

UFC on Fox 31 ‘Lee vs. Iaquinta 2’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round-by-Round Scoring

Sherdog’s live UFC on Fox 31 coverage kicks off Saturday at 3:30 p.m. ET.

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Juan Adams vs. Chris de la Rocha

Round 1

De la Rocha is moving in and out, working his jab early, with Adams in the center of the cage. Adams lands a hard low kick and advances with a combination. The heavyweights trade and Adams already has opened up a but near de la Rocha’s left eye. Adams is having success with a jab of his own while mixing in some inside kics to his foe’s lead leg. Adams doubles up on his jab, and de la Rocha counters with a right hand. Adams closes distance and gets a body-lock takedown near the fence. Adams assumes top position from half guard, where he drops some heavy elbows on his bloody opponent. Adams continues to land elbows and bounces de la Rocha’s head off the canvas with one of the offerings. Adams passes to side control, then circles to the back and drags de la Rocha in a scramble. De la Rocha uses a leg lock to attempt to sweep. He can’t reverse the position but he clings to a heel hook. Adams turns around and pounds de la Rocha with hammerfists. Adams falls backwards to the fence, de la Rocha meets him as they both stand and ends the frame with a few left hands against the fence. 10-9 Adams.

Round 2

Adams enters the second frame for the first time in his young pro career. The heavyweights trade in the center of the cage and de la Rocha lands a right hand. Adams closes the distance, but it’s de la Rocha who tosses his man to the canvas. Adams hustles to his feet and de la Rocha drives him into the fence, hunting for a single-leg. De la Rocha breaks and lands a combination, and Adams answers with a fe stiff jabs. They trade punches and knees in close quarters, and de la Rocha looks winded once they separate. Adams shoves his foe into the fence and drives a couple hard lefts to the body. Referee Joe Fipp orders something of a premature break from the clinch while Adams was still working. Both fighters are winded, but Adams makes his opponent take a step back with a jab. De la Rocha seems to have gained a second wind and he advances, landing a right hand to the chin. De la Rocha presses forward, throwing heavy right hands, Adams answers with his jab. Adams grabs a front headlock and then snaps de la Rocha to the mat. Adams transitions to top position and sets up in half guard. De la Rocha’s face is a bloody mess, especially his swollen right eye. Adams ends the period with a series of short elbows to the face, but de la Rocha survives. 10-9 Adams.

Round 3

The heavyweights touch gloves to begin the final stanza. Adams lands a left kick to the body. De la Rocha seems to have gotten some blood in his eye. He blinks and backs up a step. Adams wastes no time taking advantage of the opportunity, as he moves forward with a series of punches and a knee. De la Rocha then turns away from his foe near the fence. Adams tees off with about six unanswered right hands, forcing referee Joe Fipp to wave off the bout.

The Official Result

Juan Adams def. Chris de la Rocha via TKO (Punches) R3 0:58

Adam Milstead vs. Mike Rodriguez

Round 1

Rodriguez opens with a low kick and then the light heavyweights trade. Moments later Rodriguez gets a knockdown and sets up in Milstead’s guard. Rodriguez creates some space and lands an elbow. Milstead is mostly doing a good job of keeping Rodriguez tight in his guard, but the Contender Series alum nonetheless finds space for another elbow. Milstead works his way up against the fence and they’re back in the center of the cage. Rodriguez knocks Milstead off balance with a low kick and then cracks his foe with a left hand. Moments later, Rodriguez follows a straight left hand to the gut with a knee to the liver and Milstead crumbles to the canvas. Rodriguez pounds away on a turtled Milstead with right hands and hammerfists to get the technical knockout stoppage for his first UFC triumph.

The Official Result

Mike Rodriguez def. Adam Milstead via KO (Knee and Punches) R1 2:59

Dan Ige vs. Jordan Griffin

Round 1

Ige lands a right hand right off the bat against the southpaw Griffin. Ige presses forward with a combination, but Griffin counters with a body lock takedown. Ige immediately scrambles into top position and busts his opponent open with ground-and-pound. Ige rides Griffin near the fence, unloading with left punches while controlling his foe’s wrist with his other hand. Griffin escapes that predicament but finds himself mounted by Ige, who continues to unload heavy ground-and-pound. Ige takes Griffin’s back but he’s way too high and slips off the top. Griffin pops out and secures a guillotine choke. It’s tight for a moment, but Ige fights to escape. Griffin goes to his back, holding on to the choke. Finally, he has to release the hold, and Ige is right back in full mount when he does. Ige finds wrist control and lands some more punches with his opposite hand. Ige rides Griffin near the fence, dropping punches. Griffin works his way up and fires a head kick immediately. Griffin is throwing heavy leather as the round ends, putting Ige on the defensive until the horn. 10-9 Ige.

Round 2

Ige lands a couple right hands during initial exchanges. Griffin answers with a straight left. Ige changes levels and explodes for a double-leg takedown less then a minute in. Ige is in side control, and Griffin rolls to knees. Griffin creates a scramble and briefly winds up with a front headlock. Moments later, Griffin slides his arm under Ige’s chin, but the Hawaiian is able to escape. Griffin is in Ige’s guard now, standing and using his reach to land punches to the face by clearing his foe’s legs. The volume is there, but Griffin isn’t landing anything cleanly. Griffin drops down to his knees in Ige’s guard for a respite, then stands again. He passes Ige’s legs and lands a strong right hand. Ige is trying to land upkicks from his back rather than stand, and Griffin continues to drop standing-to-ground punches. Ige rolls for a leg lock and only ends up surrendering position on the mat. Griffin ends the frame in control. 10-9 Griffin.

Round 3

Ige lands an inside leg kick, but Griffin answers with a head kick that’s partially blocked. Ige misses a right hand and Griffin drops low for a single leg. Ige defends, and the featherweights jockey for position in the clinch against the fence. Ige presses Griffin into the cage and lands about three uppercuts to the gut. They separate and Griffin connects on a straight left. Another high kick from Griffin is partially blocked. Ige lands a combination in an exchange before shooting for a takedown against the fence. He connects his hands and slams Griffin to the mat midway through the period. Griffin tries to stand but Ige pulls his legs back out from under him. Griffin stands, gets an underhook and they separate. They trade punches in the pocket in the center of the cage before Ige goes for an ankle pick. Griffin defends it and then traps Ige with a modified triangle, but Ige pops his head free. Griffin stands against the fence and eats a knee. Ige drags his man back down and takes Griffin’s back. Griffin stands and shucks him off in the final seconds. Griffin lands some standing-to-ground punches before the horn. 10-9 Ige (29-28 Ige).

The Official Result

Dan Ige def. Jordan Griffin via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Zak Cummings vs. Trevor Smith

Round 1

Smith lands a right hand immediately against the southpaw Cummings, who is moving up a division. Cummings lands a low kick, followed by a one-two. A high kick lands for Cummings; Smith catches the attack but it still partially landed. Smith lands a left hook. A cut has already opened on the bridge of Cummings’ nose. Smith answers an outside leg kick with a right hand over the top. A counter left hook from Smith counters an outside leg kick. Cummings is switching stances, attacking with low kicks. Smith lands a right hook to the body. An inside low kick makes Smith stumble, but he still lands a glance left over the top. Smith catches Cummings with a knee as his foe changes levels for a takedown. Cummings fights through it and drives Smith into the fence. Smith holds double underhooks and lands a couple knees followed by a left over the top. The round ends with both men bleeding. 10-9 Smith.

Round 2

Cummings left eye is clearly swelling shut as the round begins. Smith lands a right over the top after faking a takedown. Cummings lands a left hand and slips a counter offering from Smith. A right hook to the body lands for Smith, and Cummings counters with a left hand. Smith stumbles forward after absorbing a low kick, but he still lands a combination. Cummings connects on a counter straight left. Smith lands a kick to the body, then resets. Cummings seems to be having more success answering Smith’s big power punches. He makes Smith stumble with another inside low kick. Cummings connects with a low kick-left hand combo. A one-two lands for Cummings. Smith counters Cummings with a left hook after Cummings throws a lazy left body kick. Cummings lands an inside low kick then shoots for a takedown. Smith shoves him off. Smith counters a flying knee with a left end before the horn. 10-9 Cummings.

Round 3

Cummings goes right back to attacking Smith’s leg. Cummings with a nice uppercut-straight left combo, then he makes Smith stumble with an inside leg kick. A left hook behind the ear drops Smith, and Cummings follows his opponent to the canvas and hunts for a submission. Smith shakes off the cobwebs and shoves Cummings to his back. Now Smith is on top, landing ground-and-pound with 3:30 to go. Cummings gives up his back in order to stand. Smith maintains a body lock against the fence, but Cummings turns and drops for a takedown. They separate and Cummings lands a punching combination. Cummings resets and lands a hard body kick before shooting for a takedown. He gets Smith down, but “Hot Sauce” is able to scramble to top position, where he lands some left hands near the fence. Cummings works his way up and changes levels for a takedown with less than a minute to go. Cummings turns the corner, but Smith fights it off. Cummings lands a hard knee to the body with Smith on all fours. The middleweights stand and break from the clinch. Smith is able to land a knee just before the horn ends the bout. 10-9 Cummings (29-28 Cummings)

The Official Result

Zak Cummings def. Trevor Smith via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Jack Hermansson vs. Gerald Meerschaert

Round 1

Hermansson lands a leg kick at the outset, but Meerschaert catches it and looks toget his adversary to the mat. After grappling in the clinch, it’s Hermansson who executes a body-lock takedown. “The Joker” quickly steps into full mount. Meerschaert recovers half guard and eventually scrambles back to his feet. Hermansson tosses his foe to the canvas after a failed lateral drop by Meerschaert, and he easily gets mount again. Meerschaert gives up his back, and Hermansson is landing punishing ground-and-pound on his flattened opponent. Meerschaert continues to eat elbows and punches. Meerschaert achieves wrist control and attempts to roll out of danger, but Hermansson ends up back on top. Hermansson goes too high looking for back control, but Meerschaert drops back for a guillotine to surrender position once again. Hermansson is back on top, pounding on his foe from mount and back control. Hermansson is just punishing Meerschaert, and that allows him to set up an arm-in guillotine choke. Hermansson falls back and applies the squeeze, and the hold is tight. Meerschaert taps in a matter of seconds.

The Official Result

Jack Hermansson def. Gerald Meerschaert via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R1 4:25

Joaquim Silva vs. Jared Gordon

Round 1

Gordon opens with a front kick to the face. Gordon mixing up his kicks early, going low and to the body of his opponent. A one-two lands for Gordon. “Flash” hurts Silva in an exchange and catches him in an arm-triangle choke as he drives the Brazilian to the canvas. Silva works his way to his feet and eats a knee to the face. Silva presses forward with a combination and gets dazed by a massive right hand. Gordon lands a takedown after eating a couple shots. The Roufusport member is in half guard, applying pressure from above. Silva recovers full guard but has his head bounced off the canvas with a right hand. Silva works his way toward the fence and stands. Silva’s ear has busted open and his eye is swollen. The Brazilian hurts Gordon with an overhand right and follows up with a flying knee. Gordon shoots out of desperation. Silva locks in a 10-finger guillotine. Gordon appears to be on his way out, but Silva lets go just before the horn sounds. 10-10.

Round 2

Silva is aggressive right away. Gordon mixes up his kicks before shooting. Silva sprawls and Gordon tries again, but “Neto BJJ” defends once more. Silva lands an uppercut before Gordon shoots for a takedown against the fence. Gordon is working his way toward Silva’s back, but the Brazilian falls to his back. Gordon is inside Silva’s full guard. “Flash” lands some solid left hands after passing to half guard. Silva stands with Gordon attached to him. Gordon lands a knee in the clinch before the combatants separate. Gordon follows a combination with a high kick. Silva answers with a knee. Silva shucks off a takedown attempt, and both fighters trade in the pocket. Gordon lands a hard right during the exchange. A jab and a low kick connect for Gordon, and Silva responds with an uppercut. Silva explodes for a takedown with about 30 seconds remaining in the round. Silva is attached to his foe’s back as Gordon returns to his feet. Silva nearly has a kneebar as time expires. 10-9 Gordon.

Round 3

Gordon makes Silva stumble back briefly with a right hand. Gordon might be feeling the effects of the kneebar at the end of the previous round, as he’s movement somewhat gingerly around the Octagon. Nonetheless, another right hand lands for “Flash.” Gordan works his jab while Silva attacks with leg kicks. A right hook to the body lands for Silva, but Gordon is doing well with combinations. Both fighters are trading willingly in the pocket for an extended period. Silva sprawls on a takedown and they go right back to trading punches in the pocket. Silva digs numerous body shots to Gordon. Silva lands a left hook and follows up with a pair of straight shots. They’re still going toe-to-toe and it’s a left hook to the chin followed by a a massive right hand from Silva that stuns Gordon. The American falls back into the fence, and Silva seals the deal with a three-punch combination. The fight is halted with Gordon out on his feet.

The Official Result

Joaquim Silva def. Jared Gordon via TKO (Punches) R3 2:39

Bobby Green vs. Drakkar Klose

Round 1

Klose is moving forward, throwing low kicks and heavy hooks. Klose has already landed three or four low kicks less than a minute into the fight. Green eats another leg kick and answers with a right to the body. Klose defends a takedown and they separate. Klose misses a right and clinches with Green. Green is complaining that Klose is grabbing his gloves, but to no avail. Green turns his opponent around but eats an elbow in close. Referee Keith Peterson now sees the foul and warns Klose about grabbing the gloves. Green lands a jab to the body and a right hand up high. Klose catches a flying knee, only to briefly see Green grab a rear-naked choke. Klose escapes, and now it’s Green landing some low kicks. Green ducks a spinning back fist, but misses on his counter. Klose is snapping those leg kicks. Green forces a tie up briefly and they separate again. Klose changes levels for a single leg and pushes Green into the fence. Klose with a knee to the midesction before Green reverses off the cage. 10-9 Klose.

Round 2

Klose lands a knee below the belt in the clinch, but Green only needs a few seconds to recover. Green secures a body lock and slams Klose to the canvas. “King” jumps to full mount but only briefly as Klose recovers half guard. Green applies heavy shoulder pressure from above. Green lands some shoulder strikes and a couple right hands to the side of the head before transitioning to mount. Klose use his legs to push off the cage and stands. Klose pressures Green and lands a knee in close quarters. Klose clinches and lands a knee followed by an elbow over the top. Klose gets a rear waist lock and attempts to lift his foe for a slam. Instead, he ends up pulling Green on top of him with less than a minute left. Green ends the round landing moderate ground-and-pound from half guard. 10-9 Green.

Round 3

Klose opens with a low kick. Klose just misses a big right hand, but moments later “King” eats a big punch near the fence. Green answers with a jab. Klose is pressuring near the fence with punches. Green elects to clinch against the fence to curb his opponent’s aggression. They separate and Green lands a glancing knee. A short uppercut connects for Green. A straight left lands clean for Green, but Klose answers with a right hand moments later. Green is mixing up his punches to the head and body now. Klose makes Green stumble with a low kick, but Green is still putting punches together. Klose rocks Green with a right. Green is still landing his jab repeatedly. Klose goes for a flying knee, and Green changes levels for a takedown. Klose defends against the fence, and makes Green relinquish the try with a guillotine. They’re back at distance, Klose pressures and lands a right hand followed by a knee. Klose is bringing the pressure here, landing solid shots. Another low kick makes Green stumble backward. Green recovers and snaps Klose’s head back with a left hand. The round ends with both continuing to trade. 10-9 Klose (29-28 Klose).

The Official Result

Drakkar Klose def. Bobby Green via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Zak Ottow vs. Dwight Grant

Round 1

Grant blocks a high kick. Grant catches a low kick and explodes with a series of right hands on the counter. Grant lands a two punch combination and follows up with an uppercut, powering Ottow to the canvas. Grant is up quickly, as he isn’t interested in staying on the ground with Ottow. Ottow is stalking Grant but coming up short on all of his attacks thus far. Ottow comes forward with a body kick and then a high kick moments later, but Grant blocks both. Not a lot of offense from either man four minutes into the period. Ottow has been the aggressor, although he hasn’t landed much yet. Grant catches Ottow in close and lands a pair of uppercuts before his opponent moves away. Grant lands a low kick and a big right hand just before the horn. 10-9 Grant.

Round 2

Ottow throws a left high kick early, which has been his favorite attack in the fight. Grant continues to circle on the outside of the Octagon with Ottow attempting to cut him off. Grant presses forward with a lead uppercut and then sprawls on an Ottow takedown. Grant starts to move forward, just missing on a combination. Ottow throws the left kick to the body. There continues to be more feinting than action, with Ottow controlling the Octagon. Grant defends a takedown and they resume their dance in the cage. They clinch with less than a minute remaining. Ottow has an underhook, but Grant is able to turn and land a right hand on the break. Another right hand connects for Grant just before the end of the period. 10-9 Grant.

Round 3

Grant is pressuring, and he lands an uppercut and a knee to the body before Ottow is able to get a takedown in the center of the Octagon. Ottow is in Grant’s full guard one minute into the frame. Ottow maintains pressure from above, working to advance. Grant is able to scramble up and Ottow shoves him into the fence. Grant gets away with a fence grab to help keep his feet. Ottow nonetheless continues to grind away against the fence. Grant is able to spin out with 2:00 left. A right lands for Grant as Ottow moves forward. Ottow connects with a body kick before shooting for a takedown. Grant maintains his balance and defends against the cage. They separate from the clinch with 40 seconds left. Grant moves forward looking to put together a combination. He finds the range on an uppercut and then sprawls on an Ottow takedown. 10-9 Ottow (29-28 Grant).

The Official Result

Zak Ottow def. Dwight Grant via Split Decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Jim Miller vs. Charles Oliveira

Round 1

Miller lands an outside leg kick but Oliveira immediately grabs a body lock, lifts Miller and slams the veteran to the mat. “Do Bronx” instantly gets Miller’s back with two hooks in and hunts for a rear-naked choke. After making some adjustments, Oliveira slides his right arm under Miller’s chin, and the New Jersey native is no longer fighting his opponent’s hands. Oliveira continues to apply the squeeze and Miller’s face is turning red. Finally, Miller is forced to tap out after defending the maneuver for as long as he possibly could. Some eight years after their initial meeting, Oliveira avenges a previous loss to Miller with his 12th submission triumph, a UFC record.

The Official Result

Charles Oliveira def. Jim Miller via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 1:15

Sergio Pettis vs. Rob Font

Round 1

Font begins repeatedly pumping his jab. Font adds a couple right hands to the body behind his jab. Font lands a one-two combination. Pettis answers Font’s jab with one of his own. Font moves forward with a one-two and Pettis answers with a body kick. Still, it’s Font’s jab that’s controlling the action so far. Font rips the body and goes up stairs with a combination as he begins to find a rhythm. Font is using his reach to repeatedly land long straight punches. Pettis finds the range on a right hand, and Font responds by ripping the body. Pettis lands a jab. The combatants clinch and Font scores a relatively easy takedown with less than two minutes to go in the round. Pettis holds Font close, but the New England fighter passes to side control. Font now stands, where he’s looking to drop right hands. He lands to the body as Pettis attempts to push off with his legs. Pettis stands with Font holding a leg, and “The Phenom” lands a spinning kick. Still, this round belonged to Font. 10-9 Font.

Round 2

Pettis opens with a body kick and Font counters with a straight right hand. Pettis pops a jab and circles away. Font pressures Pettis against the fence, lands a combination and shoots for a takedown. Pettis defends and circles away. Font sticks his foe with three jabs in a row. Now Pettis’ face is really starting to redden form eating so many jabs. Pettis lands with a glancing head kick. Font digs a right hook to the body, while keeping Pettis at bay with his jab. Again, Font is beginning to put combinations together, utilizing his reach. Font walks Pettis down, measuring his shots. Font blocks a high kick from Pettis. Font keeps pumping his jab, and Pettis just misses on another head kick. Pettis, for the most part, struggles to find the range. Font lands a jab followed by a right hook to the body. A left hook-right hand combo lands for Pettis Font ducks under a bunch and attempts a takedown, but its Pettis who lands on top. Font uses a straight armbar to reverse to top position, and he ends the round in side control. 10-9 Font.

Round 3

Pettis lands a body kick, but Font goes right back to his bread-and-butter, the jab. A right hand finds a home for Pettis, but Font replies with two more jabs. Font looks comfortable, sticking his jab into Pettis’ mug repeatedly. Pettis has a spinning kick blocked, but he finds the range on a right hand. Pettis is warming up a little with his offense, but Font knocks his mouthpiece out with a combination. Font lands a body lock takedown and time is called to return Pettis’ mouthguard. We’re halfway through the final frame, and Font stands, drops a right hand and drops back into guard. Font transitions to Pettis’ back, as the Roufusport fighter tries to control the wrists. Pettis is up, but Font is applying heavy pressure. Eventually, Font sucks Pettis back to the mat. Pettis tries to scramble up but Font moves back into full guard. Font stands, looking to clear his foe’s legs. Font drops for a choke attempt but relents as the fight ends. 10-9 Font (30-27 Font).

The Official Result

Rob Font def. Sergio Pettis via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Edson Barboza vs. Dan Hooker

Round 1

Hooker immediately lands a body kick followed by a low kick, and Barboza answers with a hard body kick of his own. The lightweights are trading kicks at various levels in the first minute. Hooker switches things up with a straight left and follow up with a body kick. Barboza is countering with hard leg kicks. Another straight left lands for Hooker, who is mixing up his attacks more . Hooker moves forward and absorbs a body-head combination from the Brazilian. Barboza is kicking with his usual force, and then he lands an overhand right as Hooker moves forward. Barboza is racking up the inside leg kicks. Barboza backs Hooker up and lands a hard outside leg kick. Another straight left connects for Hooker, but it again comes at a cost, as Barboza counters with a low kick. Barboza stuns Hooker with a right hand and then throws a high kick, which “The Hangman” blocks. Hooker seems to have recovered as he stalks Barboza. Barboza lands two knees in the clinch and follows with two big hooks. Hook sticks a jab but winces as Barboza lands two more inside leg kicks before the horn. 10-9 Barboza.

Round 2

Barboza goes right back to the low kicks to begin the round, and Hooker is starting to stumble. Hooker has switched stances, but he’s moving forward. Barboza lands some knees in the clinch. Hooker is pressuring Barboza, throwing straight punches in the pocket. Barboza lands a knee down the middle, then an elbow moments later. Barboza catches Hooker off balance with a punch, but he ends up with his opponent on top of him. Hooker is in half guard, throwing short punches to the ribs. Barboza uses his legs to creat space and get up. The Brazililan rips the body with his punches. Then lands a switch kick to the body. Hooker is eating serious punishment and still walking forward. Barboza is unloading with hooks and body shots. Hooker ties up with Barboza, only to be shoved to the floor. Barboza sticks several hard jabs, then an uppercut-hook combo. Barboza rocks the body with a kick, then more hooks to the ribcage. A right hand behind the ear makes Hooker stumble, but he recovers and keeps walking forward. Hooker absorbed a tremendous amount of punishment in that frame. 10-8 Barboza.

Round 3

Barboza goes right back to work, jabbing and attacking Hooker’s leg with low kicks. Hooker continues to walk forward, and he’s met with a left hook to the body. Hooker shoots for a takedown and presses the Brazilian into the fence. Barboza is able to separate, and he hurts Hooker with a spinning back kick to the liver. Hooker is standing still as Barboza tees off with kicks against the fence. Somehow Hooker doesn’t go down, and Barboza fires off another spinning back kick to the body. Barboza rocks Hooker with more punches, then drills him with a series of knees to the clinch. It’s unbelievable that Hooker is still standing at this point, and he’s absorbing enough punishment that a stoppage could be justified at any moment. Finally, a left uppercut to the midsection sends Hooker to the canvas, doubled over in pain. Mercifully, this one is over.

The Official Result

Edson Barboza def. Dan Hooker via KO (Body Punch) R3 2:19

Kevin Lee vs. Al Iaquinta

Round 1

Iaquinta catches a kick and quickly lets the leg go. Iaquinta reaches out for a leg again but can’t get it. Iaquinta catches a leg once again and lands flush with a spinning back fist. Lee shakes it off. Lee pumps his jab, then lands a straight left hand. Lee lands a rear-body kick and Iaquinta responds with a right hand. Iaquinta blocks a high kick, and Lee lands an inside leg kick. A straight left finds a home for Lee, who again goes with a high kick that’s partially blocked. Iaquinta grabs the leg again and lands a left upstairs. Iaquinta moves forward with a combo and finds Lee’s chin with a left. “Raging Al” baits Lee with another single. Lee connects with a counter right hand. A left jab from Iaquinta lands a left jab. The lightweights trade leg kicks. Lee moves forward with a combination, then defends a shot from Iaquinta. 10-9 Iaquinta.

Round 2

Lee comes out throwing his jab and front kicks. Iaquinta lands an inside leg kick. Lee shoots for a single leg takedown, then transitions to a body lock and takes Iaquinta down near the fence. Lee traps his opponent’s wrist and lands a series of right hands near the fence. “The Motown Phenom” locks in a body triangle and takes his opponent’s back. Lee picks his spots to land punches and elbows to Iaquinta’s head from this position. Lee hunts for the choke, but Iaquinta is defending well. The Serra-Longo member is able to fight to his feet with about 2:00 to go. Iaquinta marches forward and lands a right hand. He continues to press the action, landing a jab on Lee. Lee with an outside leg kick. Another stiff jab lands for Iaquinta. The New York native is really picking up the pace with his jabs. Lee lands a body kick but Iaquinta is there to counter. Iaquinta catches a kick but his counter right is blocked. Iaquinta continues to advance and lands one more right before the horn. 10-9 Lee.

Round 3

Iaquinta comes out with pressure, landing a left hook and then a jab. Lee answers an inside leg kick with a front kick. A counter right lands flush for Iaquinta. Lee goes with a body kick following an overhand right from Iaquinta. A straight right down the middle connects for Iaquinta. Lee comes back with a knee up the middle. A straight right from Iaquinta snaps Lee’s head back. Iaquinta shoots and grabs a leg, then whiffs on a punch. Lee then shoots and gets Iaquinta down. Iaquinta works his way to the fence and tries to stand. Lee maintains a body lock with his opponent against the fence. Lee lands a knee to the thigh, then lifts Iaquinta and slams him down. Lee takes Iaquinta’s back and locks in the body triangle once more. Iaquinta keeps his hands high in hopes of preventing Lee from sliding his arms underneath the neck. Iaquinta looks to turn, but Lee maintains back control. Iaquinta manages to fight off Lee’s hands until the horn sounds. 10-9 Lee.

Round 4

Lee goes upstairs with a kick, which Iaquinta blocks. Iaquinta stalks his man and lands a straight right. A right hand down the middle lands flush for Iaquinta. Lee is retreating, and Iaquinta lands a jab. An uppercut and then another right hand connects for Iaquinta, who appears to have Lee hurt. A grazing head kick gets Lee to shake his head. Iaquinta patiently pursues his foe, landing a jab. Iaquinta is doing a good job of cutting off the cage and landing short right hands. Lee is beginning to wear the damage. Lee is moving forward again, and he lands a body kick. Iaquinta counters with a right hand. Moments later, Lee lands another hard body kick. Iaquinta is back to being the aggressor and he blocks a high kick from Lee. A jab finds a home for Lee. Iaquinta lands an inside leg kick, circles and misses a superman punch. Lee lands a kick to the body and Iaquinta answers with a straight right before the horn. 10-9 Iaquinta.

Round 5

Lee lands a low kick followed by a left hook. Iaquinta responds with a stiff jab. Iaquinta moves forward and Lee shoots for a single leg. Iaquinta defends and looks to turn the corner. Lee scrambles up with a leg lock and drives for a single leg against the fence. Lee fights hard for the takedown, but it’s a bit of a stalemate with a little more than 3:00 to go. Lee stands up and secures a body lock. Lee grapevines Iaquinta’s left leg, but the New Yorker is able to separate and they’re back in the center of the Octagon. This looks like bad news for Lee. A straight right lands for Iaquinta. A jab sticks for Iaquinta. Lee counters with a body kick. Iaquinta keeps the pressure on, advancing and looking to cut off the cage. A shot to the body followed by big left hook to the head from Iaquinta puts Lee on rubbery legs. Iaquinta remains aggressive, finding the range for a right hand. Lee fires back and lands a combination of his own, but it’s only a brief respite. Iaquinta is really loading up in the final 30 seconds, landing big punches to the body and head with Lee on his bicycle. A front kick lands directly on the chin for Iaquinta. He walks Lee down, lands one more right hand upstairs and screams in his opponent’s face at the end of the fight. 10-9 Iaquinta (48-47 Iaquinta).

The Official Result

Al Iaquinta def. Kevin Lee via Unanimous Decision (48-47, 48-47, 49-46) R5 5:00
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