

UFC on Versus 1 Results & Live Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com reports from the 1stBank Center in Broomfield, Colo., at 6:00 p.m. ET with UFC on Versus 1 results and live play-by-play. In the main event, Brandon Vera and Jon "Bones" Jones will square off in a light heavyweight showdown.

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Eric Schafer vs. Jason Brilz
Round 1
They trade mid-cage and then clinch. Brilz backs Schafer against the cage, lands some knees to the legs and an overhand right as they separate. Brilz volleys and moves back to the clinch, scoring with a single-leg takedown. However, Schafer returns to a standing position. Brilz continues to score effectively in close, but Schafer drops him with a knee and a right hand in the final minute. 10-9 Schafer.

Round 2
Brilz rattles Schafer with a left hook and pushes into the clinch, striking with knees to the legs. Schafer lands a right-left combo and scores with a takedown into half guard. Brilz looks fatigued but reverses position. Schafer sweeps with an omaplata, and the two men stand, Schafer eating punches on the way out. Brilz scores with a takedown and locks in a guillotine attempt, ultimately moving to side control as the round ends. 10-9 Brilz.

Round 3
Brilz opens with a combination on the tiring Schafer. He continues to throw and land. Schafer tries to clinch but appears to be out of gas. Brilz scores with a takedown, but Schafer reverses and takes his back as the two stand, only to lose position and end up on the bottom. Brilz postures up in Schafer's guard and scores with punches. He passes to half guard and drops some short elbows. They do little damage but count on the scorecards. Brilz finishes the round in side control, pounding away with hammerfists. 10-9 Brilz.

All three official judges score the contest 29-28 for Brilz, who takes the unanimous decision.

Mike Pierce vs. Julio Paulino
Round 1
Pierce scores an immediate takedown into side control. Paulino regains half guard, but Pierce smothers him with control and the occasional punch from the top. Elbows start to rain from the former SportFight champion. The ref returns the two welterweights to their feet with half a minute to go. Pierce closes the distance and slams Paulino to his back. 10-9 Pierce.

Round 2
Paulino works a jab but eats a right hook for his efforts. Pierce clinches and Paulino's foot gets caught between the canvas and the cage, halting the action briefly. Pierce backs up Paulino with a punch and delivers another powerful slam on the UFC newcomer, scoring with tight punches and elbows on the ground. Another standup follows. Pierce clinches with no resistance. Paulino lands a glancing right as the round concludes. 10-9 Pierce.

Round 3
Pierce cracks his foe with a leg kick, clinches and scores with another slam. Paulino appears overmatched. He eats a thudding elbow as PIerce passes briefly to side control. More elbows from Pierce, who adds hammerfists to his attack. Paulino stamds but finds himself back on the ground in a matter of seconds. They trade, and though Paulino lands and overhand right, he gives up position and succumbs to another takedown in the closing seconds. 10-9 Pierce. Official scores: 30-27 across the board for Pierce, the winner of a unanimous decision.

Brendan Schaub vs. Chase Gormley
Round 1
Schaub knocks down Gormley with the first punch he lands, and Gormley's night only gets worse. Schaub lands multiple unanswered blows, ultimately dropping him to the canvas. Punches on the ground follow and the fight is halted 47 seconds into round one. Schaub by lopsided TKO. His right hand did a majority of the damage.

Daniel Roberts vs. John Howard
Round 1
Roberts scores with an early takedown, but Howard regains his footing. Roberts again drags the action to the groud. Howard stands and delivers a powerful takedown. He postures up and lands a left that bounces Roberts' head off the mat and knocks him out cold. Two unnecessary blows follow and land flush as the referee is slow to react. Official time is 2:01 into round one. Roberts remains motionless for several moments before regaining consciousness. Doctors tend to the fallen Oklahoman on the stool. Roberts walked out of the cage slowly, with assistance from cageside personnel.

Duane Ludwig vs. Darren Elkins
Round 1
Ludwig staggers Elkins with a left hook and sprawls nicely. Elkins scores a takedown and Ludwig's foot gets caught underneath him, and all his weight crashes down upon it, resulting in a gruesome injury to his lower leg. Ludwig motions for the referee immediately and the bout is called 44 seconds into the opening round, giving Elkins the TKO win.

Vladimir Matyushenko vs. Eliot Marshall
Round 1
After a lengthy feeling-out process, Matyushenko staggers Marshall with a right hand. They trade leg kicks. Marshall lands an uppercut but the Belarusian barely flinches. Matyushenko clinches against the cage but the two light heavyweights quickly separate. 10-10.

Round 2
Marshall scrapes the former IFL champion with a left hand and eats a left hook in return. Fans grow increasingly restless with the plodding pace. Matyushenko fires a right hand and presses Marshall against the cage. They separate soon after. Marshall throws a flying knee but leaves himself exposed for the takedown. Matyushenko obliges. Boos continue to cascade as they circle one another through extended periods of inactivity. 10-9 Matyushenko.

Round 3
Matyushenko teams a low kick with a left hook. Another leg kick scores for the Belarusian. Neither man seems willing to engage. Matyushenko delivers another takedown but Marshall bounces right back to his feet. The natives grow restless. Matyushenko scores with another takedown but seems content to let the judges decide this one. 10-9 Matyushenko. Judges score the snoozer 30-27, 28-29 and 30-27 -- a split decision for Matyushenko.

Clay Guida vs. Shannon Gugerty
Round 1
Guida takes the center of the cage. He flurries, clinches and shoots but gets stuck in a guillotine and then a triangle choke. Gugerty fails to secure either. Guida passes to half guard and throws shoulder strikes, moving to side control. Guida's stifling style pays dividends as he flurries on the ground to punctuate the round. 10-9 Guida.

Round 2
Guida moves to the clinch and tosses his foe to the ground. Gugerty works a guillotine but does not have the juice to maintain the hold. Guida drops elbows and punches and mixes in shoulder strikes to keep it interesting. Guida mounts and locks in an arm-triangle choke for the finish. The tapout comes 3:40 into round two, giving Guida the submission win.

James Irvin vs. Alessio Sakara
Round 1
Sakara opens up with a one-two to get the action started. Sakara slips after landing an outside low kick on Irvin’s lead leg. Sakara stands and Irvin lands a low kick of his own. Sakara connects with a spinning-back fist and goes right back to work on the legs of Irvin. Sakara is swinging for the fences, but Irvin is avoiding a flush impact. Sakara ducks down and lands two straight lefts to the body. A right-hand lead from Sakara finds its target. A left hook from Sakara hurts Irvin. The dazed fighter takes a step backwards and collapses. Sakara swarms with punches on the fallen fighter and referee Josh Rosenthal pulls him off. At first, Irvin claims that it was an eye poke that had him reeling, but replays clearly show it was a punch that connected to the right eye. The correct call is made after some brief confusion and Sakara is named the winner by TKO at 3:01 of the opening frame.

Cheick Kongo vs. Paul Buentello
Round 1
Buentello lands an early right hand. Buentello is throwing power punches exclusively and Kongo wants none of it. Kongo pushes Buentello to the fence and trips his opponent to the canvas. Kongo fights off a kimura from half guard and is warned by referee Herb Dean for holding the trunks of Buentello. He Texan stands to his feet and is immediately slammed back to the floor. Buentello again from his back goes straight to a kimura from half guard. Kongo frees his arm and knees the body. The crowd is growing restless as the pace slows. Buentello works to his feet and injures his right hand while throwing a punching combination. Dean calls time out and says that it’s “equipment” related. A doctor pops Buentello’s finger back into place and the fight is restarted. Kongo lands a right hand and a quick takedown. He does nothing with the position and Dean stands them up. An off-balanced Buentello slips and eats a few right hands at the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kongo
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Kongo
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Kongo

Round 2
Kongo kicks the body and legs before clipping Buentello with both hands against the fence. Buentello returns fire and Kongo gets an easy single. Kongo tees off with rights and lefts as Dean watches closely. Buentello uses a kimura to try to get back to his feet. Kongo stuffs him and knees the body and head while Buentello was floored. Dean spots the foul and deducts a point from Kongo for the infraction. Buentello is given time to recover and the bout is restarted. Kongo again gets a single and knees rain down to the body as Buentello tries to stand. Buentello is warned for holding the trunks of Kongo. Buentello is kneed in the head, and Dean calls time. Kongo is not penalized as Dean states that Buentello was a cvalid target, and then placed one knee on the ground as the knee landed.

Jordan Breen scores the round 9-9 Kongo (Deducted point)
TJ De Santis scores the round 9-8 Kongo (Deducted point)
Mike Fridley scores the round 9-9 Kongo (Deducted point)

Round 3
Kongo gets a takedown and starts to elbow the thigh of the turtled Buentello. Four hard blows connect to the thigh and Buentello taps from the punishment. The official time is 1:16 of the third round.

Junior dos Santos vs. Gabriel Gonzaga
Round 1
Gonzaga lands a low kick. It’s the only strike thrown in the first 58 seconds. Dos Santos lands a straight left to the body. Gonzaga trips dos Santos to the floor, but he can’t hold him down. Dos Santos goes back to the body with two straight lefts. Dos Santos goes to the midsection again and scores. The fighters trade head kicks that just miss. Gonzaga eats a right hand as he attempts a low kick to the left leg. Gonzaga steps forward to kick the body with his left leg and dos Santos perfectly counters with a left hook. Gonzaga falls and dos Santos pounces with punches from both hands until the lights go out. Referee Josh Rosenthal saves Gonzaga at 3:53 of the opening period.

Jon Jones vs. Brandon Vera
Round 1
Jones immediately trips Vera to the floor. Jones punches the body with his left hand from his opponent’s guard. Vera kicks Jones off and stands to his feet. Jones backs Vera up to the cage and gets a single after failing on a quick-trip attempt. Vera lands an elbow from his back in guard. Jones elbows the head while Vera tries to control both wrists. Vera throws an upkick with his left foot as Jones had a knee on the floor. Referee Herb Dean takes a point and asks Jones if he wants his position back on the floor. “Yes sir,” says Jones. The fight is restarted back in Vera’s closed guard. Jones is warned for thumbing Vera in the throat. Jones lands a hard elbow right on the right eye of his foe. Vera is hurt and he rolls away and turtles to avoid contact. Jones finishes with punches as Dean calls a halt to the bout at the 3:19 mark.
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