

WEC 44 Results and Live Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com reports from the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas with live play-by-play of Wednesday's WEC 44 card, which is headlined by Mike Thomas Brown vs. Jose Aldo.

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Seth Dikun vs. Frank Gomez
Round 1
They quickly trade leg kicks. Gomez has a left head kick blocked, but lands a short left hand. Dikun backs away and looks to be unfazed. They cautiously size each other up. Nice straight left by Gomez. Dikun fires a right hand and a right head kick in return. Gomez throws a glancing right hand and Dikun charges in. Gomez thwarts the takedown and reverses Dikun against the fence. They clinch. Gomez spins and brings Dikun down onto his back. Gomez working some strikes from with Dikun’s guard and Dikun tries a triangle and misses. Gomez eventually pushes Dikun up against the fence. From his back, Dikun lands five consecutive backhand lefts onto Gomez’ face. Gomez fires back two right hands. Dikun looks like he’s trying to apply an omaplata, but he’s blocked. Referee Herb Dean stands them after a stalemate. They fire punches, miss, and then Dikun forces Gomez into the cage. Gomez reverses position and pins Dikun into the fence. Gomez lands a few foot stomps and then drags his foe to the mat and lands in half. 10-9 Gomez.

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Gomez vs. Dikun.
Gomez starts off with two low kicks. Hard kick to the ribs by Dikun, who then shoots in for a takedown after he slips onto the floor. Gomez backs away and squares up. They trade jabs. A minute in and not much has taken place. A left jab bloodies Dikun’s nose. Dikun, on the attack, lands a series of moderate left low kicks. They trade strikes again and Dikun pushes Gomez into the fence. Dikun lowers levels and tries for a single, but Gomez defends. They scramble and Gomez takes Dikun down. Gomez tries to pass guard but his neck is seized by Dikun. Gomez is able to move over to half guard, but Dikun tries to squeeze the life out of him via guillotine. The choke is futile and Dikun relents the submission attempt. Gomez, still in half guard, tries to lock up Dikun’s left arm for a kimura. Dikun, now bleeding steadily from his nose, defends well. Dikun bucks his foe to escape the kimura, but Gomez winds up in full mount. With about ten seconds left, they flail away at each other. Nothing clean lands from either man. Very close round; 10-9 Gomez.

Round 3
It seems like Dikun might need a huge round or a finish to win, though the fight is very close. Glancing left head kick by Gomez is countered by a sharp-right hand. Dikun shoots in and Gomez stuffs him with a textbook sprawl. They scramble up, and Gomez pins him against the cage. Gomez scoops up his opponent and slams him down hard. Dikun is able to pull to full guard. 90 seconds in and not much is happening. Dikun is now using a butterfly guard and his corner is imploring him to throw elbows and kick out to his feet. Gomez has his hands tied by Dikun and he’s unable to strike. Dikun quickly traps Gomez’ right arm and is trying to slap on an armbar, but Gomez feels it and defends well. Gomez pops out to side control. Dikun looks tired now. Gomez lands a tight kimura. It’s deep but he can’t land it. He lets go and Dean stands them. Dikun needs a KO to win, but he’s not aggressively hunting for it. Gomez lands a decent superman punch and then charges him into the fence. The round ends there. 10-9 Gomez.

Official scores: 30-27 (twice) and 29-28 for Gomez, who takes the unanimous decision.

Ricardo Lamas vs. James Krause
Round 1
The lightweights touch gloves and are on their way. They circle cautiously. Nice low kick by Lamas. Krause returns fire with a right head kick, but he misses. They trade low kicks and then Krause rifles a stinging right kick to the ribs, but Lamas catches the leg and shoves him down. Krause delivers a glancing up kick to Lamas’ fight on the way down. Krause scrambles up to his feet and Lamas forces him into the fence. Krause fails at pulling guard and Lamas just shoves him down. He lands two hard right hands and Krause scrambles up. They trade leather and Krause imposes his size onto Lamas and takes him down. Lamas, unfazed, scrambles right up and reverses Krause into the cage. Krause reverses. They clinch along the cage. They scramble again and Lamas scores a takedown and quickly seizes his back. He misses a rear-naked choke, and when Krause tries to escape, Lamas rolls him over and scores the mount. Krause bucks him and scrambles, but Lamas is on him like stucco. Lamas quickly seizes the back again. He can’t sink the rear naked and backs off. He kicks at the legs of the downed Krause and dives in with a right hand at the horn. 10-9 Lamas.

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Lamas vs. Krause.
Krause has a head kick and front kick blocked immediately. Lamas closes the gap and forces his foe into the cage. Krause pushes off and delivers a head kick that’s blocked. Krause now pins Lamas into the cage and he quickly slinks out of the clinch. They square up and Lamas inadvertently kicks Krause in the groin. Krause is given some time to catch his breath and shake off the pain. Referee Kim Winslow sternly warns Lamas. They touch gloves and resume. Lamas lands a meager left low kick but blasts Krause with an overhand right, flooring him. More off-balance than hurt, Krause pulls guard. Lamas backs out and then dives in with a series of punches. Krause scrambles out and Lamas takes his back. Krause defends the rear-naked choke well. Krause nicely shrugs Lamas off of him and has to quickly block a head kick. Lamas misses the kick and slips onto his back. He darts back up and they engage again. Lamas trips Krause down after Krause misses a whizzer. With 30 seconds left, Lamas has control of Krause’s head in north-south position. Krause rockets up to his feet and is punched in the face. They clinch just as the horn sounds. 10-9 Lamas.

Round 3
Lamas comes out firing and misses punches and kicks. Lamas lands a hard right and thinks Krause is hurt, so he unloads. Krause ducks and blocks his assault. Krause backs away and creates space. Lamas forces him into a brief slugfest, but nothing lands cleanly from either man. Lamas shoots in for a takedown and is stuffed. Krause shoves Lamas away from a brief clinch and backs away to regroup. Lamas forces another brief exchange but again, nothing lands. Lamas trips Krause down and stands over him. Krause, on his back, is trying to goad his opponent into his guard. Lamas wants nothing of the sort and instead holds his feet and fires three left hands. Krause is trying to sweep Lamas with his legs, but can’t secure the move. A minute left and Krause needs a miracle to win. Winslow finally stands them up. Krause charges, but his punches are blocked. Lamas lands a stiff left jab and creates space. Lamas charges again and pins Krause into the fence. Lamas lets his hands go and delivers a five-punch combo, though they are all blocked. Krause escapes and charges but the round ends. 10-9 Lamas.

Official scores: all three judges see it 30-27 for Lamas, who claims the unanimous decision.

Antonio Banuelos vs. Kenji Osawa
Round 1
Banuelos rushes in now and lets his hands go. Osawa avoids everything. Banuelos misses two more bombs. Osawa delivers a hard-low kick. And another. Banuelos floors Osawa with a sinister overhand right. Banuelos pounces, but the Japanese fighter clears his head in time to scramble back up to his feet. Banuelos lands another right hand and Osawa shakes it off. Now Banuelos is backing up and Osawa lands a hard front kick. Banuelos blocks a left head kick and then returns a flurry of punches, which are all blocked. Banuelos delivers a hard loopy-left hand and backs up Osawa, who now has a massive red welt forming on his left eye and nose. Banuelos is inadvertently kicked in the groin and is given time to heal. After a minute or so, the fight resumes. Banuelos lands two moderate left hooks and then shoots for a takedown. Osawa stuffs him and then clears space to back out. Osawa misses two front kicks to the face. Banuelos charges in and misses a huge left-handed bomb. Banuelos crashes another left hand and Osawa raises his arms, taunting him. 10-9, Banuelos.

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Banuelos vs. Osawa.
The two feint strikes. Banuelos closes the distance and momentarily pins Osawa to the cage. The action is not frantic thus far, a minute in. Hard low kick lands for Osawa. Banuelos eats a left hand as he charges in with a flurry of punches. They trade left jabs. Osawa is stalking his nemesis and delivers a low kick an then a kick to the ribs. And another. Banuelos misses a wild-left hook. There is a gruesome welt on the right side of Banuelos’ back from the kicks. Osawa moving well and keeping Antonio at bay with front kicks. Another hard left kick to the body from Osawa. Banuelos shoots in for a single, but is stuffed and Osawa quickly takes his back. Osawa unloads a barrage of punches, but Banuelos defends well and then scrambles back to his feet. Banuelos lands a decent right hand just as Osawa lands a left jab. Banuelos crashes a left hook onto Osawa’s jaw, but there wasn’t a lot of force behind it. Osawa counters with another hard kick to the body and then Banuelos fires a barrage of punches at the bell. 10-9 Osawa.

Round 3
Everything hinges on this round. Osawa comes right out and fires two hard kicks to the body. John Hackleman is shouting for his fighter to attack. Banuelos’ mouth is bloody and he’s starting to slow down. Osawa is now backing away, maybe planning to spring a trap. Banuelos fires a flurry of punches, but nothing lands clean. Osawa’s left eye is starting to close up. Banuelos is now bleeding from the nose thanks to a hard-left jab from his counterpart. The pace has slowed down considerably and Osawa is in total control. Banuelos counters two stiff jabs with a fierce leg kick. Banuelos cannot get inside of the reach and effective jabs and low kicks from the Japanese fighter. Banuelos is now opening up with a series of low kicks. Hackleman is yelling for Banuelos to go for broke. A hard right hand by Banuelos connects with 70 seconds left. Osawa lands a right of his own. Banuelos is desperate, but he can’t land his punches. Osawa is giving him all sort of angles. 15 seconds left. Banuelos goes for broke and unloads a hellish assault that forces Osawa into the cage. A left gets through, now a right. Osawa fires back. Great back and forth action and then the horn ends the fight. Both men think they won. 10-9 Osawa.

All three judges see it 29-28 for Banuelos, the winner by unanimous decision.

Cub Swanson vs. John Franchi
Round 1
They circle each other with caution. Franchi finally opens up first with a flurry of punches, but Cub defends. They trade briefly and Franchi clinches. Swanson reverses and pins his adversary into the fence. Franchi quickly reverses and slams Swanson to the canvas. Swanson tries to pull guard but he’s squished up against the fence. Swanson finally fights his way back up to his feet and Franchi is all over him. Swanson finally breaks the clinch and creates enough space to regroup at center cage. Swanson delivers two stiff left jabs, which forces Franchi to charge at him and pin him into the fence. Swanson lands two glancing left knees to the head of his foe, but they have little impact. Swanson reverses and fires a series of knees to Franchi’s body which are all blocked. Franchi lands a nice-right uppercut and pushes Swanson away. Back in the center of the cage, Swanson bounces up and down and darts in with a wild right hand. Franchi lands a massive right hand that backs Swanson up and then he shoots in for a double leg. Swanson sprawls and flips his foe over and almost lands in full mount. With a few seconds left, Swanson unloads a barrage of punches, possibly stealing the close round. 10-9 Franchi.

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Swanson vs. Franchi.
They slow things down in the second with only a low kick by Swanson landing in the first 40 seconds. Franchi returns the favor. They square up again and Swanson misses a wild flying head kick. Franchi answers with a right cross that is blocked and then a low kick. Swanson presses the action and tries another flying head kick. It’s blocked. Swanson has his head kick blocked and then Franchi fires a stinging straight right hand. Swanson clinches, but Franchi reverses and presses him into the cage. Franchi then scoops up Swanson and scores a nice double leg against the cage. Swanson fights up but Franchi controls his head and neck. Franchi lets go and then lets his hands go, though nothing hard lands. Nice stiff left jab from Swanson followed by a right leg kick. Swanson really opening up with an array of kicks to the legs, body and head. Swanson clinches and scores a hard double leg. Franchi scrambles back up. With ten seconds left, Cub cracks Franchi with a right cross. The round ends. Very close round. 10-9 Swanson.

Round 3
Crucial round of a fight that’s as close as they come. Both rounds could have gone to either fighter. They touch gloves and hug as the round starts. They trade vicious low kicks and then Franchi lands a right hand. A hard leg kick from Franchi forces Swanson to stumble to his knees. He quickly bounces up to his feet before Franchi can pounce. They clinch after an exchange and Swanson presses him into the cage. Swanson scores a perfect judo throw and almost mounts the New Yorker. Working from his full guard, Franchi briefly tries a triangle. It looks like he thought about an omaplata, but Swanson postures up. Swanson lands two decent right hands. Swanson stands up but dives back in with a left hammer fist that glances off Franchi’s face. With a minute left, Swanson fires a series of strikes and then stands back out. Franchi is up and desperate. He shoots in and takes Swanson down. Franchi passes to half guard and Swanson scrambles back up. He locks on a standing guillotine and then pulls guard. He’s got it. It’s very deep. Swanson torques with everything he has. Franchi can’t pull out, and he taps. It is a terrific end to a thrilling battle. The official time of the submission is 4:50 of the third round.Impressive win by Cub Swanson.

Diego Nunes vs. L.C. Davis
Round 1
Nunes fires the first strike, a missed head kick 25 seconds in. Nunes clinches and forces Davis into the cage. Davis misses three left knees to Nunes’ face. Nunes lowers himself and tries a single leg. Davis defends well and lands a series of meager hammerstrikes onto Nunes’ head. They separate. Davis misses a left uppercut. Nunes lands a decent low kick. They trade blows and Davis shoots in and lands the double leg. Nunes is pinned with his back along the cage, but he cage walks his way back up to his feet. They separate again. Davis lands a nice right hand and scores a single leg. Nunes pulls guard, but Davis quickly delivers a right hammer fist and then stands up. He locks on a guillotine, but it’s not deep. Nunes escapes but Davis slams him down hard. Davis is all over his opponent. Nunes scrambles back up, but Davis is relentless and scores another takedown. Nunes secures a guillotine from half guard. It’s deep with just seconds left. Davis fights his way out and escapes at the horn. 10-9 Davis.

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Davis vs. Nunes.
Davis lands a decent rightand a left thirty seconds in. Nunes lands a nice spinning-back kick, but Davis rushes back and scores a double-leg takedown. Nunes can’t pull guard and eventually gets back to his feet. He pins Davis against the cage. Nunes fails at a double leg. Davis shrugs him off and separates. Davis charges in with a flurry of punches, though nothing lands. They clinch along the fence. Nunes reverses position and presses Davis’ back into the fencing. They separate again. Hard left hook on the inside by Davis, but it’s partially blocked. Davis has a right hand blocked and he slips onto his back. Nunes pounces and forces Davis into the cage. Again, they scramble and Davis fights his way back to his feet. Nunes again trying for a single leg, but Davis stuffs it. Nunes tries again, but davis wraps up his head and pulls guard for a guillotine. Davis squeezes hard and can’t sink it. He flips him over for better position, but Nunes pops his head out. The round ends with Davis on top. 10-9 Davis.

Round 3
It seems like Nunes needs some sort of stoppage to keep his unbeaten record intact. Nunes rushes in and pins Davis against the fence. Davis secures Nunes’ left leg and drags him down. Nunes fights back to a squat position and then back all the way up to his feet. They clinch against the cage and take turns reversing each other. Not much action now as both men are a little winded. Nunes is warned for holding the fence again, and now referee Kim Winslow takes a point away for the infraction. Nunes now needs a miracle and he lets his hands fly. Davis ducks under and scores yet another takedown, though he doesn’t hold him down for more than ten seconds. Nunes rifles a left uppercut and then a three-punch combo, but Davius blocks the attack and takes him down again. 90 seconds left, and Nunes scrambles back up. Davis won’t give him any space to work and is suffocating him along the cage. Nunes lands two nice knees to the body. Davis secures the leg and drags his foe down again. Nunes pops right back up and swings for the fences. Davis blocks it all and dances away at the horn. 10-8 Davis.

All three judges see it 30-26 for Davis, who scores the mild upset.

Kamal Shalorus vs. Will Kerr
Round 1
Shalorus opens with a kick to Kerr’s leg. 20 seconds in Shalorus lands a looping left hook and drops Kerr, who tries to grab a leglock and then a heel hook. Shalorus escapes, and Kerr stands, still looking wobbly. Shalorus shoves him away and keeps swinging for the fences. He connects with a right, then a left-right combination. Kerr cannot recover. An overhand right ends Kerr’s night, as referee Steve Mazzagatti intervenes. The official time is 1:26.

Danny Castillo vs. Shane Roller
Round 1
Both men miss jabs to begin. Castillo in the center of the cage, moves in with a left hook to the body, and Roller circles out. Roller pumps his jab and wings a wild overhand right that doesn’t land. Roller with another overhand right and he shoots off of it, but Castillo defends. Roller pushes him into the cage, but Castillo shows good takedown defense and frees himself. Castillo lands a left uppercut when Roller ducks, and Castillo uses the momentum to finish a trip takedown, but Roller gets up quickly. 2:00 to go in the round. Roller overcommits on a punch, and Castillo trips him again to the mat. Immediately Roller grabs a guillotine, but it isn’t deep. Back to the feet, Castillo gets another takedown when Roller misses a knee. The fight is in Roller’s guard, with his head pushed against the cage while Castillo punches to close the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Castillo
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Castillo
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Castillo

Round 2
Castillo closes the distance to start the second, shoving Roller into the cage. He works some punches into Roller’s body before a break. Castillo rushes back in with right hands, and Roller ducks his head to defend and then rushes in himself, which leads to another takedown for Castillo. Castillo lets Roller stand, and Roller backs him into the cage. Castillo circles out. Rollers misses a knee and goes back to pumping his jab. Roller nearly ducks into a knee. Roller backs him up and finishes a double-leg takedown against the fence. Castillo tries to stand, and Roller uses the opening to grab a guillotine grip. Castillo gets out but is mounted. Roller punches briefly and takes his back. 1:30 to go. Castillo tries to stand, but Roller busts him back down and peppers him with punches. Castillo is struggling to defend the punches to his right ear. With 30 seconds left, Castillo stands and Roller slips off. Roller looks tired as Castillo misses a big uppercut.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Roller
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Roller
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Roller

Round 3
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Roller vs. Castillo.
Early in the third Castillo works a right hand to the body. Roller shoots, but Castillo sprawls and takes the top position on the ground. Roller looks like he wants to work from his back, but Castillo stands out before moving back into Roller’s guard. Roller triangles up, only for Castillo to easily posture out and eventually pass to side control. Roller rolls out immediately, but Castillo stays on top and moves into half guard and then mount. 2:45 to go. Castillo in full mount with Roller trying to tie him up. Before Castillo can score many points, Roller escapes and the fight goes back to the feet. Castillo shoots a bad takedown shot, and Roller defends and then slams him. Roller quickly takes Castillo’s back and slips on a rear-naked choke. Castillo taps at 3:32 of the third.

“Razor” Rob McCullough vs. Karen Darabedyan
Round 1
A quick exchange begins the fight with nothing major landing. Darabedyan kicks to the inside of McCullough’s leg, and McCullough returns the favor. Darabedyan throws a jab-cross-hook combo, but McCullough makes him miss for the most part. Darabedyan, content to strike with McCullough attacks again, and McCullough tries to counter while staying in the pocket. Darabedyan throws a left-right but eats a kick to his thigh. McCullough returns to the inside leg kick, then throws an outside kick to Darabedyan’s legs. 1:45 to go. McCullough lands a solid kick to the body. In return Darabedyan lands a left that cuts McCullough’s nose. McCullough takes another left to land a hard kick to Darabedyan’s lead leg. Solid left hook from Darabedyan followed by a right. McCullough looks slightly wobbled and returns fire but doesn’t get the better of the exchange.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Darabedyan
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Darabedyan
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Darabedyan

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Darabedyan vs. McCullough.
Darabedyan steps in with a jab to start the second. He lures McCullough into kicking and turns a kick into a takedown. The fight moves to McCullough’s guard. Darabedyan frees his head and lands some solid short elbows. Darabedyan then tries to fall back for a foot lock and loses the top position. Back on the feet with 3:20 to go. McCullough kicks while Darabedyan punches in combinations. A quick exchange leaves Darabedyan cut on his cheekbone. Darabedyan jabs and McCullough tries to counter with a right cross. McCullough kicks well to Darabedyan’s body, but Darabedyan beats him to the punch in the exchange that follows. Two inside leg kicks from McCullough, and another exchange closes the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Darabedyan
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Darabedyan
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Darabedyan

Round 3
Darabedyan throws an inside leg kick to begin the third. Darabedyan is circling out of the exchanges now. He takes another kick to his lead leg. Darabedyan throws a left hook and shoots, but McCullough sprawls and they separate. Another inside leg kick from Darabedyan. The pace slows as Darabedyan looks less inclined to start the exchanges, and McCullough still wants to counter. Inside leg kick from McCullough. Darabedyan lands a jab and glances McCullough’s jaw with a left hook. McCullough tries to load up on a left kick to the body, but it doesn’t quite connect. McCullough is the aggressor this round. Darabedyan lands a jab but isn’t throwing much. McCullough baits him forward and kicks to his lead leg again.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Darabedyan (30-27 Darabedyan)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 McCullough (29-28 Darabedyan)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Darabedyan (30-27 Darabedyan)

Darabedyan wins a split decision: 30-27, 27-30, 29-28.

Leonard Garcia vs. Manny Gamburyan
Round 1
Gamburyan moves forward right away, and Garcia misses a left hook and circles out. Garcia lands a leg kick. Garcia has a low stance, looking like he’s anticipating a takedown attempt, which follows as Gamburyan drops for a single. Garcia fires an uppercut and defends. They separate. Gamburyan kicks to the leg. Gamburyan ducks under a left hand and dives for a single. Garcia stands him up in defense, and the fight is stopped briefly by Herb Dean when Gamburyan accidentally knees to the groin. Garcia says it’s happened twice. They tie up on the restart, and Gamburyan dumps Garcia against the cage, but Garcia stands right back up. He gets an underhook to fight off Gamburyan’s continued takedown attempt. Both men have an over-under. Garcia is doing a good job staying on his feet. They’re separated. 30 seconds left in the round, and Garcia misses a big kick but connects with a solid knee to Gamburyan’s body.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Garcia
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Garcia
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Garcia

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Gamburyan vs. Garcia.
Garcia misses a head kick and stumbles. Gamburyan also loses his balance shortly after when missing a takedown. Garcia jabs, but the distance is too much. He jabs again and throws a wild hook. Gamburyan shoots a double, but Garcia lowers his base against the cage. Gamburyan gets him down only for seconds. Gamburyan makes Garcia carry his weight until Garcia turns him into the cage and knees his thigh. Back to the center of the cage with 2:25 left in the round. Gamburyan misses with an overhand right and falls, but the scramble lets him grab a body-lock and slam Garcia. Gamburyan passes to half guard. 1:15 to go. He punches and then wraps up Garcia’s head and knees to his body while Garcia works to his feet. Gamburyan re-shoots and dumps Garcia again. He punches from the top to close the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gamburyan
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Gamburyan
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Gamburyan

Round 3
Gamburyan moves forward again to start the third, but Garcia backs him up with a wild hook from his hip. Gamburyan jabs but nearly gets kneed in the head. Gamburyan lands a right hand, and Garcia taunts him, dropping his hands. Gamburyan dances a bit and shoots for a takedown and gets it. The fight is in Garcia’s guard with 2:40 to go. Garcia stands up without taking any punishment, and Gamburyan reshoots. Gamburyan has a body-lock against the cage, and he uses it to slam Garcia but can’t keep him down. Gamburyan stays on Garcia’s legs against the cage, trying for a takedown. Garcia is defending but not mounting any offense. With 40 seconds left, Gambuyan puts him on his back again and works from half guard with short punches. Garcia gets up, but Gamburyan shoots again to close out the fight.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Gamburyan (29-28 Gamburyan)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Gamburyan (29-28 Gamburyan)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Gamburyan (29-28 Gamburyan)

Gamburyan wins a unanimous decision: 30-27, 29-28, 29-28.

Mike Thomas Brown vs. Jose Aldo
Round 1
Brown pumps a double jab, but Aldo backs away. Overhand right glances Aldo, who also glances Brown with an uppercut. A kick from Aldo, and they tie up, but Aldo breaks. Aldo throws two jabs and lands a good leg kick. Brown swings wildly in retaliation. Another solid leg kick from Aldo. Brown misses a right. Aldo is much faster. He lands a right hand and a big kick to the body. Brown shoots for a single and pushes Aldo to the cage. Aldo shows excellent takedown defense. Even when Brown looks to have finished a body-lock takedown, Aldo works his hips out and stands quickly. They break with a minute to go. Aldo slaps a kick to Brown’s body. Brown flicks a front kick. Aldo throws a flying knee, and Brown backs out before moving forward again with a jab.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Aldo
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Aldo
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Aldo

Round 2
Brown moves forward punching. Aldo kicks to his legs, and Brown has to shoot. Aldo has little trouble stuffing the takedown. A minute in Aldo shoots and takes Brown down. Almost instantly he takes Brown’s back with both hooks in and begins pummeling Brown with punches until Steve Mazzagatti intervenes. Official time is 1:20.
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