

WEC Live Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com reports from the San Diego Sports Arena with live play-by-play of WEC 38, which is headlined by Jamie Varner versus Donald Cerrone.

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Seth Dikun vs. Charlie Valencia
Round 1
Valencia starts off with a glancing high kick and number of low kicks to the lanky Dikun. Dikun attempts to take the fight to the canvas but is rebuffed. He ends up pulling guard before escaping back to his feet. Valencia lands a nice combination before scooping Dikun up and slamming him in the center of the cage. Valencia getting the better of every striking exchange as the round comes to a close. 10-9 Valencia after one.

Round 2
Valencia starts off where he left. He lands a high kick that backs Dikun to the cage. Valencia changes levels and slams him again. Valencia lands a nice elbow from the top while the lengthy Dikun tries to elbow up. Valencia scores again from the top with the elbow. Dikun gets back to his feet and tries to take Valencia's back but is shrugged off and taken back to the mat as the horn sounded. 10-9 again for Valencia.

Round 3
Valencia lands a kick to Dikun's lead leg to start the third. Dikun blocks successive head kicks before eating a big overhand right. Valencia buckles Dikun with a pair of leg kicks and then drops him with a body kick. Dikun scrambles to his feet only to be double-legged to the mat. The pace slows with 90 seconds left. Valencia locks on a loose guillotine but Dikun easily works free. Valencia moves to side-control then mount. Valencia drops a few elbows until the final bell brings the one-sided affair to the end. 10-9 once again.

Official scores agree with 30-27 on all three cards.

Jesse Lennox vs. Blas Avena
Round 1
Avena kicks low, Lennox answers with a right Avena tries to gain a Thai clinch but Lennox has none of it. Avena with a trip take-down to side but he is quickly reversed. Lennox tries to tie Avena up in the Hughes crucifix but can only land a couple glancing blows before Avena extricates himself. Lennox still in side works to full mount. He goes for an armbar but misses and pays for it in the form a salvo of punches from the top. Avena attempts to take Lennox's back as he works his way back to his feet but the round ends. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Lennox.

Round 2
Lennox comes out in a hurry to start the second, landing punches at will. The best combination was a left hook-right knee that folded Avena against the cage. He followed up with right hand until referee Josh Rosenthal saves Avena at just 41 seconds of the frame.

Frank Gomez vs. Scott Jorgensen
Round 1
Gomez has a marked height advantage as the fighters touch gloves. Jorgensen wastes little time taking the upper hand as he locks up a guillotine choke. Gomez tries to wiggle off the hook but Jorgensen adjusts his grip and forces the tap at 1:09 of the first round.

Ian McCall vs. Dominic Cruz
Round 1
Cruz moving forward looking for an opening. He lands but nothing consequential. McCall hits a double but Cruz pops right back up. Cruz finding his range a bit clobbers McCall with a left hook. Cruz counter a flurry with a big punch that spins McCall around. He follows with another combination. He keeps finishing them with head kicks and it may just be a matter of time before one finds its mark. The final minute is all Cruz, he lands at will and opens a cut under McCall's left eye. Cruz 10-9 on the Sherdog card.

Round 2
A retreating Cruz lands a swiping right hand on a charging McCall. Superman punch by Cruz. McCall is taking a ton of punishment, but he won't stop coming forward. Cruz's movement is too much, he slips everything and counters accurately. A big left kick to McCall's face. This kid will not back down. Cruz hits a double after changing levels. He allows him right up and batters him with punches as he ascends. This one is all Cruz, 10-9.

Round 3
Cruz enters the third round of what has been a glorified sparring session with more of the same. He picks away at a desperate McCall. Knowing he needs a finish, McCall showing amazing determination, continues to stalk Cruz. He hits a takedown and tries to knee but Cruz pops right up. McCall takes a close third round but make no mistake this was a clear runaway for Cruz.

The official scores are 30-27 for Cruz on all three cards.

Edgar Garcia vs. Hiromitsu Miura
Round 1
Garcia opens the offense with a nice one-two. Garcia stumbles Miura with a left hook and a glancing right that put him on his seat. Garcia mauls him with punches until referee Jason Herzog rescued Miura at 1:18 of the first stanza.

Anthony Njokuani vs. Benson Henderson
Round 1
Henderson shoots a single after a brief feeling out period. He struggles but eventually pulls Njokuani to the mat. He tries to take his back but is reversed. Henderson is relentless and takes his back again. He can't get both hooks in and Njokuani escapes. Njokuani latches on for an armbar attempt, but Henderson defends and takes back mount again. Njokuani gets back to his feet but is slammed to the mat from the clinch. Sherdog scores round one 10-9 for Henderson.

Round 2
Njokuani throws a high kick that Henderson ducks under before shooting. Njokuani sprawls but Henderson clinches and trips him to the mat. Henderson then locks up a tight guillotine choke to end the fight at just 42 seconds of round two.

Rolando Perez vs Jose Aldo
Round 1
Perez steps forward and lets his hands fly. Aldo evades and smacks a low kick on the left thigh of Perez. An uppercut lands for Aldo. The Brazilian puts on a show with a stiff low kick, a spinning-back kick to the body and a flying knee. Aldo’s gameplan is obvious early as he does lots of work to the lead leg of Perez. Hanging tough, Perez lands a kick and a right hand to the body. With blood trickling from the bridge of Perez’s nose, Aldo connects with a right hand. Perez drops his base for a straight punch to the body and is leveled by an Aldo knee. Referee Jon Schorle saves Perez at 4:15 of the first. The replay of the knockout is spectacular. Aldo is legit.

Mike Campbell vs. Danillo Villefort
Round 1
Campbell snaps a kick to the body of Villefort. A Villefort kick is caught by Campbell, who lands a left hand and takes Villefort to the floor. Villefort goes to a tight rubber guard. Campbell lifts his opponent high into the air and slams him to the canvas. Villefort attacks with a heelhook and a kneebar that are perfectly defended. A scramble for position ends with the Brazilian in the mount. Campbell turns his back to avoid punishment and pays the price. With both hooks in, Villefort hits the head with both hands until referee Josh Rosenthal halts the contest. The official time is 3:53 of the first.

Jens Pulver vs. Urijah Faber
Round 1
Pulver lands a hard knee to the body that knocks Faber off balance. Faber twice shoots in to close the distance, but Pulver has none of it. A left hook to the liver sends Pulver reeling. Faber pounces and locks on a tight guillotine choke that prompts a quick tap from the former UFC lightweight champion at 1:34 of the first.

Jamie Varner vs. Donald Cerrone
Round 1
Varner is swinging for the fences early. Cerrone is using good movement to avoid Varner’s power early. After 90 seconds of action, Varner catches Cerrone with a powerful two-punch combo. Cerrone, rocked from the blows, finds himself with his back to the floor in guard. Cerrone goes to a rubber guard that looks dangerous. Varner passes and absolutely tees off with punches. Lefts, rights and elbows rock Cerrone’s world on the floor. Now sporting a huge welt on his forehead above the right eye, Cerrone gets back to guard, but his head swells by the second. Cerrone gets to his feet and delivers a knee to the body. And another.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Varner
Tomas Rios scores the round 10-8 Varner
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Varner

Round 2
To the body goes Cerrone with two hard kicks to start the second round. Varner gets a quick takedown. After a brief stay in half guard, elbows from Varner find a home on the face of Cerrone. The fighters stand and Cerrone stalks the champion around the cage. Varner gets a slick single-leg but does little with the position before Cerrone gets to his feet. With 90 seconds left in the second period, Varner clips Cerrone with a left to the body and a right hook to the chin. Cerrone shrugs it off and jabs. Varner is loading up on his punches, looking for a one-punch knockout. With 15 seconds left, Varner gets a takedown and is caught in a triangle. Cerrone pulls the head down to finish the fight, but time expires.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cerrone
Tomas Rios scores the round 10-9 Varner
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Cerrone

Round 3
Varner reaches down with his glove to “draw” a line for Cerrone to cross. Cerrone cracks him with a right cross. Cerrone sets up a beautiful straight right to the body. Varner lands a right hand that opens a cut near the right eye of Cerrone. He’s hurt. Varner rushes in and gets a double-leg. Varner locks on a guillotine and rolls him over, but Cerrone escapes. Both fighters move to the feet and Cerrone misses a head kick. Cerrone’s left eye is in bad shape. A jab to the other eye causes Cerrone to blink both eyes. Cerrone keeps jabbing but he’s having problems with both eyes and it’s painfully obvious. Varner lands a right hand down the pipe and gets another takedown.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Varner
Tomas Rios scores the round 10-9 Varner
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Varner

Round 4
Varner bounces his left foot off the face of Cerrone. The Greg Jackson-trained challenger doesn’t even blink. Cerrone lands a hard kick to the body shortly after. Varner circles as Cerrone chases him down with punches and a flying knee. Varner stands his ground with a left kick to the body and a right hand. Cerrone goes to the legs with a lowkick, but is taken down seconds later. Cerrone goes to the rubber guard, where he lands an elbow from the bottom. Cerrone does some damage from his back with a punch and an upkick. Varner passes to half-guard before the horn sounds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Varner
Tomas Rios scores the round 10-9 Varner
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Varner

Round 5
The gentlemen hug before the final round is to begin. Varner shoots in and gets an easy single leg. Cerrone upkicks with both feet until Varner goes back to the guard. The fighters stand and Cerrone gets his first takedown of the fight. Cerrone scrambles to his feet and knees Varner illegally in the head. Time is given for Varner to recover. The foul is ruled unintentional and a point will not be taken. The fight is over. Varner is still down, holding his right eye where the knee connected. Since the foul was unintentional, the fight is going to the scorecards, with the fifth frame being scored.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Varner
Tomas Rios scores the round 10-9 Varner
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Varner

The official judges see the bout 49-46 (Varner) 48-47 Cerrone and 49-46 for the winner by split decision, Jamie Varner.
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