

Bellator 102 Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from the Visalia Convention Center in Visalia, Calif., with live Bellator 102 updates.

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William Richey vs. Brandon Cash

Round 1

Cash lands a hard left and quickly puts Richey on the canvas against the fence. Richey is able to slide up the cage and back to his feet before he sustains any real damage. Cash closes the distance and lands a hard volley of uppercuts inc lose, driving his foe back to the fence. Richey gets an overhook on his left side to stop the takedown and is able to stall until the heavyweights are broken up by referee Michael Bell. Immediately on the restart, Cash gives chase with heavy punches. Again they come together in the clinch, where Richey gives as good as he gets this time. They separate and Richey is bleeding from the corner of his right eyebrow. Richey gets busy with low kicks as Cash slows his pace. Both heavyweights are fairly tired after four minutes, but are still keeping up the volume. With under 30 seconds to go, they come together in the single-collar tie once more. The two trade uppercuts and knees to the body until the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cash
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cash
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Cash

Round 2

Photo: Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Cash forced Richey to quit on his stool.
Richey continues throwing low kicks with his left leg, but Cash is now clipping him when he fires them. Richey is breathing deeply, so Cash tags him with a right hand to the bread basket. Richey throws a slow low kick, allowing Cash to catch his leg and tackle him to the mat. After landing some short punches, Cash attempts to move to half guard. Richey grapevines his leg and locks up a kneebar at a slow, incremental pace, but he's too high and Cash easily escapes. Richey is positively gassed now and stays flopped on his back while Cash jumps back into his guard with a haymaker.

Richey gets his legs up and locks a loose triangle too high on Cash's head. Cash escapes and gets to half guard. The bout has now slowed to a crawl and referee Michael Bell calls for a standup. Both men can barely get to their feet, prompting Bell to yell “Get up!” at them once more. Cash lunges with an uppercut and smothers Richey against the cage. “Cash Money” changes levels, locks his hands and dumps his exhausted opponent to the mat once more before the bell tolls.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cash
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cash
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Cash

Shortly after returning to his corner at the end of the second round, William Richey quits on his stool, seemingly due to exhaustion, giving the second-round TKO win to Brandon Cash.

The Official Result

Brandon Cash def. William Richey via TKO (Retirement) R2 5:00

Cain Carrizosa vs. Juan Quesada

Round 1

Carrizosa pops Quesada with a pair of hooks before initiating a clinch along the cage. Quesada turns him around after gaining an underhook and look to drop levels for a takedown. He underhooks the left leg of Carrizosa, elevates him and dumps him into the canvas, landing in half guard. Carrizosa gets wrist control and regains full guard. He then overhooks Quesada, perhaps looking to get a standup from referee Jason McCoy. Carrizosa changes tactics, throwing up a triangle. Quesada is too quick, however, and stands up out of danger. Quesada enters Carrizosa's guard again, only to have to fend off an armbar attempt. Quesada wisely stacks his attacking foe, waits patiently and extricates himself. Quesada passes to half guard but can't cleanly land the elbows he throws on top. Carrizosa regains guard while punching away from his back. He tosses up another loose armbar attempt before the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Carrizosa
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Carrizosa
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Carrizosa

Round 2

Photo: Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Carrizosa tapped out Quesada.
The southpaw Quesada comes out in the second frame working his jab to keep Carrizosa at bay. Carrizosa ducks and weaves in with a pair of hooks, but Quesada eats them and circles away. Carrizosa continues to try cutting Quesada off but can't find him with his punches. He finally cracks Quesada with an overhand right and flurries in the clinch but Quesada escapes again. Carrizosa is getting more active now, cracking Quesada with a hard right and backing him up to the fence. The rangy six-footer unloads with a series of hooks, uppercuts and knees that rocks Quesada's head back.

He's hurt and so the Pittsburgh, Calif., native retreats. Carrizosa chases his prey so aggressively that he runs right into a desperation shot from Quesada, who double-legs him to the mat. Quesada tries to get active, but punches himself right into another triangle. This one is much tighter and when he tries to stand up, he falls to his back. Carrizosa tries to torque his arm but Quesada regains control over his limb. Unfortunately, Carrizosa tightens the triangle quickly and forces the tap.

The Official Result

Cain Carrizosa def. Juan Quesada via Submission (Triangle Choke) R2 4:51

Stephen Martinez vs. Bryan Travers

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Martinez guillotined Strikeforce vet Travers.
A Martinez left roundhouse kick upstairs misses but allows Travers the opportunity to clinch. Travers pushes his man into the cage but Martinez swiftly digs for a guillotine and gets it standing with the left arm trapped. He uses it to throw a few knees to Travers' head then quickly jumps guard. It's tight and Travers looks trapped. Travers hangs out in the guillotine for a few moments -- perhaps too long -- and it suddenly becomes clear to referee Michael Bell that he's unconscious. Bell shakes Travers' arm for confirmation and then jumps in to halt the contest. Impressive submission by Stephen Martinez.

The Official Result

Stephen Martinez def. Bryan Travers via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R1 0:56

Poppies Martinez vs. Brandon Girtz

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Girtz armbarred and stopped Martinez.
The southpaw Girtz patiently circles while Martinez slowly stalks forward. About 45 seconds in, Girtz explodes with four wild punches that just whiz wide. “The Tachi Kid” keeps approaching his opponent, but the Minnesotan rips off another series of wild hooks that drop Martinez to a knee. Girtz is all over him, swarming like an animal. He keeps hammering away, so Martinez tries to grab onto a belly-down kimura to stop the blows. Instead, Girtz gets control over Martinez's arm and counters with a farside armbar. He goes belly down himself, pries Martinez's hands apart and extends the arm for the quick submission win.

The Official Result

Brandon Girtz def. Poppies Martinez via Submission (Armbar) R1 1:20

Javy Ayala vs. Thiago Santos

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Ayala put away Santos in a brawl.
Ayala starts the heavyweight contest with an attempted right head kick not in the same area code as Santos. The American lunges in, but eats a Santos right and follow-up punches. As Santos charges, Ayala counters him. Santos is stunned but mostly seems to slip to the canvas and is up quickly as Ayala attempts to pounce on him. The sluggers resume throwing wild overhands at one another and the Brazilian tags Ayala with a hard, whipping right. Ayala triples up his jab before ripping off another head kick but Santos ducks under, clinches and rips Ayala with a pair of uppercuts.

Ayala charges forward and dings Santos with a clean one-two. Ayala tries another head kick and gets jackknifed to the mat by Santos, who ducks under his legs into side control. Santos pins Ayala's leg and delivers a series of heavy hammerfists before he moves to north-south position. Santos attempts to hammerfist Ayala to the body, allowing his man to scramble back to his feet. A jab-overhand right cracks Ayala and now Santos is all over him with robotic-but-heavy punches. Ayala's back hits the fence and Santos lands a half dozen potent shots with both hands. Somehow, not only does Ayala not go down, he returns fire, landing a pair of crosses that back Santos off. “Big Monster” regroups and charges Ayala again, but Ayala eats more punishment before fighting back with clinch knees of his own. With under 10 seconds to go, Ayala throws a jab-right cross that stuns Santos. He doubles up the combo, clearly hurting the Brazilian this time. Santos is stuck on his feet, so Ayala winds up with a heavy one-two, sending “Big Monster” to the mat face first as the bell rings. Referee “Big” John McCarthy takes one look at Santos' prone body and calls the wild brawl off.

The Official Result

Javy Ayala def. Thiago Santos via KO (Punches) R1 5:00

Isaac DeJesus vs. Scott Cleve

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Cleve put away DeJesus with punches.
Cleve shoots a single-leg takedown 15 seconds into the bout, gets DeJesus to the floor along the fence and moves to side control. DeJesus turns his hips, bridges and roll his way to top position all the way from the bottom of side. DeJesus pounds from the full guard as Cleve shifts his hips, trying to lock up a submission. He settles for a beautiful double butterfly sweep, landing on top in half guard. DeJesus escapes to his feet but the Coloradan holds him in a front headlock, diligently kneeing him to the head and body.

Cleve digs a deep underhook and tries to trip DeJesus to the ground. The Central California favorite defends, but allows Cleve to lock his hands behind his head in a cow catcher and throw him to the mat. Cleve takes side control and tries to pass to mount but DeJesus blocks it. Cleve continues chipping away with punches and short elbows while DeJesus tries to escape from the bottom. Right before the bell, Cleve uses a keylock to pass to mount but can't land any real offense before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cleve
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cleve
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Cleve

Round 2

Cleve shoots 30 seconds into the second round and dumps DeJesus on the mat, claiming side mount once more. Cleve pounds away with more forearms until he passes to mount. He begins to rain down strikes until DeJesus tries to roll. Cleve grabs his arm and rolls into the spider web position, but DeJesus escapes once more. Cleve doesn't let him get away fully, though, controlling his legs and sucking him back to the mat. Cleve is all over DeJesus still, reclaiming full mount almost instantly. He's punching away with both hands as DeJesus goes belly down, trying to get closer to the fence. DeJesus looks trapped and out of gas as Colorado's Cleve turns up the heat. Rights and left keep ringing into DeJesus' ears until referee Jason McCoy rescues him.

The Official Result

Scott Cleve def. Isaac DeJesus via TKO (Punches) R2 3:14

Joe Pacheco vs. Brennan Ward

Round 1

A right cross-left hook-right cross by Ward is the first real offense of the fight as the “Irish Bad Boy” flashes his hand speed. Pacheco tries to clinch up but Ward throws him with an overhook and sets up on top. Ward puts Pacheco against the fence and tries to knuckle him up but Pachecho holds onto a hard overhook and snakes him back up the fence. When he gets back to his feet, he elevates Ward and slams him to the canvas. Ward gets back to his feet without sustaining any damage but Pachecho stays glued to him in the clinch. Pacheco changes levels, locks his hands and picks Ward up on his shoulder, slamming him to the mat once more. Pacheco claims side mount and smothers Ward with his chest. He tries to straighten out his far arm in pursuit of a shoulder lock, but can't control Ward. Pacheco goes back to work, seeking a keylock but instead uses it to pass to mount. Pacheco lands short punches to the head until the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pacheco
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Pacheco
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Pacheco

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Ward hit a power guillotine on Pacheco.
Pacheco shoots a quick single just seconds into the second stanza, but Ward balances well and escapes. Pacheco shoots another one and this time, Ward tries to roll him with a guillotine. He doesn't succeed, but does pop Pacheco with a hard right in the ensuing scramble. Pacheco seems desperate and tired all of a sudden, shooting twice more desperately. On the second attempt, Ward whips him over with an underhook and lands in half guard. “The Irish Bad Boy” chips away until Pacheco looks to scramble, then takes his back.

Ward tries to sink his hooks and secure a rear-naked choke but loses his position as Pacheco turtles and opts to stand again. Ward circles away from “The Juggernaut,” trying to snipe him with his jab, lead left hooks and right crosses. Pacheco shoots again and ends up trapped in a guillotine. Rather than flop to guard once more, Ward switches to a figure four grip and crouches to finish the choke. Pacheco feebly taps as he slips unconscious and John McCarthy halts the fight, Pacheco sliding forward onto his face.

The Official Result

Brennan Ward def. Joe Pacheco via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R2 2:41

Mikkel Parlo vs. Jason Butcher

Round 1

The lanky Butcher keeps a high guard and throws kicks from the outside against the smaller Parlo. Butcher throws a right cross and comes inside and nearly gets smacked right in the back of the head as he comes out of the pocket. He again wades in and Parlo tags him with a short right hook. Butcher jabs and shoots but Parlo easily stuffs him. A right body kick by Butcher is caught and Parlo knocks him to the canvas. Butcher finally gets close enough for a decent double-leg attempt, but Parlo defends with a little help from a fence grab. Butcher stays attached to his left leg, desperate to get it to the mat, but Parlo limplegs out. Parlo begins to come forward more now, ducking under Butcher's reach and trying to land hooks. He digs a left to the body, then glances with two hooks upstairs. Butcher throws a left kick to the body and this one is caught, too, forcing Butcher to eat two Parlo right hands and topple to the mat again. Butcher isn't really getting beat up, but looks mighty uncomfortable as Parlo swarms him with more punches and forces him into a momentary butt scoot. Parlo starts flicking his jab out as a desperate Butcher tries to close in on him. Butcher shoots again and tries to latch onto one of Parlo's arms, trying anything to suck the Dane to the mat. The 10-second clapper sounds and Butcher lands his best punches of the round but Parlo eats them with little consequence.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Parlo
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Parlo
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Parlo

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Parlo clearly outclassed Butcher.
Butcher low kicks Parlo and attacks with wide hooks but when Parlo fires back, his punches instantly force Butcher into a takedown attempt that goes nowhere. Butcher is more assertive on the feet to start the second round but Parlo is still having no trouble potshotting him and easily shrugging off his takedowns. Another double-leg attempt from Butcher, another easy sprawl by Parlo. Butcher jabs and takes another left hook-right hook combo from Parlo. The Jorge Gurgel disciple is now bleeding from the nose and a reaching right cross by Parlo aids that cause.

The pace slows for a minute until Butcher walks into a jab followed by a three-punch combo from Parlo. Parlo chases Butcher with more two-handed punches and Butcher falls to his back into the butt scoot again for a moment. Butcher gets back up only to eat a half dozen right uppercuts from Parlo and crumple against the fence. The West Virginia native looks done, but he's saved by the second-round bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Parlo
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Parlo
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Parlo

Round 3

The third round assumes the form of the first two as Butcher gets tagged, shoots and is stuffed. He gets up, gets hit in the face again, shoots and is stuffed. Despite his height and reach advantage, the 6-foot-3 Butcher simply can't stop from eating Parlo's countershots. Two more Butcher shots are stuffed as referee Michael Bell tells him to take his feet again. Parlo ripping hooks from side-to-side trying to get Butcher out of the cage, but his foe shoots again to no effect. Butcher is running on fumes with two minutes to go. At this point, he is simply rolling his body toward Parlo in hopes of toppling him to the canvas. He steps into the pocket, eats a right hook, falls down and is told by Michael Bell to stand up again. The minute Butcher tries to throw a punch, Parlo ducks and knocks him down with a left hook to the body. Parlo briefly tries to ground-and-pound but Butcher ties him up, so the Dane lets him stand again. Butcher tries a series of teeps but they don't faze Parlo. Two more shots for Butcher, nothing doing. A right hook lands for Parlo, Butcher shoots into the Bermuda Triangle once more. It doesn't stop Butcher from getting back up, trying another double-leg takedown, getting punched by Parlo and falling down one more time before the final bell mercifully ends the contest.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Parlo (30-26 Parlo)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Parlo (30-27 Parlo)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-8 Parlo (30-26 Parlo)

The Official Result

Mikkel Parlo def. Jason Butcher via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Rafael Silva vs. Anthony Leone

Round 1

Through the first minute, both bantamweights trade tense strikes, but Silva's low kicks land the cleanest. Leone whips an overhand right and nearly careens into the cage with Silva easily avoiding. Silva showing noticeable head movement, just ducking around and away from Leone's hooking combinations. Silva steadily puts his jab on Leone's face, not quite touching him, until Leone throws back. Silva explodes underneath, double-legging Leone to the mat. Leone fights hard to get back to his feet and not end up flat on his back, but in attempting to scramble, ends up nearly getting rear-naked choked with no hooks. Leone spins out of the choke and tries to fight the takedown again, bending his body over itself at the ankles until the Brazilian knocks him off balance. Leone throws up a triangle but Silva passes underneath and takes Leone's back as he tries to scramble to his feet. “Morceguinho” goes after the rear-naked choke as Leone stands, but the American shakes Silva off. Leone drives in on a single-leg takedown, bulling Silva back to the cage until the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Silva
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Silva
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Silva

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Silva crusied to a decision against Leone.
An overhand right-left hook combo from Leone glances Silva and backs him up. Leone wings at his target again, but winds up eating a knee. Silva gets his jab going again, popping Leone's head back twice. Both men launch right crosses and it is Leone's that lands first. Silva tries to return with a capoeira-style meia lua kick and misses wide. Leone continues to pressure with wide hooks and overhands but can't connect clean on Silva. Leone finally tags him with a right behind the ear, prompting a Silva shot. The Brazilian drives Leone to the canvas clean this time and moves into half guard, pounding his opponent with left hands.

Silva passes to side mount, giving Leone the chance to kick off the fence and scramble. Silva is on his back in heartbeat once more. Leone stays on his knees a moment before attempting to stand as Silva tries to sink his hooks deeper. He takes Leone down to his knees again and looks for the rear-naked choke with 30 seconds to go in the round. Leone controls Silva's left hand, so Silva bashes him with rights until the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Silva
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Silva
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Silva

Round 3

Another capoeira kick from Silva goes wide, but he smartly chops at the legs of Leone with inside and outside low kicks. Leone just can't reach Silva effectively with his short-armed, looping punching. A spinning heel kick for Silva actually crashes into Leone's guard and makes some impact, albeit not clean. Leone continues to walk Silva down until “Morceguinho” changes levels and pulls him down once more. Silva move to half guard, grinding with left hands and elbows in pursuit of a guard pass. Despite a decent amount of ground activity, referee John McCarthy stands the bantamweights up with a minute to fight. Leone attempts to chase the Brazilian down with punches, then smartly drops for a double-leg takedown. He gets it briefly, but Silva sweeps him and ends up on top to end the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Silva (30-27 Silva)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Silva (30-27 Silva)
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Silva (30-27 Silva)

The Official Result

Rafael Silva def. Anthony Leone via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Lavar Johnson vs. Vinicius Kappke de Queiroz

Round 1

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

A right hand knocked Johnson flat.
Queiroz backs away as Johnson closes the distance on him quickly. Johnson jabs in and “Spartan” unloads a long right cross that leaves Johnson frozen unconscious on his feet for a moment. The UFC veteran slowly topples face-first onto the canvas. Queiroz dives in with punches that wake Johnson up from his textbook flash knockout, but referee Michael Bell is already there to save him from further damage.

The Official Result

Vincius Kappke de Queiroz def. Lavar Johnson via KO (Punch) 0:23 R1

Cheick Kongo vs. Mark Godbeer

Round 1

Godbeer sticks his jab into Kongo's face but as soon as the Brit tries to flurry, Kongo clinches up and trips him to the mat easily. Godbeer gets an overhook and slides up the fence to regain his feet, but can't escape Kongo's clinch. Kongo attacks with knees to the thighs and body from the over-under clinch. Godbeer tries to get in on the action and ends up kneeing Kongo square in the cup. Referee John McCarthy calls time and Kongo takes a minute or so to shake the foul off. On the restart, Kongo lays into an approaching Godbeer with a hard low kick, then dumps him on the canvas again. However, Godbeer uses the fence wall to stand up again. Kongo rips him to the ground again and keeps his grip around Godbeer's waist. Godbeer pushes down on Kongo's head and slides back up the fence for a third time. More knees to the body land for Kongo in the over-under clinch until McCarthy separates them with a minute to go in the round. Godbeer lunges with an overhand right, prompting another Kongo clinch. The two keep hacking away with knees. They come off the fence and Kongo lands one sharp knee to the head before the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kongo
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Kongo
Joe Ortiz scores the round 10-9 Kongo

Round 2

Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Kongo impressed in his Bellator debut.
Godbeer is reaching with overhand rights, well missing his target. He windmills one right hand so hard, Kongo avoids it and gets a standing rear waistlock, kneeing Godbeer in the hamstrings. Godbeer struggles to break free, taking more and more knees to the back of the thighs. Godbeer escapes, only to eat more knees from Kongo that ring his bell. Godbeer tries for a single-leg takedown but Kongo stuffs it. Kongo pulls the Brit back to his feet and starts unloading. Godbeer stumbles back to the cage, where's he's met with another hard knee and two uppercuts that crumple him to the mat, forcing John McCarthy into action.

The Official Result

Cheick Kongo def. Mark Godbeer via TKO (Knees and Punches) R2 2:04
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