

UFC Fight Night Results: ‘Nelson vs. Story’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from Stockholm with live UFC Fight Night “Nelson vs. Story” results and play-by-play.

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Ernest Chavez vs. Zubaira Tukhugov

Round 1

Chavez takes the center of the Octagon and follows Tukhugov around the perimeter with his right hand cocked. Tukhugov gets the first significant strike of the bout with a sweeping hook that opens a small cut near the right eye of Chavez just 90 seconds into the bout. Another lead left hook scores for the “Warrior,” then a body shot as he backs up to the fence. Chavez is still pressing forward but he’s walking into punches now, eating an overhand right and a spinning-back fist. Tukhugov fends off his man with a front kick, then explodes forward to pop Chavez with another left hook. The next left stings Chavez, who staggers backward and is knocked to the ground by a storm of hammer fists. Reeling near the fence, Chavez manages to stagger back to his feet, but Tukhugov is all over him and drops the bloodied American to the base of the cage again with heavy uppercuts. When Chavez hits the ground this time, referee Bobby Rehman steps in to stop the bout.

The Official Result

Zubaira Tukhugov def. Ernest Chavez via TKO (Punches) R1 4:21

Marcin Bandel vs. Mairbek Taisumov

Round 1

Bandel catches Taisumov with a lead right uppercut, tries to get into range for another and takes a hard kick to the leg. Taisumov circles away, resets and then drops the incoming Bandel with a straight right hand. Bandel hits the ground in a daze, and “Beckan” finishes the fight with one more hard right hand to the jaw, forcing referee Kristian Hacklou into action.

The Official Result

Mairbek Taisumov def. Marcin Bandel via TKO (Punches) R1 1:01

Krzysztof Jotko vs. Tor Troeng

Round 1

Troeng gets backed up to the fence by Jotko’s wide punches, then shoots and tries to bring the Polish fighter down with a double-leg. Jotko spins around and uses the fence to keep his balance while Troeng switchs to a body lock and looks for a trip takedown. Ninety seconds in, Jotko breaks free and circles back to the center. He comes back to catch Troeng with an uppercut and a straight left hand which sends the Swede shooting again. Troeng puts Jotko back on the fence with underhooks and finally gets a takedown midway through the round, but Jotko is back on his feet immediately. Now it’s Jotko initiating a clinch on the cage, throwing standing elbows in the tie-up and then releasing to land a left hand. Troeng gets out and hits Jotko with a straight right in the last half minute, but Jotko gets the last word of the round with a left hook.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jotko
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jotko
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Jotko

Round 2

Jotko gets back to throwing hooks and denying shots from Troeng, who is repeatedly being backed up to the fence in striking exchanges. Once there, Jotko is able to close the distance and attack with standing elbows, then knees from the Thai plum. The knees seem to really hurt Troeng, who falls to the ground and loses his mouthguard, allowing Jotko to drill more knees into the Swede’s body. Troeng survives these and the follow-up punches, eventually getting back to his feet and retrieving his mouthpiece from referee Grant Waterman. With 90 seconds left in the round, Troeng hugs Jotko against the cage and digs for a takedown, but Jotko digs an underhook and reverses the position. Jotko uses more knees and an uppercut to damage Troeng in the clinch before they separate.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jotko
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jotko
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Jotko

Round 3

Troeng moves straight to the body lock position on the fence, trying to drag Jotko to the ground, but the Polish fighter is keeping his balance while peppering Troeng’s body with short punches. Troeng scores with an uppercut in the clinch but can’t follow up as Jotko grabs the Thai plum and shoots a knee up the middle. Troeng finally gets his takedown a few seconds later, only to be immediately reversed and stood up by Jotko. The middleweights are back in the center of the cage with half a round to go. Troeng tries to rush inside and gets knocked away by a Jotko right hand. Jotko backs Troeng toward the cage and decks him with a lead elbow, then changes levels and picks Troeng’s ankle for a takedown inside the last minute. Troeng posts and stands, still held against the fence, then gets some separation and dives at Jotko’s legs for one last takedown attempt at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jotko (30-27 Jotko)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jotko (30-27 Jotko)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Jotko (30-27 Jotko)

The Official Result

Krzysztof Jotko def. Tor Troeng via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-26) R3 5:00

Cathal Pendred vs. Gasan Umalatov

Round 1

Pendred goes straight after the takedown, clinching Umalatov against the fence, but Umalatov denies the shot and circles away. The Irishman comes back for another double-leg attempt, then comes up and switches to underhooks as he continues to press Umalatov to the cage. Two minutes in, Pendred completes the takedown, but Umalatov is back on his feet 30 seconds later. The welterweights separate with two minutes left in the round. Umalatov sprawls and circles off another Pendred shot, then hits “The Punisher” with a counter right hook as Pendred rushes into the pocket.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Pendred
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pendred
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Pendred

Round 2

Umalatov works from the center of the cage early in round two, swinging at Pendred with wide, hooking punches and backing up to avoid the Irishman’s strikes. Pendred lunges into range with a Superman punch and gets dropped by an Umalatov counter right hook in the middle of the cage. Pendred recovers and scrambles back to his feet, and now the welterweights resume their circling with just under two minutes remaining in the round. Pendred tries to close the gap and try a double-leg near the fence, but Umalatov hits a short counter right and circles out. Another countershot scores for Umalatov as Pendred tries to clinch, and the Russian circles out. Pendred finishes the round attempting a double-leg on the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Umalatov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Umalatov
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Pendred

Round 3

Umalatov stakes out the center of the cage and keeps Pendred out of range with sweeping hooks. Pendred is frustrated after a minute of ineffective circling and striking, raising his arms at Umalatov in a shrug. After another 30 seconds of circling, Pendred gets around Umalatov’s guard with a left hook on the cheek, then follows up with a leg kick. Umalatov whiffs on a spinning back kick and takes an overhand right from Pendred, who steps into range with a left hook and drops levels for another takedown attempt. Umalatov shuts it down but doesn’t do much else as the final minute begins to tick away. Pendred is the busier fighter down the stretch, throwing out hooks and trying another double-leg. Umalatov fends off one last takedown attempt and touches Pendred with a short left hook on the exit.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Umalatov (29-28 Umalatov)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pendred (29-28 Pendred)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Umalatov (29-28 Pendred)

The Official Result

Cathal Pendred def. Gasan Umalatov via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Dennis Siver vs. Charles Rosa

Round 1

Rosa flicks out a couple kicks to Siver’s lead leg before switching to the southpaw stance. The UFC newcomer continues to flip stances and keep Siver out of range with kicks both low and high. From southpaw, Rosa sends a straight left down the center. A few seconds later, Siver changes levels and floors Rosa with a powerful takedown, then passes straight to side control on Rosa’s left side. In a flash, Siver jumps to the other side and squeezes on a tight arm-triangle choke. It looks like Rosa will be forced to tap, but the American Top Team product somehow fights out of the submission after 20 or 30 seconds to attempt a kneebar. Siver escapes from this and stands, and Rosa follows, smiling at the Russian-born German after the narrow escape. Rosa catches a kick from Siver in the closing seconds and sends a straight right hand down the pipe at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Siver
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Siver
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Siver

Round 2

There’s lots of throwing in the opening minute of round two, but not much clean offense being landed until Siver starts to find his range with the left hook. Rosa slips on a kick, pops back up and takes another left hand from Siver on the end of a combo. Siver hits a takedown near the fence, then jumps on Rosa’s back as the American kneels and tries to stand. Rosa shakes him off almost immediately and reverses to top position, but now Siver kicks out and stands again. Midway through the round, Rosa gets a takedown of his own in the center of the cage. He passes to side control but doesn’t stay heavy, allowing Siver to reverse with ease. Siver moves to full mount and begins to frame up another arm-triangle choke, then abandons it and gets swept again by Rosa. Yet another sweep lands Siver on top with about one minute to go, now leaning right to left across Rosa’s body as the pace slows. Rosa is squirming underneath, trying to escape, but Siver is heavy on top and stays there to the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Siver
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Siver
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Siver

Round 3

Rosa catches a kick and knocks Siver to the ground with a straight shot, but Siver is back on his feet in a flash and puts Rosa on the ground with a takedown of his own. Rosa grabs for a heel hook, switches to a toe hold, but Siver spins around and frees the leg. Rosa goes to his knees and Siver jumps on his back, but Siver can’t secure both hooks before Rosa is able to turn over. Siver keeps Rosa pressed to the ground and steps over into mount, but the Massachusetts native pushes him back to guard with 2:40 on the clock. Siver tries to swim through Rosa’s guard with no-look punches, so Rosa throws up his legs to try an armbar. Siver snuffs out the sub attempt and passes to side control on Rosa’s right. Rosa escapes by way of a front headlock, first getting to his knees and then his feet. The 145ers are back on their feet with 90 seconds to go, but they don’t stay there long, as Siver drills Rosa’s body with a spinning back kick to the liver. Rosa tries to hide the damage but eventually wilts to the ground as Siver tries to pound him out. Siver goes for an armbar in the closing seconds of the round, but Rosa resists and this will go to the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Siver (30-27 Siver)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Siver (30-27 Siver)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Siver (30-27 Siver)

The Official Result

Dennis Siver def. Charles Rosa via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Nicholas Musoke vs. Alexander Yakovlev

Round 1

Musoke gets instant double underhooks and puts Yakovlev’s back against the cage. The welterweights spend the opening minute of the fight throwing knees inside, then they separate and Yakovlev dives on a single-leg. Musoke denies the shot and they go right back to the fence, where Musoke works the Russian’s legs with short knees. The sequence repeats again until they finally circle out to the center of the cage with 60 seconds to go. Yakovlev tries another single-leg, denied by Musoke. Yakovlev comes alive in the final 20 seconds, cutting Musoke with a left hook and then pouring on punches in the final moments.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Musoke
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Yakovlev

Round 2

It’s more of the same from Musoke early in the second round, pushing Yakovlev against the fence and holding him there to negate any offense. When Yakovlev breaks free the second time, “The Thunder of the North” storms forward slinging big punches at Musoke. The Swede once again digs an underhook and muscles Yakovlev against the cage. Yakovlev gets away midway through the round and begins sending straight left hands down the center, mixing in a few leg kicks. Yakovlev shoots a double-leg and gets pushed to the fence again. Musoke loses the clinch but gets it back a few seconds later and closes out the round with a knee to Yakovlev’s gut.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Musoke
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Musoke
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Musoke

Round 3

Yakovlev grabs for a single-leg behind a straight left hand but Musoke keeps his balance and shoves him away. Now it’s Musoke changing levels after a short left and putting Yakovlev on the fence for a double-leg attempt. Yakovlev gets loose but walks into a left hook from Musoke, who stuffs another takedown try and leans Yakovlev on the cage with an underhook. Yakovlev reverses, escapes, puts a left hook on Musoke’s chin. Musoke walks through it and rocks Yakovlev’s head back with a left hook of his own. Halfway through the final round, Yakovlev shoots low and is denied once more. The sequence repeats with Musoke clinching on the outside, but this time he finishes the tie-up with a couple knees up the middle. Yakovlev stings Musoke with a straight left; Musoke answers by, yes, getting an underhook and pushing Yakovlev against the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Musoke (30-27 Musoke)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Musoke (30-28 Musoke)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Musoke (29-28 Musoke)

The Official Result

Nicholas Musoke def. Alexander Yakovlev via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Scott Askham vs. Magnus Cedenblad

Round 1

Cedenblad closes the gap with punches and puts Askham on the fence, where the Swede begins working on a single-leg. Askham denies the takedown at first, but when Cedenblad comes back up and works an inside trip, the Englishman hits the ground. Askham tries to creep his legs up Cedenblad’s body, then abandons the open guard and switches to closed. Cedenblad scoots his man around the cage and throws short body punches while referee Marc Goddard calls for action. Cedenblad continues to pepper with short elbows and punches, avoiding the referee stand-up to the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cedenblad
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cedenblad
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Cedenblad

Round 2

Cedenblad dives for a takedown against the fence and drags Askham back to the mat. The Swede is a little more active than he was at the end of round one, landing some clean hammer fists to Askham’s face while the English fighter tries to push him off. The fighters are ordered back to their feet with about 3:00 on the clock, but they quickly go back to clinching on the fence, Cedenblad on the outside. Now the 185ers exchange positions, pummeling in the clinch, and Cedenblad lands a couple good elbows as Askham leans in from the outside. Referee Goddard breaks them up with about a minute to go, and Askham sends Cedenblad’s mouthpiece flying with a front kick. Cedenblad pops back to his feet but is held agains the fence, where Askham rocks him with uppercuts and hooks just before time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Askham
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Askham
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Askham

Round 3

Cedenblad gets a quick takedown, but Askham hits the switch and works to secure the top from 50/50 position. Cedenblad turns the corner and stands, wrapping Askham up from behind and slamming him back to the canvas. With 3:30 left in the fight, Cedenblad leans left to right across Askham in half guard. Askham blocks a pass and puts Cedenblad back in full guard, where Cedenblad stays active enough to avoid a stand-up by dropping short punches to the body. With 45 seconds left, referee Goddard orders the fighters to their feet. Askham clubs Cedenblad with a straight left counter to a body kick, rushes to put Cedenblad on the fence and clinches.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Cedenblad (29-28 Cedenblad)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cedenblad (29-28 Cedenblad)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Cedenblad (29-28 Cedenblad)

The Official Result

Magnus Cedenblad def. Scott Askham via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Niklas Backstrom vs. Mike Wilkinson

Round 1

Wilkinson grabs for an early single-leg, but Backstrom pulls the leg free and uses it to chop at Wilkinson’s lead leg. Backstrom drills Wilkinson’s face with a pair of knees from the Thai clinch and then releases. Backstrom cracks Wilkinson with a front kick which Wilkinson catches and counters with a short right hand on Backstrom’s chin. Backstrom hits the ground and gets his head dribbled off the canvas with a flurry of punches from Wilkinson as referee Bobby Rehman rushes in to save the unconscious Swede.

The Official Result

Mike Wilkinson def. Niklas Backstrom via KO (Punches) R1 1:19

Jan Blachowicz vs. Ilir Latifi

Round 1

There’s not much action through the first 80 seconds, but suddenly Latifi bursts forward and catches Blachowicz with a big overhand left near the fence. Blachowicz circles out and resets to blast Latifi with a kick to the liver. Latifi tilts to the right and tries to grab the next kick from Blachowicz. When he can’t grab the leg, Latifi takes a knee on the ground, still hurting from the body blow, and Blachowicz finishes him with ground-and-pound.

The Official Result

Jan Blachowicz def. Ilir Latifi via TKO (Kick to the Body and Punches) R1 1:58

Akira Corassani vs. Max Holloway

Round 1

Corassani scores the first hard shot with a left hook that sends Holloway circling out of the pocket. Holloway quickly recovers and presses forward again, only to walk into an overhand right. Corassani pushes ahead now, flurrying at the Hawaiian with a three-piece combination that backs Holloway up to the fence. The direction changes again as Holloway comes at Corassani, flicking out kicks and sticking one on Corassani’s lead leg. A right hand near the fence hurts Corassani, who staggers back to his feet and tries to cover up as Holloway assaults him with more punches and knees up the center. Corassani wraps up Holloway and holds him against the fence, but Holloway breaks free and sends “Akira” back to the mat with another blistering straight right. Corassani slumps to the ground at the base of the fence, where Holloway bounces his head off the cage post with punches until referee Kristian Hacklou intervenes.

The Official Result

Max Holloway def. Akira Corassani via KO (Punches) R1 3:11

Gunnar Nelson vs. Rick Story

Round 1

Marc Goddard is the referee for tonight’s welterweight main event, with judges Jim Bergman, Mark Collett and Paul Sutherland scoring at cageside. Nelson sneaks some right hands around Story’s low guard in the opening minute, then backs up the American with a swift kick to the body. Story gives Nelson a kick in return and then clinches with “Gunni” in the over-under position away from the fence. The 170-pounders trade body shots before Nelson hits a trip takedown. Story is quickly back on his feet, back in the tie-up with Nelson, both men looking to trip up the other. Story keeps busy in the clinch with short body shots until they separate with 2:20 on the clock. A low kick chops the base out from under Nelson, who springs back up and makes Story block a right high kick. Story gets the last strike with a left hook to close out an otherwise slow-going final minute.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nelson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nelson
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Story

Round 2

A spinning back kick from Nelson goes off the shoulder of Story, who uses his forward momentum to shove Nelson to the ground. Story lets Nelson stand, and now the southpaw stalks forward, looking to put a big left hand on the Icelandic fighter’s chin. Story is bleeding from a cut on the outside of his right eye, the result of a left hand from Nelson. The welterweights spend the third minute of the round circling, not landing much clean offense. Nelson tags the incoming Story with a pair of quick right hands, the counters a kick on the other side with a nice straight left. Story is sporting damage under his right eye now, too, while Nelson has a small cut on the bridge of his nose. Story closes the round strong with a pair of lefts.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Story
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Story
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Story

Round 3

Nelson explodes into a fast takedown, gets Story to the mat near the fence but can’t hold him there. The Icelandic fighter catches Story in the Thai plum and cracks him with a pair of knees up the middle. Meanwhile, Story is keeping busy with leg kicks, attacking both of Nelson’s legs as “Gunni” continually switches stances. Nelson is pressing forward, looking to get the Thai clinch again, but Story is doing well to fend him off with hooks. Story puts a left hook in Nelson’s breadbasket as he closes in on the grappling ace near the fence. Another left hand, this one to the solar plexus, causes Nelson to drop his hands with a frustrated look. Story resumes his leg-kicking in the final minute, but there’s not as much behind the strikes now. When Nelson grabs for the Thai plum late in the round, Story throws bombs over the top and breaks the clinch before Nelson can strike.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Story
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Story
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Story

Round 4

Story opens up with a pair of leg kicks, then double-pumps his jab at Nelson’s body. A left hook on the jaw takes the legs out from beneath Nelson, who flops to his back and covers up to avoid any further damage while Story stands over him and drops bombs. Finally, 20 seconds later, Story decides to make his wounded opponent stand. Nelson dives on a takedown, sprawled on by Story, and the welterweights reset in the center. Nelson tries another sloppy takedown and gets pushed against the cage with Story punching his body. Story scores with a pair of uppercuts in the tie-up, then counters a straight right from Nelson with a right hook to the body. Nelson’s hands are by his waist as he backs up to avoid another flurry of punches. Story puts a good, straight left on Nelson’s jaw in the final 20 seconds, then another, and a right hook just before the horn for good measure.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Story
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Story
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Story

Round 5

Story rushes forward with a three-piece combination but only manages to stick Nelson with a grazing left hand on the end. A clinch provides an opportunity for Story to throw a knee to the body and then separate to continue winging big punches at Nelson’s face. Nelson is being pushed around the outside by Story, who’s keeping the pressure on and picking at Nelson with leg kicks and body-head combos. Nelson is still in the fight, finding the occassional straight right hand, but the single shots don’t seem to be slowing Story down. The blood leaking into Story’s eye might be impeding him, but “The Horror” is still doing well with his combinations, particularly with heavy left hands that keep Nelson out of range. Down to the final minute now, Story catches Nelson near the fence and rocks his head with a right hook-left straight combination.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Story (49-46 Story)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Story (49-46 Story)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Story (50-45 Story)

The Official Result

Rick Story def. Gunnar Nelson via Split Decision (50-44, 49-46, 47-48) R5 5:00
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