

Bellator 90 Results: Live Play-by-Play & Updates

Bellator 90 Fight Card

Sherdog.com will report from the Maverik Center in Salt Lake City, at approximately 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT with play-by-play and live results of Bellator 90, which is headlined by the return of "King Mo" Muhammed Lawal.

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Lionel Lanham vs. Joe Rodriguez

Round 1
After some probing low kicks, Lanham explodes with a left hook that hurts Rodriguez. He scrambles, but Lanham is on him with punches from both sides. Rodriguez goes careening onto his face and Lanham is in kill mode. His foe gets back to his feet, but Lanham smells blood. He decks Rodriguez with another huge right cross and hook that puts him on the deck. Rodriguez is incredibly still conscious and tries to pull Lanham down by his Achilles, but he eats three diving right hands. After an enormous amount of punishment in just mere moments, referee Ethan Mac Andrews is forced to stop the contest. Lanham's destructive victory lasts just 49 seconds.

David Allred vs. Sean Powers

Round 1
After a bizarre cage walk, gyrating violently while wearing a giant Barney the Dinosaur mask, Dave Allred gets the bout started with a powerful clinch takedown. Powers looks for an armbar from the bottom, but Allred comes out the back door and stays on top. His fellow Utah native tries to buck away, but Allred dives on his back and tries to lock up a rear-naked choke. Powers turns awkwardly away from the choke and escapes, twisting underneath Allred. Allred stays on top and takes mount, but Powers bucks and escapes. On the feet, Powers smashes Allred with a huge left knee and follow-up punches, dropping him along the cage. He pounces with punches and then a torrent of of heavy right elbows from guard. Powers drives his forearm into Allred's throat and takes full mount. Incredibly, Allred bucks, rolls and manages to escape to his feet after a 180-degree turn in the fight. Frenetic action so far. Allred gets Powers back to the mat, but can't hold top position. Powers sweeps his fatiguing foe and gets to half guard on top. Powers punches away until the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Powers
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Powers
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Powers

Round 2
Allred shoots a tired double-leg, switches to a single and drives Powers to the canvas. Powers tries to roll, but Allred pushes his equally tired foe along the cage, jumping right into mount on Powers. Powers turns, but Allred takes his back. Allred crosses his ankles and Powers shakes him and winds up on top. Powers pounds away diligently, hitting Allred with punches and elbows. He tries to take full mount, but Allred controls his hips. Powers opts to grapevine his opponent's leg and punch away. Powers rides the back and rips away with right hands, forcing Allred to roll into guard. Powers gets to half guard and drops punches, seeking and arm-triangle choke. He can't sink his shoulder under Allred's chin, but uses the choke to pass to mount briefly. Powers gets too enthusiastic with his punching and elbowing, allowing Allred to push him back to half guard where he looks for a heel hook. Powers escapes before the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Powers
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Powers
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Powers

Round 3
A low kick from Powers trips the Jeremy Horn pupil up and powers follows with two big knees. Allred looks exhausted as Powers sticks him with punches, knees and kicks. Allred walks into another knee and more punches, prompting a desperate shot. Powers sprawls, ties up Allred's arms and takes his back. Powers punches away, riding his flagging foe until he gives up his back with two hooks. Powers gets the body triangle, and it is academic from there: the bloodied Allred is too tired to keep defending and Powers sinks the rear-naked choke. The big offensive display from Sean Powers comes to a close at 2:10 of the third round.

Jesse Juarez vs. Jordan Smith

Round 1
A hard roundhouse kick to the body from Juarez is the first notable strike after 30 seconds of a feeling-out process. Smith throws a rush of punches but almost all are absorbed. Smith cracks Juarez with a partially blocked head kick. Smith keeps coming with punches and kicks almond the cage, but Juarez defends well along the fence, covering up and kicking back to the body. Smith lands a hard shot that forces a Juarez shot. Smith defends initially, but Juarez resets and powers him to the canvas. He can't hold Smith down, and "Mata Ele" gets back to his feet. Huge punches from both fighters, who have decided to have a shootout along the cage. It's punch-for-punch-for-punch-for-punch for seconds on end. Smith finally rocks Juarez with a salvo of punches, dropping him into a desperate single-leg attempt. Smith keeps ripping him with shots on the floor before opting to grab a guillotine and jump guard. Juarez escapes and chips away on top momentarily but the Utah native gets back to his feet. Undeterred, Juarez drives him back down to the mat and punches away in half guard until the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Smith
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Smith
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Smith

Round 2
Smith unloads with a sharp combination against the fence, but Juarez slips underneath and smoothly takes his back. The Californian has both hooks sunk and is taking his time, much to the chagrin of the pro-Smith crowd. Smith rolls to his back, and Juarez grabs an arm-triangle choke. Juarez jumps over to side control, and the end appears to be imminent. Smith is holding on however, and after playing it cool for a few seconds, explodes and bucks his man off before escaping to his feet. The crowd erupts, but Juarez is still riding the Ute with a rear waistlock. The Californian switches to a double-leg attempt against the cage and finally pulls Smith to the mat. Juarez takes Smith’s back not long after and is now fishing for another side choke after Smith rolls to his back. Juarez finishes the round in full mount.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Juarez
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Juarez
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Juarez

Round 3
The third round opens with a lot of feinting, circling and glancing kicks. For 90 seconds, Juarez changes his direction, circling back and forth on the outside as Smith feints. Finally, "Mata Ele" launches a spinning-back fist and Juarez ducks under in pursuit of the double-leg. He can't keep Smith down and clings to a rear waistlock on the feet until referee Dave Seljestad breaks them up. Juarez shoots in again with a single. As Smith defends, Juarez cuts the corner and takes his back. Smith tries to stand up with Juarez riding his back with one hook in. Astonishingly, Dave Seljestad calls for a standup with Juarez having Smith's back. After the terrible call, Juarez stays married to the takedown, driving in a double-leg, then clinging to Smith's back, wrestling him to the mat before the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Juarez (29-28 Juarez)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-10 (29-29 Draw)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Smith (29-28 Smith)

Official Result: Ethan Mac Andrews scores it 29-28 for Jesse Juarez, while Dave Calderwood sees it 29-28 for Jordan Smith. The deciding judge, Bobby Wombacher scores it 30-27 for the winner by split decision, Jesse Juarez.

Chase Beebe vs. Travis Marx

Round 1
Marx throws a low kick then shoots but Beebe defends, prompting a collar tie along the fence. With his free hand, Marx rips Beebe with body shots while Beebe tries for a headlock. The two keep battling for position inside until Marx pushes away. Inside low kick from Marx. Each time the southpaw Marx steps in with punches, Beebe ties him up, throwing knees to the body. Marx circles away and lands a series of low kicks. Right hook and another level change from Marx, with Beebe getting an underhook and defending. Beebe keeps stalking Marx back to the cage but Marx flurries with his hands whenever the Chicagoan approaches. Beebe shoots a quick single and gets Marx to the floor, but his former training partner pops right back up. Beebe continues to stalk Marx, but Marx keeps cracking to the body with kicks and landing in combination. Switch-step punch from Marx but Beebe tags him with a heavy right before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Marx
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Marx
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Beebe

Round 2
The second round begins with more Beebe stalking and Marx flurrying with counters. Beebe misses a right hook and absorbs a hard roundhouse kick to the body. Beebe runs Marx back to the fence and lands a right uppercut. The two tie up inside again and Marx lands a knee on the exit. Switch-step punch followed by a leg kick lands twice in a row for Marx. Beebe glances with a pair of hooks. Front kick to the body lands for Marx. Beebe attacks with punches and Marx shoots in, driving "The Rage" to the mat. The former WEC champ looks to counter, jumping a guillotine and using it to sweep to top position on Marx. Marx escapes, but Beebe keeps a front headlock and tries to turn the corner to the back. Marx clutches a single and works back to his feet with just over a minute to go in the second frame. He lunges at Beebe and eats a grazing left. Left cross for Marx, prompting Beebe to throw a massive right. Marx again ducks under, but Beebe defends the takedown. Marx comes forward with a flurry of punches, but can't land. However, he follows up with a heavy kick to Beebe's body that has his opponent sucking wind. The bell sounds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Marx
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Marx
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Marx

Round 3
J. Sherwood

Marx outdueled Beebe on the feet.
Marx starts the third round by circling on the outside again, landing inside low kicks and body kicks. After a minute of eating kicks and chasing Marx, Beebe lands a hard one-two but can't keep Marx in his sights. The pair miss hooks, clinching up inside. Marx again lands strikes on the break. Marx shoots in and Beebe gets a headlock and looks for a guillotine. The former WEC champ then tries and inside trip with the headlock but can't get it. Marx continues to look for takedowns after escaping and Beebe looks for another guillotine, even getting his left leg over Marx's right arm in guard. Marx, however, escapes once again and gets back his feet.

Good right cross from a chasing Beebe. He continues to stalk Marx, but "T-Train" is landing his kicks more frequently. Head kick upstairs from Marx but Beebe walks through it and drives him to the mat. Marx pops up before the final bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Beebe (29-28 Marx)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Beebe (29-28 Marx)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Beebe (29-28 Beebe)

Official Result: All three judges -- Jeff Dutcher, Dan Furse and Dennis McMahon -- score the bout 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision, Travis Marx.

Bellator Season 8 Welterweight Tournament Semifinal
Ben Saunders vs. Raul Amaya

Round 1
Amaya winging wildly at Saunders, who responds with kicks. Amaya shoots in but Saunders easily shucks him away and cracks him with a left body kick. Amaya continues to wing punches at his fellow Floridian who remands outside and lands left body kicks. Amaya launches another pair of hooks but walks into knees from the lanky Saunders. Left cross-right hook for Saunders as Amaya runs inside again, then a left roundhouse kick to the body. The UFC veteran keeps walking forward and launches a massive left high kick, dinging his target high on the temple with the bottom of his shin. Amaya is out by the time he hits the mat but "Killa B" gets in with a finishing right. Referee Jason Herzog rescues Amaya at 2:56 of the first round. Ben Saunders advances to the finals of the Bellator Season 8 welterweight tournament.

Bellator Season 8 Light Heavyweight Tournament Semifinal
Jacob Noe vs. Mikhail Zayats

Round 1
J. Sherwood

Zayats' armbar ended a blowout.
Noe throws a low kick and Zayats counters with perfect timing, plowing him to the mat with a hard right cross. Zayats ends up on top in half guard and Noe's mouth is bleeding heavily from the single right-hand shot. Noe has an overhook and looks like he's just trying to stall for a standup. Zayats overhooks on the far side and punches away on Noe, who is breathing heavily on the bottom. Zayats keeps top pressure and passes to full mount, smashing the American with more right hands. Noe attempts to buck and roll but Zayats stays in mount and grapevines his foe's legs.

Noe tries to explode and roll again but Zayats locks up an armbar, rolls through and extends the arm for the tap. Complete domination by Mikhail Zayats who advances to the finals of Bellator's Season 8 light heavyweight tournament. The end comes officially at 3:38 of the first round.

Bellator Season 8 Welterweight Tournament Semifinal
Bryan Baker vs. Douglas Lima

Round 1
J. Sherwood

Lima lit Baker up badly and quickly..
After 45 seconds of posturing and feinting, Lima cracks Baker with an inside low kick and then an outside one to follow. Baker continues circling to his right, but Lima keeps cracking him with outside low kicks. Lima switches to southpaw and keeps walking Baker down and kicking his legs. Overhand right from the Brazilian goes wide. Baker looks gunshy at this point in time. Lima keeps approaching and launches a massive, whipping right hand that smashes Baker clean. “The Beast” goes down in a crumpled heap and Lima lands a powerful underhand right to his open face, forcing referee Jason Herzog to intervene.

The end comes at 2:34 of the first round. Douglas Lima advances to the final of the Bellator Season 8 welterweight tournament to meet Ben Saunders.

Bellator Season 8 Light Heavyweight Tournament Semifinal
Muhammed Lawal vs. Emanuel Newton

Round 1
Newton throws a head kick that Lawal blocks. Lawal employing his familiar lead-hand-down boxing style as Newton feints. Newton jumps in and eats a right hook, then a sharp left hook. “The Hardcore Kid” flashing his jab now but not making content with Lawal, who seems content to look for counters. Lawal dropping his lead hand again and then lands an up jab. Lawal shows a lead left hook and Newton cracks him with an overhand right over the top. Lawal clunks Newton's guard with a three-piece combo. Lawal throws two punches but eats a left roundhouse to the body. Tense exchanges in close between the light heavyweights.
Jeff Sherwood

Newton put 'King Mo' down for a nap.

Newton misses an overhand right hand and Lawal tries to counter with a right hook, but “The Hardcore Kid” unloads a potent spinning-back fist Lawal is out cold on his feet and falls in slow motion to the canvas. Newton nearly rear-naked chokes “King Mo” as his unconscious body hits the floor. Referee Jazon Herzog dives in to break it up as Newton explodes in celebration. An incredible knockout and upset by Emanuel Newton, who advances to meet Mikhail Zayats in the finals of Bellator's Season 8 light heavyweight tournament.

Bellator Season 7 Featherweight Tournament Final
Shahbulat Shamhalaev vs. Rad Martinez

Round 1
Shamhalaev walks Martinez down, keeping his hands open and throwing outside leg kicks in close. The Dagestani fighter is clearly looking to counter. He chops inside on the Ute with a low kick this time. Martinez kicks low and Shamhalaev clocks him with a left hook, then another left as Martinez falls to the ground. He manges to escape back to his feet as Shamhalaev lets him stand. More powerful inside and outside low kicks from Shamhalaev land and Martinez can't get going. Martinez finally explodes for a single, then switches to a kneetap and dumps the Russian along the fence. Shamhalaev just looks to tie Martinez up for the first 30 seconds before trying to snake up the fence in vain. Shamhalev sits up and is able to start climbing up the cage but Martinez stays glued to his waist as his reaches his feet at the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Shamhalaev
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Shamhalaev
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10

Round 2
J. Sherwood

Shamhalaev earned a title shot in style.
Shamhalaev feinting in the center of the cage now, trying to force Martinez to attack. Shamhalaev tags him to the gut, then puts a right hand upstairs. An overhand left from Martinez is easily ducked under by the Russian. Head kick stumbles Martinez but Shamhalaev slips and can't follow up immediately. Martinez gets back to his feet, but he's on shaky legs. Shamhalaev senses it and follows up with punches. Martinez tries to get a breather, but Shamhalaev lands a crushing overhand right that splays him out on the canvas. The Dagestani dives in with a giant right forearm before referee Jason Herzog can save Martinez.

Shahbulat Shamhalaev claims the Bellator Season 7 featherweight tournament and earns a title shot against the winer of April 4's Jeff Curran-Daniel Straus Bellator featherweight title bout.

Shanon Slack vs. Josh Tyler

Round 1
Both men appear tentative to start, but Tyler is leading with a long jab and steps inside to connect with a short left hook. Slack steps back and counters with a jab but eats a right hand on the retort. “The Heartbreak Kid” charges and scores a takedown, landing in half guard midway through the frame. Slack works methodically with elbows and punches as “El Cabron” swivels his hips and tries to escape. Tyler elevates his foe with a butterfly hook, but it’s no use, as Slack lands right back in guard. Tyler uses an underhook to scramble to his feet and pops Slack with a left before giving up another takedown to end the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Slack
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Slack
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Slack

Round 2
Round two also begins cautiously, with neither man really connecting in the first minute before Tyler lands a low kick to Slack’s cup. The Reign MMA rep quickly recovers, but neither man has truly found his range. Tyler is the man constantly moving forward, but Slack counters him with a short left hook and an inside leg kick. Slack tries to counter a blitz with another takedown, but “El Cabron” stuffs the shot. Slack now knees and elbows his man from the over-under, pinning Tyler against the cage with a minute to go. Slack snaps Tyler down with a front headlock and climbs on top of him, finishing the round in Tyler’s half guard.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Slack
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Slack
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Slack

Round 3
Tyler is still moving forward to start the third, but Slack is countering him well with the jab and left hook. The undefeated fighter pops Slack with a charging left and takes him down. Slack jumps up on his haunches, however, and locks up a tight Peruvian necktie. Referee Dave Seljestad waves the contest off at 1:56 of round three.

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