

UFC Fight Night Results: ‘Hunt vs. Nelson’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from Saitama Super Arena in Saitama Japan, at approximately 12:30 a.m. ET with live UFC Fight Night “Hunt vs. Nelson” results and round-by-round updates.

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Maximo Blanco vs. Daniel Hooker

Round 1

Blanco starts with a wild spinning hook kick that is blocked, then tries a quick single which Hooker blocks. They clinch briefly, but neither man can secure an advantage and they split. Both men pop off a few jabs with the spindly Hooker tagging Blanco clean. Confident, he walks forward to eat a pair of hard hooks from Blanco. The Venezuelan controls Hooker’s hands, runs him back to the cage and tries to drop levels for a takedown. Hooker defends and elbows the side of his head, but Blanco rips him off the cage and plops him on the mat. An aware Hooker turns around, shrimps back to the fence and uses it to stand up. Blanco wades into the clinch, where Hooker lands with short elbows. After the break, Blanco rips him with a left hook, then lets loose with both hands as Hooker dodges and avoids the brunt of Blanco’s temporary fury. “The Hangman” continues pressing forward, landing jabs and crosses, until he runs into a Blanco double-leg takedown with two minutes left in the round. Hooker’s half guard is wide open, but Blanco opts not to pass to mount. He tries to hop into the position when Hooker rolls, but can’t prevent the scramble. Blanco tags Hooker with a quick two-piece and clinches up again. Hooker swims and gets neck control, so Blanco pushes him away and dings him with another pair of hooks. Blanco nearly hits a step-in foot sweep, but Hooker blocks it and tries to attack. The Kiwi lands two hard knees before the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Blanco
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Blanco
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Blanco

Round 2

Hooker continues his forward pressure behind his jab, yet Blanco continues to put clean power shots on him with both hands as he wades forward. Hooker lands a crisp combo, so Blanco lands another left hook-right hook combo, then shoots. Hooker shrugs the takedown off and they resume their familiar pattern. Blanco flashes a few combos, then steps inside on Hooker, fighting his hands and trying to parry his way to punches. Four straight right hands lands for Blanco in close, as he changes the angle of the punches around Hooker’s left arm. Hard one-two for Hooker sneaks in, but he eats a right cross from “Maxi.” The sheer volume slows at the halfway point of the round, but Hooker is relentless in his pursuit. Blanco, still countering off of his back foot, lands a right hand, then a knee, and another right hand. Hooker continues eating Blanco’s counter shots, showing a tough chin. Hooker’s right eye starting to show damage; perhaps fired up by the damage, Blanco fires hooks with both hands, raking “The Hangman” on both sides. There is now a clear cut through the right eyebrow and one on the right eyelid and prompting a stoppage from referee Wolf Menninger and a visit from the ringside physician. The blood flow is not yet that considerable, so Hooker gets cleaned up and cleared to fight. He resumes crowding Blanco and throwing volume but can’t crack his foe.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Blanco
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Blanco
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Blanco

Round 3

Hooker is still dauntless in his pursuit of Blanco, but when he gets close, Blanco clinches up and puts him into the fence. They pummel briefly and Hooker glances Blanco with a roundhouse kick upstairs on the break. They keep fighting in the phone booth, with Blanco jacking hard right uppercuts under Hooker’s guard. Blanco shoots a quick double and Hooker still shows stout defense with a quick sprawl then escaping a front cradle attempt. Hooker nearly runs Blanco to the mat as they clinch, then lands a salvo of knees. Blanco is finally starting to show clearer signs of slowing, though he keeps firing his right hook on the advancing Hooker. Two hard rights land for Hooker and prompt a Blanco clinch with two minutes to go in the fight. Hooker keeps multiplying his jab and attacking with knees behind it, scoring clean but likely racing the clock. He lands a hard right elbow behind his jab, then knees and Blanco hangs on. Hooker flurries in the clinch and lands one final knee right at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hooker (29-28 Blanco)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Hooker (29-28 Blanco)
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Hooker (29-28 Blanco)

The Official Result

Maximo Blanco def. Daniel Hooker via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Johnny Case vs. Kazuki Tokudome

Round 1

Case probes with his jab from the outset, while Tokudome seeks to counter. Tokudome drops levels, digging to the body with the left and throwing the right over the top. After replaying that sequence a few times, he drops low for a takedown, but is rebuffed. Tokudome sticks with it, however, finding double underhooks and tripping Case to the mat. Tokudome moves into side control just past the two-minute mark of the round. Case tries to push off of the fence with his feet to escape but gets nowhere. Case gets back to half guard, nearly sweeps Tokudome, then gets guard back and almost hits an elevator sweep. Tokudome doesn’t get flipped, but Case scampers back to his feet in the ensuing scramble. Tokudome grabs his opponent again, running him back to the fence and battling for double underhooks. Case shakes free. Neither man gets much going on over the last minute as they paw from outside striking distance.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tokudome
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Tokudome
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Tokudome

Round 2

The orthodox-southpaw interplay seems to be slowing the striking exchanges, then an even worse manifestation strikes: the lefty Tokudome steps in with an inside leg kick while Case is throwing and smacks him clean on the cup. Referee Steve Perceval acknowledges it was an accident but warns Tokudome to be cautious. Case quickly shakes it off and the pair is back at it. Case almost falls over winging a head kick. Neither man is committing to many significant strikes, and when they do, they’re wild and erratic. Case’s kicks and Tokudome’s overhands continue hitting arms or air. Case trips Tokudome up with an inside leg kick, then cracks him with a left hook as he chases him across the cage. Case throws two right overhands, both ripping the Pancrase mainstay, who goes down in a heap along the fence. Tokudome tries to scramble to his feet under duress, but the Alliance MMA fighter locks up a guillotine over the seated Tokudome. Tokudome is trapped and unconscious in mere seconds, forcing Steve Perceval to rescue his lifeless body from Case’s grip.

The Official Result

Johnny Case def. Kazuki Tokudome via Technical Submission (Guillotine Choke) R2 2:34

Kyung Ho Kang vs. Michinori Tanaka

Round 1

Kang closes the distance on Tanaka quickly and drops him with a wide right hook-left hook to the body in their first exchange. Tanaka scrambles to his feet but the South Korean already smells blood, chasing him to the other side of the cage and knocking him down with another lunging shot. Tanaka goes for a leg in desperation but Kang quickly transitions to his back and sinks a body triangle. He digs for a rear-naked choke but Tanaka fights his grip. Tanaka frees himself from the choke attempt and turns toward Kang’s ankle. He then explodes the other way and escapes, only to have his back taken seconds later as he tries to get Kang back to the mat. Again, Tanaka smartly escapes and controls Kang with a front headlock along the cage. Tanaka flurries with short lefts and pulls Kang’s legs off of the fence before re-establishing the front headlock. Kang gets to his feet and Tanaka gets greedy, trying quickly for a snapdown, but blowing it and winding up on his back. Kang elbows from the Japanese fighter’s tight, closed guard, then gets to half as Tanaka tries to sweep. Tanaka tries to scramble back to his feet but winds up getting his back taken again. Kang rides the position out until the round expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kang
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Kang
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Kang

Round 2

Kang is aggressive in pursuit as the second begins, loading up on powerful right hooks and low kicks on a circling Tanaka. Tanaka goes upstairs with a right head kick but is knocked off balance by a counter hook. Kang stumbles him with another hook, then a low kick. Right as “Mr. Perfect” is finding his groove, Tanaka powers him to the canvas with a well-timed double in the middle of the Octagon. Tanaka tries to pound, but Kang isolates his left arm for a kimura, cranks it, then uses it to sweep to top position, right into full mount. As Tanaka bucks and rolls, Kang gets his back again, but for a third time, Tanaka explodes and rolls into top position. Tanaka lands punches and elbows from half guard as the tireless Kang is constantly shrimping and trying to sweep. He bicycles his legs and pushes Tanaka’s feet off the ground, floating him along the cage like a tandem gymnastic routine. However, he gives up his own back in the ensuing scramble. Tanaka hammers away, staying on top of his foe who rolls from side to side trying to break the hold until the horn. Fantastic grappling action so far.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tanaka
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Tanaka
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Tanaka

Round 3

Kang remains the aggressor, but the pace has slowed after 10 minutes of furious grappling. Kang lands a hard outside low kick, Tanaka nearly catches it and stumbles him, initiating a sequence punctuated by Tanaka dropping Kang on his posterior. Tanaka powers to half guard as Kang tries to snake up the fence, but he can’t hold Kang down. The Pacific Xtreme Combat bantamweight champion tries to bull his way to another takedown, but Kang uses his lazy attempt to take his back one more time. However, Tanaka has another buck-and-roll escape ready, quickly getting back to his feet and tripping Kang right back down. Tanaka controls him with a headlock briefly, then switches to a double, but Kang breaks his grip. With 90 seconds to fight, Tanaka lands a hard overhand right, but Kang rips him back with rangy crosses. Tanaka shoots, Kang sprawls and goes for an anaconda choke, but is thwarted as he tries to turn Tanaka over. Tanaka powers forward on the feet but his sloppy takedown attempt gets him swept and mounted for a brief moment. Tanaka rolls through again to top, Kang gets to his feet, and both fighters wind down the last 10 seconds of a sensational, competitive bout by winging hooks at one another.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kang (29-28 Kang)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Tanaka (29-28 Tanaka)
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Tanaka (29-28 Tanaka)

The Official Result

Kyung Ho Kang def. Michinori Tanaka via Split Decision (29-28, 29-29, 28-29) R3 5:00

Hyun Gyu Lim vs. Takenori Sato

Round 1

Sato opens with a roundhouse kick upstairs in an attempt to abate the massive, advancing Lim. Sato shoots from way outside then pulls guard as Lim nonchalantly walks away and lets him stand. The first jab the South Korean throws, Sato ducks under shoots a single-leg takedown. “The Ace” pancakes him effortlessly, then hammers him with punches and elbows as Sato tries to recover and shoot again. Sato goes belly down as Lim launches a series of fate-sealing elbows, crushing the Deep and Pancrase veteran until he’s unconscious, forcing referee Leon Roberts to peel Sato off of Lim’s leg.

The Official Result

Hyun Gyu Lim def. Takenori Sato via TKO (Punches and Elbows) R1 1:18

Katsunori Kikuno vs. Sam Sicilia

Round 1

Both men throw heavy hooks immediately, Kikuno landing a clean left and stumbling Sicilia briefly. Kikuno comes into the clinch, but Sicilia backs him up with quick uppercuts, drawing a wry smile from the Japanese fighter. Sicilia launches a left hook, Kikuno ducks under and pops him again. Kikuno feints, then throws a right kick to the body. He comes back moments later with a right front kick to the body. Neither man is throwing solid combinations, yet both are bringing real power in the exchanges. Kikuno walks into a clean right from Sicilia, then they trade inside low kicks. A pair of hooks land for Sicilia, then Kikuno looks for his left crescent kick to the body, but it is mostly blocked. Kikuno lowers his hands even more extremely than usual, baiting Sicilia to throw hooks. Kikuno bobs around Sicilia’s shots, then kicks to the inside of his foe’s legs. Kikuno circles Sicilia with a minute left in the round, then switches back to southpaw after a minute or two as an orthodox fighter. Sicilia pressures and lands a right hook, then lands a left hook on a slipping Kikuno moments later. Right hook to the body then a right hook to the head both land for Sicilia before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sicilia
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Kikuno
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Kikuno

Round 2

Sicilia’s lead left leg is showing real discoloration from Tanaka’s kicking offense. The former Deep lightweight champion begins to openly attack it more with his right and left leg, mixing up inside and outside low kicks. As Sicilia starts to worry about the leg kicks, Kikuno lands a left hook-right cross-left hook that rings the TUF 17 alum up. Kikuno gets a rear waistlock, slams Sicilia and sinks his hooks before the 90-second mark. Sicilia takes a deep breath and briefly tries to fight Kikuno's hooks, but it looks like he’s simply in too deep: moments later, he turns to his side, allowing Kikuno to quickly sink the rear-naked choke and force the tap.

The Official Result

Katsunori Kikuno def. Sam Sicilia via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R2 1:38

Alex Caceres vs. Masanori Kanehara

Round 1

The southpaw Caceres takes the center of the cage and pumps his jab while changing levels. He steps inside with a side thrust kick which just tags the chin of Kanehara. Kanehara looks to load up his right hand to counter Caceres’ kicks, but winds up tackling him to the mat off of one instead. Kanehara winds up in full guard and pressures to pass to half, but can’t get through Caceres’ guard, nor can he land any real ground-and-pound. Caceres uses his left arm to reach under his body and control Kanehara’s left hand on the other side, stymying any real offense from the Japanese fighter and inspiring referee Leon Roberts to threaten to stand them up. Caceres scrambles back to his feet on his own accord, but Kanehara stays married to a single-leg attempt. Caceres breaks his grip, but gets caught sleeping as Kanehara rocks him with a right hook. The former Sengoku champion flurries with both hands, another right hook rocks “Bruce Leeroy” back into the fence. Caceres goes to his knees from a left hand but manages to get control of Kanehara’s wrist to abate some of the punishment. Caceres gathers his wits and escapes danger and Kanehara takes the opportunity to catch his breath before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kanehara
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-8 Kanehara
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Kanehara

Round 2

Caceres opens with a high kick, allowing Kanehara to tackle him to the mat again. Caceres tries to shimmy up the fence and Kanehara deftly takes Caceres’ back with one hook in. Caceres turns and stands up, carrying Kanehara’s weight as he switches to the body triangle. Kanehara digs for a rear-naked choke and Caceres thrashes from side to side to throw him off, but he can’t get free. Kanehara pressures the neck of “Bruce Leeroy” but can’t lock his grip and finish the choke. Caceres falls to his knees at the halfway point of the round. Kanehara stays patient, sinks the body triangle again and goes for another choke, but can’t get his forearm under Caceres’ chin. With a minute to go, Caceres stands again while fighting Kanehara’s grip, yet still can’t get free. Kanehara stays on him like a backpack until the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kanehara
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Kanehara
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Kanehara

Round 3

Caceres shows some kicks with his lead leg and feints a spinning attack, failing to impress Kanehara. Caceres lands a left hook, Kanehara shoots lazily and is stuffed. Caceres doubles his left hand behind the right jab, but can’t locate his target. Kanehara leans into a left head kick from Caceres and shakes it off, but eats a clean left moments later. Inside-outside leg kicks for Caceres score, then an overhand left tags Kanehara not long after. With 90 seconds to go in the fight, Caceres looks for a takedown to no avail. They separate and Caceres touches Kanehara with a Superman punch, then presses on. Two left hooks connect for Caceres, but he’s running out of time. He fruitlessly tries a last-ditch thrust kick at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Caceres (29-28 Kanehara)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Caceres (29-27 Kanehara)
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Caceres (29-28 Kanehara)

The Official Result

Masanori Kanehara def. Alex Caceres via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Kyoji Horiguchi vs. Jon delos Reyes

Round 1

The southpaw Horiguchi bobs in and out with his hands low, looking for a chance to strike. Just before the 30-second mark, he unloads a ferocious left roundhouse kick to the body which instantly has delos Reyes grabbing his ribs. Horiguchi is on him in a heartbeat, pummeling him to the ground and forcing him into survival mode. Delos Reyes ties Horiguchi up and holds half guard while Horiguchi muscles him on top and controls his head. Delos Reyes uses double butterfly guard to elevate Horiguchi and get back to his feet. Delos Reyes gets in a body kick of his own, so Horiguchi returns with another. Delos Reyes explodes at Horiguchi with a flying knee which is mostly blocked. Horiguchi ties delos Reyes up for a moment and then separates. The Guam fighter lands an outside leg kick, but Horiguchi is waiting on it, ready to pounce: the Krazy Bee rep absorbs the leg kick and rips through delos Reyes with a perfectly-placed left hook that sends him reeling across the cage. Horiguchi is on “The Heat” with both guns blazing, landing hooks, then heavy knees which force him to the mat. Delos Reyes tries to hang on to Horiguchi, but the former Shooto standout is a machine. Horiguchi hammers delos Reyes with both hands, forces him to the turtle position and keeps crushing until referee Steve Perceval has mercy on delos Reyes.

The Official Result

Kyoji Horiguchi def. Jon delos Reyes via TKO (Punches) R1 3:48

Kiichi Kunimoto vs. Richard Walsh

Round 1

Kunimoto clips Walsh with an inside low kick that strays low, but Walsh is able to quickly shake it off. Just seconds later, Walsh smashes Kunimoto with a left hook that drops him, forcing Kunimoto to look for a leglock. Kunimoto escapes, then decides to go blow-for-blow with Walsh, but neither man can land on the button. Kunimoto keeps pressing forward, but walks right into a left knee from Walsh, who appears to have been trying to throw a knee. Kunimoto’s nose is leaking like a faucet, but he’s managed to gather his wits. Referee Jerin Valel warns Walsh for grabbing the fence as he pushes Kunimoto against the cage, Kunimoto’s blood pouring from his nose and down onto Walsh’s back and arms. They separate, but as Walsh initiates another attack, he throws a careless knee that lands low on Kunimoto. Kunimoto returns the favor from earlier, shaking the foul off quickly despite the damage he’s already taken. “Filthy Rich” lands a hard jab, plus a right hand behind it, stunning Kunimoto again. “Strasser” desperately grabs onto Walsh looking for a takedown. Kunimoto is moreso content to hang onto Walsh, bleeding all over him as he regains his breath.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Walsh
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Walsh
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Walsh

Round 2

Walsh backs Kunimoto back to the fence by multiplying his jab, then rips him with a right-left-right series. Kunimoto grabs ahold of him again and tries to wrangle Walsh to the mat with over-unders unsuccessfully. They break and Kunimoto plods forward, sticking his jab out. Walsh is able to land harder jabs against his tentative foe, so the Japanese fighter runs him into the cage again. The Australian fights off the cage using his knees, then digs into Kunimoto’s body with a harsh body kick. “Strasser” runs Walsh into the cage and tries to trip him to the mat, but Walsh turns him around and puts him back into the cage. Walsh, perhaps needing to take a deep breath himself, just hangs out in that position and seeks to ride the round out. Just before the horn, Kunimoto glances Walsh with a jumping knee.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Walsh
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Walsh
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Walsh

Round 3

Kunimoto jabs his way to Walsh, but all that results is another clinch that goes nowhere. Resetting from distance, Kunimoto lands a pair of hooks and runs “Filthy Rich” into the cage, but the Aussie drills him with a hard knee. Hard overhand right for Walsh lands, but just as he is starting to open up, Kunimoto trips him to the canvas and gets a rear waistlock. With two minutes to go in the fight, Kunimoto sinks both hooks and sucks Walsh down to the mat. Jerin Valel warns Walsh about sticking his fingers in Kunimoto’s gloves as the Pancrase veteran tries to find the rear-naked choke. As the final minute starts, Walsh is purely defensive, trying to control Kunimoto’s wrists and stave off any real submission attempts. Kunimoto peppers him with short punches, then crossfaces Walsh. The choke he seeks isn’t there and the horn ends the welterweight contest.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Kunimoto (29-27 Walsh)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Kunimoto (29-28 Walsh)
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Kunimoto (29-28 Walsh)

The Official Result

Kiichi Kunimoto def. Richard Walsh via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Miesha Tate vs. Rin Nakai

Round 1

Nakai bounces side-to-side with hyperactive movement on the outside and Tate pops her with a right uppercut on their first engagement. Nakai drops for a takedown but Tate shrugs it off, pushes Nakai into the fence and knees her to the body. Tate foot sweeps her to the canvas and looms over her, but Nakai fends her off with some powerful upkicks. Tate rips Nakai with a left kick to the body, Nakai gets in on another single and Tate defends it easily. Tate feints and again lands a lead uppercut, then comes back with a right cross. Left head kick lands for Tate and Nakai helps her out by ducking into it. Nakai gets in on a beautiful low single, yet her short stature leaves her so far outside that Tate still sees it coming and is able to sprawl. Tate stalks Nakai back to the fence and pops her with another right, drawing blood from her mouth. Tate switches to southpaw, lands a hard left and Nakai grabs a waistlock. Nakai tries to throw her, but can’t get the much larger Tate off the ground.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tate
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Tate
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Tate

Round 2

Tate lands a one-two, but when she goes back to it, Nakai dives under on a low single. Tate is able to sit out and escape back to her feet quickly. Nakai gets a hold of Tate’s leg again, but the former Strikeforce champion just stands there, punching her with both hands while the squatty Nakai wrestles with her limb. Tate tries a hip throw from the clinch but botches it, giving up her back to Nakai, who sinks both hooks and tries desperately to avoid falling over the top. Tate takes her time, tripodding up slowly and letting Nakai slide out of back control. Tate drops her back to the mat and winds up on the top in full guard. Two sharp elbows register for the Washingtonian, then the Pancrase postergirl rolls away and scrambles to her feet. A jab and two rights land for Tate, but when she winds up on an elbow, Nakai changes levels and nearly dumps her. However, “Cupcake” continues to show great balance and clocks Nakai with another right cross at the second stanza’s conclusion.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tate
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Tate
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Tate

Round 3

Nakai ducks under Tate’s first combination again and while she can’t get the clean takedown, she is able to scramble to the back again and sink one hook. Tate stands up again and this time, she shakes Nakai off of her with much less incident. They come back together in the clinch and “Cupcake” socks Nakai with a hard right elbow. The Japanese fighter muscles Tate around with over-unders but simply can’t buy a clean takedown. Tate pushes her away and lands a pair of body kicks before shutting down another Nakai single-leg attempt. Nakai shoots again, Tate easily limp-legs out. Nakai tackles Tate with 30 seconds to go, but Tate gets up the fence quickly. No other substantive action happens before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tate (30-27 Tate)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Tate (30-27 Tate)
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Tate (30-27 Tate)

The Official Result

Miesha Tate def. Rin Nakai via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Yoshihiro Akiyama vs. Amir Sadollah

Round 1

After a feeling-out process, Sadollah is able to connect with two roundhouse kicks upstairs. Akiyama moves inside to the clinch as Sadollah steps in to punch and lands a beautiful inside trip to put his man on the mat. Akiyama sits on Sadollah’s left leg and pounds with right punches and elbows. As Akiyama pounds, Sadollah takes the opportunity to stand up, fends off another trip attempt, then escapes the clinch with 70 seconds to go in the round. Akiyama touches Sadollah’s bread basket with a spinning back kick. Both men take turns shooting right crosses at one another for the final minute, neither landing firm.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Akiyama
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Akiyama
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Akiyama

Round 2

The rangy Sadollah flashes his kicks with both legs but can’t rattle Akiyama through the first 60 seconds of the round. Sadollah begins to dig into the lead leg of Akiyama, chopping with three unchecked kicks on the advancing judoka. Sadollah is now starting to operate effectively on the feet, but just as he starts to find his groove, Akiyama shoots a right cross right down the pipe that smashes him in the nose. Akiyama stays patient, stalking his prey and looking to box. “Sexyama” rams Sadollah with a clean jab that stumbles him, then drops him to the mat with the ensuing swarm. Sadollah manages to pull guard and cover up as Akiyama pounds away in an attempt to end the fight. Sadollah manages to get wrist control long enough to catch a breather, but the K-1 Hero’s star continues to pound away. “The Ultimate Fighter” Season 7 winner throws up a triangle attempt, then an armbar, but neither attempt goes anywhere.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Akiyama
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Akiyama
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Akiyama

Round 3

Sadollah again comes out kicking, yet can’t find Akiyama with his legs. Akiyama continues to take his time, shooting well-placed jabs and crosses when Sadollah tries to attack. Akiyama keeps jabbing and advancing on Sadollah, then uncorks another spinning back kick which just misses its target. “Sexyama” punches Sadollah back to the fence and forces him to the canvas again with just over two minutes to fight. Akiyama keeps plugging away, drawing more blood from Sadollah’s busted nose. The Virginia native keeps trying to throw up his legs in pursuit of a desperation submission, but Akiyama rips through his attempts with a half dozen heavy right hands. With 30 seconds to go, Akiyama postures up and lets both hands fly, bouncing Sadollah’s head around some more. At the 10-second clapper, he unloads with another salvo to close the show.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Akiyama (30-27 Akiyama)
Mike Fridley scores round 10-9 Akiyama (30-27 Akiyama)
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Akiyama (30-27 Akiyama)

The Official Result

Yoshihiro Akiyama def. Amir Sadollah via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Takanori Gomi vs. Myles Jury

Round 1

Jury utilizes right front kicks and low kicks to gauge the distance on the southpaw Gomi, who turns orthodox for a brief moment after blocking a series of Jury kicks upstairs. Jury looks for a lazy single and Gomi easily refutes it. “The Fireball Kid” continues closing the distance on Jury, but winds up befuddled by Jury flicking his jab twice quickly. Behind his lead-hand distraction, Jury zings a right cross down on the middle, right on the button, dropping Gomi to his knees. As the former Pride and Shooto champion tries to get to his feet, “The Fury” whacks him with a charging right underhand, buckling Gomi. Fury pounds away as Gomi goes fetal and covers up and referee Steve Perceval intervenes on the Japanese fighter’s behalf. It is the first knockout loss for Gomi in his 16-year, 46-fight pro career.

The Official Result

Myles Jury def. Takanori Gomi via TKO (Punches) R1 1:32

Roy Nelson vs. Mark Hunt

Round 1

Hunt lands the first meaningful shot with a hard overhand right. Nelson dives in on a single-leg attempt but Hunt easily steps out of it. Nelson pressures Hunt, who tries to jab him away, but winds up poking him in the eye inadvertently. Referee Leon Roberts calls for time and the ringside physician has a quick, perfunctory meeting with Nelson, who is quickly good to fight. He and Hunt touch gloves and resume. Hunt lands an inside leg kick and Nelson retaliates with an overhand right. Heavy outside low kick by Hunt, who then ducks under a wild Nelson overhand. Hunt steps inside and makes contact with a right uppercut. Hunt shows good head movement around Nelson’s shots, but the American tags him with a right hook on the end of a three-punch combo. Hunt continues to shoulder roll as Nelson advances on him, loading up on heavy counters. Both men swing massive right hands that sail wide. Nelson swings with two hooks, but Hunt times him perfectly with a kick to the body. Left hook-right hook lands for Nelson. “Big Country” surprises Hunt with a low kick with 30 seconds to go, tripping him up. Hunt rolls around more Nelson hooks and the horn blasts.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hunt
Mike Fridley scores round 10-9 Hunt
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Nelson

Round 2

Nelson trudges inside with hooks, seguing into a single-leg attempt. He bowls Hunt over and briefly straddles his back, but Hunt shows off his time-tested escapability and gets back to his feet quickly. Hunt touches Hunt with two jabs, then a big right uppercut-left hook. Nelson rocks Hunt’s head back with his jab, then goes back to the outside low kick. Hunt starts to fade to his right before surprising “Big Country” with a right-hand lead. Hunt continues to look for giant right uppercuts at different angles but can’t quite land the home run. He backs Nelson up and rakes him with a left hook that has him wincing. Hunt keeps jabbing, looking for his uppercut, then catches Nelson ducking. Without the room for a full uppercut, Hunt spears him with a right hand, dropping Nelson on his face. Leon Roberts is there in a heartbeat, as Hunt simply puts his hand up in assured victory over his flattened opponent. Sensational one-punch knockout by the former K-1 World Grand Prix champion.

The Official Result

Mark Hunt def. Roy Nelson via KO (Punch) R2 3:00
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