

Bellator 134 ‘British Invasion’ Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com will report from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., at approximately 6:45 p.m. ET with live Bellator 134 play-by-play.

Check out the MMA Forums to discuss the card or enter your comments and predictions below.

Marvin Maldonado vs. Blair Tugman

Round 1

Tugman touches Maldonado with a straight right hand, moves him toward the fence and floors “The Bulldog” with a double-leg takedown. Straight to side control goes Tugman, dropping elbows to Maldonado’s legs until the man on the bottom traps his right arm. Instead, Tugman starts throwing knees to Maldonado’s body until he’s able to free his arm. Tugman is hunting for a guillotine, keeping Maldonado pinned down. Halfway through the round, Tugman abandons the sub and begins landing hard punches. The flurry only lasts for a few seconds, and Tugman goes back to holding down Maldonado for the remainder of the round. Tugman throws some elbows in the closing moments, though most are deflected by Maldonado’s forearms.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tugman
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Tugman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tugman

Round 2

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Maldonado was no match for the
wrestling of Tugman.
Tugman hits another takedown less than 30 seconds into the round and once again passes straight to side control. Maldonado succeeds in reclaiming half guard for a brief moment, but Tugman soon passes back and resumes peppering with short right hands to the face. Maldonado rolls to his side, then his knees, trying to explode to his feet, but Tugman keeps his left arm around his Maldonado’s waist and holds him down. The bantamweights scoot toward the fence, where Tugman jumps on Maldonado’s back and puts in both hooks. Maldonado throws punches over his shoulder, trying to make Tugman pay as “The Bull Shark” hunts for a rear-naked choke.

When Maldonado rolls to his back with 20 seconds left in the round, Tugman takes full mount and spends the closing moments throwing strikes as Maldonado covers up.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tugman
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Tugman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tugman

Round 3

Tugman goes after a single-leg takedown on the fence and gets it after a brief struggle, but this time Maldonado is quick to bounce back to his feet. Still working for the takedown is Tugman, who gets a body lock, lifts Maldonado into the air and dumps him back to the canvas. Trying to avoid having his back taken, Maldonado rolls to his knees and then walks off the fence with his feet. With Maldonado now seated at the base of the fence, Tugman holds a front headlock and then releases to control Maldonado’s legs. Maldonado has his back taken again, and again he surrenders full mount to get Tugman loose. Back in Maldonado’s guard, Tugman once more passes to side control, and that’s where he finishes the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tugman (30-27 Tugman)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Tugman (30-27 Tugman)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tugman (30-27 Tugman)

The Official Result

Blair Tugman def. Marvin Maldonado via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-26) R3 5:00

Bobby Flynn vs. Neiman Gracie

Round 1

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Gracie cranked it up on Flynn.
Gracie quickly grabs hold of Flynn’s waist and drags him to the ground, where the BJJ stylist moves straight into full mount. Flynn gives up his back and gets to a knee, trying to work his way back up while Gracie keeps him in place with one hook in. Flynn goes to stand and falls back to the ground, and now Gracie establishes back-control with a body triangle. Gracie softens up Flynn with frustrating punches, looking for an opening for the rear-naked choke. He snakes his left arm around Flynn’s face and bears down, and Flynn taps out to the neck crank.

The Official Result

Neiman Gracie def. Bobby Flynn via Submission (Neck Crank) R1 2:36

Jason Butcher vs. Tamdan McCrory

Round 1

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McCrory is rolling since his return.
Butcher jabs his way into range and takes a couple straight punches in return from McCrory. This sends Butcher shooting for the legs of “The Barn Cat,” who defends the takedown and punches his kneeling opponent in the process. McCrory snares Butcher in a guillotine and pulls guard, but Butcher gets his head loose and now sits up in McCrory’s guard. Butcher tries to ground-and-pound but leaves his left arm dangling in McCrory’s guard. McCrory makes him pay for the mistake, swinging his legs around and applying an armbar which forces Butcher to submit instantly.

The Official Result

Tamdan McCrory def. Jason Butcher via Submission (Armbar) R1 1:06

Raphael Butler vs. Josh Diekmann

Round 1

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Butler wrecked Diekmann with ease.
Diekmann tries to keep the taller man out of range with low kicks, which Butler checks and backs away from. Butler snaps off a few stiff jabs and gives Diekmann a couple nice leg kicks in return, prompting Diekmann to shoot for a double-leg takedown. Diekmann pushes Butler against the fence, where Butler uses his left arm to trap Diekmann’s head in a tight guillotine choke. Diekmann jumps in the air to try and escape, but it only makes the choke worse and he is forced to tap out, sending referee Kevin Anderson into action.

The Official Result

Raphael Butler def. Josh Diekmann via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R1 1:04

Matt Bessette vs. Josh LaBerge

Round 1

LaBerge lands the first shots of the fight with a flurry of punches to the head and a pair of knees to Bessette’s body in the Thai clinch. LaBerge keeps clipping with hard shots as he wades in and out of range. Bessette answers with leg kicks, dips inside and pops LaBerge with a left hook. LaBerge pushes Bessette toward the fence, dodges a front kick and gets in a couple more knees to the body in the clinch. Bessette eats a couple right hands as they disengage, and LaBerge takes a counter left hook in order to land a three-piece combo. Bessette jumps into range with a straight left and follows up with a right hook. LaBerge responds with another pair of clinch knees and then has to go on his back foot as Bessette presses the action midway through the round. Bessette takes his time getting into range, but once he does, he wraps up LaBerge and trips him to the ground with 1:45 on the clock. LaBerge goes to his knees and has to cover up as Bessette lands short right hands from riding position. Bessette doesn’t seem to be doing much damage with the shots, but they’re keeping LaBerge on the defensive as the final minute ticks down. Bessette closes out the round elbowing LaBerge in the head.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bessette
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Bessette
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bessette

Round 2

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Bessette battered Laberge bloody.
Bessette stuns LaBerge with a front kick to the jaw, then he slips on the ground as he tries to blitz LaBerge with punches to capitalize. LaBerge survives the kick but he’s breathing heavy with his back to the fence as Bessette picks at him with jabs. The shots open up a cut on LaBerge’s left eye, and shortly afterward, he tries to trip Bessette to the ground. Bessette reverses as they tumble to the mat and lands in full mount, then takes back-control as LaBerge rolls over. After softening up LaBerge with punches, Bessette drops backward to try and finish with a rear-naked choke.

LaBerge fends off the choke, so with two minutes left, Bessette postures up and drops punches to the face. Another RNC attempt from Bessette comes up short, and now LaBerge is taking punches to the body and head as he kneels with his head buried in the canvas. Bessette frees himself from LaBerge’s back and jumps off to the side, where he can get a better angle for his punches and elbows. LaBerge is giving nothing in return but does manage to get to his feet. Bessette stays glued to him and rides LaBerge back to the mat one last time before the bell. Between rounds, the cageside doctor has a look at the damage to LaBerge’s face and recommends that referee Bryan Miner stops the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Bessette
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Bessette
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Bessette

The Official Result

Matt Bessette def. Josh LaBerge via TKO (Doctor Stoppage) R2 5:00

Mike Mangan vs. Dean Hancock

Round 1

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Hancock had a dominant pro debut.
Hancock closes the gap and ties up, trying to take Mangan to the ground, but his sacrifice throw lands Mangan on top. Hancock scrambles out from underneath and both lightweights stand up. Now it’s Mangan shooting for a single-leg, moving Hancock around the cage until he eventually completes the takedown near the center. Hancock kicks Mangan away and jumps to his feet, then steps over and takes the back of the still-shooting Mangan. Trapping the right arm of Mangan with his leg, Hancock slaps on a rear-naked choke that has Mangan tapping out in seconds.

The Official Result

Dean Hancock def. Mike Mangan via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 1:33

Curtis Millender vs. Brennan Ward

Round 1

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Ward held it down for Connecticut.
Millender lands an uppecut to the body and then turns Ward’s head with a crisp right hook. Continuing to cut angles away from his opponent, Millender pops Ward with another speedy right hand to the temple, then another before stuffing a double-leg shot from the “Irish Bad Boy.” Referee John McCarthy announces that Millender has a small cut on his left eye due to a punch. Ward lands a leg kick and Millender slips trying to counter. Once he pops back up, Ward knocks him back to the ground and then jumps on Millender’s back near the fence, immediately searching for a rear-naked choke.

Millender resists at first, but once Ward flattens him out belly-down, the choke gets set in. Ward squeezes tight and, with no way to escape, Millender taps out.

The Official Result

Brennan Ward def. Curtis Millender via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 1:37

Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou vs. Linton Vassell

Round 1

Vassell shoots for a high double-leg, gets sprawled on by Sokoudjou, but the Englishman keeps after the takedown and eventually brings his man to the ground near the base of the fence. Sokoudjou turns to his knees, exposing his back. Vassell is only able to establish one hook, with the cage on Sokoudjou’s left side preventing him from securing back-mount. Sokoudjou turns the other way, shakes Vassell free and stands up. With underhooks, Sokoudjou tries to drag Vassell to the ground, but Vassell gets an underhook himself and reverses to take top position as soon as they hit the mat. Vassell flattens out Sokoudjou from half guard, trying to mount while the Cameroon native ties up from underneath. With two minutes to go, Vassell gets off a few solid punches and elbows as he uses his legs to trap Sokoudjou’s right arm. Sokoudjou goes underneath Vassell, hooks a leg and slides out the back door, but “The Swarm” stays all over him and jumps on Sokoudjou’s back with one minute left in the round. Sokoudjou spends the remainder of the round defending a rear-naked choke attempt.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Vassell
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Vassell
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Vassell

Round 2

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Vassell took Sokoudjou's back and
then took over the fight.
Vassell keeps Sokoudjou on the outside for the opening minute, flicking out jabs which land and high kicks which mostly do not. A left hand hits Sokoudjou before Vassell changes levels and rushes him against the fence, flooring “The African Assassin” with another double-leg. Sokoudjou tries to roll over and gets flattened on his stomach with Vassell in high back-mount. Vassell drops punches with both hands, gets a warning from referee Dan Miragliotta to watch the back of Sokoudjou’s head, and then goes back to work, targeting the sides of Sokoudjou’s head. The ref is taking a close look, telling Sokoudjou to fight back, and when he doesn’t, Miragliotta stops the bout.

The Official Result

Linton Vassell def. Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou via TKO (Punches) R2 3:18

Paul Daley vs. Andre Santos

Round 1

Daley sticks a left hand in Santos’ breadbasket and then backs away as the Brazilian sends a few jabs down the center. A few more body shots connect for Daley, who takes a body kick to his flank on the left side. Daley keeps the body work coming, but he takes a clean right cross on the cheek. Santos connects with another wild right hand, flailing shots at Daley until he’s close enough to clinch up. Now it’s “Chatuba” shoving Daley up against the cage, but he’s not able to do anything before Daley pulls his head down in the Thai plum and threatens with knees to escape the clinch. Daley comes back to take the outside position, working short left hands upstairs as he leans Santos against the cage. The welterweights pummel for position on the outside, and Daley receives a warning from referee Dan Miragliotta for grabbing the fence. Miragliotta splits them up, and now it’s Daley moving forward to tag Santos with a right hand. Daley’s follow-up punches miss as he chases Santos across the cage, but once he catches up, he drops Santos with a left uppercut and follow-up right hand. Santos grabs for Daley’s right leg and tries to take the Englishman down with 45 seconds left in the opening frame. Santos can’t get his man to the mat, so he pulls guard instead and allows Daley to finish the round on top, landing ground-and-pound.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Daley
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Daley
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Daley

Round 2

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Daley smashed Santos for three full
rounds, but couldn't finish him.
Daley counters a leg kick with a sweeping left hand, but he takes a looping left from Santos as he moves forward. The 170-pounders clinch briefly, Daley landing a few body shots from the outside position. When Santos tries for a takedown, Daley releases and floors the Brazilian with another right hand to the chin. After a few punches on the ground, Daley settles down in Chatuba’s half guard. Santos tries to sweep, but Daley stands up, spins around and traps him against the fence, landing a knee to the ribs in the process. Referee Miragliotta rebukes Daley for grabbing the fence again, his third warning.

Santos takes the outside position in the clinch and drags Daley to the ground midway through the round and the fight. Santos is hunting for his signature anaconda choke but can’t find the setup before Daley powers back to his feet. Working for a high double, Santos drops to his knees and holds Daley against the cage. Daley pulls his head down in the Thai clinch and breaks free with 70 seconds on the clock. Santos tags “Semtex” with a left hook, a right hand down the middle and then shoots for the takedown again. Daley sprawls but winds up with his back on the fence again. With Santos on his knees, Daley tries to escape over the top, but he ends up on hs seat with Santos trying to take his back as the bell sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Daley
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Daley
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Daley

Round 3

Daley inches across the cage and drops Santos with a pair of blistering left hooks on the temple. Semtex follows him to the ground and lands a dozen or more heavy hammer fists before Santos is able to tie him up in half guard and slow the assault. Santos uses a butterfly hook to create space, then posts and stands up with 3:30 remaining in the bout. Daley clubs him with a left hand that opens up a cut on Santos’ forehead, right between the eyes. Santos shoots another double, but Daley sprawls all over it and stands up Santos to land a hard knee in the clinch. Santos hits the deck again, and now Daley sets up in side control on the Brazilian’s right to try and finish with ground-and-pound. Referee Miragliotta is watching closely, but when the finish doesn’t materialize after a few seconds, Daley stands up and dives back into Santos’ guard with a right hand. Santos gets to his knees, takes a couple shots to the body and then stands up, now with 90 seconds on the clock. Daley gives him some space, enough for Santos to try for another takedown against the fence. Daley defends it, but Santos is tenacious and finally trips him to the ground with just over 30 seconds remaining. Santos gets full mount and socks Daley in the face with half a dozen left hands, but Daley manages to get back to his feet. Santos pulls him back to the mat and takes full mount again just as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Daley (30-26 Daley)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Daley (30-26 Daley)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Daley (30-26 Daley)

The Official Result

Paul Daley def. Andre Santos via Unanimous Decision (29-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Muhammed Lawal vs. Cheick Kongo

Round 1

Kongo crouches low and probes with his left hand, flicking out a few jabs to test the range. Lawal lands a left hook on the ear, resets and touches Kongo’s chin with an overhand right. After a minute, Kongo establishes himself in the center and moves “King Mo” around the perimeter. They change positions and Lawal connects with another left hook before Kongo responds with an outside leg kick. Lawal ducks under a hook, comes back up and dinks Kongo with a right hand of his own. Lawal changes levels behind the punch and takes Kongo to the ground, then holds him in riding position as the Frenchman gets to his knees. Lawal waits until Kongo goes to stand and shoves the UFC veteran back to the ground. Referee John McCarthy warns Kongo not to grab the inside of Lawal’s glove while trying to stifle his offense, and then another warning for punches to the back of Lawal’s head. Lawal finishes the round on top, in Kongo’s half guard.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lawal
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Lawal
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lawal

Round 2

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Lawal grounded Kongo for 15.
Kongo slips to his knees coming forward and winds up trying for a double-leg from his knees. Lawal stuffs it, then tries to capitalize as Kongo stands and slips throwing a low kick. Kongo gets back to his feet in time to stuff Lawal, who instead presses the larger man against the fence. Lawal tries a single-leg, switches to a double and picks the ankle of Kongo to complete the takedown. This time, Lawal lands in side control on Kongo’s left side. Kongo reclaims half guard but can’t escape Lawal’s heavy top pressure. Lawal, however, can’t get much offense going with Kongo wrapping him up from underneath.

With one minute left in the round, Kongo gets to his knees, then his feet, and he traps Lawal against the fence with a high single-leg. Lawal defends the takedown for the final 30 seconds while Kongo fires knees at the former Strikeforce champ’s legs.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lawal
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Lawal
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lawal

Round 3

Kongo clips Lawal with a hard left hook that sends Lawal shooting for a takedown. Again, the wrestler brings Kongo to the floor with ease, but now Kongo is able to pop back up and sprawl against the cage. Lawal gives up on the takedown about one minute into the round, and now it’s Kongo marching forward, chopping at the upsized 205er with a couple hard leg kicks. Lawal explodes into a blast double-leg that plants Kongo on his seat near the fence. Referee McCarthy calls for action as Lawal stays heavy on top, trying to mount Kongo but not mounting much offense in the process. Inside the final two minutes, Kongo is on his knees with Lawal’s left arm looped around his waist, the right arm dropping punches. Kongo powers back to his feet, only to have his legs taken out by another Lawal takedown moments later. The Connecticut crowd boos what looks to be the last takedown of the fight, and referee McCarthy seems to agree, standing up the fighters with only 20 seconds left. Kongo charges forward to finish the fight but can’t find Lawal, who backpedals away until he hears the final bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lawal (30-27 Lawal)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Lawal (30-27 Lawal)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lawal (30-27 Lawal)

The Official Result

Muhammed Lawal def. Cheick Kongo via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Bellator Light Heavyweight Title:
Emanuel Newton vs. Liam McGeary

Round 1

Todd Anderson is the referee for tonight’s 205-pound title bout. Newton charges straight at his challenger, who keeps the champ at bay with rangy kicks. Newton won’t be denied, as he continues trying to get in McGeary’s face with quick punches and spinning kicks. About one minute into the round, Newton changes levels and floors McGeary with a double-leg. The long-limbed Englishman throws up his legs and snares Newton in a triangle choke. When the champ won’t tap to the choke, McGeary switches to an armbar and extends Newton’s left arm. Though the choke and the armbar both look capable of ending the fight, Newton rides out the submissions and yanks his limb free to reclaim top position. Newton postures up in side control, but McGeary puts him back in guard and applies another triangle. McGeary gets the armbar again, but once more Newton escapes the submission. Newton takes side control again, and this time McGeary traps him in an inverted triangle. Instead of another armbar, McGeary tries a keylock. Just when his arm appears to be at the breaking point, Newton pulls it free and turns the corner to try and jump on McGeary’s back. McGeary puts his back on the mat and spuns to put Newton in his guard again, and the challenger finishes the first round trying to catch Newton in another sub.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 McGeary
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 McGeary
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 McGeary

Round 2

Newton emerges for round two with hands low, switching stances and trying to find his way into McGeary’s range. The “Hardcore Kid” is putting out more offense than McGeary through 90 seconds, as the challenger seems to be waiting for another opportunity to get the fight to the floor. Newton catches a low kick and runs McGeary to the ground, this time flattening him out from guard and leaving little space for submission attempts. Newton spends the middle portion of the round on top, scooting McGeary around the cage and scoring with sporadic right hands. With one minute left in the second frame, McGeary drills with some hard elbows from underneath which have Newton standing up. When Newton comes back to the ground, McGeary throws up a triangle-armbar combo but can’t find the finish before the bell sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Newton
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 McGeary
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Newton

Round 3

(+ Enlarge) | Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

McGeary's hyperactive guard earned him
the Bellator light heavyweight title.
Newton pushes McGeary away with a spinning-back kick to the midsection, then puts a side kick on the same spot and has to yank his leg away before McGeary can grab hold. The 205ers meet in the center, where McGeary paws with a jab and then has a high kick blocked by Newton’s forearms. A jab and a straight right connect for McGeary, then a popping left hook counter to a Newton low kick. Newton’s offense slows in the middle of the round as he switches between stances and waits for an opening. Newton slips throwing a leg kick and McGeary tries to capitalize, but the challenger overcommits grabbing for a guillotine choke and gets flipped over the top. Now it’s Newton in McGeary’s guard, fighting his way out of another triangle choke. McGeary keeps trying to swing his legs around and catch a sub, even as Newton passes to cross side control on the right. McGeary is still fishing for an armbar with 30 seconds left, holding on to Newton’s left wrist while peppering with punches to the face. McGeary rolls to a mounted triangle in the closing seconds and finishes the round bombing Newton’s face with punches.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 McGeary
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 McGeary
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McGeary

Round 4

Both men stick jabs before spending most of the opening minute circling and pawing with lead hands. McGeary presses forward and pops Newton with a jab, then takes a borderline kick to the groin. Referee Anderson warns Newton that two kicks have now strayed low. Newton gets backed up to the fence with a pair of body kicks and nearly falls to the ground returning the kicks with his arms low. Newton whiffs on a spinning-back fist, keeps McGeary out of range with a pair of front kicks. Newton lands a grazing overhand right, gets tagged with a right hand as he turns around and then blocks a high kick with his arms. A Superman punch gets Newton into range for a clinch, and he holds McGeary against the fence in a headlock with two minutes to go. Newton knees McGeary in the head and tosses him back to the ground, landing in side control but quickly being corralled back to guard. Back to half guard goes Newton with 60 seconds on the clock, his short right hands being blocked by the challenger underneath. Newton tries to jump from half guard on one side to an arm-triangle on the other, but he gets caught in McGeary’s half guard and can’t secure the choke. McGeary regains guard and tosses up one more triangle to end the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Newton
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 McGeary
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Newton

Round 5

Newton gets an early takedown but has to go on the defensive as McGeary kicks off the wall and catches him in an armbar. The champ slams his way out of the sub and moves to side control on McGeary’s right, where he staples the Englishman’s face with short elbows. Newton opts to stand and kick at the legs of McGeary before diving back to the canvas midway through the final round. McGeary applies a body triangle from underneath to hold Newton in his guard. Newton cracks him with a thumping right hand through the guard, but the American’s offense has slowed to single shots. With 75 seconds left, McGeary snares Newton in a triangle and tries to roll over to full mount. The triangle is high, and Newton stays heavy to force McGeary back to the mat and then slip his head free. Back to side control goes Newton, then standing up as McGeary attempts yet another armbar. McGeary throws up one more triangle while Newton shucks aside, passing to side control just before the final bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Newton (47-47 Draw)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Newton (49-46 McGeary)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Newton (47-47 Draw)

The Official Result

Liam McGeary def. Emanuel Newton via Unanimous Decision (48-46, 48-47, 48-47) R5 5:00
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