

UFC Fight Night Results: ‘Henderson vs. Thatch’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from the 1stBank Center in Broomfield, Colo., at approximately 8:00 p.m. ET with live UFC Fight Night “Henderson vs. Thatch” updates.

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James Moontasri vs. Cody Pfister

Round 1

Pfister shoots for an early takedown and runs into a knee strike from Moontasri. “The Fist” eats the knee and keeps going for the double-leg, forcing Moontasri to sprawl with his back to the fence. Moontasri pulls down Pfister’s head in the Thai clinch and drives a knee up the center, staggering the local favorite for a moment. Pfister regains his senses and gets in on another double, but now Moontasri is drilling him with elbows to the side of the head. Pfister spends two minutes trying for the takedown, can’t get Moontasri to budge and stands up to work in the clinch. Moontasri lands another big knee to the jaw that sends Pfister shooting for the legs again. Moontasri shoves him away, walks after Pfister and knocks him backward to the fence with a spinning-back kick to the gut. Moontasri follows with a step-in knee, then sprawls as Pfister tries another desperation shot. Referee Don Thais is taking a close look as Moontasri bashes the kneeling Pfister with punches. Pfister gets back to his feet, still absorbing short punches, and now he drops back to his knees to try another takedown with about one minute remaining. Moontasri sprawls and goes over the top, looking to set up a crucifix as he traps Pfister’s left arm between his legs. Pfister connects with a couple over-the-shoulder elbows as he defends and rides out the round, but it’s Moontasri getting the last word with elbows and hammer fists before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Moontasri
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Moontasri
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Moontasri

Round 2

Moontasri is on his back foot early in round two, hands by his waist, drawing Pfister forward. When Pfister gets into range and misses with a let hand, Moontasri connects with a hard knee to the gut. Pfister looks to establish his jab but pulls up short against the larger man. Pfister falls to his face on a long shot and scrambles back to his feet, where he has his back taken by Moontasri. The lightweights fall to the ground, where Moontasri gets both hooks in and flattens out Pfister to apply a rear-naked choke. Pfister resists for a moment and then taps the mat in submission.

The Official Result

James Moontasri def. Cody Pfister via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R2 1:49

Tim Elliott vs. Zach Makovsky

Round 1

Elliott somersaults forward and pops back to his feet, flicking a kick at Makovsky, who backs out of harm’s way. Makovsky takes a couple short left hands before changing momentum on the incoming Elliott and flooring him with a double-leg. Elliott closes up his guard and lands more left hands from his back as Makovsky scoots him around the center of the cage. Just as Elliott nearly posts and stands, Makovsky picks the ankle and keeps him on the mat. Elliott tries again and gets back to his feet with 3:30 left in the round. Makovsky takes 15 seconds to close the gap and slam Elliott to the ground with a high single-leg. Elliott tries to elevate and roll over backward to escape, but Makovsky keeps up with him and winds up in north-south position midway through the round. Makovsky begins working for a north-south choke, his right arm wrapped around Elliott’s neck, but Elliott escapes after a tense 20 seconds. Back to their feet go the flyweights, Elliott pushing the action with strikes and backing up Makovsky to the fence. Elliott swings his way into range and gets taken down again, although this time he grabs a headlock on the way down. Makovsky works his way out of a loose guillotine before posturing up in Elliott’s guard and dropping punches. Elliott is staying busy on his back, too, peppering Makovsky with punches on both sides. Makovsky passes to side control and traps Elliott in a crucfix with 30 seconds to go. Elliott takes a few short left hands to the face before the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makovsky
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Makovsky
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makovsky

Round 2

Makovsky wastes no time before going after another takedown and bringing Elliott to the floor 30 seconds into the round. Makovsky takes side control, but Elliott turns to the other side and escapes to his feet. A few hooks connect for Elliott as he closes the gap on Makovsky near the cage again. Every time Elliott gets near enough, Makovsky shoots for his legs. After repeating the sequence twice, Makovsky gets caught in a guillotine on his third attempt. Elliott jumps guard and uses the threat of the guillotine to take top position, though he’s only there a few seconds before Makovsky uses butterfly guard to sweep. Elliott scores with elbows from his back before working his way back up again midway through the round. More pressure from Elliott on the feet, but now he walks into a left hook from Makovsky. A knee to the body lands for Elliott, then a looping punch. Makovsky changes levels and puts Elliott on his back, where again it’s Elliott staying active with strikes while “Fun Size” buries his head and maintains his position in Elliott’s guard. Referee Tom Johnson stands them up with seconds remaining in the round, and Elliot shoves Makovsky against the cage. Makovsky breaks off, circles away and tags the incoming Elliott with a counter left. From the clinch, Elliott trips Makovsky to the ground just before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Elliott
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Makovsky
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Elliott

Round 3

Makovsky shoots and gets sprawled on by Elliott, who brings the former Bellator champ back up and scores with a knee in the clinch. Makovsky stays after the takedown and puts Elliott on his seat near the fence. Passing to side control and threatening with an arm-triangle choke, Makovsky is able to move straight to back-mount as Elliott rolls to escape and leaves his back exposed. Elliott stands and drops back to the ground but can’t dislodge Makovsky from his back. Makovsky has Elliott’s right arm trapped with his leg momentarily; Elliott gets it back and continues to fight off rear-naked choke attempts with two minutes left in the fight. Makovsky loses his right hook as Elliott turns over, so he transitions to side control in the center of the cage. Elliott stands again with Makovsky hanging off him, and this time the Missourian is able to drop Makovsky on his head. Quickly taking top position, Elliott dives on a topside guillotine choke from Makovsky’s half guard. Makovsky frees his head with 25 seconds to go and locks down Elliott’s left arm. Elliott postures up and uses his right arm to drop an elbow on Makovsky’s face, and the horn sounds shortly after.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makovsky (29-28 Makovsky)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Makovsky (30-27 Makovsky)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makovsky (29-28 Makovsky)

The Official Result

Zak Makovsky def. Tim Elliott via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Jim Alers vs. Chas Skelly

Round 1

Skelly comes out swinging and clips Alers with an overhand right to start the bout. Alers pushes forward and eats a left hook, then backs out of the way as Skelly whiffs on a very wide, low hook. Alers catches a body kick and sends a right hand down the pipe, tripping Skelly to the ground afterward. “The Beast” dives on an ankle lock, working on Skelly’s left leg belly-down. Skelly extends the leg and pries it loose, and soon he’s underneath Alers, trying a heel hook of his own. Alers sits down to defend while Skelly keeps hold of the leg and delivers heel strikes to Alers’ back and shoulder. Midway through the round, Skelly jumps back to his feet and backs Alers away with a front kick. Alers land a straight right hand, then catches Skelly changing levels and brings him back up with club with another. Both men land left hooks in the ensuing exchange, and Skelly adds a few straight rights as he moves Alers against the fence. Alers drills Skelly with an uppercut that has “The Scrapper” changing levels for a double-leg attempt. Alers defends and spins Skelly around on the fence, where Skelly lands a knee to the gut and Alers pops him with a couple short right hooks.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Skelly
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Skelly
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10

Round 2

Alers works some leg kicks early before catching Skelly with a short right hand inside. Skelly pushes Alers back with a clean lead uppercut and checks the next inside leg kick. Alers grazes with a high knee in a brief Thai clinch, attacks the leg again and slides out after a right hook. Skelly comes forward swinging, misses with a pair of punches but then seems to disrupt Alers’ equilibrium with a right on the temple. Alers tilts sideways and winds up near the fence, where Skelly drops levels and tries a single-leg against the cage. Alers defends and socks Skelly in the face with a couple right hands before Skelly releases and backs out. Alers counters a wide Skelly right hand with a stiff jab down the center and follows up with another leg kick. Skelly tries another single-leg, this time starting in the center of the cage and hopping Alers backward to the fence with one minute on the clock. Alers drives some elbows into Skelly’s head before they separate. Skelly blasts Alers with one, two, three straight right hands, leaving him dazed on the fence. Just as Alers drops to the ground, Skelly connects with a knee to the face and referee Tim Mills rushes in to stop the fight moments before the end of the round. Skelly believes he’s won, but the replay shows that the knee which caused the stoppage was illegal. Nonetheless, Skelly is declared the winner by technical knockout.

The Official Result

Chas Skelly def. Jim Alers via TKO (Punches and Knee) R2 4:59

Efrain Escudero vs. Rodrigo Lima

Round 1

The lightweights stand toe-to-toe in the center of the cage for the first 40 seconds, neither man letting his hands go while bouncing in and out of range. Escudero lands a couple inside leg kicks, and de Lima gives him a chop on the outside in return. Escudero sticks a jab, then knocks de Lima off balance with a right hand around the outside. De Lima drops for a double-leg attempt, so Escudero hooks the Brazilian’s leg and lifts him into the air, dumping him to the ground. De Lima scrambles to take Escudero’s back, establishing one hook as they sit up near the fence. Escudero frees the hook and spins around, and the lightweights are back to striking with two minutes to go in the opening round. A lead uppercut-left hook combo knocks de Lima backward. He changes momentum to shoot for a double, sprawled on by Escudero, who makes an ill-advised roll over the top and winds up on his knees with de Lima fishing for a guillotine. De Lima releases the head and hits Escudero with a pair of knees to the body as he holds the former “Ultimate Fighter” winner against the cage. De Lima gets a takedown with 40 seconds remaining and gets busy with right hands from half guard. Escudero closes the space with a tight guard underneath to avoid any damage in the closing seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Escudero
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Escudero
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Escudero

Round 2

De Lima presses the action at the start of the round, but he walks into a left hook from Escudero, then just barely dodges an uppercut. As de Lima backs up to avoid the uppercut, a finger from his outstretched left hand catches Escudero in the right eye. Escudero only takes a few seconds to recover, and referee Don Thais restarts the action. Escudero gets back to business with jabs and combinations, spending 30 seconds tagging de Lima with punches before the Brazilian shoots to try another single-leg. Escudero shuts down two tries and winds up clinching with de Lima on the fence. De Lima drops to his knees again, and now Escudero is landing some heavy elbows to the side of the head. Midway through the round, de Lima abandons the takedown and pulls guard, allowing Escudero to set up on top and thump away with punches and elbows. A pair of cracking right hands sting de Lima, who throws up his legs, hunting for a submission. Escudero snuffs it out with ease and keeps bopping de Lima with short left hands as “Monstro” tries to wrap him up from underneath. Escudero spends the last moments of the round grinding, pushing his forearm against de Lima’s face and dropping knees on his haunches.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Escudero
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Escudero
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Escudero

Round 3

Escudero looks to be the fresher man as the final round begins, catching the tired de Lima with hooking punches using both hands. De Lima stops throwing punches and backs up to the fence, eating more six or eight more shots before dropping to grab at Escudero’s left leg. De Lima takes him down at the ankle, but Escudero is back on his feet seconds later, pushing away de Lima with a knee to the gut. De Lima sticks a counter left as Escudero suddenly begins to look tired. “Hecho en Mexico” shoots for the first time and puts de Lima on the ground with just over three minutes left on the clock. Short punches from Escudero land on the ribs and face of the exhausted de Lima, who looks like he’s barely managing to keep his guard closed. Referee Thais calls for action, so Escudero gets busier with short punches and grinding elbows to the face. Escudero keeps applying pressure in the final minute, and while the work rate is not enough to draw a stoppage, he ends the fight elbowing de Lima’s head.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Escudero (30-26 Escudero)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Escudero (30-26 Escudero)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Escudero (30-26 Escudero)

The Official Result

Efrain Escudero def. Rodrigo Goiana de Lima via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Ray Borg vs. Chris Kelades

Round 1

Kelades comes straight at Borg, trying to close the gap and grab hold of the younger man’s legs. Borg backs up to the fence, where he reverses the position, spinning Kelades around and planting him on the ground. Borg postures up in Kelades’ guard, smothering the grounded fighter’s mouth before dropping en elbow. Ninety seconds into the round, Borg passes to side control. Kelades immediately wall-walks off the fence to reclaim half guard, but Borg is tenacious on top, nearly passing to full mount before snaring Kelades in a guillotine as they stand. Kelades drives Borg to the ground, freeing himself from the headlock in the process, and now it’s Borg’s turn to walk off the fence in an attempt to escape. They wind up in north-south position, but Kelades can’t keep his man down, as Borg rolls to the free side and jumps to his feet. Kelades gets up, too, and is met with a takedown from Borg with just over 90 seconds left in the opening frame. Kelades posts and stands, so Kelades lifts him up in a double-leg, runs him to the center of the cage and slams him to the canvas. Borg passes to full mount with 30 seconds remaining and bangs Kelades’ face with a hard elbow shot and a left hand. Borg gets an arm-triangle choke and jumps off to side control, but he can’t coax the tap before time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Borg
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Borg
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Borg

Round 2

Kelades tries to close the gap and clinch up, but this time Borg sweeps him out of range with a roundhouse kick. When Kelades comes back to the pocket again, Borg puts him against the fence with underhooks and then slams him to the ground. Kelades creeps his legs up and tries to catch Borg in an armbar; he loses the grip and eats a hard right hand from Borg for his troubles. Kelades controls the arms of Borg from underneath as the action stalls out in butterfly guard. Halfway through the round, Borg gets active, diving into Kelades’ guard with strikes. Kelades rolls to one knee, his right side flush to the fence as Borg attempts to take his back. Borg gets his left hook in but has his right side blocked by the cage. Kelades has Borg’s right hand locked down, defending the rear-naked choke, but his other side is open to short left hands. Borg spins around to the front and frames up a brabo choke as Kelades rolls to his side. Kelades gives a thumbs-up to referee Adam Martinez, an Borg releases the choke with about 30 seconds remaining in the round. In the closing seconds, Borg walks to full mount, grabs a guillotine and pulls guard. The choke looks very tight, but Kelades is saved by the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Borg
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Borg
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Borg

Round 3

Borg catches the first kick thrown by Kelades and converts it into another takedown. Sitting up in the center of the cage, Kelades hunts for a guillotine but only manages to slow Borg for about 20 seconds with a front headlock. After popping his head free, Borg moves to half guard but has his pass to full mount blocked. He drops a couple elbows on the face of Kelades, who offers some short punches from underneath in between looking to escape. Kelades shrimps underneath Borg and tries to scramble free, but Borg is all over him and winds up attempting a belly-down armbar on Kelades’ left arm, his right leg still trapped in Kelades’ half guard. Kelades tries to defend by preventing Borg’s left leg from wrapping around his head, but once Borg gets his leg in place, he switches to a kimura that has Kelades tapping in a hurry.

The Official Result

Ray Borg def. Chris Kelades via Submission (Kimura) R3 2:56

Michel Richard Cunha dos Prazeres vs. Kevin Lee

Round 1

Lee misses with a quick left high kick, then has a body kick on the right side caught. Prazeres tries to capitalize and get a takedown, but instead Lee grabs a guillotine choke as he defends on one leg. Lee drops to guard, loses the choke and then has his back taken by Prazeres as he goes to stand. Prazeres is riding him with Lee leaning over, but Lee stands and backs up against the fence. Prazeres stays in place with a body triangle for 20 seconds or so, then drops off and pushes Lee against the fence. Lee gets some space, fends off a single-leg and bangs Prazeres’ body with a kick. Lee walks after Prazeres put comes up short with a handful of jabs, and Prazeres counters with a hard right hook. Prazeres tries a high double-leg from which Lee easily backs out. Lee has a right high kick blocked by Prazeres’ forearm. A pair of straight punches push Prazeres backward. One minute left in the round and Lee sticks a jab, then takes a counter cross to the grill. Lee catches Prazeres off balance and trips him to the ground. Prazeres is allowed to stand, and both lightweights connect with solid left hooks down the stretch.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lee
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Prazeres
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Prazeres

Round 2

Lee sticks a straight right hand and drops his hands to his waist, inviting Prazeres to strike. Instead, Prazeres waits for an opening, dives on Lee’s legs and rushes him against the fence. Prazeres stands to clinch, gets walked off the fence by Lee, and now the 155ers separate. Prazeres grabs hold of a leg kick and moves Lee back to the fence with another single-leg attempt. He switches to a double and drags Lee to the ground, though only for a few seconds, as Lee stands up against a cage post. Lee looks to referee Tim Mills for a separation, but before that can happen, “Tractor” plows him back to the ground. Lee is back up halfway through the round, and he uses underhooks to trip Prazeres to the canvas. Now it’s Lee on top, sitting up in Prazeres’ half guard. Prazeres goes through Lee’s legs and stands to resume striking at the 2:00 mark. Prazeres tags Lee with a left hand, prompting the “Motown Phenom” to change levels and put Prazeres on his back again. Lee drops hammer fists on Prazeres’ left ear as the Brazilian tries to wrap him up from underneath. Lee finishes the round with slicing elbows to Prazeres’ jaw.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lee
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lee
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lee

Round 3

Both men come out swinging, though neither is finding much success until Lee tags Prazeres with a left hand around the outside. Prazeres picks off the next punch from Lee with a counter, so Lee clinches up and brings the fight to the fence. Prazeres circles back to the center and counters another Lee right hand with a left hook. Lee puts a right cross in Prazeres’ grill, nods his head and decks the tired Brazilian again. Prazeres waves Lee forward, then swings a few punches and drops to his knees to try a takedown against the fence. Lee gives him a few elbows to the head, forcing Prazeres to stand up. Midway through the final round, Prazeres goes back to the single-leg. It only lasts a few seconds before he backs out the the center of the cage and Lee follows. Lee flicks a few strikes in Prazeres’ direction before flooring him with an easy double-leg. Prazeres sits up and tries a double of his own, but Lee is already sprawling and the takedown isn’t there. With Prazeres still clung to his knee, Lee drops right hands, going under Prazeres’ armpit to connect with a few. Prazeres escapes out the back door but winds up right back on his knees with Lee socking away, this time with left hands. Prazeres struggles to his feet, only to be dragged back to the floor and punched some more by Lee. With seconds on the clock, Lee takes Prazeres’ back and slaps on a rear-naked choke, but he can’t get underneath Prazeres’ chin and this fight will go to the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lee (30-27 Lee)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Lee (29-27 Lee)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lee (29-28 Lee)

The Official Result

Kevin Lee def. Michel Richard Cunha dos Prazeres via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Daniel Kelly vs. Patrick Walsh

Round 1

Kelly is on his back foot early, popping his fellow southpaw with a couple left hands around the outside. Walsh just mugs at Kelly and continues to walk forward with his hands low, attacking with lots of single left hands and catching Kelly on the ear with a few. Walsh gets stung with a left hand on the temple, but he covers up well and recovers before Kelly can capitalize. Kelly turns Walsh’s head with a left cross midway through the period, then another before backing up to leave Walsh swinging at air. Kelly blocks a few punches with his forearms, walks forward on Walsh again. Walsh is swinging wild late in the round, and while his punches aren’t landing, Kelly is doing nothing on the other end of them. Walsh rushes Kelly to the ground just before the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Walsh
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Walsh
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10

Round 2

Walsh is finding a home for his wide left hands on Kelly’s face in the opening minute of round one. He fakes a level change and comes back upstairs to deck Kelly, then lands another sweeping punch. A jab knocks out Kelly’s mouthpiece, and referee Tom Johnson pauses the action to replace it. When they resume, it’s Kelly taking the center of the cage, moving Walsh around the perimeter with jabs and left hands. Walsh swings back, whiffing with an overhand left that whizzes wide of Kelly’s head. Both guys are throwing sloppy punches, sending a lot of strikes off the other guy’s shoulder. Walsh tries a double-leg and gets denied, then jabbed by Kelly. Walsh smacks Kelly’s face with a clubbing right. Ugly striking from both men as the round hits the 90-second mark. Kelly is breathing heavy, but it’s Walsh’s mouthpiece that drops to the ground. Kelly pops him with a jab when they resume, then a left cross which is countered by a wide right hand from Walsh.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kelly
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Kelly
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kelly

Round 3

Walsh hits Kelly with a right hook to the mush, but Kelly gets a few back with jabs. Kelly takes the position in the center while Walsh moves around the outside, occasionally swinging at Kelly with tired overhand punches. Walsh is leaning all the way forward when he swings, leaving himself open for a pair of uppercuts from Kelly. The jabs are piling up from Kelly with two minutes left in the fight, and the frustration is showing on Walsh’s face. Walsh tries to jab back and throw power punches behind them, but the heavy shots go off Kelly’s arms. Inside the final minute, Kelly comes over the top with a right hand. Walsh fires back with a pair of jabs, a tired and wide right hook. Kelly puts a heavy right hook on Walsh’s jaw just before the fight ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kelly (29-28 Kelly)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Walsh (29-28 Walsh)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Kelly (30-28 Kelly)

The Official Result

Daniel Kelly def. Patrick Walsh via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Neil Magny vs. Kiichi Kunimoto

Round 1

Magny marches forward on Kunimoto to start the fight, but the Japanese veteran briefly backs him off with a right hand and a leg kick. After a minute of moving around the outside, Magny closes the gap and clinches up against the cage. Kunimoto reverses the position and gets kneed in the groin, and referee Herb Dean pauses the action. Kunimoto takes 30 seconds to recover and gets back to business, but while throwing punches, he walks into a step-in knee from Magny. Still cutting angles around the outside, Kunimoto gets caught with another knee that sends him shooting for a takedown. “Strasser Kiichi” gives up on his short-lived single-leg attempt and wraps up Magny around the waist instead. With two minutes left in the round, Magny turns the position around and goes for a single-leg of his own. The welterweights spend a minute fighting in the clinch, Magny scoring with knees to the body and shoulder strikes to the face before separating. The separation doesn’t last long, as Magny comes right back to the clinch and drives a few more knees into Kunimoto’s midsection.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Magny
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Magny
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magny

Round 2

Magny charges on Kunimoto at the start of the round, sticking hands in his face and launching kicks on the Osaka native’s midsection. Back to the clinch goes Magny, this time turned around by Kunimoto, who spends a while struggling before finally tripping Magny to the ground. Kunimoto works left-to-right in Magny’s half guard, trying to advance to mount but getting his left leg caught between the American’s legs. Magny looks to elevate and escape, but Kunimoto is heavy on top and only gets pushed back to Magny’s full guard. The rangy Magny hunts for a triangle, can’t get it but manges to kick Kunimoto far enough away to stand. Kunimoto shoots a double-leg, gets stood up and takes a hard knee to the gut. Magny rattles off five or six punches clean punches in a row, but his rhythm is broken when he slips to the ground. When Magny gets back up, Kunimoto is grabbing for his left arm, and Magny goes to the ground to defend against a kimura. Kunimoto has a good grip on the arm and more than one minute to work with, but now Magny is posturing up to deliver hard elbows to Kunimoto’s body and legs. Kunimoto releases the arm, allowing Magny to turn the corner and jump on his back. With referee Dean standing over them, Magny dribbles Kunimoto’s head off the canvas with heavy right hands. Kunimoto covers up and survives the final 10 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Magny
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Magny
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magny

Round 3

Magny hits a takedown in the opening 20 seconds of the round, putting Kunimoto on his seat at the base of the fence. Magny soon works back to the position he had near the end of the second round, back-mounted on the kneeling Kunimoto, raining down punches to the side of the head. A few punches stray to the back of the head before Kunimoto sits up, leaving his neck exposed. Magny sees the opening and wraps his right arm around Kunimoto’s throat, squeezing tight on the rear-naked choke and forcing the veteran to submit.

The Official Result

Neil Magny def. Kiichi Kunimoto via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R3 1:22

Max Holloway vs. Cole Miller

Round 1

Holloway strikes first with a pair of kicks to the outside of Miller’s lead leg. Miller checks a third and gives the Hawaiian a low kick in return. The featherweights continue trading kicks through the first 80 seconds, Miller mixing in a few to the body. Holloway threatens and probes with punches, looking for an opening against the taller man. The fighters clash kicks, knocking Holloway to the ground, but he pops back up without incident. Holloway slaps Miller’s breadbasket with a loud kick, then tacks on a leg kick, answered in kind by Miller. A straight right lands for Miller before the 145ers clinch up. Holloway takes the driver’s seat in the clinch, shoving Miller to the fence and throwing knees to the body. They fight back to the center, where Miller looks to clinch and eats a hook. He decks Holloway with an elbow as he’s pushed against the cage, and now Miller drops to guard at the base of the fence. Miller sits up and drops back on a heel hook, then gives it up to stand, reach between his legs and rolls through on a kneebar attempt to end the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Holloway
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Holloway
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Holloway

Round 2

Miller pushes Holloway backward with front and low kicks, keeping the smaller man out of striking range. Holloway answers with a spinning-back kick to the midsection, takes another slap to the lead leg and circles out to reset. Holloway is touching Miller’s chin with reaching punches but the strikes don’t appear to have a lot behind them. Miller continues his leg-kicking before shooting for a double-leg two minutes into the round. When it looks like Holloway will defend, Miller pulls guard and Holloway bails. Back up comes Miller halfway through the round and the fight, and Holloway catches him with a spinning-back fist. Holloway rushes into the pocket, swinging hands, but his head slams into the outside of Miller’s left eye. Miller drops to a knee, bleeding from the spot of the accidental clash of heads, and referee Adam Martinez pauses the fight. The bleeding subsides after a minute and Miller indicates that he’s ready to go. Holloway checks an inside leg kick and puts a kick on Miller’s body. A slapping body kick lands on Holloway’s left side courtesy of Miller, who backpedals around the outside while Holloway works from the center. Holloway closes the distance and shoves Miller against the fence with underhooks. Miller shakes him off with 30 seconds on the clock, but Holloway is soon back in his face with a leaping knee and another clinch to close the round. Miller’s eye is bleeding again at the end of the round, and the fighter tells referee Martinez that Holloway headbutted him again at the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Holloway
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Holloway
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Holloway

Round 3

Miller swings punches upstairs but is having less success at the start of round three, as Holloway is changing levels while striking and throwing body shots. A spinning-back fist clips Miller near the fence before Holloway denies a clinch and throws the taller fighter to the ground. Holloway tags Miller with a combination before the featherweights tie up away from the fence and trade knees to the body. An overhand right gets Miller turning to his right side, where Holloway is waiting with a follow-up left hook. Holloway goes body-head with a combo and narrowly misses with another spinning shot. Holloway ducks under a left hand from Miller and cracks him with a straight counter than sends “Magrinho” moving backward to the fence. With 90 seconds left, Holloway backs off and draws Miller forward, cracking the American Top Team fighter with a pair of hooks to the damaged eye. Miller tries a double-leg on the fence, can’t get it and pulls guard instead. Holloway stands and invites Miller to do the same with less than one minute remaining. Holloway is going wild before the bell, launching a variety of flashy spinning kicks at Miller, though none appear to land cleanly.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Holloway (30-27 Holloway)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Holloway (30-27 Holloway)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Holloway (30-27 Holloway)

The Official Result

Max Holloway def. Cole Miller via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Benson Henderson vs. Brandon Thatch

Round 1

Referee Herb Dean is the third man in the cage for tonight’s 170-pound main event, with judges Sal D’Amato, Glenn Trowbridge and Tony Weeks scoring at cageside. Thatch takes the center of the cage while Henderson moves in angles around the perimeter. Henderson flicks out a few jabs with mixed success, then finds his mark with a quick right hand to the midsection. A kick lands on Thatch’s thigh, then one to the body before Henderson circles to his right and waits for Thatch to follow. Another hard right hook to the body scores for Henderson, but now Thatch answers with a few kicks of his own. A push kick from Henderson knocks Thatch to the ground for a split second; “Rukus” bounces back to his feet and slaps Henderson away with a high body kick at the 2:00 mark. Thatch continues to press the action, getting inside to sting Henderson with a knee to the breadbasket. He backs Henderson up to the fence, then catches him bouncing off the cage with a kick in the gut. Henderson eats a slapping high kick to the face, but he gets one back before the end of the round with another nice right hook to Thatch’s ribs.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Henderson
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Thatch
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Henderson

Round 2

Henderson launches himself at Thatch with a leaping strike to close the gap, tries to clinch but can’t keep Thatch wrapped up. Same as last round, Thatch is the aggressor, constantly moving forward on Henderson, even if “Smooth” spends stretches as the more active fighter. Thatch puts a pair of kicks on Henderson’s lead leg, then sends a straight right down the middle and slaps Henderson’s head with his foot again. A spinning-back kick lands to Henderson’s body, then Thatch snaps off a stiff jab that causes Henderson to circle away. Henderson fakes a level change and comes upstairs with a right hand, then back down to the body. Thatch sticks a jab, lands a switch kick to the midsection and again slaps Henderson’s face with a high kick. He tosses Henderson to the ground and tries to knock his block off with a huge right hand that hits the canvas instead. Henderson scrambles up, but not for long, as Thatch puts him on his seat with a foot sweep. Thatch allows him to stand with 30 seconds left, and the round expires without much more activity.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Thatch
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Thatch
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Thatch

Round 3

Henderson grazes with a high kick, a right hook and double-pumps his jab in Thatch’s face. Thatch just keeps pushing forward, keeping his hands in his opponent’s face and shoving Henderson away when the former lightweight champ considers a takedown. Henderson commits to a double-leg against the fence, and after 20 seconds of work, he drags Thatch to the ground. Thatch tries to stand and has his back taken by Henderson, who sits back and establishes both hooks with more than half the round remaining. Thatch locks down Henderson’s hands, leaving no chance for a rear-naked choke, so Henderson hits him with a few heels strikes to the body. Switching to a body triangle, Henderson gets busy trying to free his hands and set up the RNC. Thatch rolls to his knees, Henderson still glued to his back, and “Smooth” gives Thatch a couple elbows to the face. Thatch is sporting damage beneath both eyes. Riding high on Thatch’s back, Henderson switches to an armbar attempt which Thatch easily escapes. Both men scramble to their feet just before the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Henderson
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Henderson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Henderson

Round 4

Thatch continues moving forward on Henderson, but his punches are coming wider and slower now. Henderson still looks fresh, keeping snappy jabs in Thatch’s face, but the larger man is able to fend off a double-leg attempt with ease. Thatch drills Henderson with a knee to the face and keeps pressing ahead, tagging the former 155er with a three-piece combination. Henderson catches Thatch coming in and drives him to the floor in the center of the cage with a speedy takedown. Thatch gives up his back again, then turns over to scrape Henderson off his back. Thatch goes to his knees, Henderson standing up behind him, throwing punches from the rear, one of which bloodies Thatch’s nose. Thatch stands, but Henderson stays clung to him and takes the back once again as they drop back to the ground. This time, Henderson slaps on a rear-naked choke, and it’s a deep one. With nowhere to go, Thatch taps out, and Henderson leaps to his feet, producing a hidden toothpick from his mouth.

The Official Result

Benson Henderson def. Brandon Thatch via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R4 3:58
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