

‘The Ultimate Fighter 21 Finale’ Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com's live “The Ultimate Fighter 21” Finale coverage kicks off at 6:30 p.m. ET.

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Darrell Montague vs. Willie Gates

Round 1

Gates sticks a jab before the flyweights exchange body kicks, then he sends a right hand down the middle. Montague scores with a few leg kicks, but Gates tags him with a reaching, straight right hand to the chin that puts “The Mongoose” on roller skates. Montague tries for a desperate takedown and gets pushed to his back by Gates, who thumps away with heavy left hands and elbows until referee Kim Winslow intervenes.

The Official Result

Willie Gates def. Darrell Montague via TKO (Punches and Elbows) R1 1:36

George Sullivan vs. Dominic Waters

Round 1

Sullivan opens with some kicks to the inside of the left leg of Waters, who is standing high and still in the center of the cage, looking for an opening. Waters comes down the middle with a right hand that gets Sullivan moving backward, and “Shonuff” chases him down to follow up with a combination. Waters mixes in body and leg kicks before covering up to block a Sullivan combo. He rushes Sullivan against the fence and hits a takedown but can’t hold the New Jerseyan on the mat. The welterweights come back up to clinch on the fence, where Sullivan pushes away Waters’ head and breaks away with a knee to the gut. Waters eats an uppercut to the jaw and drops levels for another takedown, this time in the center of the cage. Sullivan stands up quickly again and catches Waters with a knee, this time upstairs. As they fight over to the fence, Waters is leaking blood from a cut over his left eye. Now it’s Sullivan turn to hit a takedown, and he pours it on for the final 30 seconds of the round, drilling Waters with elbows at the base of the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sullivan
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sullivan
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sullivan

Round 2

Waters misses with a spinning back kick as the round begins, but he catches a low kick and uses it to trip Sullivan to the mat near the fence. Sullivan is back on his feet a few seconds later, hitting Waters with knees to the body. When Sullivan turns him against the cage, Waters pulls guard and gets stacked up. Sullivan leans right to left across Waters’ body in side control and works for a kimura on the far side. Sullivan loses the kimura and steps into full mount, where he responds to Waters wrapping him up by slamming the Californian’s head into the mat with his chest. Waters hooks the right leg of Sullivan and bumps him out of mount to stand, but Sullivan keeps him on the fence, then drops down to hit another double-leg with 90 seconds on the clock. Sullivan tries the kimura again, this time from half guard, but Waters gives referee Yves Lavigne the thumbs-up and rides out the rest of the round on the bottom.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sullivan
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sullivan
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sullivan

Round 3

Waters gets inside on a single-leg and brings Sullivan to the ground in the first 20 seconds of the round. He tries to jump on Sullivan’s back but only manages to secure one hook before Sullivan moves to stand up. Waters keeps the hook as Sullivan stands, then jumps on his back and sinks in the other. They fall to the ground, where Waters switches to a body triangle and begins hunting for a rear-naked choke with four minutes left to fight. Sullivan works two-on-one defense, controlling Waters’ right arm to fend off the RNC. Waters yanks the arm back and socks Sullivan with punches to the ribs, trying to open him up for the choke. Sullivan is sliced open now, and the blood trickling from his right brow seems to be bothering him as it drips down into his eye. With two minutes on the clock, Waters is still on the back, still hunting for the RNC. Sullivan finally rolls over with 90 seconds left and winds up in Waters’ guard. Waters throws up his legs, fishing for a triangle or armbar, but Sullivan postures up to escape danger. Sullivan shucks the legs and straddles Waters’ head to deliver body punches in the final 20 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Waters (29-28 Sullivan)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Waters (29-28 Sullivan)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Waters (29-28 Sullivan)

The Official Result

George Sullivan def. Dominic Waters via Unanimous Decision (30-25, 29-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Trevor Smith vs. Dan Miller

Round 1

The taller Smith crouches low and puts a jab in Miller’s grill, but Miller circles out and comes back with a nice left hook. Miller puts a combination on Smith’s face, then pushes him against the fence, eating an uppercut from “Hot Sauce” in the clinch along the way. Smith reverses Miller against the cage, tries a single-leg but can’t take him down. Smith opts for an underhook instead, but he leaves his head on the outside and catches a high knee from the UFC veteran. Miller throws a few knees to the body, too, before breaking out of the clinch with two minutes left in the round. Another left hand scores for Miller as the middleweights meet back in the center. Smith catches a leg kick and tries to run the pipe, but Miller defends the takedown and socks him with an uppercut. Smith drops down to try the takedown again, and now Miller pulls guard to try a guillotine. Smith pops his head free and scrambles to top position, stacking Miller against the fence and fending off an armbar attempt in the last 30 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Smith
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Smith
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Miller

Round 2

Smith pushes the action at the start of the second frame, backing up Miller to the fence with jabs and long punches. Miller leans over and gets kneed in the face, then he drops to his knees and gets pushed to the ground. The jiu-jitsu specialist tries to elevate Smith, who stays heavy on top and passes to half guard on Miller’s right side midway through the round. Smith leans across to elbow the left side of Miller’s rib cage, then gives him a couple to the jaw. Miller grabs for a heel hook and forces Smith to stand up, but there’s nothing there and Smith comes back down to the ground. Miller tries to kick Smith away but only manages to push him back to full guard. Smith stands again and comes crashing back to the ground with a hard right hand. Smith tacks on more elbows in the last half minute and finishes the round throwing left hands from side control.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Smith
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Smith
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Smith

Round 3

Smith backs up Miller with a knee to the body, follows it with a few punches and then scores another takedown. Miller looks spent, drawing deep breaths as he holds Smith in his closed guard and eats more elbows to the mouth. Smith mixes up his strikes with a couple to the ribs and then one upstairs, then repeats the sequence. The pace slows in the second half of the round as Smith keeps his top pressure heavy and grinds on Miller’s face with more ground-and-pound. Miller grabs for a leg when Smith stands up to reposition in the final 30 seconds, but it’s too late and Smith should have this sewed up on the judges’ scorecards.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Smith (30-27 Smith)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Smith (30-27 Smith)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Smith (29-26 Smith)

The Official Result

Trevor Smith def. Dan Miller via Unanimous Decision (30-25, 30-25, 30-26) R3 5:00

Russell Doane vs. Jerrod Sanders

Round 1

Doane blocks an early right high kick from Sanders, who sticks the Hawaiian with a reaching left hand. Sanders shoots for a takedown near the fence, gets sprawled on but keeps pressing and brings Doane down to his knees. Doane tries to flip him over the top, but Sanders stays heavy to keep top position and then jumps on the back of his turtling opponent. Sanders tries for a rear-naked choke and winds up with a neck crank, which he quickly abandons in favor of punches under Doane’s armpit. Doane throws some punches over his shoulder and scoots backward to the fence, where he peels Sanders off his back and scrambles to his feet. Doane drops down for a single-leg attempt of his own against the former collegiate wrestler and succeeds in putting Sanders on his seat near the cage. With 90 seconds on the clock, Doane kneels next to Sanders, dropping a few left hands and then jumping on his back. Sanders buries his chin to defend the rear-naked choke and rides out the remainder of the round with Doane on his back.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Doane
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Doane
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sanders

Round 2

Sanders shoots for a single-leg takedown, gets sprawled on but comes back up with the leg wrapped up. He pushes Doane against the fence, where Sanders completes the takedown after a brief struggle. Sanders takes the back of Doane but again fails to maintain the position, allowing Doane to turn over and wind up on top. Doane returns the favor, jumping on the back of Sanders as the wrestler stands up. Doane drops off his back, separates and drills Sanders with a big knee to the body. Sanders flops forward, diving for a single-leg, but Doane defends with a sprawl and socks him with punches. Sanders keeps hold of the leg and runs down Doane for another takedown, and now it’s Doane’s turn to have his back taken again. Sanders establishes both hooks and begins working for a rear-naked choke as he turns Doane belly down to the canvas with one minute left. Sanders looks close to getting his right arm under Doane’s chin in the last 20 seconds, but the Hawaiian peels the arm away and survives to the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sanders
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sanders
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sanders

Round 3

Sanders blitzes with a barrage of punches but gets caught charging in and dropped by a Doane left hook. Doane pounces on his downed opponent and takes top position, passing to side control as Sanders keep him in a headlock with his right arm. Sanders is warned for grabbing the fence by referee Herb Dean. Ninety seconds into the round, Doane finally pulls his head free as he’s pushed back to half guard. Sanders kneels and tries to stand but gets dragged back to the mat by Doane, who jumps on his back. Doane fails to maintain the position with hooks and lets Sanders turn over to get top position. Sanders tries to take the back and suffers the same fate, and now the bantamweights scramble back to their feet. Doane backs a few steps away and launches himself at Sanders with a flying knee. Sanders grabs the leg and turns it into a takedown, though Doane is quickly back up. Sanders lands a left hand and drops down for another takedown, then spins to take Doane’s back inside the final minute. Some hard punches land for Sanders over the shoulder of Doane, who is unable to escape before time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sanders (29-28 Sanders)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sanders (29-28 Sanders)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Sanders (30-27 Sanders)

The Official Result

Jerrod Sanders def. Russell Doane via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Caio Magalhaes vs. Josh Samman

Round 1

Samman opens in the southpaw stance and puts four or five kicks on Magalhaes’ lead leg in the opening minute. The Brazilian finally throws a strike after 70 seconds, and it’s a beauty of a left hook that he puts on Samman’s jaw. Samman eats it and presses forward to land a body kick, then has to back out as Magalhaes comes over the top with a right hand. Magalhaes throws a body kick which is caught by Samman and turned into a takedown. Magalhaes hits the ground with blood spurting from his nose. After drilling Samman with a few good elbow strikes from his back, Magalhaes throws up his legs for a triangle attempt. Samman postures up, shucks the legs and passes to take the back. Magalhaes stands up with Samman attached to his back, then falls back to the ground as Samman sinks in a deep rear-naked choke. Magalhaes appears to tap as he goes down, but the submission becomes clear once they hit the ground and the Brazilian frantically taps with both hands. After the fight is called, Samman attempts to shake hands with Magalhaes, who spits blood at his opponent and receives a talking to from referee John McCarthy.

The Official Result

Josh Samman def. Caio Magalhaes via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 2:52

Maximo Blanco vs. Mike de la Torre

Round 1

The featherweights come out swinging, de la Torre ripping Blanco with a left hook to the body and Blanco connecting with a partially blocked left high kick. De La Torre goes to throw a looping left and gets picked off by a straight right hand from Blanco. The American’s legs give way, and de la Torre squats before eating a short left from Blanco and falling backward to the ground. As soon as de la Torre hits the mat, referee Yves Lavigne jumps in to pull Blanco away. De La Torre regains his wits quickly and grabs hold of Blanco’s leg, but it’s too late and the fight has been called.

The Official Result

Maximo Blanco def. Mike de la Torre via TKO (Punches) R1 0:16

Michelle Waterson vs. Angela Magana

Round 1

Magana lands a leg kick and hustles Waterson against the fence, where she hits the UFC newcomer with some quick punches to the ribs, followed by knees to the body. Waterson pushes off the fence but can’t get free, and she’s shoved back by Magana. A whipping toss from Waterson changes the momentum of the fight in a flash, as she tosses Magana on her back near the fence. Magana is angling for an armbar from underneath while Waterson drops short punches from her guard. Magana gets hold of the left arm of the “Karate Hottie,” and now Waterson gives up top position to stretch out and defend the submission. Magana is belly down on the mat, trying to finish the armbar while Waterson straddles her in reverse, her arm threaded through Magana’s legs. After a minute of struggling, Waterson yanks the limb free. The strawweights scramble back to their feet, where Waterson greets Magana with a knee to the face. Another hip toss from Waterson lands her in full mount with 30 seconds on the clock. Waterson dives off to the side for an armbar attempt, but Magana defends, so Waterson goes back to mount to drop an elbow before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Waterson
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Waterson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Waterson

Round 2

Waterson comes out with leg kicks, slides backward and counters the incoming Magana with a slick right hand. Magana steps into the pocket, where Waterson hooks a leg and dumps “Your Majesty” to the ground with a trip. Magana stands up and gives chase, now looking extremely stiff as she whiffs on punches. She catches a kick and trips Waterson to the mat, landing in the Jackson-Wink MMA fighter’s open guard. Waterson tries another armbar, this time going belly down to crank on Magana’s arm. Magana pulls back, so Waterson gives up the arm and takes full mount once again with more than half the round remaining. Waterson gets busy with short, stapling elbows, then a series of right hands flush to the face. Magana kicks Waterson back to half guard, then drops to attempt a heel hook as Waterson attempts to mount again. There’s nothing on the leglock attempt, but Waterson stands up to readjust and then comes back to ground in side control. Full mount again for Waterson with 30 seconds on the clock, and she continues to rough up Magana with elbows and punches. Waterson bails out to try the armbar once more but runs out of time.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Waterson
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Waterson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Waterson

Round 3

Waterson tags Magana with a nice pair of left hooks, then sends her to the ground with a left high kick. “The Karate Hottie” backs off and allows Magana to stand; once she’s back up, Magana is assaulted with more punches and a front kick. Waterson clinches up, spins to the back and slams Magana to the ground. Magana turtles up on her knees, allowing Waterson to take her back and flatten her out. Magana gives the thumbs-up to referee Herb Dean, but Waterson has one arm gift-wrapped and is socking her with solid left hands. Suddenly, Waterson sees an opening and slaps on a rear-naked choke, and after a moment’s hesitation, Magana taps the canvas in submission.

The Official Result

Michelle Waterson def. Angela Magana via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R3 2:38

Jorge Masvidal vs. Cezar Ferreira

Round 1

Masvidal takes a kick to the midsection, catches it and misses as he tries to counter with a right hook. The southpaw Ferreira goes upstairs with a straight left, then kicks the body of Masvidal again. Ferreira ducks underneath a big right hook and plows Masvidal to the ground near the fence, passing to the Floridian’s half guard. Masvidal hooks a leg and gets out from underneath, then rushes back to his feet. He catches another body kick from Ferreira and this time clips with a right hook. A front kick to the body connects for Masvidal before he’s pinned against the cage by Ferreira with an underhook. After 20 seconds, Ferreira breaks away with an elbow and lets “Gamebred” off the fence. Seconds later, Ferreira comes shooting back in for a takedown and winds up pressing Masvidal against the cage again. Masvidal grabs his head in the Thai clinch, delivers a few knees to the body and then blasts the Brazilian with an elbow to the face. Ferreira drops backwards and is pounced upon by Masvidal, who drops punches until “Mutante” goes limp and has to be rescued by referee John McCarthy.

The Official Result

Jorge Masvidal def. Cezar Ferreira via KO (Elbows and Punches) R1 4:22

Michael Graves vs. Vicente Luque

Round 1

Graves grabs hold of Luque and tosses him to the ground with a trip, then catches the Brazilian trying to stand up and pops him with three or four quick right hands. Luque gets an underhook and powers back to his feet, keeping one hand on the ground to avoid knees to the head. Graves releases and decks Luque with an elbow, then steps backward to the center of the cage. As Luque meets him there, Graves clinches again and puts the Blackzilians representative against the fence again. Luque gets underhooks and reverses, then Graves pushes him away. A spinning back kick from Graves lands on Luque’s forearm, but Luque comes back with a nice pair of punches upstairs. Graves drops levels and completes another takedown halfway through the opening round. He flattens out Luque from half guard, loses the position, then grabs a loose guillotine as Luque stands up. Luque breaks the headlock but eats another elbow as Graves exits the clinch. Luque gets him back with a knee to the body, then another, but Graves charges through them to complete yet another takedown inside the final 30 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Graves
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Graves
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Graves

Round 2

Luque comes out throwing punches, but Graves ducks under them to lift and slam the Brazilian to the ground. Scooting toward the fence, Luque stands up and again leaves a hand on the canvas. Graves hits him with a knee to the head anyway, and referee Yves Lavigne pauses the action for a minute, warning Graves that the next infraction will cost him a point. Luque comes back from the break with a six-punch combo, about half of which slip through Graves’ guard. Graves tries another level change but this time gets stood up against the fence, Luque taking the outside position with a body lock. Graves pushes him out to the center of the Octagon, drops for a single-leg and takes down Luque near the fence. Luque hits Graves with some elbows to the body while the American focuses on controlling Luque’s legs. Luque powers back to his feet with just over two minutes on the clock, but Graves plants him right back on the mat only seconds later. Graves passes to half guard on Luque’s right side and peppers his ribs with short right hands. A hard elbow to the face causes Luque to turn over, but he blocks Graves from taking his back and stands up, once again placing a hand on the ground to avoid knees. Graves waits until the hand comes up and cracks Luque with a knee, then releases for an elbow to the head at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Graves
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Graves
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Graves

Round 3

Graves shoots straight for a takedown but gets stuffed and stood up by Luque, who taps him with a long jab. Graves goes underneath the next punch from Luque and runs the Brazilian against the cage, but this time Luque is quick to escape. Another shot fails for Graves, this time sprawled upon by Luque in the center of the cage. Luque catches the belly-down Graves in a front headlock and holds the American Top Team fighter on his knees. Luque tries to turn it into a brabo or anaconda choke, can’t get the angle and instead knees Graves in the shoulder. Graves is just trying to wait out the choke, doing nothing on his knees as Luque continues to knee his opponent’s arms halfway through the round. Finally, Graves tries to escape by kneeling up, but he’s held in place by Luque, who’s still hunting for a choke from north-south position. With 90 seconds on the clock, Graves sits up and out, then turns the corner to force Luque to the ground. Luque keeps hold of Graves’ head, then releases as Graves passes to half guard. Graves controls the Brazilian’s legs and peels him away from the fence, but Luque powers back to his feet with 30 seconds to go. Graves says clung to Luque’s waist, pinning him to the fence and hitting one last takedown as time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Luque (29-28 Graves)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Luque (29-28 Graves)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Luque (29-28 Graves)

The Official Result

Michael Graves def. Vicente Luque via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Hayder Hassan vs. Kamaru Usman

Round 1

Usman crawls out to meet Hassan in the center of the cage, then grabs a leg and pushes the American Top Team fighter against the fence. Hassan gets an overhook and tries to escape, but Usman keeps him trapped on the cage and then spins him down to the ground. Usman tries to jump to back-mount but gets shaken off as Hassan somersaults through. The welterweights are back on their feet just over a minute into the fight. Usman whiffs on a few punches, clinches and finds the body of Hassan with a pair of solid knees. Two minutes in, Usman completes another takedown, then jumps on Hassan’s back as the ATT representative turns to his knees. With one hook in, Usman socks Hassan with right hands. Hassan postures up and shakes Usman off his back, but Usman follows him back up to the feet for another effortless takedown. “The Nigerian Nightmare” continues to smother Hassan in the final 90 seconds, once again taking the back and hunting for a rear-naked choke. Hassan shakes him off, stands up with Usman still wrapped around his waist, then gets taken down again. Usman passes to half guard and dings Hassan with a couple elbows before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Usman
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Usman
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Usman

Round 2

Hassan opens the round with a huge uppercut to the jaw of Usman, who steps back, measures the range and drives forward to floor Hassan with a takedown. Usman quickly passes from half guard to full mount, where he begins framing up an arm-triangle choke. The Blackzilians fighter tries to pass to Hassan’s left side to finish the choke, but he’s being blocked by the fence. The choke is getting tighter, and Usman is finding more room to pass to side control and finish. Finally, Usman gets to side control, bears down and forces Hassan to submit. Kamaru Usman wins the final bout of “The Ultimate Fighter 21” and earns $300,000 for the Blackzilians.

The Official Result

Kamaru Usman def. Hayder Hassan via Submission (Arm-Triangle Choke) R2 1:19

Jake Ellenberger vs. Stephen Thompson

Round 1

Thompson works to keep the shorter man out of range in the opening minute, flicking out front and side kicks from the southpaw stance as Ellenberger tries to press forward. When Ellenberger gets into range, Thompson pops him with a left hand which makes “The Juggernaut” back away. Ellenberger closes the gap again, and this time he connects with a left hook on the temple which buckles the kickboxer’s legs. Thompson quickly springs back to his feet and pushes Ellenberger against the cage with an underhook, hitting the Nebraskan with a few punches to the body as they clinch. Ellenberger feeds Thompson four or five uppercuts in the clinch, forcing “Wonderboy” to release. Ellenberger tries a trip takedown but gets reversed and winds up on his knees, eating right hands from Thompson at the rear. Ellenberger stands up, but Thompson stays attached to his back and suplexes him back to the canvas. Again, Ellenberger stands, and now he’s able to get some separation with 90 seconds remaining in the opening round. A long left hand backs up Ellenberger to the fence, then a spinning hook kick lands flush and sends him to the ground. Thompson pounces, but Ellenberger rolls to his knees and regains his footing with 45 seconds on the clock. Another spinning kick lands for Thompson, this one just grazing the temple, but it’s enough to send Ellenberger to the ground in a heap. Thompson moves to pound him out, but referee McCarthy sees that Ellenberger is unconscious and rushes in to stop the fight.

The Official Result

Stephen Thompson def. Jake Ellenberger via KO (Spinning Hook Kick) R1 4:29
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