

UFC Fight Night 40 Results: ‘Nogueira vs. Nelson’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from Abu Dhabi, UAE, at approximately 11:30 a.m. ET with live UFC Fight Night 40 results and play-by-play.

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Johnny Bedford vs. Rani Yahya

Round 1

Yahya circles the outside, trying to keep Bedford at bay with low kicks and one up the center. A long double-leg shot from the Brazilian is sprawled on, and when he tries to come back into the pocket, his head collides with Bedford’s. Yahya loses his footing and hits the ground in a daze, and referee Neil Hall steps in to call an end to the fight.

The Official Result

Johnny Bedford vs. Rani Yahya declared No Contest (Accidental Clash of Heads) R1 0:39

Jim Alers vs. Alan Omer

Round 1

Alers comes out flashing jabs as both men look to take control of the center of the cage. Omer lands first with a big uppercut, but when he tries a spinning back kick, Alers rushes him against the cage. They separate and Alers chops at his opponent with a leg kick, then follows up with a right hook. Omer gives him a couple low kicks in return, and both men connect with right hands. Omer comes with another wide right, then a leg kick. Alers looks to clinch up, can’t hold Omer there but connects with a hard knee up the center before releasing. Alers gets lit up with a pair of punches and slows Omer’s roll with a faked takedown attempt. Again, the featherweights wind up on the cage with Alers on the outside. Omer reverses and the pace slows until the 30-second mark, when Alers slips out. Omer tries to charge into the pocket, gets clipped with a right. He comes back with an overhand right, then an uppercut that stings Alers before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Omer
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Omer
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Omer

Round 2

Alers gets stung and has to shoot for a takedown, which he is able to complete at the base of the fence, but Omer reverses almost instantly. As he stands up, Alers is tagged with two or three more shots, and then Omer comes back with another cracking uppercut. Omer gets overaggressive and gets knocked down with a right hook on the jaw. Alers follows him down and sets up in Omer’s closed guard, pushing him toward the cage before unloading with a couple hard right hands. Alers stands and has to dodge Omer’s up-kicks, then opts to come back to the ground. Omer hits Alers with a few hard elbows from underneath and then gets back to his feet, where Alers keeps him pressed against the cage. Referee Marc Goddard splits them up with 30 seconds remaining, and Omer gets off with another right hand before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Omer
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Omer
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Omer

Round 3

Alers gets an early takedown near the cage and works to stack up Omer, who is warned by referee Goddard not to grab the fence with his toes. Rough right hands drop on Omer, who is forced to fend off an Alers brabo choke as he gets to his feet. Alers defends a trip in the clinch but gets pushed against the cage by Omer, who changes from double- to single-leg in search of a takedown. They’re back to the clinch with three minutes remaining. Alers takes the outside position, then double-legs Omer back down. The featherweights take turns throwing occasional strikes as referee Goddard calls for more action. The ref stands them up with 30 seconds on the clock, and Alers circles away while Omer throws kicks. Omer lands one last takedown before time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alers (29-28 Omer)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Alers (29-28 Omer)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alers (29-28 Omer)

The Official Result

Jim Alers def. Alan Omer via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Thales Leites vs. Trevor Smith

Round 1

Leites comes straight ahead on Smith, walking through punches to back “Hot Sauce” up against the cage. An overhand right lands on Smith’s temple, and Leites follows up with another on the chin. Smith’s legs go out from under him. He’s still grabbing for Leites’ legs as the Brazilian tacks on a couple more right hands that force referee Neil Hall into action.

The Official Result

Thales Leites def. Trevor Smith via TKO (Punches) R1 0:45

Jared Rosholt vs. Daniel Omielanczuk

Round 1

Rosholt sticks to the outside, lobbing a couple long punches at the southpaw Omielanczuk before shooting a double-leg and flooring the Polish fighter. Omielanczuk grabs a guillotine on his way down; it’s loose, so Rosholt just leaves his head in as he drops short right hands on his opponent’s ribs. Two minutes into the round, Rosholt yanks his head free and pushes Omielanczuk’s left side flush to the cage as he kneels in half guard. Short, grinding elbows rough up Omielanczuk’s face, but he gives Rosholt a few elbows from underneath as well. With 80 seconds on the clock, Rosholt postures up and drops a couple heavy right hands. Rosholt is still stuck in Omielanczuk’s half guard until the 30-second mark, when the Pole gets to his knees and nearly gives up his back. Rosholt just flattens him out again and lays on top to the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rosholt

Round 2

Omielanczuk defends the first takedown attempt from Rosholt in round two, but “The Big Show” comes back for another try and puts Omielanczuk on the canvas inside 40 seconds. Now it’s side control for Rosholt with Omielanczuk’s right side to the fence. Omielanczuk tries to push off the fence with his feet and only manages to get further away from the chain-link. Rosholt is back in half guard, grinding on Omielanczuk with elbows, forearms and short punches, and now mixing in knees to the ribs. Omielanczuk gets to his knees, and Rosholt drills him with another pair of hard knees to the gut before he’s able to stand. Omielanczuk’s hands are by his side but he manages to catch Rosholt coming in with a good hook. Rosholt clinches up and Omielanczuk appears to go to the ground willingly this time, pulling the wrestler into his guard to ride out the last 40 seconds on the ground.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rosholt
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rosholt

Round 3

Rosholt walks straight ahead to clinch, takes a knee from Omielanczuk but keeps coming and gets the takedown he’s looking for. Omielanczuk gives up his back but Rosholt can’t secure the position, instead throwing a couple more knees to the body that have Omielanczuk rolling over. Omielanczuk is flopping over, covering up as Rosholt roughs him up with elbows. Now it’s the left hand of Rosholt landing as he pins Omielanczuk’s arm behind his back. Omielanczuk pulls the limb free but still can’t escape the position, turning over and over again, just staying alive while Rosholt remains heavy on top. Rosholt tries a north-south choke in the last 20 seconds but doesn’t get under the chin, leaving Omielanczuk to ride out the submission attempt to the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rosholt (30-27 Rosholt)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rosholt (30-27 Rosholt)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rosholt (30-27 Rosholt)

The Official Result

Jared Rosholt def. Daniel Omielanczuk via Unanimous Decision (scores not announced) R3 5:00

Beneil Dariush vs. Ramsey Nijem

Round 1

Dariush establishes himself in the center of the cage early and tags Nijem with some pretty, straight punches. Nijem catches a body kick and trips Dariush to the ground, then stands over him for a few moments before allowing him to stand. Dariush sticks a punch and dives for a takedown, but he winds up pressing Nijem against the cage, throwing short punches in the tie-up. Nijem circles out and now Dariush is grinning, walking forward at a measured pace. Nijem is starting to find his mark, picking at Dariush with quick, hard punches of his own. Dariush tries a leaping knee and gets tagged with a left-right combo, then put down with a couple more shots. Heavy fire from Nijem now, trying to pound out his grounded opponent. Dariush is clinging to life and Nijem’s leg, not offering anything in return and barely hanging on as referee Neil Hall observes from nearby. Nijem tries a guillotine, can’t get the angle, gives it up and goes back to bashing away with punches. A brief mount for Nijem is followed by more massive punches. Dariush is busted open, and now referee Hall has seen enough, and it’s a decisive stoppage win for Nijem.

The Official Result

Ramsey Nijem def. Beneil Dariush via TKO (Punches) R1 4:20

John Howard vs. Ryan LaFlare

Round 1

Howard takes the center of the cage and feints with right hands on his southpaw opponent. LaFlare changes angles and comes in behind a kick to single-leg Howard to the canvas near the middle. Ninety seconds in, LaFlare has passed to side control on Howard’s right. Howard sits up and gets snared in a brabo choke, but LaFlare can’t cinch it and Howard is able to scramble up. LaFlare hits him with a knee on the way up, gets tripped to the ground but pops back up to press Howard against the cage. Howard slips out, and LaFlare ducks under a wide punch to wrap up “Doomsday” and toss him to the floor. Howard stands and puts LaFlare on the defensive with a single-leg attempt on the fence. LaFlare hits him with an elbow on the split. Howard comes charging with his head down and arms swinging. LaFlare is getting the better of the exchange, though, cracking the smaller man with right hands and huge kicks to the body. Howard tries a takedown in the last 10 seconds, can’t complete it.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 LaFlare
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 LaFlare
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 LaFlare

Round 2

LaFlare lands a leg kick to start the round, but Howard drops him with a barrage of hooks and an uppercut before LaFlare pops up and gets pressed against the fence. Takedown lands for Howard, who leans right to left across LaFlare in a tight half guard. LaFlare hits a sweep and lands in side control on Howard’s right, and now it’s Howard’s turn to sweep out. The welterweights wind up back on their feet, where LaFlare decides to clinch Howard on the cage. They exchange positions before LaFlare lands a hard knee square on the cup of Howard, who hits the ground in agony as referee Leon Roberts pauses the fight. Howard looks to be in real pain as he’s examined by the cageside physician, but after four minutes, the fight resumes. When it does, LaFlare hits a takedown in the center, moving straight to side control and then working to take the back as Howard rolls to his knees. Howard gets up but LaFlare is still in control, shoving him up against the cage. Howard thwarts the next takedown attempt, rolling LaFlare over the top and then clinching on the fence. LaFlare reverses to take the outside position and scores with a few knees inside before Howard turns him around. Howard lands a big uppercut in a brief break, then backs up and unloads with hooks using both hands. Howard seems to have hurt LaFlare but the horn sounds just after the blitz.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Howard
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Howard
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Howard

Round 3

Howard kicks the leg out from under LaFlare, who quickly stands and plows “Doomsday” to the canvas. Howard tries to control the wrists from underneath and sweeps back to his feet after 30 seconds. Another big left hook stings LaFlare, who backs off for a moment and then lands another takedown. Three minutes left in the bout and LaFlare is keeping heavy on top in Howard’s half guard. Howard is trying to elevate and create space with butterfly hooks, but it leaves LaFlare space to pass to side control. Howard spins to his knees, absorbs a couple punches and tries to roll through. He can’t shake LaFlare, who is framing up an arm-triangle from the back. Howard dives on a heel hook with 70 seconds on the clock. LaFlare pulls his leg free, but then rolls right back into Howard’s leg lock range. This time, LaFlare stays on top and controls his opponent for the last 20 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 LaFlare (29-28 LaFlare)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 LaFlare (29-28 LaFlare)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 LaFlare (29-28 LaFlare)

The Official Result

Ryan LaFlare def. John Howard via Unanimous Decision (scores not announced) R3 5:00

Clay Guida vs. Tatsuya Kawajiri

Round 1

Seconds into the fight, Guida sends Kawajiri to the ground with a huge overhand right to the temple. The “Crusher” works back to his feet but is pressed against the fence, then has to defend a single-leg. Guida switches to a higher grip and gets tossed to the ground by Kawajiri, who latches on to the American’s arm and whips his legs around for an armbar. Guida stacks him up to loosen the grip and then yanks his arm free. It’s a rear waistlock for Guida now, and he ragdolls Kawajiri to the ground with a rough slam. Kawajiri stands and works on Guida’s right arm, preventing another slam with a kimura attempt. Now it’s Kawajiri lifting and slamming Guida to the canvas with a thud, while Guida grips Kawajiri’s arm and threatens with a kimura, sweeping just before round’s end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Guida
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Guida
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Guida

Round 2

Guida stuffs a takedown and shoots for one of his own against the fence, but Kawajiri widens his base and hits “The Carpenter” with short shots while defending. Guida keeps after it and finishes the takedown, though he can’t keep Kawajiri down. Another takedown is immediately aborted as Kawajiri rolls into another armbar attempt. Back on the feet, Guida chases Kawajiri and puts him back on the fence with another double-leg try. Kawajiri goes down, gets up again and continues working on Guida’s arm in the clinch. Kawajiri finally releases as he’s dragged to the ground again. Kawajiri stands, and Guida keeps going for the takedown on the fence. Kawajiri leans over and lifts Guida up by his leg to slam him down, but it’s Guida looking to take rear mount as they hit the mat. Kawajiri finishes the round leaning against the fence, defending his back.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Guida
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Guida
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Guida

Round 3

Guida is keeping it on the feet early in round three, staying busy with a variety of kicks and punches while mixing in some level changes. Kawajiri shoots in and gets caught in a headlock; once he’s free, Guida switches to elbows while Kawajiri clings to a single-leg. With 2:10 on the clock, Guida pulls his leg free and circles out. Kawajiri looks spent, his punches coming in slow now. Guida ducks under one to grab a waistlock and push Kawajiri against the fence. Kawajiri grabs a guillotine as he’s lifted into the air and slammed, but Guida frees himself soon after. Guida finishes the fight kneeing the body of the kneeling Kawajiri.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Guida (30-27 Guida)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Guida (30-27 Guida)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Guida (30-27 Guida)

The Official Result

Clay Guida def. Tatsuya Kawajiri via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Roy Nelson

Round 1

Referee Leon Roberts is the third man in the cage for tonight’s heavyweight main event. Both big men are crouching low and stepping in to throw punches with heads down. Fifty seconds in, it’s Nelson landing the first big shot of the fight, an uppercut that sends “Minotauro” to his back. Nelson lets him stand and now Nogueira is on his back foot, trying to dodge Nelson’s right-handed haymakers. “Big Country” presses in, backing Nogueira toward the fence, but Nogueira circles out and takes the center of the cage to pop Nelson with a jab. Nelson lands another cracking right hand, and then another on the temple puts Nogueira on the ground again. Nelson allows him to get up, and Nogueira is in rough shape, wobbling all over the cage. Nelson stays calm, steps into the pocket and bombs Nogueira with an overhand right that rattles the Brazilian’s head, knocking him out cold. Nogueira is stiff as he hits the ground, giving Nelson the massive, walk-off knockout victory.

The Official Result

Roy Nelson def. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira via KO (Punch) R1 3:37
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