

UFC on FX 3 Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from BankAtlantic Center in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., at approximately 5:10 p.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of UFC on FX 3, which is headlined by a flyweight tournament rematch pitting Demetrious Johnson against Ian McCall.

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Sean Pierson vs. Jake Hecht

Round 1
Hecht goes right after a single-leg and drags Pierson down at the base of the cage. Pierson scoots away from the fence Hecht tries to take his back, but botches the pass and winds up underneath. Pierson works from top, moving from side control to north-south and then grabbing for a guillotine choke as Hecht scrambles to his feet. Hecht slams Pierson down but can’t extract his head, even though the choke doesn’t look dangerous. Pierson gives up the guillotine and presses Hecht into the fence, throwing a punch to the body and taking a Hecht knee in return. They fight inside for the latter half of the round without much action, Pierson controlling on the outside. When they split with 30 seconds left, Pierson snaps off some jabs, but he’s got a bad cut on top of his head from a Hecht elbow.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pierson
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pierson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pierson

Round 2
The welterweights trade short hooks in the pocket before Pierson clinches up again and puts Hecht on the fence. Hecht turns it around and they trade glancing knees inside before breaking off. Pierson scores with an uppercut, a counter right hook, a left straight. The pace slows as they clinch again; this time, Hecht lands some punches on the fence as they split. Pierson is still in control on the feet, though, backing Hecht up with combinations and shoving him into the cage again. Hecht gets off a grazing right high kick but as the round ends he’s got a small cut trickling blood on the left side of his hairline.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pierson
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pierson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pierson

Round 3
Hecht lands a single-leg to open the round, as he did in the first period. Pierson wraps him up in butterfly guard and gets a standup from referee Chris Adams after about a minute of inactivity. Hecht is on the offensive now, throwing hands and chasing Pierson down with another takedown attempt on the fence. Pierson widens his base and shoves Hecht off the double-leg try. Hecht wraps up on the cage with about 70 seconds left, trying for another takedown, but Pierson peppers him with shots to the body and denies it again. Hecht exits with a knee to the body, and they exchange some more tentative strikes down the stretch.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hecht (29-28 Pierson)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hecht (29-28 Pierson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hecht (29-28 Pierson)

Official result: All three judges score the bout 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Sean Pierson.

Henry Martinez vs. Bernardo Magalhaes

Round 1
Magalhaes has a takedown denied early and now has some trouble navigating through the active punches of the American. Martinez keeps moving forward, absorbing some nice leg kicks from “Trekko” while keeping the strikes coming and occasionally tagging the Brazilian. Magalhaes pulls guard, attacking the left leg of Martinez, but Martinez is able to scramble up and extract the limb. Martinez shuts down another shot and walks down Magalhaes again, but can’t land anything significant in the last 30 seconds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Martinez
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Martinez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Martinez

Round 2
Martinez keeps coming forward in the second, though this time Magalhaes is starting to land some counter right hand along with his leg kicks. Magalhaes keeps looking for a front kick to the body, maybe aiming for the head, but Martinez keeps circling away. Martinez is looking more tentative with his combos as the round wears on, but he’s still throwing and is able to effectively shut down Magalhaes’ takedown attempt in the last minute. Magalhaes plunks his man with a one-two before the round expires.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Martinez
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Martinez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10

Round 3
More of the same to begin the final round: Martinez moving forward gingerly, threatening with punching combos, while Magalhaes stays on the outside working long counters and front kicks. Magalhaes has another takedown denied in the center of the cage. Martinez is whiffing entirely with combinations; Magalhaes misses a flying knee. Martinez sits down on another single-leg try and Magalhaes grazes with a front kick as he gets back to his feet.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Magalhaes (29-28 Martinez)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Magalhaes (29-28 Martinez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10 (30-29 Martinez)

Official result: The judges score the bout 30-27, 29-28 and 29-28, all for the winner by unanimous decision.

Buddy Roberts vs. Caio Magalhaes

Round 1
Roberts cracks Magalhaes with a right hand to the temple in the opening seconds and the Brazilian drops to a knee at the base of the fence. Roberts keeps the pressure on but Magalhaes gets back on his feet and finds some space to recover. The middleweights clash leg kicks and Magalhaes misses with an overhand right. Roberts counters with a sharp combination and connects with another right hand. Magalhaes shoots a double-leg and Roberts sprawls backward into the fence, keeping his balance as Magalhaes switches to a single and lifts him into the air. Magalhaes finally drags Roberts down, but only for a split-second. “Hellboy” shoves Roberts into the fence, still digging for the takedown as Roberts drills him with elbows. Roberts takes Magalhaes’ back on an attempted slam and the Brazilian bails out. Roberts connects with another right hand in the last 30 seconds and moves backward to avoid Magalhaes’ punches and kicks.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Roberts
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Roberts
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Roberts

Round 2
Magalhaes keeps the heavy punches and kicks coming in the second but with no more success than before. He catches Roberts leaving his left leg out after a kick and grabs hold, but Roberts again uses the cage to sprawl and stifle the takedown. Magalhaes lifts him up with a single-leg again; Roberts stays balanced and escapes the clinch. Roberts snaps off some hard outside leg kicks; Magalhaes tries one high which goes off the left arm of Roberts.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Roberts
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Roberts
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Roberts

Round 3
After another minute and a half of a frustrated Magalhaes giving chase, he finally completes a slow-motion double-leg against the fence. Roberts doesn’t stay down for long, and once he’s back on his feet, he lands another hooking right on Magalhaes’ temple. More hooks get through for Roberts, who stays moving backward, flicking off counterpunches as Magalhaes advances. Magalhaes digs for one last single-leg but runs out of time.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Roberts (30-27 Roberts)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Roberts (30-27 Roberts)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Roberts (30-27 Roberts)

Official result: The judges score the bout 30-27, 30-27 and 29-28, all for the winner by unanimous decision, Buddy Roberts.

Tim Means vs. Justin Salas

Round 1
Means drills the shorter Salas with a left hand on the jaw and Salas is stumbling all over the place. Salas gets up and falls down twice while Means punishes with more hard punches and knees in the Thai plum. Salas stands up again, wheels away and falls to his knees, then face-plants on the canvas. Means tries to pound him out, but Salas stays with it long enough to hit the mat again, this time with Means stuffing a shot. When Means comes in with more punches, referee Chris Adams has seen enough. Salas stands up with a bloodied face and Tim Means gets the night’s first stoppage via TKO at 1:06 of the opening round.

Dustin Pague vs. Jared Papazian

Round 1
The southpaw Papazian cuts off Pague in the center of the cage and stalks forward with his left hand cocked. The taller Pague works some outside leg kicks until Papazian gets in the pocket and starts throwing wild hooks. Papazian tries to pull Pague down, but instead he gets shoved to the mat and quickly finds himself mounted. Papazian tries to negate the space and scoot away as Pague drops elbows from mount with the better part of four minutes left in the fight. Papazian turns over and Pague takes his back, locking up a body triangle which keeps him in place as Papazian tries to scrape Pague off against the fence. Pague sits back down with half the round remaining and begins working for the rear-naked choke. When Pague finally gets his arm under the chin, Papazian grimaces for a moment and then frantically slaps the canvas with the back of his hand. Dustin Pague gets the submission win at 3:21 of the first frame.

Leonard Garcia vs. Matt Grice

Round 1
Garcia takes the outside of the cage, circling counter-clockwise to flick out long jabs and leg kicks at the shorter Grice. After 90 seconds, Grice opts to go for a single-leg and quickly puts Garcia on his back. Garcia closes up guard as Grice tries to stack him up and thump with elbows and forearms. Grice scoots Garcia into the fence and socks him with heavy ground-and-pound from half-guard as he looks to pass to Garca’s left side. More short right hands from Grice as he passes to side control, then instantly transitions to north-south position. Grice has great position for a choke but doesn’t have it fully sunk in. Garcia squirms out and closes up guard, but it’s not stopping the offense of Grice, who keeps up a busy pace with his punches and elbows to the end of the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Grice
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Grice
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Grice

Round 2
Grice ducks a punch from Garcia and plows the “Bad Boy” to the ground. Garcia closes up his guard and wraps up Grice on top, and Grice is warned to keep his fingers out of Garcia’s eyes. Grice gets some space and moves to half-guard on the left side, then begins to land punches. Ref Troy Waugh tells Grice to improve his position after a brief pause in the action, and Grice obliges by posturing up and scoring with heavy punches. Boos sprinkle down from the crowd as the round ticks down to the last 50 seconds, though Grice is staying busy on top and mashing Garcia with ground-and-pound.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Grice
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Grice
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Grice

Round 3
Garcia uses his rangy strikes to stay vertical through the first minute of the final round, but the punches and kicks aren’t finding their mark on Grice, who’s staying well out of range. Grice ducks in for a takedown, can’t get it and ditches the attempt, instead kicking Garcia in the chest before wading back out. Garcia comes forward, windmilling punches, and gets shoved back into the fence and tagged with a left hand. Grice counters another combo with a swiping left that turns Garcia’s head. The next time Garcia comes in to swing, Grice changes levels and drives the Texan down to the ground. Two minutes left and Grice is landing more heavy leather on the ground. He moves between Garcia’s half- and full guard until Garcia scrambles up with 40 seconds left. Grice steps away from Garcia’s desperate attack and hits one last takedown to close out the last minute.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Grice (30-27 Grice)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Grice (30-27 Grice)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Grice (30-27 Grice)

Official result: All three judges score the bout 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision, Matt Grice.

Seth Baczynski vs. Lance Benoist

Round 1
Baczynski comes inside and Benoist threatens to jump guard with a guillotine but quickly gives it up. Benoist lands a body kick, takes a right hand in return. Benoist struggles to drag Baczynski to the ground but does get the takedown and squirms underneath to set up shop in the open guard of the “Polish Pistola.” Hard punches to the body from Benoist and Baczynski wraps him up from underneath. Beniost scoots Baczynski to the fence and Baczynski gets to a knee, where he’s met by an illegal knee. Ref Chris Adams doesn’t stop the fight at first, but then gives Baczynski a moment to recover after both stand up and acknowledge the infraction. When they restart, Baczynski gives chase with punches, but Benoist jumps guard and wraps his legs around the standing Baczynski. Nothing comes of the move as Benoist can’t frame up the unorthodox choke from the front. Baczynski stuffs a shot and winds up in Benoist’s half-guard, where he lands a couple hard lefts as Benoist shrimps. Baczynski stands up, drives some hard punches to Benoist’s body and gets clipped by an upkick. He finishes the round on top.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Baczynski
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Benoist
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Baczynski

Round 2
Benoist hits a kneeling Baczynski with another illegal knee in the first 30 seconds, though this one is much closer as Baczynski was on his way down when Benoist was throwing. Ref Chris Adams warns Benoist again but does not deduct a point. They restart and Benoist hits a takedown into Baczynski’s full guard. Baczynski creeps his legs up, perhaps hunting for an armbar or a triangle, but Benoist senses danger and stands up. The lanky Baczynski lands an upkick and Benoist goes back to the ground. Benoist stands and tries to navigate past the guard of Baczynski, but can’t find anywhere to go and winds up on top in Baczynski’s closed guard again. Nice left hands on top from Benoist as he minds the legs of his opponent. Baczynski uses the fence to work back to his feet and grazes with a flying knee, then shoves Benoist to the ground. Baczynski stands over his prone foe and gets Benoist’s foot tangled in his trunks. Baczynski goes back down and Benoist tries to attack with rubber guard. Baczynski stands up and comes back down with a pair of hard punches before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Benoist
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Benoist
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Benoist

Round 3
Baczynski tries to muscle his way into the Thai plum, but once he gets there, he can’t score cleanly with any knees up the middle, as Benoist is keeping his head high and arms outstretched. A Baczynski knee gets through and seems to open up a cut immediately. Baczynski tosses Benoist to the ground, then grabs a guillotine as he scrambles back up. Benoist pops his head loose and gets a takedown of his own, and Benoist is bleeding all over him from top position. Baczynski posts up and stands to grab hold of a single-leg, then changes to a guillotine and pulls guard. Benoist is slick with the blood and pops his head loose, and the welterweights trade short elbow strikes. Hard ground-and-pound on top from Benoist is limited to a few sporadic shots as Baczynski does well to wrap up underneath. Baczynski cinches up a body triangle and pulls down on Benoist’s head until ref Adams issues a stand-up order. Baczynski is instantly on the attack and spins his bloodied opponent to the ground at the base of the cage. Baczynski postures up and throws hands, passes to side control on the left and closes out the fight with hammerfists.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Baczynski (29-28 Baczynski)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Baczynski (29-28 Benoist)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Baczynski (29-28 Baczynski)

Official result: One judge scores the bout 30-27 for Benoist, while a second sees it 29-28 for Baczynski. The final judge scores it 29-28 for the winner by split decision, Seth Baczynski.

Mike Pierce vs. Carlos Eduardo Rocha

Round 1
Rocha motions to the ref early, indicating Pierce has a glob of Vaseline on his face. Pierce wipes it off and they tie up soon after, with Pierce getting the advantage, pressing Rocha into the fence and throwing some knees to the thigh. Rocha throws a short left hand and Pierce answers with a series of knees to the body. Rocha walks his way off the fence and pulls guard, grabbing for a leg and then an arm, but Pierce slips out and stands. Pierce chases down Rocha, missing with long punches and latching onto a single-leg. Rocha keeps his balance and gets shoved into the cage with an underhook. Rocha escapes momentarily, gets chased down by Pierce and then floored with a double-leg. Pierce can’t do much with the position, opting to stand and close out the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pierce
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pierce
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pierce

Round 2
Rocha spends the first minute with his back on the cage, then manages to find some space and throw out a few kicks before being clinched up again. Pierce gets his double-leg with just over three minutes left and Rocha instantly attacks the legs. Pierces senses trouble and bails out, but dives back onto the ground and sits cautiously in the Brazilian’s open guard. Rocha puts his feet on Pierce’s hips and waits for an opening just as Pierce slows his attack. Pierce puts some hard right hands on Rocha’s body then goes up top. Rocha finally works his way to his feet with 45 seconds left. Pierce keeps Rocha tied up and puts him on the fence for the remainder of the round, landing a couple good elbows inside to seal the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pierce
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pierce
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pierce

Round 3
Pierce puts Rocha’s back on the fence right away but only manages to hold him there for 30 seconds, as Rocha squirts out and hops away from an ankle pick. Rocha can’t make anything happen before Pierce wraps him up again and bullies him into the cage. There’s another minute of grinding by Pierce until ref Frank Gentile splits them up. Pierce grabs a single-leg and hustles Rocha to the floor with half the round to go. Pierce sits up in Rocha’s guard and socks away with right hands to the face and body. Rocha is landing the occasional punch from his back but there’s not much behind them. Pierce turns Rocha’s head with a right hand and tries to bust him up with short elbows as the fight enters its final 30 seconds. Hammerfists from Pierce have Rocha badly dazed with moments left on the clock, but he survives to hear the last horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pierce (30-27 Pierce)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pierce (30-27 Pierce)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pierce (30-27 Pierce)

Official result: One judge scores the bout a curious 30-27 for Rocha, while the second has it 30-27 for Pierce. The final judge sees it 30-27 for the winner by split decision, Mike Pierce.

Scott Jorgensen vs. Eddie Wineland

Round 1
The bantamweights come out sniping, exchanging quick right hands in the opening minute until Jorgensen comes inside to clinch. Wineland shoves the wrestler off and they go back to throwing single punches, mostly missing. Wineland snaps back Jorgensen’s head with a stiff right cross; he starts stringing punches together, double-pumping the jab and following with a right. Jorgensen sticks some jabs of his own while Jorgensen mixes it up with combinations. A short jab from Wineland catches Jorgensen coming in and sends him to his posterior. Wineland pounces, ground-and-pounding as he scoots Jorgensen toward the fence. Jorgensen scrambles to his knees, then his feet, eating one more shot from Wineland on his way up. Wineland is adjusting to Jorgensen’s jab, mixing up his angles to avoid the straight punches and pouring on combinations to close strong in the last 30 seconds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Wineland
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Wineland
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Wineland

Round 2
Jorgensen comes straight in with punches but it’s the double-leg that lands 15 seconds in. Wineland immediately hops back up and the bantamweights resume throwing hands in the pocket. Wineland is cut over and on the outside of his left eye, and bleeding from his nose as well. Jorgensen is getting marked up as well courtesy of repeated right hands from Wineland, who quickly stands back up from another Jorgensen takedown. Wineland’s face is a mess as he slips on the logo in the center of the cage, but he’s still landing hard right hands at will. Jorgensen’s offense slows after a series of straight rights and Wineland’s mouthpiece comes out. Wineland sticks out the left and then crushes Jorgensen with a vicious right cross. Jorgensen is in no shape to continue when he hits the ground, and the follow-up right hands from Wineland only make matters worse. Referee Troy Waugh shoves Wineland off, the knockout coming officially at 4:10 of the second round.

Mike Pyle vs. Josh Neer

Round 1
Neer swings punches from the center of the cage while Pyle circles the outside. Neer gets caught flat-footed and Pyle drives him down for an easy takedown in the middle. Pyle passes to side control on Neer’s right, stalls out and gets stuffed back to the open guard. Pyle tries to stand and Neer grabs the ankle, but he lets go when Pyle dives back down. There’s sparse ground-and-pound from Pyle, who keeps position and has to dodge submission attempts from Neer underneath. Neer grabs on to a leg and drives on it to stand, and Pyle looks momentarily off-balance, wobbling as he gets to his feet. Neer takes advantage and rushes Pyle, mugging him against the fence with punches inside. With seconds left in the round, just when Pyle is on his back foot and looks to be in trouble, he knocks Neer cold with a single right hand. Neer falls flat on his face and Pyle coolly steps away even before ref Chris Adams can intervene. Mike Pyle gets the stunning knockout victory at 4:56 of the first round.

Erick Silva vs. Charlie Brenneman

Round 1
Silva denies an early takedown try but Brenneman keeps after it, running into strikes from Silva on two attempts. The American stays with it on the third try, grabbing a rear waistlock and dragging Silva down. Silva grabs for a leg and Brenneman twists out, stands up and rushes Silva into the fence. Ref Frank Gentile doesn’t let them stay on the cage for long, splitting the welterweights up with three minutes to go. Brenneman runs into another knee from Silva but finishes the takedown, then pushes Silva on the fence when he stands back up. Silva can’t escape as Brenneman grapevines the leg and throws short punches to the body. The ref splits them up again and Silva goes on the attack with spinning kicks to the body. Silva sprawls on a takedown, turns the corner and hops on Brenneman’s back. He sinks in one hook, then the other, and slides his arm underneath Brenneman’s throat. The rear-naked choke is deep and Brenneman is flattened out on his stomach; he taps out at 4:33 of the opening round.

UFC Flyweight Tournament Semifinals

Ian McCall vs. Demetrious Johnson
Round 1
Troy Waugh is the third man in the cage for tonight’s 125-pound main event. Judges Chris Lee, Hector Gomez and Barry Luxenberg will score the bout. The flyweights have a tense staredown during final instructions and McCall barks at Johnson from his corner as the fight begins. Johnson sets up on the outside as they open with leg kicks. Now it’s Johnson pushing the action on the fence and dragging McCall to the floor. McCall throws punches off his back, posts and stands up with the help of the fence to his back. Johnson lets go and McCall gives chase, missing with a high kick and combinations. Johnson catches McCall rushing in and drops him to the ground with a stiff, short right hand. McCall looks to be in trouble but regains his wits and scrambles back to his feet, then stands again and separates when Johnson tosses back him down. Johnson gets stuffed, hits a takedown but McCall tumbles over the top and punches to the body of “Mighty Mouse” as they stand. Johnson finishes with a pair of body kicks and a single-leg, but can’t finish the takedown before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Johnson
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Johnson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson

Round 2
McCall is sporting a bad cut on the bridge of his nose from Johnson’s right straight in the first frame. “Uncle Creepy” charges Johnson into the fence and spins him down with a single-leg, but Johnson is right back up. Nice left hand starts out a combo for McCall that finishes with a right uppercut. Johnson goes back to bouncing around the outside and McCall walks him down. Johnson whiffs with a pair of overhand punches, lands a slapping inside leg kick. An inside thigh kick from McCall goes astray and ref Waugh calls time on the low blow. Johnson recovers after a minute and they resume with no point deducted. When they restart, McCall hits another takedown, Johnson stands and McCall sends him for a ride with a suplex. Johnson pushes McCall into the cage; McCall reverses the position and just misses with a spinning elbow on the way out. Johnson picks up the pace on the outside in the last minute, circling rapidly and sticking McCall with a few jabs. McCall gets the last word, though, tossing Johnson over his leg for one last takedown to finish the frame.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 McCall
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 McCall
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McCall

Round 3
Johnson clinches up and tries to put McCall on the fence, but McCall won’t be held. He chases Johnson and shoves him into the cage with an underhook. Johnson won’t stay put for long either, turning the position around moments later and bringing McCall down with a double-leg. Johnson just keeps hold of the legs as McCall sits up against the fence. McCall stands and Johnsons keeps the waistlock to control the back. McCall lets go with a punch, lands a nice combination and then takes a knee from McCall. The frenetic pace slows slightly as the clock ticks into the final two minutes of the bout. McCall clinches Johnson against the fence but Johnson turns around and exits with a knee. A straight right goes through for Johnson and McCall tries to clinch again. Johnson isn’t having it and cuts McCall off with punches as McCall tries to come inside. Johnson trips McCall, who gets back up to clinch and receives knees from Johnson inside.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Johnson (29-28 Johnson)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Johnson (29-28 Johnson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Johnson (29-28 Johnson)

Official result: The scorecards read 29-28, 30-27 and 29-28, all for the winner by unanimous decision, Demetrious Johnson. “Mighty Mouse” moves on to face Joseph Benavidez for the inaugural UFC flyweight title.

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