

UFC 149 Results: Live ‘Faber vs. Barao’ Play-by-Play & Updates

UFC 149 Fight Card

Sherdog.com will report from Scotiabank Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta, at approximately 6:45 p.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of UFC 149 “Faber vs. Barao,” which is headlined by the vacant UFC interim bantamweight title bout between Urijah Faber and Renan Barao.

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Anton Kuivanen vs. Mitch Clarke

Round 1
Kuivanen comes forward throwing straight punches and Clarke responds with a swiping left hand. The Canadian grabs a single-leg and runs Kuivanen into the fence, then drags him down, still clinging to the right leg. Kuivanen posts up and nearly stands, but Clarke switches to a double-leg and keeps him on the floor. Kuivanen stands after 90 seconds, only to be slammed back down to his knees by Clarke, who spins to the front and tries a guillotine. The choke doesn’t go, and Kuivanen drives forward for a takedown of his own that lands him in side control. Clarke stuffs him back to half-guard, then full guard with half the round down now. Kuivanen smashes Clarke with a right hand, an elbow and lays a forearm across his throat. Clarke throws up his legs for an armbar and Kuivanen rolls with it, surviving but giving up his back in the process. Clarke loses the position and switches to an arm-triangle choke. Kuivanen extracts himself and puts Clarke back in guard to finish the first round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Clarke
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Clarke
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clarke

Round 2
Some tentative striking between the lightweights to open the round until Clarke decides to bring the fight back to the ground. Kuivanen holds Clarke in his open guard before again sweeping to top position and into half-guard. Not much offense from either man as Clarke tries to reverse back into the advantageous position. Clarke stalls out on a single-leg but gets back to his feet and nearly takes the back of Kuivanen standing. Kuivanen sends him back to the floor with a kimura attempt and drops some heavy elbows from half-guard on Clarke’s right side. Clarke eats the hard shots and regains full guard, then sends some elbows up from the bottom. Clarke scores an upkick late in the round and the pair trade heavy leather from a seated position on the ground.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kuivanen
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Kuivanen
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kuivanen

Round 3
Clarke drives on a single-leg and brings his man down, but again Kuivanen reverses to top position. Kuivanen works from the side, framing up an arm-triangle, but Clarke uses his feet to push off the cage and flip Kuivanen over the top. Kuivanen stays on top and Clark turns to his side to work on a kimura. Kuivanen responds with elbows to the body. The pace slows until the three-minute mark, when Kuivanen rips his arm loose and tries to turn the corner to take the back. The attempt fails and Clarke scrambles to his feet, but eats a knee on his way. Single-leg attempt from Clarke allows Kuivanen to land some more hard right hands to Clarke’s face before rolling Clarke onto his back. Clarke shifts his hips and works to escape, but with a minute left in the fight, he doesn’t seem to have the energy left. Kuivanen postures up and drops a few hard punches, forcing Clarke to roll for a leglock. Kuivanen closes out strong with some more walloping right hands.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kuivanen (29-28 Kuivanen)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Kuivanen (29-28 Kuivanen)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kuivanen (29-28 Kuivanen)

Official result: The judges score the bout 29-28 Kuivanen, 29-28 Clarke and 29-28 for the winner by split decision, Anton Kuivanen.

Daniel Pineda vs. Antonio Carvalho

Round 1
Pineda comes out aggressive, throwing wide punches as Carvalho, who flicks out a leg kick and a jab. Carvalho ducks more winging shots from Pineda and counters with a hard hook to the body. Pineda blocks a head kick, but the follow-up right hand from Carvalho lands flush and buckles the American’s legs. Pineda is already out of sorts, but a couple more rights from Carvalho seal the deal. Referee Mario Yamasaki steps in to rescue Pineda, giving Antonio Carvalho the knockout victory just 71 seconds into the opening round.

Bryan Caraway vs. Mitch Gagnon

Round 1
Caraway turns away a single-leg from Gagnon, but the Canadian whips around and tries to secure the back of the kneeling American. Caraway throws up punches and elbows from the bottom, then throws up his legs to try an armbar. Gagnon pulls his arm free, postures up and slugs Caraway with a series of nasty left hands from the standing position. Caraway takes the hard shots and gets back to his feet when he gets the space, but Gagnon is all over him, working to drag Caraway back to the floor with a waistlock. Caraway gets back to his feet again and is pressed into the fence by Gagnon with underhooks. Gagnon scores with a knee in the clinch, but he lets go and frees Caraway to land a combination and hit a takedown of his own. Caraway works from half-guard, trying to pass on Gagnon’s right side. Gagnon throws up an arm-triangle from the bottom but it doesn’t go.

Round 2
Caraway begins pumping his jab, ducks a wide punch from Gagnon and tries to tie up. Gagnon shoves him off and pushes forward, putting Caraway on the fence and landing a couple short elbows inside. Caraway reverses momentarily, but Gagnon turns him right around and starts throwing bombs with both hands, dazing Caraway again. Caraway gets some space to drive on a takedown and trips Gagnon to the mat at the base of the cage. Stepping around the back, Caraway sinks one hook in and begins trying to soften up Gagnon with left hands while fishing for the rear-naked choke. The choke doesn’t come, so Caraway steps into full mount and continues battering Gagnon, who’s just covering up now. Gagnon gives up his back and Caraway goes back to hunting for the choke. Gagnon catches Caraway sleeping and spins around to take the American’s back. He can’t hold the position and they finish back on the feet, where Gagnon scores with a knee in the clinch.

Round 3
Caraway works for a double-leg until he’s able to drag Gagnon down along the fence. Immediately, Caraway takes the back and cinches up a body triangle to lock up the position. They hand-fight inside while Caraway works for the rear-naked choke; eventually, he sinks his arm under Gagnon’s chin and Gagnon is forced to tap out. It’s a submission victory for Bryan Caraway at 1:39 of the third round.

Ryan Jimmo vs. Anthony Perosh

Round 1
The light heavyweights touch gloves and Jimmo’s first punch -- a big right hand over the top -- puts Perosh to sleep immediately. The Australian falls backward into the fence and referee Josh Rosenthal steps in to rescue him. In his UFC debut, Ryan Jimmo ties the record for the fastest knockout in UFC history at just seven seconds.

Roland Delorme vs. Francisco Rivera

Round 1
Rivera pops Delorme with an early uppercut and tries to cut off the Canadian’s angles as Delorme moves around the outside. When Rivera gets close enough, he unloads with another heavy combo, while Delorme tries to fend him off with leg kicks. Delorme tries to get inside and clinch up, but Rivera catches him with another hard uppercut, a combination and some leg kicks of his own. Rivera is really roughing up Delorme through the first half of the round, dodging all of the grappler’s punches and giving Delorme back some cracking leg kicks. Delorme whiffs on a wide right hand and eats a quick left hook counter that sends him to the deck. Rivera follows up with a couple pawing punches, but Delorme is already toast. Francisco Rivera gets the knockout at 4:19 of the first round.

Nick Ring vs. Court McGee

Round 1
McGee opens with a head kick and tries to get inside on Ring with a flurry of punches. Ring shoves him off and they clash kicks; Ring misses with a straight right and eats a counter left hand. Single-leg from Ring is snuffed out and McGee wants to keep it standing. McGee turns away another wide double-leg attempt and counters a Ring leg kick with a pair of sweeping hooks. Referee Yves Lavigne warns McGee to watch his fingers on the punches. McGee counters a leg kick with a stiff left, misses with a front kick up the middle. Ring puts together some nice left hands that have McGee’s face marked up with 90 seconds left. McGee regains his momentum toward the end of the round, sending straight punches down the middle and whipping some leg kicks inside.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Ring
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 McGee
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McGee

Round 2
The middleweights trade shots early in the second frame, with McGee mixing in leg kicks and Ring looking to tie up. The left eye of Ring is reddened and swollen now, made worse by McGee’s combinations and a grazing right high kick. A swiping left hook and right uppercut have Ring moving backward. Ring regains his composure and lands a cracking left which has McGee backing up. Another left straight comes down the pipe to snap back McGee’s head. They trade leg kicks inside and Ring scores again with the left, which has McGee’s nose pouring blood. Ring catches a high kick but can’t chase McGee down for the takedown. Ring stuffs a takedown attempt from McGee, who comes forward and lands a clubbing left before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 McGee
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Ring
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ring

Round 3
Ring ducks a hook from McGee and works to tie up, gets shoved away. McGee has taken up shop in the center of the cage, trying to cut off the angles of Ring, who shifts around the outside. Ring’s left hand clips McGee but it’s not landing as cleanly as last round. Meanwhile, McGee is stringing together combos to the body and head. Ring needs a piece of tape clipped from his glove, and when they resume, he sticks McGee with a straight left. Body-head combo from McGee leads to a clinch and uppercuts inside; Ring doesn’t like it and tries to clinch again, but McGee isn’t having it. The bloody McGee pushes in on Ring, throwing combos from range and then driving his heel into Ring’s side with a spinning back-kick. Pawing lefts have Ring backing up and McGee follows up with a series of right uppercuts. When he gets close enough, McGee throws elbows inside. Ring isn’t throwing anything in return, just trying to get away from the assault of McGee, who keeps the punches coming at high volume. Ring clips McGee with a single left, but McGee just wipes at his eye and continues coming forward. Forty seconds left and Ring is exhausted, just barely staying on his feet as McGee socks him over and over. McGee stuffs a takedown and tries a guillotine which allows Ring to roll on top, but it’s too late to do anything with the position.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 McGee (29-28 McGee)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 McGee (29-28 McGee)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McGee (29-28 McGee)

Official result: All three judges score the bout 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Nick Ring.

Chris Clements vs. Matt Riddle

Round 1
Clements stands Riddle up on a single-leg, but Riddle keeps after it, picks the ankle and brings the Canadian to the floor. Right back to his feet goes Clements, and he absorbs a right hand followed by a body kick. Clements steps into the pocket and drills Riddle with a standing elbow, a knee to the body and a right hand. Riddle presses Clements into the fence momentarily but quickly lets him go. Straight right hand from Clements stings Riddle, who answers with a Thai plum and knees up the middle. Riddle kicks Clements in the liver, but referee Josh Rosenthal seems to think it landed low and steps in. Clements says he’s good to go and the action resumes, but Clements has already had a moment to recover. Riddle hits a takedown on the fence and drops short, grinding elbows through Clements’s open guard. He nearly takes Clements’ back, but can’t secure it and lets Clements back to his feet before the round ends.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Riddle
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Riddle

Round 2
Clements clips Riddle’s temple with a spinning backfist early in the second frame and Riddle changes levels for a takedown. He brings Clements down on the fence, where Clements tries to hit the switch but instead gets flattened out by the American. Riddle wraps up the waist and flattens out Clements, moving to side control and then the back. Riddle has a body triangle and socks away with right hands, trying to clear the hands of Clements for a rear-naked choke. Clements is throwing punches over his shoulder but not finding any success. Riddle thinks about an arm-triangle momentarily, doesn’t have a good angle, so he re-cinches his body triangle and keeps punching from the back. Clements gets an “ooh” from the crowd for an over-the-shoulder elbow strike, but he’s still in a very bad position with more than two minutes left in the round. Clements inches over to the cage and works back to his feet, but Riddle is still glued to his back. Clements slips Riddle’s arms off with 45 seconds left and lands a solid kick to the body. He sprawls on a Riddle double-leg and Riddle rolls to his back. Clements tries to unload in the closing seconds, but it’s Riddle getting the better with elbows from the bottom.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Riddle
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Riddle

Round 3
Clements is starting to string together a few punches when a combination goes wide and he gets clipped by a Riddle right hand. Clements tries to salvage the position -- in pocket, against the fence -- with a close-quarters spinning elbow, but it proves an unwise decision. Riddle traps Clements’ head and arm in a standing arm-triangle choke and trips him to the floor, where Clements is forced to submit at 2:02 of the third frame.

Brian Ebersole vs. James Head

Round 1
Head sprawls on two shots from Ebersole in the opening 30 seconds. The second time, he grabs for a guillotine but soon lets Ebersole back up from his knees. Head catches Ebersole with a right to the body against the fence, followed by a knee. The veteran comes off the fence to slap Head with a pair of body kicks. After absorbing a half-dozen punches from Head, Ebersole returns fire with a left hand down the middle. Head sprawls on another double-leg attempt, grabs the guillotine again and rolls to his back. Ebersole gives ref Mario Yamasaki an emphatic thumbs-up to say he’s not in danger, and Head eventually lets him loose. Ebersole is in control on top with a minute to go, trying to pin down the left arm of Head. Ebersole postures up and slugs Head with a hard punch, then stands and tries an awkward cartwheel kick which allows Head to put him on his back to finish the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Head
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Head
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Head

Round 2
Head denies another takedown attempt from Ebersole early, but Ebersole zaps him with a left hand down the middle. Another straight left connects for Ebersole, then a kick to the body as the Calgary crowd starts to get restless. An awkward attempt to clinch by Ebersole works and finds Head pressed into the fence, defending an inside trip. Head drives a knee up the middle and Ebersole lets go. Head strings together a few punches, including a right hand which gets Ebersole’s attention. Ebersole shoots the double again, and Head again sprawls expertly. A crisp leg kick from Head is answered by an Ebersole uppercut. Head stuffs his fists in Ebersole’s face and Ebersole shakes his right hand out. Head rushes in behind a nice right hand and puts his knee on Ebersole’s face, but Ebersole changes levels and puts Head on his back. Head sweeps to finish on top.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Head
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Ebersole
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Head

Round 3
Just as in the previous two rounds, Head begins frame three by turning away a pair of Ebersole takedown tries. After the second, Head presses forward, snapping back Ebersole’s head with a right straight and a knee to the gut. Head lands a knee to the face and Ebersole replies with a nice right hook. Head grabs hold of Ebersole’s back standing, then trips him to the floor. Ebersole twists around and tries to sweep on top, but Head is wise to it and stands back up. Ebersole throws a trio of body/head kicks, all blocked by Head, before shooting again and being sprawled on. Two minutes to go now and Ebersole isn’t that far behind, but he’s running out of options. Ebersole has another pair of shots turned away, but he finally gets Head on his back with 20 seconds left. It’s too late, and the crowd showers the welterweights with boos at the final horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Head (30-27 Head)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Head (29-28 Head)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Head (30-27 Head)

Official result: The judges score this bout 29-28 Head, 29-28 Ebersole and 29-28 for the winner by split decision, James Head.

Cheick Kongo vs. Shawn Jordan

Round 1
Jordan quickly closes the gap and changes levels, forcing Kongo to dig an underhook and widen his base against the fence. Jordan stays after the takedown attempt, keeping a hand on the mat to avoid any knees to the head. Kongo turns the corner and takes Jordan’s back standing, but he’s not there long before Jordan elbows him in the groin. Kongo takes a minute to recover and the big men get back to work. Kongo inches Jordan toward the cage with probing punches, then clinches up when they get there. Jordan reverses, putting Kongo’s back on the cage and dropping for another single-leg to finish the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kongo
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jordan
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10

Round 2
The heavyweights clinch up again early on, battling for position the fence and trading ineffective knees inside. Jordan gets the outside and grabs for a single again, eliciting boos from the crowd. Kongo grabs a cattle-catch to take the outside again, lets it go and knees Jordan in the belly. More knees from Kongo and Jordan skips away when the Frenchman tries an ankle pick. Kongo unleashes a pair of hard right hands before they clinch again. Jordan thinking single-leg and, as in the first round, Kongo turns to take his back. Awkward position for Jordan now, his left side flush to the cage and Kongo controlling his right side. Kongo botches an attempt to secure the back and Jordan puts Kongo’s back on the floor to finish the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kongo
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Kongo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kongo

Round 3
Twenty seconds into the round and the pair is clinching on the fence again, jockeying for position. Kongo takes the outside, thinking single-leg and kneeing at the American’s thigh. Jordan lands a short, upward elbow, but it’s Kongo controlling the (grueling) pace on the cage. Kongo lands a knee and ref Lavigne warns to watch the strikes with Jordan’s hand on the mat. Jordan gets a little space, throws some wild punches and gets wrapped up again. Kongo presses Jordan into the fence for the remainder of the round without any major offense from either man. The crowd does not like it.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kongo (30-27 Kongo)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Kongo (29-28 Kongo)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kongo (30-28 Kongo)

Official result: The judges score this bout 30-28, 30-27 and 30-27, all for the winner by unanimous decision, Cheick Kongo.

Hector Lombard vs. Tim Boetsch

Round 1
There’s no touch of gloves between the middleweights as this one gets underway. The larger Boetsch uses a front kick early to keep the stocky Lombard at range. Lombard sprawls all over a takedown attempt from Boetsch; referee Josh Rosenthal warns the Cuban not to strike the back of Boetsch’s head. Lombard gets a takedown against the fence but doesn’t keep Boetsch there for long. Boetsch gets off a knee in the tie-up and a leg kick before exiting. Lombard stands flat-footed, creeping forward on Boetsch and swinging his right hand with ill intent. Boetsch is doing well to stay out of range, however. He has a takedown attempt stuffed by Lombard, who still seems to be sizing up “The Barbarian” for the homerun shot. Both men are swinging but neither is landing clean with 60 seconds to go in the first, and the round closes out with no more significant offense from either.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Boetsch
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Boetsch
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Boetsch

Round 2
Lombard sticks Boetsch with a few short rights and jabs early, while the American counters with kicks to the body. Leg kicks from Boetsch now as he’s forced to move backward, away from the stalking Lombard, who gives him a few outside leg kicks in return. Midway through and the round is still up for grabs, with Lombard seemingly just waiting for Boetsch to make a mistake. Lead uppercut from Lombard touches Boetsch’s chin. Finally, Lombard catches Boetsch with a body kick and rushes in to try and capitalize. Boetsch goes to his knees and turtles up with Lombard in north-south position, throwing short, not particularly powerful punches. Boetsch scrambles up and gets shoved into the fence with an underhook.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lombard
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lombard
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lombard

Round 3
It’s more of the same through the first half of the final frame: Lombard standing stock-still in front of Boetsch, just waiting to throw a shot. Boetsch is moving more, but isn’t being much more active, and when he comes in for a double-leg, it’s completely shut down by Lombard. The judoka throws down Boetsch in the clinch but doesn’t like the position they land in and the middleweights scramble back up. One minute left in the fight now and this round is still up for grabs as the Calgary fans jeer both fighters’ inactivity. Lombard puts Boetsch on the fence, drops and wraps up the legs, then slams Boetsch hard to the floor. Boetsch gets right back up and knees Lombard in the breadbasket, but Lombard puts Boetsch’s back on the fence again.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lombard (29-28 Lombard)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lombard (29-28 Lombard)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lombard (29-28 Lombard)

Official result: The judges score this bout 29-28 Boetsch, 29-28 Lombard and 29-28 for the winner by split decision, Tim Boetsch.

Vacant UFC Interim Bantamweight Championship
Urijah Faber vs. Renan Barao

Round 1
The bantamweights spend a tentative opening minute feeling one another out, Barao finding the range with leg kicks while Faber switches up his stance on his advancing Brazilian opponent. Barao keeps a high guard and steps out of the way of Faber’s overhand right. Now it’s Barao with a rhythm in his step, looking to counter Faber’s kicks with right hands. A spinning back-kick clips Faber’s face and Barao follows up with a jumping knee to the body. Faber steps out of the way of a head kick, eats a stiff left hand behind it as the first round winds down to its final minute. Faber gets the last word in the round with a straight right hand.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Barao
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Barao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barao

Round 2
Faber takes a right hand from Barao early, then backs up and resumes his switching of stances to keep the Brazilian from any rhythm. Barao keeps coming forward, backing Faber toward the fence, and he gets a poke in the eye on the end of a Faber punch. Barao only needs a moment to recover, and when they resume, he’s flying at Faber with an airborne knee. Faber throws a four-punch combo, all of which come up short on the backpedaling Barao, who’s kept the low kicks coming intermittently all round. A right high kick from Barao backs up Faber, who switches to the southpaw stance and backs away from a front and a spinning kick. It’s slow going in the last minute, but Barao manages to explode with a combo against the fence down the stretch.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Barao
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Barao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barao

Round 3
Faber is finding some success early in round three, knocking Barao off balance with a front kick and scoring a right hand behind it, but it’s still the young Brazilian moving forward. Barao chops with another leg kick but Faber ducks the right hook behind it. Barao is scoring with a left hand-right low kick combo which seems to be taking its toll on Faber, whose stance-switching has slowed with a minute to go in round three. Faber catches one and tries to rush Barao to the ground with an ankle pick, but Barao extract his right leg and kicks Faber with the left. Faber catches another kick, can’t capitalize.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Barao
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Barao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barao

Round 4
The sequence from the end of round three repeats, with Barao landing punches and leg kicks almost at will, and Faber unable to secure a takedown when he manages to catch the Brazilian’s leg coming in. Faber connects with a solid right, ducks a hook and grabs for another single-leg, still can’t get anything. He catches another kick; nothing. Barao backs him up with a right hand and a spinning kick to the body. He falls off balance but Faber can’t take advantage of the situation. Faber is still pulling up short on punches while Barao is scoring with nice shots to the body and head. They tangle up and Barao scores a nice knee to the body before being shoved off. Faber lands a jab before the horn sounds and this one is headed to the final round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Barao
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Barao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barao

Round 5
It’s more of the same as the fight goes to the fifth and final round. Faber is pulling up short on jabs, trying to catch kicks, but he’s completely unable to bring Barao to the ground when he does. Barao fully extends his left arm and cocks back his right, just daring Faber to throw hands. Faber eats some hard hooks before growing frustrated and rushing forward with a superman punch. The right hand lands but doesn’t seem to faze Barao, as he goes right back to sticking his hand in Faber’s face. Barao chops at the leg of Faber with more leg kicks, dodges the former WEC champ’s punches and shouts emotionally at the camera when the horn sounds. The Nova Uniao corner hoists Barao on their shoulders while Faber sips dejectedly from a bottle of water.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Barao (50-45 Barao)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Faber (49-46 Barao)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Barao (50-45 Barao)

Official result: Judges Jeff Blatnick and Sal D’Amato score the bout 49-46, while Chris Lee has it 50-45, all for the winner by unanimous decision and new UFC interim bantamweight champion, Renan “Barao” Pegado.

Sherdog.com's UFC 149 play-by-play is brought to you by “Lockout.”

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