

Bellator 76 Results: Live Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com will report from Casino Rama in Rama, Ontario, Canada, at 6:00 p.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of Bellator 76, headlined by a lightweight clash between Eddie Alvarez and Patricky Freire, and featuring the Bellator Season 7 featherweight tournament quarterfinals.

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Jason Fischer vs. Kyle Prepolec

Round 1
After Prepolec pops Fischer a few times, the Michigan native pushes Prepolec into the cage in pursuit of a takedown. Prepolec defends smartly, but eats some stern knees to the breadbasket as he spins out of the clinch. Fischer punches into the clinch again, scoring with more knees. Prepolec snaps him up by the waist and hauls him to the ground, setting up in half guard and punching away. Fischer swings for a leglock, but Propelec pushes him away and looms over him in Ali-Inoki position. The Mash Fight Team rep jumps to his feet, just dodging a well-timed head kick from the Ontarian. Fischer shoots in this time, tripping the outside leg smartly, putting Prepolec on the mat. Fischer moves his foe toward the cage, passing to half guard after a strong salvo of punches. The first round ends with Fischer on top peppering his foe.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Fischer
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Fischer
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Fischer

Round 2
Fischer starts the second aggressively, slamming Prepolec to the canvas. The Windsor, Ontario, native gets to his feet, but after a brief exchange is put right back on the canvas with another double-leg. Once again against the fence, Prepolec tries to control his foe in pursuit of a submission, but eats copious amounts of right hands. When Fischer postures up and releases another torrent of rights, Prepolec scrambles into a takedown of his own, briefly getting top position and landing some wild punches in the ensuing scramble. Fischer collects himself, getting in on a single-leg and grounding Prepolec once more. Fischer gets to side control, elbowing with his nearside left. When Prepolec bucks to escape, Fischer steps over his head and instantly goes to work on a kimura. As he separates his foe’s hands, he switches off to an armbar, but the hasty attempt results in him on his back. He tries to switch to the other arm without much success, torquing Prepolec’s arm relatively harmlessly until the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Fischer
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Fischer
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Fischer

Round 3
Dave Mandel

Fischer wore Prepolec out.
Fischer lands a right cross to the body and a left body kick on his way into another clinch, hot in pursuit of a single-leg. Prepolec tries to reach through his opponent’s legs, looking for a switch, but Fischer yanks him away from the cage and deposits him on the mat again. Fischer moves to half guard briefly, but when he tries to pound and pass, Prepolec reclaims full guard. Fischer, however, easily moves right back into side control by throwing his legs by, and then into full mount. Prepolec is exhausted with two minutes to fight. Fischer locks up an easy arm-triangle choke from full mount and almost instantly coaxes the tap from his defeated foe. The submission win for Fischer comes at 3:19 of the final round.

Ainsley Robinson vs. Chad Laprise

Round 1
A wild overhand one-two from Robinson tags Laprise and has him shaking his head. Laprise continues to stick and move and look for openings, while Robinson wings another massive overhand right and clips him once more. Laprise begins to trot forward, just touching Robinson with the jab. The London, Ontario native lands an uppercut that puts Robinson on his knees, but he manages to get back to his feet by throwing heavy blows to ward Laprise off. Laprise pursues nonetheless, pressing forward with a bevy of hooks that force the smaller Robinson to cover up. Laprise looks more comfortable now, jabbing and leg kicking the visibly tiring Robinson. Laprise backs his man up, smacking him with right hooks to the body. The damage is piling up now, and a hard Laprise right has Robinson in on a desperate single-leg. He works back to his feet, but Laprise is still coming. He shucks Robinson by on a desperate takedown and hammerfists away. Robinson gets back to his feet, only to eat more punches and eat the canvas on a last-ditch flying knee attempt.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Laprise
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Laprise
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Laprise

Round 2
Laprise sticks his jab out again, but Robinson rushes with a wild punching combination that mostly hits air. Robinson charges in and eats two more right hands. He is desperately winging punches still, only to eat right hand after right hand from Laprise. Laprise moves into short range and blasts Robinson with knees, thwarting his takedown. They desert standing, and a wild right lands for the desperate Robinson, standing Laprise up and forcing him to clinch. Jab-cross for Laprise lands and when Robinson tries to fire back, it’s a hard right counter. Three more hard rights for Robinson, who throws a teep with both hands clasped into the fence behind him in exhaustion. The two sloppily trade punches, with Laprise naturally getting the better of things. Robinson is displaying grit and a chin and not much more at this point. He shoots another desperate single and Laprise simply kneels down, idly hammerfisting until the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Laprise
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Laprise
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Laprise

Round 3
D. Mandel

Robinson was target practice for
Chad Laprise.
Right uppercut for Laprise tags Robinson once more. At this point, Laprise is just walking forward and jabbing. He winds up on a big uppercut that lands, but Robinson wings a right hand that forces him to step out for a moment and reset. Laprise begins accumulating shots on Robinson once more, before surprisingly grabbing double underhooks and tripping the wrestler to the canvas. With little difficulty, Laprise moves to full mount, then claiming the back with just over 90 seconds to go in the fight. Laprise tries to crossface hard in pursuit of the rear-naked choke, but it’s not there. One of his hooks comes out, but before Robinson can do anything about it, he puts it back in and starts working for the choke again. He punches under the arm and rolls Robinson, trying for an armbar at the last moment but not coming close to sinking it.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Laprise (30-27 Laprise)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Laprise (30-27 Laprise)
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Laprise (30-27 Laprise)

Official result: All three judges -- Kyle Costello, Dr. Gregory Jackson and Benoit Roussel -- score the bout 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision, Chad Laprise.

Dom O'Grady vs. A.J. Matthews

Round 1
Both men keen with their hands early, glancing with one-two’s and counters. Matthews lands two kicks to the body, but O’Grady just misses with an overhand right on the second. Matthews slips, hitting his knees, and the Detroit native latches onto a guillotine choke and jumps guard. The Carlsbad, Calif., fighter pulls his head out calmly. Matthews stands out of O’Grady’s guard, and lets his opponent retake his feet. Big swings coming from O’Grady, but he can’t land clean. The former KOTC champ tags Matthews with an uppercut that pops his head up. Three-punch combo for O’Grady lands, and he dives in a double-leg. Matthews defends, but O’Grady switches to a waistlock and nearly gets his back standing. Matthews stops him from sinking hooks in, but can’t free himself from the clinch. O’Grady gets in on another single, but Matthews shuts it down and lands hammerfists until the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 O’Grady
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Matthews
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Matthews

Round 2
Matthews throws a sudden roundhouse kick to the head and clobbers O’Grady, knocking him to the mat. O’Grady breaks his fall, but Matthews opts not to follow up, letting O’Grady get up again. One-two and an outside leg kick for Matthews lands, and he follows with another leg kick. Matthews is starting to land leg kicks more frequently; his attack has the Detroit native walking more gingerly. Matthews lands a hard right. The Californian circles and tries to set up another head kick, but it’s blocked. A lunging right for O’Grady and the following left hook snap Matthews’ head back, dropping him against the fence. O’Grady is all over him, punching and getting into half guard. O’Grady elbows the meat of Matthews’ thigh, loosening him up before moving to side control. O’Grady moves into mount with a series of blows, but Matthews kicks him off as the bell sounds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 O’Grady
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 O’Grady
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 O’Grady

Round 3
D. Mandel

O'Grady outslugged Matthews.
Wide hooks are the weapon of choice for both men early in round three. Both welterweights wade in and out of the pocket with long swipes, neither landing firm and glancing at best. O’Grady finally lands a harder, cleaner right hand. O’Grady jabs, but Matthews attacks back with a hard outside low kick. O’Grady comes in with a hook, Matthews changes levels and lands a left hook to the body. Matthews now throws the aggressive overhand, and O’Grady counters with a clean one-two. Another Matthews overhand gets him countered again by O’Grady, who sloppily tries to shoot a takedown off of his three-punch offering. Matthews stuffs him and they resume striking with just over two minutes to fight. Matthews mixes more leg kicks into his attack, slowing O’Grady. Good counter right for Matthews lands, but O’Grady keeps on punching and tags him back.

Body shot for Matthews, but O’Grady continues to fire back as Matthews tries to pour it on late. The cleaner punches are Matthews’, forcing O’Grady to shoot in once more just before the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Matthews (29-28 O’Grady)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 O’Grady (29-28 O’Grady)
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Matthews (29-28 Matthews)

Official result: Judge Mike McNeil has the bout 29-28 for A.J. Matthews, while Dr. Gregory Jackson sees the bout 29-28, for Dom O'Grady. Deciding judge Benoit Roussel has it 29-28 for the winner by split decision, Dom O'Grady.

Bellator Season 7 Featherweight Tournament Quarterfinal
Cody Bollinger vs. Shahbulat Shamhalaev

Round 1
D. Mandel

Shamhalaev crushed Bollinger's body.
Bollinger slips on his first offensive attempt and then finds his mark, south of the border, on Shamhalaev with an inside low kick. Lavigne gives him time to recover but the Dagistani native waves him off an we are back at it. Bollinger slips again and this time Shamhalaev pounces on him. He settles into his guard and looks for openings to strike. Bollinger tries to elevate his opponent with heels on hips but Shamhalaev's base is strong. Shamhalaev ripens Bollinger's face, now a bright red, then goes to the body and hurts the Californian with ground-and-pound to the guts. Shamhalaev is wailing away on Bollinger, whose only answer is to cover up. He is now turtled and taking a beating.

Bollinger turns back in and takes a number of shots to his face as he tries to cover up and then a booming punch to the body that brings referee Yves Lavigne to the rescue at 4:49 of the first round. Shahbulat Shamhalaev is the first semifinalist in the Bellator Season 7 featherweight tournament.

Bellator Season 7 Featherweight Tournament Reserve Bout
Magomedrasul Khasbulaev vs. Nayeb Hezam

Round 1
D. Mandel

Khasbulaev's KO made Dagestan 2-0.

Both fighters size one another up, feinting and pumping their strikes early. Hezam throws a lazy left hook, then leg kicks to follow. Khasbulaev is a step ahead of him, launching his counter right hand as soon as the kick goes. The Russian's rocket right smashes into the Frenchman, dropping him to the mat on his back.

The Dagestani fighter is all over him, ripping him with punches from the top until referee Ivan Svec jumps in and saves Hezam at the 24-second mark of the bout. Brutish, short finish for Khasbulaev.

Ali Mokdad vs. Simon Marini

Round 1
Marini is aggressive with his boxing immediately, pepping Mokdad and tagging him with rights. Marini counters a Mokdad kick with a right hand, flattening him to the mat. Marini swarms with punches from above but Mokdad keeps him at bay just enough to get back to his feet after a terrible opening minute. Mokdad legs kicks from the outside while Marini hunts with more right hands. “The Mutant” continues landing with the right, the dominant tool of the fight thus far. Mokdad lands a glancing one-two, but is still mostly throwing tepid kicks from the outside while Marini steps into the pocket with heavier punches. Mokdad finally lands a jab and a right hook that stun Marini, following up with knees. Double jab from Mokdad, followed by a body kick. Marini awkwardly wades inside and trips to the mat for a moment. Push kick from Mokdad, but with little on it. Marini shoots in, elevates and takes Mokdad down just before the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Marini
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Marini
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Marini

Round 2
Both men, a bit tired, are pumping jabs to little effect. Marini sneaks in a hard double jab, but Mokdad kicks him to the body in response. With the volume of lukewarm leg kicks and aimless jabs, the fight is starting to resemble a sparring session. A Mokdad head kick cracks Marini and puts him on his heels, giving the crowd life for the first time. Mokdad applies pressure with punches, but can’t land hard to follow up. Marini is trying to walk inside and land punches as he did early, but Mokdad’s kicks are keeping him away. He shoots for a single, but Mokdad easily turns him away. Marini shoots again before the bell, but again is stuffed.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mokdad
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mokdad
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Mokdad

Round 3
A. Hemingway

Windsor's Mokdad earned a
win in front of his crowd.
The third round looks similar to recent proceedings, as Marini sticks his jab out and Mokdad kicks from the outside. Marini lands a good lead left, but Mokdad counters with straight punches of his own. Mokdad throws a slow kick and Marini tags him with a counter right. Tight exchange inside as “The Monster” lands two crosses. The crowd begins to chant “A-li! A-li!” in support of the Windsor, Ontario, fighter. Marini lands a left hook, ducks under and goes for the double-leg, but Mokdad shakes him off and pressures with punches, landing a series of straights. Marini’s right hand cracks him on the counter, and with a minute to fight, there’s finally action. Marini’s face with a slight smear of blood. Mokdad’s jab tickles Marini’s nose, prompting another shot and another Mokdad stuff. They swing before the final bell, Mokdad landing a raking right that snaps Marini’s head up.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mokdad (29-28 Mokdad)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mokdad (29-28 Mokdad)
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Mokdad (29-28 Mokdad)

Official result: All three judges -- Dr .Gregory Jackson, Mike McNeil and Benoit Roussel -- score the bout 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Ali Mokdad.

Bellator Season 7 Featherweight Tournament Quarterfinal
Mike Richman vs. Jeremy Spoon

Round 1
The southpaw Richman creeps forward and Spoon lands an inside leg kick while trying to find the range with a combo. Richman raises up with a left high kick and his shin grazes right off Spoon's temple. Spoon is out instantly; he collapses to the canvas and referee John McCarthy steps in to rescue him immediately. Richman's position affords him two final parting shots, but the fight is done with as Spoon's simply stares vacantly into the lights. Mike Richman becomes the second semifinalist in the Bellator Season 7 featherweight tournament with a 23-second knockout.

Bellator Season 7 Featherweight Tournament Quarterfinal
Akop Stepanyan vs. Wagnney Fabiano

Round 1
D. Mandel

Fabiano caught that arm.
Fabiano is aggressive in pursuit of the takedown, instantly flurrying then changing levels. A hard inside low kick by Stepanyan nearly takes Fabiano’s leg out. After a glancing exchange of fists, Stepanyan kicks Fabiano to the body, prompting the Brazilian to drive into the clinch. Fabiano gets over-unders and manages to trip Stepanyan to the mat. The Nova Uniao black belt gets to side control for a moment, but the RusFighters Sport Club product gets to his feet for a moment. Fabiano refuses to give up the takedown, diving onto Stepanyan’s legs and sucking him to the mat again. Fabiano moves to side control again and then promptly takes mount. Stepanyan tries to roll, giving Fabiano the opportunity for an armbar.

He cranks it on, but the Russian refuses to tap, forcing the IFL and WEC vet to crank his arm even worse, popping his elbow off to the side to elicit the tap. Wagnney Fabiano moves onto the semifinals of the Bellator Season 7 featherweight tournament with a nasty armbar submission at 3:24 of the first round.

Bellator Season 7 Featherweight Tournament Quarterfinal
Nazareno Malegarie vs. Rad Martinez

Round 1
Malegarie is aggressive with leg kicks from the outset. Martinez drives the Argentinian into the fence, but Malegarie turns away and resets standing. A counter from Martinez cracks the kicking Malegarie, drawing blood to his nostrils. Martinez shoots and is stuffed, with Malegarie’s nose pouring blood all down his back. A four-piece from Malegarie is mostly blocked but puts Martinez on his heels. In spite of the blood from his nose, Malegarie is remaining aggressive, circling around Martinez and attacking. He rushes in again, tagging Martinez with right hands in a five-piece combo, but Martinez rips him in response. Good two-way action so far. Martinez pushes inside, and eats a knee to the face from “Naza.” Inside low kick and a left cross land for the southpaw Martinez. Malegarie walks inside again, right into a right hook from Martinez, putting him on the canvas for a second. Malegarie is right back up, swinging away. With 10 seconds to go, Martinez shoots in and puts Malegarie on the mat.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Martinez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Martinez
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Martinez

Round 2
A lead left hook from Martinez hits an advancing Malegarie, prompting a clinch along the fence, but neither man gains an advantage. On the break, Malegarie knocks Martinez with a left hook. The Brazilian-based Argentine continues to attack with punches and leg kicks, but Martinez looks more comfortable standing and is starting to counter more effectively with his boxing. Malegarie gets in on a takedown. Martinez tries to climb the fence to stand, but he gets peppered with short shots on the way up before breaking away. He responds by looking for a single-leg of his own, but bails as Malegarie seeks a guillotine. Overhand left for Martinez tags Malegarie, who is undeterred. Malegarie throws a lazy three-punch combo, and eats a hard double jab for his efforts. Left hook for Martinez scores again, right across the bloodied mug of Malegarie. Wild hooks for Malegarie glance and Martinez sneaks a head kick in which is mostly blocked. The featherweight meet along the cage, but neither man gains an advantage before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Martinez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Martinez
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Martinez

Round 3
D. Mandel

Martinez won a bloody brawl
against Malegarie.
Left hooks whiz wide for both fighters. A Martinez lead knee hits the oncoming Malegarie and the Utah native puts Malegarie on the mat again with a double-leg. He can’t keep the Bellatot tourney vet down, however, and Malegarie quickly regains his feet. Malegarie shoots to the legs, but is easily rebuffed. Martinez drives him into the fence now, looking for a single-leg. He runs the pipe, dragging Malegarie from the cage, but again can’t keep him flat on the mat. Right cross lands on the counter for Malegarie. They pair resume clinching along the fence, kneeing the body with neither man gaining an advantage. Both fighters are weary after 12 minutes of frequent punching, but they soldier on. Malegarie lands a straightforward salvo on the tired Martinez. Martinez answer, storming forward with left hands of his own.

Malegarie shoots in again, but Martinez shucks him by and tries to take his back standing. Martinez bails, opting for strikes instead, and a wild left hand clips Malegarie, dropping him along the fence. Unsurprisingly, Malegarie gets right back up, bloodied but unbowed. Martinez takes him right bak to the mat, stepping over his legs and trying to mount before the final bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Martinez (30-27 Martinez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Martinez (30-27 Martinez)
Greg Savage scores the round 10-9 Martinez (30-27 Martinez)

Official result: All three judges -- Dr. Gregory Jackson, Mike McNeil and Benoit Roussel -- score the bout 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision and final Bellator Season 7 featherweight semifinalist, Rad Martinez.

Eddie Alvarez vs. Patricky Freire

Round 1
Alvarez is stalking early, while “Pitbull” circles the outside. Alvarez steps inside with a body shot-right hook, but Freire’s counter slows him up. Alvarez responds with a massive left hook that drops Freire on his back, but the Brazilian is quickly up, landing a wild right hook that puts Alvarez on skates, retreating. Wild opening 90 seconds of action. Alvarez gets a hold of Pitbull and forces him into the cage with over-unders. Freire finally gets off the fence and the pair separate, resuming at standing range. Alvarez is busted up under the left eye. Hard outside low kick by the Brazilian. His following jab goes wide, and Alvarez tries to rush in for a takedown to no avail. Alvarez feinting more, changing levels on his way in. He lands two consecutive switch-step crosses, a la Georges St. Pierre. Just before the 10-second clapper, Alvarez unloads a right head kick that stands Freire up stiff. The sure-handed Alvarez lands a volley of right-handed power shots as the Brazilian crumbles to the canvas, miles removed from his senses. “Big” John McCarthy steps in officially at 4:54 of the first round. Sensational knockout by Eddie Alvarez.

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