UFC 94 GSP vs. Penn II Play-by-Play
Feb 1, 2009
Sherdog.com reports from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas
with live play-by-play of UFC 94, which is headlined by Georges
St. Pierre versus B.J. Penn.
Don't forget to check out the MMA Forums to discuss tonight's event.
Click here for quick results.
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Round 1
Arroyo is keeping a distance. Cramer shoots in and scores a takedown. Arroyo latches on an armbar. Cramer defends well. Cramer escapes and is in Arroyo's guard. He lands several punches. Arroyo tries a triangle. Cramer defends and lands more punches. Round ends with more punches from Cramer. Sherdog.com scores the frame 10-9 for Cramer.
Round 2
They stand and circle. Arroyo tries a shot, but nothing. They clinch. Cramer drags him down. In Arroyo's guard, Cramer lands more punches. Not much action. A few more strikes from Cramer in Arroyo's gusts. The crowd is growing restless. Round ends with Cramer landing strikes from within Arroyo's guard. Arroyo's face is swollen. 10-9 for Cramer.
Round 3
Arroyo shoots in but is stuffed. He trips Cramer and falls into his guard. Cramer tries a gogoplata. Arroyo defends. Arroyo sweeps out and seizes his back. Arroyo sinks the hooks and tries a rear-naked choke. Cramer defends and scrambles out. He's now in Arroyo's guard and lands a few punches. Not much action. Referee Steve Mazzagatti stands them. Cramer takes him down. Crowd boos. Arroyo tries another armbar, but he can’t secure the arm. The round ends. 10-9 Arroyo.
The official scores are: 29-28 Cramer, 29-28 Arroyo and 29-28 for Cramer.
Jake O'Brien vs. Christian Wellisch
Round 1
Christian Wellisch walks to the cage to "Do you Really Want to Hurt Me" by Culture Club. The crowd roars with laughter.
Wellisch lands a right hand immediately. O’Brien stumbles down and turtles. He's okay. He's up and tags Wellisch with a right. Wellisch drops and turtles while O’Brien tees off. Wellisch scrambles toward the fence and pulls guard. O’Brien backs away after a stalemate. Good left hook by Wellisch, but O’Brien is unfazed. Terrible double leg attempt by Wellisch. Wellisch pulls guard. Very little action. Referee Yves Lavigne finally stands them. Both measuring each other. They clinch and Wellisch tries to pull guard again. 10-9 O’Brien.
Round 2
They paw jabs early. They fight at a measured pace. Nothing clean lands a minute in. The crowd is starting to boo. O’Brien tries a takedown, but is stuffed. O’Brien scores a double leg and scoop slams Wellisch. O’Brien is now in Wellisch's guard against fence. Nothing is happening. O’Brien stands and backs away. Little action on the feet. Good double leg takedown by O’Brien with less than a minute left. Wellisch is now bleeding from his nose. Wellisch scrambles up. Decent right cross by Wellisch at the bell. 10-9 O’Brien.
Round 3
They circle and jab immediately though nothing lands cleanly. O’Brien scores a quick single leg takedown. Wellisch scrambles back up. They trade left jabs. Wellisch's nose is bleeding pretty badly again. Another strong double leg takedown by O’Brien. He stands and backs away. They box again. Very little action. Decent left hook by O’Brien. Blood is pouring out if Wellisch's nose. Blood is sprayed all over the matt. O’Brien scores another big takedown. O’Brien stands and Wellisch scrambles up. Wellisch stuffs a late takedown attempt. 10-9 O’Brien.
The official scores are: 29-28 Wellisch, 29-28 O’Brien, 29-28 O’Brien. The crowd boos.
Chris Wilson vs. John Howard
Round 1
The fighters circle. Right leg kick by Howard. Howard scores a quick takedown. They're back up. They swing for the fences but miss. Howard is pressing forward. Right leg kick by Wilson. Pace slows. They clinch and Wilson pins him against fence. They break free and both miss wild hooks. Howard slips from a leg kick but he's up. Wilson latches on a standing guillotine but it’s not deep. Howard slithers out and pulls guard. Hard right hand by Wilson, but Howard smiles and trash talks. After a mad scramble, Howard reverses and scores a takedown. Referee Herb Dean quickly stands them. Huge slam by Howard from the clinch late. Very close round. 10-9 Wilson.
Round 2
A huge right leg kick staggers Wilson seconds into the round. Howard explodes but can't finish him. Wilson falls and Howard jumps onto him, but Wilson able to pull guard. Howard lets him back up. Howard scores another takedown. In Wilson’s guard, Howard lands a few punches. Wilson is able to stand back up. Howard brings him back down. Wilson’s face swollen. Howard lands two more right hands. Pace slows. Howard looks tired late. Howard misses a right and a left haymaker and is slammed down. Wilson hammers in some elbows and gusts from with Howard guard. Both men look very tired. Howard explodes and sweeps Wilson. Good round; very close. 10-9 Howard.
Round 3
A flying knee by Wilson is blocked. Wilson tries a takedown but Howard scrambles and takes his back. Wilson postures for an escape. They scramble but Howard locks on a rear-naked choke. It’s deep. Wilson is defending well. He breaks the choke but can't escape Howard’s body triangle. Wilson scrambles and sweeps him, reversing positions. Howard pulls guard but quickly sweeps his opponent. Wilson thinks about a heel hook, but Howard scrambles back up before he can latch it. Howard scores a takedown very late. Round ends with Howard in Wilson’s guard. Very close round. 10-9 Howard.
The official scores read: 29-28 Howard, 29-28 Wilson and 29-28 for Howard.
Manny Gamburyan vs. Thiago Tavares
Round 1
Both fighters are very intense and ready to go. Manvel lands a straight right hand 45 seconds in. It forces Tavares down. Manvel pulls guard. Manvel tries a kimura but Thiago defends. Manvel has the kimura deep again and Thiago lifts him up with the it sunk. He drops him and the lock is broken. Thiago back in Manvel's guard. Gamburyan scrambles up and from a clinch scores a wizzer. But Thiago still has his back and stands back up. Gamburyan turns around and has his back against the fence. Hard takedown by Tavares. Some decent hammer fists from Thiago. 10-9 Gamburyan.
Round 2
Good takedown by Thiago. They stand after a scramble. Gamburyan scores a takedown and is in Thiago's guard. Not too much action. Some good punches by Gamburyan. Referee Josh Rosenthal finally stands them. Both guys miss wild hay makers. Gamburyan stuffs a takedown. Thiago fighting for a single-leg takedown. 10-9 for Gamburyan.
Round 3
Gamburyan has a takedown stuffed. And another. Thiago is fighting for another single, but Gamburyan defends. They swing for the fences but miss. A big right hand by Thiago rocks Gamburyan. Thiago can't finish him. It’s turned into a kickboxing match. A big knee from Thiago after he stuffed a takedown. Gamburyan is desperate. He's swinging wildly but misses them all. Good jab by Thiago. Thiago is backing away to disengage. Round ends with Gamburyan stalking him. 10-9 Thiago.
All three official judges score it 29-28 for Thiago Tavares.
Jon Fitch vs. Akihiro Gono
Round 1
Gono walks down in full drag: wig, sparkly silver dress and glamour shades. He’s with two other dancing "women" and performs a choreographed dance routine at the base of the Octagon. Gono now puts on traditional red shorts. Fitch enters the cage dressed like ... Jon Fitch. Fitch shoots in quickly but Gono thwarts the takedown. Standing back up, Fitch shoots around and gets his back. Gono spins out and is now pinned along the fence. They separate. Gono presses Fitch up against the cage. Gono breaks away from the Thai plum. Two leg kicks by Gono. Fitch presses him against cage and takes him down. Fitch takes his back. Fitch sinks a rear naked but Gono defends. Fitch lets go and lands some decent strikes from on top. Gono scrambles but can't break free. Gono scrambles loose at bell. 10-9 Fitch.
Round 2
A hard right kick to the body by Fitch. Gono clinches and presses Fitch into the fence. Fitch pushes out and tries a single leg, but Gono sprawls perfectly. Fitch trips Gono from the clinch. Gono pulls guard. Fitch slowly works Gono up against the fence. Fitch lands a few pinches to Gono's body and head. Fitch opening up more with elbows and punches. Gono's blocking most of the strikes but he can't get up. Fitch slides to half guard. A series of left elbows from Fitch. Gono scrambles but Fitch takes back and locks in a body triangle. Fitch hammering away with punches from behind. Gono scrambles out but Fitch locks in a tight armbar with ten seconds left. Gono defends and is saved by the bell. 10-9 Fitch.
Round 3
A hard left head kick by Fitch but Gono counters with a good straight right. Fitch takes him down and in Gono's half guard. Fitch lands a hard right elbow. And another. Hard right hand and elbow by Fitch. Another. Gono bucks Fitch and he stands up. He lets Gono up. They clinch against fence. Fitch takes Gono's back from the clinch but Gono drops and rolls and misses the leg lock. Fitch drops into side control. Gono sweeps and lands in Fitch's guard. Fitch trying to lock up a triangle. With a minute left, Gono needs a miracle. Gono stands up. Gono misses a wild head kick. Gono is exhausted. 10-9 for Fitch.
The official scorecards read: 30-27, 30-27 and 30-26 for Jon Fitch.
Nathan Diaz vs. Clay Guida
Round 1
Guida uncorks a right hand that grazes the face of Diaz. Nathan goes to the clinch, where he lands a knee to the body. Diaz, a southpaw, fires right hook leads one after the other. Now fighting in an orthodox stance, Diaz smacks Guida with a left hand. Diaz, showing much-improved standup, lands a stiff jab. Guida shoots a single-leg and Diaz has none of it. Guida attacks the leg of Diaz with a low kick before shooting a double leg. Diaz gives up the takedown and takes the bottom position in half-guard. The crowd chants for Guida as he takes Diaz’s back with both hooks in. Diaz, standing on his feet, drops to his knees and improves his position. Guida puts Diaz in a full nelson that looks painful. Diaz escapes, but is forced to work from side control. Diaz gets to his feet and is lifted high into the air and slammed to the canvas. Guida takes Diaz’s back again. Guida lands a hard knee to the chin and a right hand after Diaz stands.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Guida
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Guida
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Guida
Round 2
The fighters clinch and a Diaz throw fails. Diaz goes back to the clinch, landing stomps to the foot and looking for a guillotine. Guida drops levels for a single, but he can’t power Diaz to the floor. Guida knees the right thigh of Diaz and moves to his back in a standing position against the fencing. Guida takes the front again and blocks a switch attempt from Diaz. The fighters scramble against the cage and Guida takes half-guard while fighting off a kimura. Guida escapes and lands a hard knee to the shoulder blade. Diaz hits a beautiful hip toss and works an offensive guard for the round’s final moments.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Guida
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Guida
Round 3
Wild punches are exchanged in the final rounds opening seconds, but nothing lands clean. Diaz connects with a body shot. And another. With his long hair swinging wild, Guida fires back and misses. Diaz goes back to his jab from a southpaw stance. Diaz clinches and pushes Guida to the cage. Diaz backs up to strike and eats a low kick before landing a right hand. Diaz is starting to peeper Guida with punches. Head and body blows find their target. Guida retreats and works for a single as Diaz seeks the advice of his corner and checks the round timer. Diaz gets another hip toss and again finds Guida on his back with hooks. Diaz stands and works for a kimura on the right arm of Diaz. Guida frees his limb and presses the younger against the fence. Guida moves to Diaz’s back, where he knees the thigh. The fight ends with both fighters scrambling in the center of the Octagon.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Diaz (29-28 Guida)
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Diaz (29-29 Draw)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Diaz (29-28 Guida)
The judges score the contest 29-28 for Diaz and 29-28 (twice) for Guida.
Karo Parisyan vs. Dong Hyun Kim
Round 1
Kim muscles Parisyan to the floor. Kim transitions to Parisyan’s back, where he locks in both hooks while his opponent stands. Parisyan falls backward to slam Kim, but he’s ready for it. Kim stays tight on Parisyan’s back and gestures to the crowd as he pounds the head with his left hand. Kim spins for an armbar and Parisyan defends. Now working from guard, Kim locks on a tight triangle choke. The hold is tight, but Parisyan pulls his head free. With 80 seconds remaining in the frame, Parisyan punches the body with his left hand. Parisyan stands and Kim quickly takes him down and moves to his back. Parisyan stands and takes knees to the thigh and body. First round is all Kim.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Kim
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kim
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Kim
Round 2
Kim misses wide on a head kick and sprawls on a Parisyan takedown attempt. Parisyan tosses Kim to the floor but can’t shake his opponent off his back. With one hook sunk in on his midsection, Parisyan uses a kimura to escape the bad position. He turns Kim over and extends the arm, nearly forcing a tap or an injury. Kim slides free and is slammed hard to the canvas with a judo toss by Parisyan. Both fighters stand and Parisyan is warned for spitting out his mouthpiece. Referee Josh Rosenthal informs Parisyan that another offense will result in a one-point deduction. Kim lands a crisp left to the right side of his opponent’s head. The round ends with a Parisyan punching flurry.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Parisyan
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Parisyan
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Parisyan
Round 3
Kim gets a takedown to start round three. Parisyan locks on a triangle and kicks the head of Kim illegally. Rosenthal separates the fighters and warns Parisyan for the tactic, even though it appered that he was just pushing off to get back to his feet. Parisyan attempts a single when action is resumed, but fails on the shot. With two minutes remaining in the final period, the crowd starts to boo the lull in action. Parisyan goes for another judo throw, but he can’t hold Kim down. Parisyan trips Kim’s feet from under him, but Kim quickly gets back to standing. The uneventful round ends to a chorus of boos.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Kim
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Parisyan
The judges score the contest 29-28 for Kim and 29-28 (twice) for Parisyan.
Stephan Bonnar vs. Jon Jones
Round 1
Jones gets a single-leg trip, but Bonnar quickly gets to his feet. Jones responds by throwing Bonnar to the floor hard. Bonnar stands and is thrown down like a ragdoll from the Thai plum. Just like before, Bonnar scrambles to his feet and looks to gain striking range. Bonnar comes forward and clinches with Jones against the fence. Jones suplexes Bonnar and floors him with a spinning-back elbow. The blow is solid but Bonnar is game. Jones lands a hard knee to the chin and gets a takedown before the horn sounds.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Jones
Round 2
Bonnar comes out swinging for the fences. Jones slips the punches and lands a side kick to the ribs. Jones gets a leg trip and wrestles Bonnar to the floor. Bonnar stands and is hit with a hard knee. A body kick connects for Bonnar, but he is dragged back down to the canvas. A Jones knee finds the chin of Bonnar as he worked to his feet. A left hand lands for Jones. Bonnar answers with some dirty boxing on the inside. Bonnar lands his best strike of the fight, a hard knee to the body from the clinch. Jones throws Bonnar violently to the floor.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Jones
Round 3
Bonnar, perhaps knowing is down on the scorecards, presses the action against the fatigued Jones. Uppercuts land from the inside as Bonnar looks for a knockout. Another uppercut lands for Bonnar. Jones is so tired that he can hardly stand. Bonnar gets sloppy and is tripped to the floor. Bonnar, from guard, nearly secures a triangle choke. Jones frees his head and knees the body of Bonnar. The fighters stand Bonnar goes back to dirty boxing on the inside. The decision fest continues.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Bonnar
The judges score the contest 29-28 (twice) and 30-37 for Jon Jones, who takes the unanimous decision.
Lyoto Machida vs. Thiago Silva
Round 1
Machida lands a left hand lead and shows excellent footwork as he circles around the Octagon. A stiff body kick connects for Machida. A right knee from Machida smacks the groin protector of Silva. Referee Yves Lavigne gives Silva a brief reprieve and the action is restarted. Machida gets a trip and fights off a leg lock before standing. Silva follows and lands a knee to the body and a left hand that floors Silva. Machida stands over the fallen fighter and throws kicks to the left leg. Machida enters the guard of his opponent, and then stands. Machida rocks Silva with a punching combination, scoring another knockdown. Machida engages on the ground and takes the mount before standing. Silva is warned for holding the fence to defend a Machida trip. Machida stuffs a takedown and trips Silva to the floor. As the horn sounds, Machida lunges into Silva’s guard with a right hand that knocks him out on the floor at 4:59 of round one. Impressive display from Lyoto Machida.
Georges St. Pierre vs. B.J. Penn
Round 1
Lightweight champion B.J. Penn enters the cage first to traditional Hawaiian music. Welterweight champion Georges St. Pierre follows to a loud applause. The fighters clinch and trade knees to the body and thigh. St. Pierre drops levels for a single but Penn defends while hopping on one leg. St. Pierre continues to work on the takedown while Penn defends with his back to the cage. St. Pierre lets go of the leg and both fighters are back in the center of the cage. St. Pierre pushes Penn against the fence and then moves back to the center. St. Pierre lands a one-two to the chin and then knees the midsection from the clinch. With 30 seconds left in the round, Penn connects to the body with a knee.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Round 2
Penn gets off first in round two with a left hook. And another. St. Pierre goes to the clinch and the crowd boos. St. Pierre trips Penn to the canvas. Penn is using a rubber guard, but St. Pierre gives nothing. St. Pierre passes to half-guard and side-control quickly. St. Pierre isolates the left arm of Penn and punches the head. St. Pierre is dominating Penn on the floor. Penn gets back to guard, where he eats ground-and-pound from both of St. Pierre’s hands. St. Pierre blasts Penn with a left hand and advances back to side control. Penn uses a jail break to get back to guard. Sitting in an open guard, St. Pierre tees off on Penn, who is bleeding below his left eye.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Round 3
Penn’s face is showing damage in round three. St. Pierre peppers the nose of Penn with jabs and a right hand. Penn’s nose is bleeding from the beating. St. Pierre gets an easy takedown and moves to half guard. He lazily punches the head with both hands until Penn is able to get back to full guard. St. Pierre blasts Penn with right-handed hammerfists. Penn scrambles to his feet and works for a single leg of his own. St. Pierre stuffs the attempt and pulls Penn’s legs out from under him with a double. A left elbow and punch connect with the head of Penn from guard. St. Pierre is making it look easy against the lightweight champion.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Round 4
Penn checks a low kick and takes a stiff jab. St. Pierre ducks under a slow jab and gets an easy double leg. St. Pierre passes Penn’s guard like the Hawaiian is a white belt. St. Pierre is putting on a display of dominance never seen from the Canadian fighter. St. Pierre knees the body from side control and punches the head of Penn with his left hand. St. Pierre lands a heavy elbow while trying to mount. St. Pierre continues to control Penn as he takes the mount for a brief second. Penn gets to guard but it only lasts seconds. St. Pierre advances to side control and goes back to work on the head of his opponent. St. Pierre tees off with elbows and punches while Penn covers. Referee Herb Dean watches closely, but he lets Penn ride out the round.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 St. Pierre
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-8 St. Pierre
The fight is over. The outmatched lightweight champion’s brother stopped the fight after a doctor checked him following the round. St. Pierre dances in the center of the Octagon while a disappointed Penn looks on.
Don't forget to check out the MMA Forums to discuss tonight's event.
Hit F5 on your keyboard to refresh often, as play-by-play is updated in real time.
Matt Arroyo
vs. Dan
Round 1
Arroyo is keeping a distance. Cramer shoots in and scores a takedown. Arroyo latches on an armbar. Cramer defends well. Cramer escapes and is in Arroyo's guard. He lands several punches. Arroyo tries a triangle. Cramer defends and lands more punches. Round ends with more punches from Cramer. Sherdog.com scores the frame 10-9 for Cramer.
Round 2
They stand and circle. Arroyo tries a shot, but nothing. They clinch. Cramer drags him down. In Arroyo's guard, Cramer lands more punches. Not much action. A few more strikes from Cramer in Arroyo's gusts. The crowd is growing restless. Round ends with Cramer landing strikes from within Arroyo's guard. Arroyo's face is swollen. 10-9 for Cramer.
Round 3
Arroyo shoots in but is stuffed. He trips Cramer and falls into his guard. Cramer tries a gogoplata. Arroyo defends. Arroyo sweeps out and seizes his back. Arroyo sinks the hooks and tries a rear-naked choke. Cramer defends and scrambles out. He's now in Arroyo's guard and lands a few punches. Not much action. Referee Steve Mazzagatti stands them. Cramer takes him down. Crowd boos. Arroyo tries another armbar, but he can’t secure the arm. The round ends. 10-9 Arroyo.
The official scores are: 29-28 Cramer, 29-28 Arroyo and 29-28 for Cramer.
Jake O'Brien vs. Christian Wellisch
Round 1
Christian Wellisch walks to the cage to "Do you Really Want to Hurt Me" by Culture Club. The crowd roars with laughter.
Wellisch lands a right hand immediately. O’Brien stumbles down and turtles. He's okay. He's up and tags Wellisch with a right. Wellisch drops and turtles while O’Brien tees off. Wellisch scrambles toward the fence and pulls guard. O’Brien backs away after a stalemate. Good left hook by Wellisch, but O’Brien is unfazed. Terrible double leg attempt by Wellisch. Wellisch pulls guard. Very little action. Referee Yves Lavigne finally stands them. Both measuring each other. They clinch and Wellisch tries to pull guard again. 10-9 O’Brien.
Round 2
They paw jabs early. They fight at a measured pace. Nothing clean lands a minute in. The crowd is starting to boo. O’Brien tries a takedown, but is stuffed. O’Brien scores a double leg and scoop slams Wellisch. O’Brien is now in Wellisch's guard against fence. Nothing is happening. O’Brien stands and backs away. Little action on the feet. Good double leg takedown by O’Brien with less than a minute left. Wellisch is now bleeding from his nose. Wellisch scrambles up. Decent right cross by Wellisch at the bell. 10-9 O’Brien.
Round 3
They circle and jab immediately though nothing lands cleanly. O’Brien scores a quick single leg takedown. Wellisch scrambles back up. They trade left jabs. Wellisch's nose is bleeding pretty badly again. Another strong double leg takedown by O’Brien. He stands and backs away. They box again. Very little action. Decent left hook by O’Brien. Blood is pouring out if Wellisch's nose. Blood is sprayed all over the matt. O’Brien scores another big takedown. O’Brien stands and Wellisch scrambles up. Wellisch stuffs a late takedown attempt. 10-9 O’Brien.
The official scores are: 29-28 Wellisch, 29-28 O’Brien, 29-28 O’Brien. The crowd boos.
Chris Wilson vs. John Howard
Round 1
The fighters circle. Right leg kick by Howard. Howard scores a quick takedown. They're back up. They swing for the fences but miss. Howard is pressing forward. Right leg kick by Wilson. Pace slows. They clinch and Wilson pins him against fence. They break free and both miss wild hooks. Howard slips from a leg kick but he's up. Wilson latches on a standing guillotine but it’s not deep. Howard slithers out and pulls guard. Hard right hand by Wilson, but Howard smiles and trash talks. After a mad scramble, Howard reverses and scores a takedown. Referee Herb Dean quickly stands them. Huge slam by Howard from the clinch late. Very close round. 10-9 Wilson.
Round 2
A huge right leg kick staggers Wilson seconds into the round. Howard explodes but can't finish him. Wilson falls and Howard jumps onto him, but Wilson able to pull guard. Howard lets him back up. Howard scores another takedown. In Wilson’s guard, Howard lands a few punches. Wilson is able to stand back up. Howard brings him back down. Wilson’s face swollen. Howard lands two more right hands. Pace slows. Howard looks tired late. Howard misses a right and a left haymaker and is slammed down. Wilson hammers in some elbows and gusts from with Howard guard. Both men look very tired. Howard explodes and sweeps Wilson. Good round; very close. 10-9 Howard.
Round 3
A flying knee by Wilson is blocked. Wilson tries a takedown but Howard scrambles and takes his back. Wilson postures for an escape. They scramble but Howard locks on a rear-naked choke. It’s deep. Wilson is defending well. He breaks the choke but can't escape Howard’s body triangle. Wilson scrambles and sweeps him, reversing positions. Howard pulls guard but quickly sweeps his opponent. Wilson thinks about a heel hook, but Howard scrambles back up before he can latch it. Howard scores a takedown very late. Round ends with Howard in Wilson’s guard. Very close round. 10-9 Howard.
The official scores read: 29-28 Howard, 29-28 Wilson and 29-28 for Howard.
Manny Gamburyan vs. Thiago Tavares
Round 1
Both fighters are very intense and ready to go. Manvel lands a straight right hand 45 seconds in. It forces Tavares down. Manvel pulls guard. Manvel tries a kimura but Thiago defends. Manvel has the kimura deep again and Thiago lifts him up with the it sunk. He drops him and the lock is broken. Thiago back in Manvel's guard. Gamburyan scrambles up and from a clinch scores a wizzer. But Thiago still has his back and stands back up. Gamburyan turns around and has his back against the fence. Hard takedown by Tavares. Some decent hammer fists from Thiago. 10-9 Gamburyan.
Round 2
Good takedown by Thiago. They stand after a scramble. Gamburyan scores a takedown and is in Thiago's guard. Not too much action. Some good punches by Gamburyan. Referee Josh Rosenthal finally stands them. Both guys miss wild hay makers. Gamburyan stuffs a takedown. Thiago fighting for a single-leg takedown. 10-9 for Gamburyan.
Round 3
Gamburyan has a takedown stuffed. And another. Thiago is fighting for another single, but Gamburyan defends. They swing for the fences but miss. A big right hand by Thiago rocks Gamburyan. Thiago can't finish him. It’s turned into a kickboxing match. A big knee from Thiago after he stuffed a takedown. Gamburyan is desperate. He's swinging wildly but misses them all. Good jab by Thiago. Thiago is backing away to disengage. Round ends with Gamburyan stalking him. 10-9 Thiago.
All three official judges score it 29-28 for Thiago Tavares.
Jon Fitch vs. Akihiro Gono
Round 1
Gono walks down in full drag: wig, sparkly silver dress and glamour shades. He’s with two other dancing "women" and performs a choreographed dance routine at the base of the Octagon. Gono now puts on traditional red shorts. Fitch enters the cage dressed like ... Jon Fitch. Fitch shoots in quickly but Gono thwarts the takedown. Standing back up, Fitch shoots around and gets his back. Gono spins out and is now pinned along the fence. They separate. Gono presses Fitch up against the cage. Gono breaks away from the Thai plum. Two leg kicks by Gono. Fitch presses him against cage and takes him down. Fitch takes his back. Fitch sinks a rear naked but Gono defends. Fitch lets go and lands some decent strikes from on top. Gono scrambles but can't break free. Gono scrambles loose at bell. 10-9 Fitch.
Round 2
A hard right kick to the body by Fitch. Gono clinches and presses Fitch into the fence. Fitch pushes out and tries a single leg, but Gono sprawls perfectly. Fitch trips Gono from the clinch. Gono pulls guard. Fitch slowly works Gono up against the fence. Fitch lands a few pinches to Gono's body and head. Fitch opening up more with elbows and punches. Gono's blocking most of the strikes but he can't get up. Fitch slides to half guard. A series of left elbows from Fitch. Gono scrambles but Fitch takes back and locks in a body triangle. Fitch hammering away with punches from behind. Gono scrambles out but Fitch locks in a tight armbar with ten seconds left. Gono defends and is saved by the bell. 10-9 Fitch.
Round 3
A hard left head kick by Fitch but Gono counters with a good straight right. Fitch takes him down and in Gono's half guard. Fitch lands a hard right elbow. And another. Hard right hand and elbow by Fitch. Another. Gono bucks Fitch and he stands up. He lets Gono up. They clinch against fence. Fitch takes Gono's back from the clinch but Gono drops and rolls and misses the leg lock. Fitch drops into side control. Gono sweeps and lands in Fitch's guard. Fitch trying to lock up a triangle. With a minute left, Gono needs a miracle. Gono stands up. Gono misses a wild head kick. Gono is exhausted. 10-9 for Fitch.
The official scorecards read: 30-27, 30-27 and 30-26 for Jon Fitch.
Nathan Diaz vs. Clay Guida
Round 1
Guida uncorks a right hand that grazes the face of Diaz. Nathan goes to the clinch, where he lands a knee to the body. Diaz, a southpaw, fires right hook leads one after the other. Now fighting in an orthodox stance, Diaz smacks Guida with a left hand. Diaz, showing much-improved standup, lands a stiff jab. Guida shoots a single-leg and Diaz has none of it. Guida attacks the leg of Diaz with a low kick before shooting a double leg. Diaz gives up the takedown and takes the bottom position in half-guard. The crowd chants for Guida as he takes Diaz’s back with both hooks in. Diaz, standing on his feet, drops to his knees and improves his position. Guida puts Diaz in a full nelson that looks painful. Diaz escapes, but is forced to work from side control. Diaz gets to his feet and is lifted high into the air and slammed to the canvas. Guida takes Diaz’s back again. Guida lands a hard knee to the chin and a right hand after Diaz stands.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Guida
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Guida
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Guida
Round 2
The fighters clinch and a Diaz throw fails. Diaz goes back to the clinch, landing stomps to the foot and looking for a guillotine. Guida drops levels for a single, but he can’t power Diaz to the floor. Guida knees the right thigh of Diaz and moves to his back in a standing position against the fencing. Guida takes the front again and blocks a switch attempt from Diaz. The fighters scramble against the cage and Guida takes half-guard while fighting off a kimura. Guida escapes and lands a hard knee to the shoulder blade. Diaz hits a beautiful hip toss and works an offensive guard for the round’s final moments.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Guida
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Guida
Round 3
Wild punches are exchanged in the final rounds opening seconds, but nothing lands clean. Diaz connects with a body shot. And another. With his long hair swinging wild, Guida fires back and misses. Diaz goes back to his jab from a southpaw stance. Diaz clinches and pushes Guida to the cage. Diaz backs up to strike and eats a low kick before landing a right hand. Diaz is starting to peeper Guida with punches. Head and body blows find their target. Guida retreats and works for a single as Diaz seeks the advice of his corner and checks the round timer. Diaz gets another hip toss and again finds Guida on his back with hooks. Diaz stands and works for a kimura on the right arm of Diaz. Guida frees his limb and presses the younger against the fence. Guida moves to Diaz’s back, where he knees the thigh. The fight ends with both fighters scrambling in the center of the Octagon.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Diaz (29-28 Guida)
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Diaz (29-29 Draw)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Diaz (29-28 Guida)
The judges score the contest 29-28 for Diaz and 29-28 (twice) for Guida.
Karo Parisyan vs. Dong Hyun Kim
Round 1
Kim muscles Parisyan to the floor. Kim transitions to Parisyan’s back, where he locks in both hooks while his opponent stands. Parisyan falls backward to slam Kim, but he’s ready for it. Kim stays tight on Parisyan’s back and gestures to the crowd as he pounds the head with his left hand. Kim spins for an armbar and Parisyan defends. Now working from guard, Kim locks on a tight triangle choke. The hold is tight, but Parisyan pulls his head free. With 80 seconds remaining in the frame, Parisyan punches the body with his left hand. Parisyan stands and Kim quickly takes him down and moves to his back. Parisyan stands and takes knees to the thigh and body. First round is all Kim.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Kim
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kim
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Kim
Round 2
Kim misses wide on a head kick and sprawls on a Parisyan takedown attempt. Parisyan tosses Kim to the floor but can’t shake his opponent off his back. With one hook sunk in on his midsection, Parisyan uses a kimura to escape the bad position. He turns Kim over and extends the arm, nearly forcing a tap or an injury. Kim slides free and is slammed hard to the canvas with a judo toss by Parisyan. Both fighters stand and Parisyan is warned for spitting out his mouthpiece. Referee Josh Rosenthal informs Parisyan that another offense will result in a one-point deduction. Kim lands a crisp left to the right side of his opponent’s head. The round ends with a Parisyan punching flurry.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Parisyan
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Parisyan
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Parisyan
Round 3
Kim gets a takedown to start round three. Parisyan locks on a triangle and kicks the head of Kim illegally. Rosenthal separates the fighters and warns Parisyan for the tactic, even though it appered that he was just pushing off to get back to his feet. Parisyan attempts a single when action is resumed, but fails on the shot. With two minutes remaining in the final period, the crowd starts to boo the lull in action. Parisyan goes for another judo throw, but he can’t hold Kim down. Parisyan trips Kim’s feet from under him, but Kim quickly gets back to standing. The uneventful round ends to a chorus of boos.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Kim
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Parisyan
The judges score the contest 29-28 for Kim and 29-28 (twice) for Parisyan.
Stephan Bonnar vs. Jon Jones
Round 1
Jones gets a single-leg trip, but Bonnar quickly gets to his feet. Jones responds by throwing Bonnar to the floor hard. Bonnar stands and is thrown down like a ragdoll from the Thai plum. Just like before, Bonnar scrambles to his feet and looks to gain striking range. Bonnar comes forward and clinches with Jones against the fence. Jones suplexes Bonnar and floors him with a spinning-back elbow. The blow is solid but Bonnar is game. Jones lands a hard knee to the chin and gets a takedown before the horn sounds.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Jones
Round 2
Bonnar comes out swinging for the fences. Jones slips the punches and lands a side kick to the ribs. Jones gets a leg trip and wrestles Bonnar to the floor. Bonnar stands and is hit with a hard knee. A body kick connects for Bonnar, but he is dragged back down to the canvas. A Jones knee finds the chin of Bonnar as he worked to his feet. A left hand lands for Jones. Bonnar answers with some dirty boxing on the inside. Bonnar lands his best strike of the fight, a hard knee to the body from the clinch. Jones throws Bonnar violently to the floor.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Jones
Round 3
Bonnar, perhaps knowing is down on the scorecards, presses the action against the fatigued Jones. Uppercuts land from the inside as Bonnar looks for a knockout. Another uppercut lands for Bonnar. Jones is so tired that he can hardly stand. Bonnar gets sloppy and is tripped to the floor. Bonnar, from guard, nearly secures a triangle choke. Jones frees his head and knees the body of Bonnar. The fighters stand Bonnar goes back to dirty boxing on the inside. The decision fest continues.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Bonnar
The judges score the contest 29-28 (twice) and 30-37 for Jon Jones, who takes the unanimous decision.
Lyoto Machida vs. Thiago Silva
Round 1
Machida lands a left hand lead and shows excellent footwork as he circles around the Octagon. A stiff body kick connects for Machida. A right knee from Machida smacks the groin protector of Silva. Referee Yves Lavigne gives Silva a brief reprieve and the action is restarted. Machida gets a trip and fights off a leg lock before standing. Silva follows and lands a knee to the body and a left hand that floors Silva. Machida stands over the fallen fighter and throws kicks to the left leg. Machida enters the guard of his opponent, and then stands. Machida rocks Silva with a punching combination, scoring another knockdown. Machida engages on the ground and takes the mount before standing. Silva is warned for holding the fence to defend a Machida trip. Machida stuffs a takedown and trips Silva to the floor. As the horn sounds, Machida lunges into Silva’s guard with a right hand that knocks him out on the floor at 4:59 of round one. Impressive display from Lyoto Machida.
Georges St. Pierre vs. B.J. Penn
Round 1
Lightweight champion B.J. Penn enters the cage first to traditional Hawaiian music. Welterweight champion Georges St. Pierre follows to a loud applause. The fighters clinch and trade knees to the body and thigh. St. Pierre drops levels for a single but Penn defends while hopping on one leg. St. Pierre continues to work on the takedown while Penn defends with his back to the cage. St. Pierre lets go of the leg and both fighters are back in the center of the cage. St. Pierre pushes Penn against the fence and then moves back to the center. St. Pierre lands a one-two to the chin and then knees the midsection from the clinch. With 30 seconds left in the round, Penn connects to the body with a knee.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Round 2
Penn gets off first in round two with a left hook. And another. St. Pierre goes to the clinch and the crowd boos. St. Pierre trips Penn to the canvas. Penn is using a rubber guard, but St. Pierre gives nothing. St. Pierre passes to half-guard and side-control quickly. St. Pierre isolates the left arm of Penn and punches the head. St. Pierre is dominating Penn on the floor. Penn gets back to guard, where he eats ground-and-pound from both of St. Pierre’s hands. St. Pierre blasts Penn with a left hand and advances back to side control. Penn uses a jail break to get back to guard. Sitting in an open guard, St. Pierre tees off on Penn, who is bleeding below his left eye.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Round 3
Penn’s face is showing damage in round three. St. Pierre peppers the nose of Penn with jabs and a right hand. Penn’s nose is bleeding from the beating. St. Pierre gets an easy takedown and moves to half guard. He lazily punches the head with both hands until Penn is able to get back to full guard. St. Pierre blasts Penn with right-handed hammerfists. Penn scrambles to his feet and works for a single leg of his own. St. Pierre stuffs the attempt and pulls Penn’s legs out from under him with a double. A left elbow and punch connect with the head of Penn from guard. St. Pierre is making it look easy against the lightweight champion.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Round 4
Penn checks a low kick and takes a stiff jab. St. Pierre ducks under a slow jab and gets an easy double leg. St. Pierre passes Penn’s guard like the Hawaiian is a white belt. St. Pierre is putting on a display of dominance never seen from the Canadian fighter. St. Pierre knees the body from side control and punches the head of Penn with his left hand. St. Pierre lands a heavy elbow while trying to mount. St. Pierre continues to control Penn as he takes the mount for a brief second. Penn gets to guard but it only lasts seconds. St. Pierre advances to side control and goes back to work on the head of his opponent. St. Pierre tees off with elbows and punches while Penn covers. Referee Herb Dean watches closely, but he lets Penn ride out the round.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 St. Pierre
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-8 St. Pierre
The fight is over. The outmatched lightweight champion’s brother stopped the fight after a doctor checked him following the round. St. Pierre dances in the center of the Octagon while a disappointed Penn looks on.
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