett
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Camus

Round 2

Pickett throws combinations as he pushes into the pocket but it’s the speed of Camus winning out, as the Roufuspot fighter counters with a pretty left hook. A hard leg kick lands for Pickett before he changes levels for a double-leg. Despite being lifted into the air, Camus manages to keep his balance and avoid a takedown, landing on his feet. Pickett leaps into range with a flying knee but Camus dips out of range and resets to hit Pickett with an uppercut. Camus dodges a combo from Pickett and pops him with a jab, then a speedy three-punch combo. Pickett whiffs on a big right hand but powers through a double-leg and puts Camus on his seat against the fence. Camus is quickly back to his feet and back in the center of the cage, where Pickett counters a left hook with a nice right hook. Now a left hook scores for Pickett, and he drives Camus agains the cage with another double-leg. Camus defends the takedown this time, slips out and raises his arms at Pickett before the round expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Camus
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Camus
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pickett

Round 3

Pickett shoots a single-leg and gets stuffed by Camus, who narrowly dodges an over-the-shoulder elbow from the Englishman as they stand. Pickett sticks a counter right, then ducks under a Camus combo and lands a nice right hook to the body. Camus is on his bicycle now, but Pickett chases him down and puts a low kick on his lead leg. Camus whiffs with a left hook and sprints to the other side of the cage to reset. When Pickett catches up with him, he cracks Camus with a right hook and shoots a double up against the fence. Camus sprawls and threatens with a guillotine to force Pickett to disengage. Camus counters a wide right from Pickett with a clean left hook counter. Pickett chases Camus down again to stick him with a straight right and an inside leg kick. Camus nearly knocks Pickett down with a push kick to the gut, but “One Punch” keeps up and shoots for one more takedown on the fence with 35 seconds to go. Camus defends and circles away, and Pickett catches him with a front kick to the jaw in the middle of the cage. Camus scores with a pair of left hooks and takes one in return as the fight ends. Pickett swings -- and fortunately misses -- with a late right hook after the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pickett (29-28 Camus)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Camus (29-28 Camus)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pickett (29-28 Pickett)

The Official Result

Chico Camus def. Brad Pickett via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 27-30) R3 5:00

Edson Barboza vs. Bobby Green

Round 1

Green catches a body kick and trips Barboza to the ground, then allows the Brazilian to stand up right away. Green switches stances as he tries to close the gap on the bouncing Barboza, who lands a few inside leg kicks before going body-head with a punching combination. Green dusts off his shoulder, but Barboza lands another hard body shot before circling away. Barboza continues to mix up his leg kicks and speedy punches while Green shrugs off the attacks and jaws at his opponent. Green sends a front kick up the middle and tries to step into the pocket, only to be greeted with a sizzling left hook and have Barboza dip away. Barboza ducks under a right hook from Green, resets in the middle and hits the “King” with an outside leg kick. Green walks straight at Barboza with his hands low, landing a kick to the body and then shaking his head when Barboza cracks him with another right hook. Green misses with a flying knee as the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Barboza
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Barboza
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barboza

Round 2

Barboza opens with a leg kick and backpedals out of range of a switch kick, then goes up high to hit Green with a head kick. A left hand and a leg kick push Green backward, then an overhand right catches Green coming in. A spinning heel kick sends Green to his knees momentarily, but Barboza stumbles on the end of the kick and Green is able to pop back up. Green seems to have recovered quickly as he keeps walking down Barboza with hands low, then clips Barboza with a flying knee near the fence. Barboza circles out, ducks under a spinning back fist and wraps up Green until he can dip out of the pocket. Green lands a leg kick and a right hand which opens up a small cut on Barboza’s forehead. Barboza is still on his back foot, landing hard counter punches which have Green shaking his head.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Barboza
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Barboza
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barboza

Round 3

Green takes some time getting into range, but once he does, he clubs Barboza out of range with a nice left hook. Barboza is cut beneath his right eye now as he takes a body kick from Green and responds with a whipping head kick on the right. A quick right hand scores for Barboza, then another body kick. A left hand on the chin draws a reaction from Green, who sticks out his fingers to say “it landed a little bit.” Green ups his pace midway through the round and begins landing left hands in exchanges as Barboza’s combinations become a little less tight. Barboza is bleeding heavily from his right eye now, the result of more hard left hands from Green. A nice kick to the left side of the body sends Green stumbling away. Barboza eats a right hook and raises his arms, then slides away from Barboza before the finish. Despite the antics during the fight, Green motions to Barboza after the final horn and the lightweights kneel together in the center of the cage.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Green (29-28 Barboza)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Green (29-28 Barboza)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Green (29-28 Barboza)

The Official Result

Edson Barboza def. Bobby Green via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Frankie Edgar vs. Cub Swanson

Round 1

Dan Miragliotta is the referee for tonight’s 145-pound main event. Swanson probes with punches in the opening minute and slips backward to break free when Edgar tries to grab the Thai plum. Swanson sticks a right hand about 80 seconds in and follows with a low kick, answered by Edgar with a speedy combination. Swanson shuts down a takedown attempt and sweeps Edgar out of range with a nice right hook. Edgar gets in on another takedown attempt, once again sprawled on by Swanson, who cracks Edgar with a left and whiffs on a wide right hook, then comes up smiling. Edgar catches a kick from the incoming Swanson and converts it to a takedown, but Swanson uses butterfly guard to create space and pop back to his feet. Swanson sticks a jab in Edgar’s face and backs up to avoid five or six fast punches from the former lightweight champ. Edgar digs an underhook and trips Swanson to the ground with 15 seconds left, and Edgar finishes the round dropping short elbows from Swanson’s guard.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edgar

Round 2

Edgar eats an uppercut and grabs hold of Swanson to try for another takedown, but the Jackson-Wink MMA fighter slips loose and resets in the middle. Swanson puts a pair of right hands on Edgar’s gut, and Edgar comes right back with an overhand right that opens up a cut on the outside of Swanson’s eye. Edgar gets another takedown about 90 seconds into the round and now leans left to right across Swanson, grinding with short forearms and elbow strikes from half guard. Edgar gets busy with some right hands, then uses the hand to smother Swanson’s mouth while putting left hands on the bottom man’s ribs. Swanson tries to create some space, so Edgar stands and comes back down in full guard, where more elbows and punches worsen the damage to Swanson’s left eye. Back to half guard goes Edgar, dropping a hard pair of elbows to the damaged side of Swanson’s face.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edgar

Round 3

Swanson sticks a jab and dodges a high kick from Edgar, who rushes to close the distance, gets a rear waist lock and lifts Swanson to try for a slam. Swanson withstands the suplex, so Edgar puts him down and switches to a double-leg to complete the takedown. Edgar threatens with an arm-triangle setup, then releases to land left hands and elbows which have Swanson grimacing. Swanson tries to buck Edgar off, but Edgar passes to side control and tries for full mount, where Swanson reclaims half guard. It’s more grinding ground-and-pound from Edgar in the round’s final minute, leaving Swanson few options for offense and no room for escape from underneath.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Edgar

Round 4

Edgar takes a left hook on the ear and a kick to the body before blasting through Swanson with another double-leg and finishing the takedown against the fence. Swanson moves to stand and nearly has his back taken in the process; he surrenders a takedown in order to shake Edgar off his back as they spin to the canvas. Edgar is back in half guard on Swanson’s left side, back to throwing punches and elbows, and now “The Answer” establishes full mount with three minutes remaining in the round. Edgar postures up too high while dropping punches with both hands, allowing Swanson to hip out and regain half guard. Swanson tries to stand and gets mounted again, now with two minutes left. Edgar is going for the finish now, unloading with heavy punches which have Swanson turning over and covering up. Swanson gives up his back and Edgar flattens him out, but Swanson rolls over again and then puts Edgar back in half guard. Swanson uses butterfly guard to explode to his feet with 20 seconds to go, but he can’t mount any significant offense before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Edgar
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Edgar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Edgar

Round 5

Edgar counters a Swanson right hook with a four-punch combo that includes a hard uppercut. Swanson is able to resist a takedown try from the New Jerseyan, but Edgar catches a kick a few seconds later and uses it to drive Swanson to the ground again. Edgar stands up in Swanson’s guard and comes back to the ground throwing punches, then keeps busy with short elbow strikes and hammer fists as he sets up in half guard. Swanson tries to control Edgar’s legs, but Edgar passes to side control and then takes full mount again. Edgar frames up an arm-triangle choke and peels off to side control again to try and get the submission, but Swanson’s got breathing room and Edgar is forced to give up on the choke. Back to side control goes Edgar, now dropping knees on Swanson’s ribs. Swanson tries to roll backward and away, but Edgar keeps him on the ground with a headlock. With 45 seconds to go, Edgar gets back-mount and goes for the finish, punching with both hands. Swanson rolls to his back, takes a couple hard elbows to the face and turns over again. This time, Edgar slaps on a neck crank; it’s tight, and Swanson has to tap out with only seconds left on the clock.

The Official Result

Frankie Edgar def. Cub Swanson via Submission (Neck Crank) R5 4:56
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