

UFC on Fox 30 ‘Alvarez vs. Poirier 2’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round-by-Round Scoring

Sherdog's live UFC on Fox 30 coverage kicks off Saturday at 4 p.m. ET.

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Alvaro Herrera vs. Devin Powell

Round 1

Herrera sparks Powell with a counter left hook in the first 20 seconds, then stuffs a takedown attempt from the American. "Chango" digs into the body of Powell with a left hand, then catches a kick but can't capitalize on it. Powell swings wild punches to get into range, then changes levels and tries a takedown. When he can't complete the shot, Powell tries to pull guard, but Herrera wants no part of it. Back on the feet, another ripping left hook to the body sends Powell to the floor. Powell invites Herrera to join him on the ground, but Herrera wants him back up. Herrera presses forward to plant another left on Powell's body, when suddenly, Powell strikes back with a left kick square to the Mexican's liver. Herrera backs up, hands dropping to protect his body, but Powell lands another perfectly placed body kick, sending Herrera to the ground and referee Marc Goddard in for the stoppage.

The Official Result

Devin Powell def. Alvaro Herrera via KO (Kick to the Body) R1 1:52

Nina Ansaroff vs. Randa Markos

Round 1

Ansaroff opens with a few leg kicks as the low-crouching Markos waits for an opportunity to get inside. Markos only needs to wait about 45 seconds before she's able to catch a kick and run Ansaroff against the fence with a single-leg. Ansaroff nearly gets spun to the mat, but she pops back up instantly. Markos switches to a double-leg, finally completing the takedown about 90 seconds into the round. Markos climbs onto Ansaroff's back, sinking her left hook, but Ansaroff uses her right arm to block the Canadian's right leg. Ansaroff tries to roll from her left side to her knees, then flips over to put her back on the mat and Markos in her open guard. Ansaroff absorbs a few punches to the body before using butterfly guard to create space. Markos follows Ansaroff toward the center of the cage, keeping the ATT fighter on the floor and setting up in her closed guard. After snuffing out an armbar threat, Markos postures up to land a right hand. Ansaroff finally manages to kick her away, and the strawweights spend the final 30 seconds circling.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Markos
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Markos
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Markos

Round 2

Ansaroff once again opens the round with low kicks, quickly reddening the outside of Markos' left leg. Ansaroff shuts down Markos' first takedown attempt of the round, then lands another kick that causes "Quiet Storm" to switch stances. Back to orthodox stance, Markos absorbs another leg kick, then takes one to the body, another to the leg. Markos is trying to check the kicks now, and not having much success. Ansaroff comes over the top with a stinging right hand, then circles away as Markos tries to close the distance and initiate a clinch. Markos finally gets inside and shoves Ansaroff against the fence with 40 seconds on the clock. Ansaroff breaks loose 15 seconds later, lands a leg kick but eats a counter jab. Markos finishes the round strong with a crisp one-two that rattles Ansaroff's head.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff

Round 3

Markos pressures Ansaroff backward to the fence, again absorbing leg kicks as she closes the distance on the longer fighter. Ansaroff refuses to be cornered, circling back to the center of the cage, where she feeds Markos some more jabs and low kicks. Markos gets hold of Ansaroff and puts her on the wall, but Ansaroff is able to break free at the halfway point of the round. Markos presses forward with a stiff jab that bloodies the nose of Ansaroff, then pushes the American against the fence again. Markos drops for a single-leg, then switches to a double as Ansaroff tries to lock up a guillotine choke. Markos frees herself from the choke but can't complete the takedown, and Ansaroff sprints back to the center of the cage. With 60 seconds left, the 115ers stand in the center of the cage, exchanging jabs. Ansaroff sprawls on another Markos takedown attempt, but Markos gets back up and jams her against the fence. Markos tries a sacrifice throw and gets stuffed underneath, and now it's Ansaroff on top, elbowing Markos in the face as the final 30 seconds tick away. Ansaroff finishes the fight in Markos' half guard, dropping punches with both hands.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff (29-28 Ansaroff)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff (29-28 Ansaroff)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Ansaroff (29-28 Ansaroff)

The Official Result

Nina Ansaroff def. Randa Markos via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Matheus Nicolau vs. Dustin Ortiz

Round 1

Nicolau lands leg kicks as he and Ortiz test the distance in a low-powered opening 90 seconds. Ortiz is the one pressing forward, but he's having difficulty navigating the range of the hard-swinging Brazilian, who fires off big right hands whenever Ortiz gets near. Ortiz flips to southpaw stance, takes a kick to the body, then feeds Nicolau a jab in return. Nicolau is still looking for that big right hand, but he hasn't been able to find the mark through the first three and a half minutes. Ortiz throws a right high kick that lands on Nicolau's glove, but the impact of the shot is enough to send the Brazilian stumbling to the ground. Ortiz smells blood and pounces immediately, standing over his dazed opponent and dropping punches that knock Nicolau unconscious. Referee Keith Peterson dives in for the stoppage, as Dustin Ortiz racks up his second knockout in three bouts.

The Official Result

Dustin Ortiz def. Matheus Nicolau via KO (Head Kick and Punches) R1 3:49

Katlyn Chookagian vs. Alexis Davis

Round 1

Davis tries to pressure Chookagian in the opening minute, but it's the American landing jabs and kicks as she circles off her back foot. Davis continues to press and digs into the midsection of Chookagian with a right hand. Chookagian catches Davis' next advance and places a left hand on the ear of the "Ally-gator." Davis comes over the top with a right hand, and she's now starting to cut off Chookagian's angles and corner her near the fence. Davis continues to eat jabs as she advances, reddening the Canadian's face just three minutes into the bout, particularly around her nose and right eye. Davis lands a body kick, waits for Chookagian to rush inside and clips her with a short right hook, but it's Chookagian who gets the last word with a clean left at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Chookagian
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Chookagian
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Chookagian

Round 2

Davis is on the advance again at the start of round two, but it's the backpedaling Chookagian who continues to land the cleaner, more accurate strikes. Davis manages to score with some low kicks, even a Chookagian continues to mark up the Canadian's face with jabs and counter lefts. Chookagian is starting to check Davis' low kicks, now switches to southpaw stance to guard her lead leg. It's all forward pressure from Davis, who looks to be turning the tide with her low kicks. Chookagian, meanwhile, is having more difficulty finding the range with her punches as Davis keeps things close, constantly marching into range. Chookagian reclaims a bit of ground in the final 30 seconds, snapping back Davis' head with jabs and keeping her on the end of her front kicks.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Davis
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Davis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Davis

Round 3

Davis tries to march into range and gets clubbed with a counter left hook, sending the Canadian walking into the fence as the "Blonde Fighter" circles away. As Davis comes forward again, Chookagian splits her guard with a snappy front kick up the middle. Davis won't be deterred, continuing to stalk Chookagian around the outside. The "Ally-gator" catches a kick and tries to take down Chookagian, but the American springs back to her feet before she can be flattened out on the ground. The closeness of the bout is not being reflected on the faces of the fighters, as Davis' grill is swollen and bloodied while Chookagian has barely a scratch on her. With two minutes left, it's still Davis coming forward, trying to close the gap as Chookagian constantly circles away. Chookagian is getting backed up to the fence, but she's still landing counters as Davis tries to come up with a late surge. Davis scores a takedown in the final 10 seconds but immediately has to go on the defensive as Chookagian tries a last-second armbar.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Chookagian (29-28 Chookagian)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Chookagian (29-28 Chookagian)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Chookagian (29-28 Chookagian)

The Official Result

Katlyn Chookagian def. Alexis Davis via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

John Makdessi vs. Ross Pearson

Round 1

The lightweight trade sharp leg kicks and jabs in the opening minute, but it's Makdessi who gets off the first power punch with a sharp counter left hook. Pearson looks to respond and gets caught with the left again as he tries to walk inside. Pearson goes upstairs with a left high kick that lands through Makdessi's raised glove and seems to stun the Canadian momentarily. Makdessi's left hand continues to be the most effective weapon for either fighter through the middle of the round, but Pearson's right hand is starting to produce some damage on Makdessi's left eye. Makdessi tags Pearson with another counter left, then a right hand over the top, and the Brit comes away from the exchange with a bloody mouth.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Makdessi
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Makdessi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makdessi

Round 2

It's Makdessi on the advance as the second round begins, while Pearson flicks out jabs and tries to keep the striker out of range. Makdessi goes to the body with a left hand, then over the top with a right. Pearson is increasingly pulling up short with his punches, as Makdessi adjusts his timing and head movement. Pearson comes over the top with a right hand that gets Makdessi's attention. Makdessi tries to respond with some pressure, but he walks into an uppercut. Pearson changes levels to try a takedown; Makdessi just shoves him away and clips him with a hook on the way out. Ninety seconds left in the middle frame, Makdessi lands a body kick and then ducks out of range before Pearson can answer. Makdessi dips into range with a short left, then follows through with a blasting right hand that nearly dislodges Pearson's mouthpiece. Makdessi lands a left over the top, dodges a combo from Pearson and cracks "The Real Deal" with another crisp right straight. Pearson lands a hard right to the body, but Makdessi tags him back with an even harder counter upstairs just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Makdessi
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Makdessi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makdessi

Round 3

The third round picks up where the second left off, as Pearson tries to pressure Makdessi but winds up mostly eating counters from the Canadian. The Englishman gets a kick to the groin in the second minute; referee Yves Lavigne pauses the action and issues a verbal warning to Makdessi for the inadvertant foul. As action resumes, Makdessi goes to the body of Pearson with a heavy left kick. Pearson dives on Makdessi's legs and drives him against the wall, where "The Real Deal" stands up and hugs Makdessi on the wall with a bodylock. Pearson releases and backs up to the center, where he and Makdessi resume their kickboxing match. Makdessi is landing at will, sticking and moving as Pearson lurches ahead in constant forward motion. Pearson eats a triple jab, shakes his head in frustration and keeps walking forward. Makdessi allows Pearson to catch up to him, then zaps the Brit with a left hook and circles out again. Ninety seconds remain in what has been an all-standup affair. Makdessi is rattling Pearson's skull with punches from both hands, and now Pearson is wearing it, his face covered in blood. Pearson stumbles a bit and Makdessi looks to referee Lavigne, but no stoppage is forthcoming. Pearson is a bloody mess as he shoots and completes a last-ditch takedown just before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Makdessi (30-27 Makdessi)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Makdessi (30-27 Makdessi)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Makdessi (30-26 Makdessi)

The Official Result

John Makdessi def. Ross Pearson via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 29-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Gadzhimurad Antigulov vs. Ion Cutelaba

Round 1

Referee Marc Goddard has to start work early as the light heavyweights try to go face-to-face in the center of the cage during their introductions. Once the fight really begins, it's only a matter of seconds before Antigulov changes levels and plants Cutelaba on his back in the center of the cage. The Moldovan scoots backward to the fence, where he's able to climb back to his feet, but Antigulov stays glued to him and secures another takedown moments later. Cutelaba avoids any major damage on the ground and, after about a minute, gets back on his feet again. Antigulov doesn't give him much breathing room, first trapping him on the fence and then clinching to deliver a pair of uppercuts. Cutelaba swings a left hand in return, but he's quickly put on the defensive as Antigulov goes for his legs again. Cutelaba lands a hard knee to the midsection of Antigulov, who's having major trouble on his latest takedown attempt. After eating another pair of knees, Antigulov spins Cutelaba to the ground with a single-leg. Cutelaba jumps back up, keeps his balance to thwart another single, then begins teeing off with uppercuts and knees. Suddenly, Antigulov is in deep trouble, wobbling around the edge of the fence as Cutelaba unloads with a variety of strikes. Referee Goddard is taking a close look as Antigulov eats uppercuts, knees and elbows. With Antigulov barely defending himself and Cutelaba showing no signs of stoppage, referee Goddard mercifully calls a halt to the bout.

The Official Result

Ion Cutelaba def. Gadzhimurad Antigulov via TKO (Punches and Elbows) R1 4:25

Kajan Johnson vs. Islam Makhachev

Round 1

The southpaw Makhachev takes the center of the cage and follows Johnson around the outside, neither man doing much through the opening minute of the bout. Johnson switches stances and gets a kick to the body for his trouble. Two minutes in, there's still not much to differentiate the fighters, other than Makhachev's constant forward pressure. Makhachev fakes an overhand left, changes levels and pushes Johnson to the wall, but the Canadian slips loose and goes back to circling the outside. Makhachev gets low on a single-leg, switches to a double and plants Johnson on the mat at the base of the fence. Johnson holds Makhachev in deep half guard as the Dagestan native attempts to secure full mount. Johnson uses a body lock and Gable grip to try and negate the space, but Makhachev breaks the grip and takes mount. Makhachev postures up to drop a few punches, then peels off to the side and stretches out Johnson's right arm in a tight armbar. Johnson tries to clasp his hands and resist the submission, but once Makhachev fully extends the arm, Johnson taps out.

The Official Result

Islam Makhachev def. Kajan Johnson via Submission (Armbar) R1 4:43

Austin Arnett vs. Hakeem Dawodu

Round 1

Arnett, a rangy featherweight at 6 feet tall, crouches low as he and the 5-foot-8 Dawodu circle one another in the opening moments. Dawodu strikes first with leg kicks, dodges a left high kick and then comes back at Arnett with another chopping low kick. Another outside low kick nearly sends Arnett to the floor, but the American keeps his balance and continues circling the outside. Dawodu puts a few kicks on the inside of Arnett's lead leg, gets taken down by the "Golden Boy" and springs back to his feet immediately. Back on his feet, Arnett briefly switches to southpaw stance in order to avoid more punishment from the Canadian. Arnett tries to duck inside and grab for Dawodu's legs, but "Mean Hakeem" reads it well and dings his opponent with a short right hook. The final half minute sees little action, as neither man seems in a rush to engage.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Dawodu
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Dawodu
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dawodu

Round 2

Dawodu opens the round with some more leg kicks, then begins mixing in some punches to the body. Arnett returns fire with a straight right hand, but Dawodu seems unfazed despite taking the punch -- and a few more behind it -- full on. Dawodu tries a single-leg, but he's easily pushed away by Arnett as the 145ers work in the second minute of the round. Dawodu snaps off a jab, then goes body-head. Arnett is covering up each time Dawodu goes inside, leaving himself wide open to whatever strike Dawodu decides to throw next in his combination. Arnett is looking to establish his jab, but the speed and accuracy of the compact Dawodu continues to cause problems for the taller man. The second half of the round is looking more like the opening frame, with Dawodu continually beating Arnett to the punch, while also sprinkling in some leg kicks.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Dawodu
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Dawodu
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Dawodu

Round 3

The third round begins with Arnett stuck in reverse as Dawodu pressures the American with leg kicks and jabs. Arnett shoots a double and gets stuffed to the mat as Dawodu sprawls to deny the takedown attempt. Arnett eats a few more punches, fires off a right hand and tries to shoot in behind it. Dawodu is ready and underhooks Arnett against the fence, where "Mean Hakeem" peppers the body and head of his opponent with right hands. Arnett breaks free with 2:30 on the clock, surely knowing that he needs a finish if he wants to win this fight. Dawodu continues to press forward in the final 90 seconds; the Canadian's offensive output isn't what it was earlier in the fight, but he's staying busy enough that Arnett is unable to mount any effective offense of his own. Leg kicks from Dawodu nearly put Arnett on the ground in the last 45 seconds. Dawodu is turning up the volume as they near the final horn, punishing Arnett's body and legs with hooks and kicks. Arnett tries to clinch and gets a knee to the head, leaving the "Golden Boy" covering up when time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Dawodu (30-27 Dawodu)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Dawodu (30-27 Dawodu)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Dawodu (30-26 Dawodu)

The Official Result

Hakeem Dawodu def. Austin Arnett via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Jordan Mein vs. Alex Morono

Round 1

Mein comes out swinging big punches at Morono, who has to tuck his shoulder and run away when the rangy Canadian corners him near the fence. Mein keeps coming, swinging his way into range and then landing a body kick, but before he can step away, Morono gets hold of him and jams him against the fence. Mein hits a beautiful foot sweep that plants Morono on his back, and now it's "Young Gun" on top, working from Morono's half guard. Mein briefly looks for a headlock as the welterweights grapple in a cramped position up against the fence. Morono kicks off the wall and puts Mein in closed guard, now switching to a body triangle. Referee Keith Peterson orders the fighters back to their feet with 1:50 on the clock. Mein immediately comes flying at Morono with a flying knee, then changes levels to put Morono back on the floor, this time with a double-leg takedown. Mein passes to half guard as Morono tries to shrimp inside. Morono pushes him back to full guard, and that's where Mein finishes the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Mein
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Mein
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mein

Round 2

Both welterweights swing big punches in the first minute of round two, but 40 seconds in, Mein changes things up and changes levels for his third takedown of the fight. Mein has an arm-triangle choke framed up, but he's stuck in half guard on the wrong side of Morono's body. Mein moves back to Morono's guard and tries to finish from there, but he's soon forced to release or risk burning out his arms. The pace slows toward the middle of the round, as Morono locks down Mein in his closed guard. Mein is having trouble advancing as Morono keeps him in place with a body triangle. With 75 seconds on the clock, the Canadian finally postures up enough to blast Morono with three or four heavy elbow strikes.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Mein
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Mein
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Mein

Round 3

Mein takes 30 seconds to close in on Morono near the fence, then leans forward and swings a loud right hand over the top. Morono eats it well, circles away and then plants to stick Mein with a right hand of his own. Morono is breathing heavily, though, and he's not reacting well as Mein stands in front of him with fakes and feints. Morono tries to initiate a clinch but can't keep the larger man on the fence. Morono backs up Mein to the wall again, where a short uppercut appears to drop the Canadian to his knees. Morono pounces, trying to catch Mein in a guillotine, but Mein is able to free his head and sit up against the fence as they hit the halfway point of the final round. Morono allows Mein to sit up, then whips his left arm around Mein's neck and rolls over to try a mounted guillotine. Mein remains calm as he hooks the leg of Morono and rolls him over; suddenly, Morono is on his back, still trying to finish with the guillotine, but Mein is in half guard, completely out of danger. Mein looks to catch Morono in a guillotine of his own as the final seconds tick down, but this one will be decided by the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Morono (29-28 Mein)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Mein (30-27 Mein)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Morono (29-28 Mein)

The Official Result

Jordan Mein def. Alex Morono via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Olivier Aubin-Mercier vs. Alexander Hernandez

Round 1

Aubin-Mercier clinches up behind a right hand and gets a knee to the gut before Hernandez separates and circles away. Aubin-Mercier presses forward, narrowly missing with a left high kick before dipping into range and clinching again. The lightweights trade knees as they grapple on the fence, splitting with 3:30 on the clock. Hernandez bounds into range with an uppercut, then latches on to a single-leg as he pushes Aubin-Mercier against a cage post. The fighters clinch twice more, each time trading knees to the body. Hernandez winds up in the outside position, looking for a takedown, but Aubin-Mercier spins him around and moves back to the center. Aubin-Mercier puts a right hand on Hernandez's chin, then hits him with a knee in the Thai clinch, The fighters seem to be clashing heads quite a bit as they rumble into the pocket and tie up. Hernandez digs an underhook and pushes Aubin-Mercier to the wall, where he's warned by referee Marc Goddard for an inadvertant illegal knee. The fighters separate with 45 seconds on the clock, and Hernandez pushes forward with a right hand that catches Aubin-Mercier slipping. Another clinch ensues, and Hernandez completes his first takedown in the final 20 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Hernandez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Hernandez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hernandez

Round 2

Hernandez picks up where he left off, completing another takedown in the first 20 seconds of round two. Aubin-Mercier works back to his feet, however, and when Hernandez tries to do it again, Aubin-Mercier forces the Texan to the floor. Aubin-Mercier gets hold of a kimura, switches to a straight armbar as he flattens out Hernandez on the ground. The Canadian loses the submission attempt but remains in top position, setting up in Hernandez' half guard with 3:30 left in the round. Hernandez tries to put Aubin-Mercier in butterfly guard, but the "Quebec Kid" quickly passes back to half guard. Hernandez tries to burst back to his feet, leaving Aubin-Mercier in an awkward reverse-mount position. After stepping out of mount, Aubin-Mercier pulls guard, and now it's Hernandez on top with two minutes left to fight. Referee Goddard quickly orders the fighters back to their feet. Hernandez goes straight after another takedown, then abandons the attempt in favor of a body-head combination. Hernandez gives Aubin-Mercier no breathing room in the final 20 seconds, bringing him to his knees near the fence and landing a few short left hands as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Hernandez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Hernandez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hernandez

Round 3

Hernandez goes straight after another takedown but winds up holding Aubin-Mercier on the fence, where he hits the Canadian with a knee to the groin. Aubin-Mercier takes a moment to recover, while referee Goddard issues a warning to the American for the inadvertant foul. Moments after the restart, Hernandez drives Aubin-Mercier to the ground at the base of the fence. Aubin-Mercier closes his guard as his head is shoved against the fence, and Hernandez postures up to land some right hands to the body. It's not enough action for referee Goddard who issues a stand-up command after a few moments of inactivity. Hernandez is undeterred, immediately shooting for and completing another takedown at the base of the wall. Aubin-Mercier sits up and drives forward, standing up to attempt a double-leg of his own. Hernandez widens his base at the fence, resisting the takedown for a few seconds but ultimately finding himself on his back. Aubin-Mercier works from the top with just over 70 seconds remaining, and the young Canadian may need something special to win this round. In a brilliant move, with Aubin-Mercier in his half guard, Hernandez sits up and pins down Aubin-Mercier's right leg, then takes his back in one smooth motion. Aubin-Mercier spends the final 10 seconds defending his neck while eating short right hands from the back.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Hernandez (30-27 Hernandez)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Hernandez (30-27 Hernandez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hernandez (30-27 Hernandez)

The Official Result

Alexander Hernandez def. Olivier Aubin-Mercier via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Joanna Jedrzejczyk vs. Tecia Torres

Round 1

Jedrzejczyk sticks a jab after narrowly missing with a right hand over the top, looking to counter a Torres low kick. Torres charges into range and doubles up on a short right hand before pushing the ex-champion against the fence with an underhook. Jedrzejczyk tries to break free, but Torres' head is buried underneath the Polish fighter's chin, keeping Jedrzejczyk in place. After landing a few knees to the body, Jedrzejczyk spins to the outside position. Torres reverses again, now drops levels to try a double-leg, but she's forced to stand upright again after Jedrzejczyk pops her with a knee. Three minutes in, the strawweights continue to trade positions in the clinch, with neither woman having taken control of the round. Torres catches Jedrzejczyk throwing a high knee and latches on to a single, but she's unable to run "Joanna Champion" to the ground before the end of the round. Jedrzejczyk finishes the round on her feet, still throwing knees at the "Tornado."

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk

Round 2

Jedrzejczyk spends the first minute of round two inching forward on Torres, landing long leg kicks and jabs on her diminutive opponent. Torres lands a clean, short right hand as she catches Jedrzejczyk in the pocket, but the Polish fighter is landing three or four strikes for every one from Torres. Halfway through the round, Torres runs Jedrzejczyk against the fence, working on a single-leg takedown, but Jedrzejczyk shows great balance as she props herself up with the help of the cage. The strawweights break from their clinch with 80 seconds left. Torres tries to close the distance but repeatedly walks into kicks and right hands. Finally stepping into the pocket, Torres lands a short left hook in a combination, then ties up and holds Jedrzejczyk on the fence for the last few seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk

Round 3

Torres spends the first minute of the round marching forward, trying to get inside on the taller woman, but still struggling to navigate past Jedrzejczyk's long jabs and kicks. Torres manages to connect with a few leg kicks, but now Jedrzejczyk is starting to time them, blasting the American with a straight right hand counter. Torres throws the low kick again and gets the same treatment as the strawweights hit the halfway point of the final round. Torres initiates a brief clinch on the fence, exits with a right hand, then has to pause as Jedrzejczyk needs a moment to fix her top. With 45 seconds on the clock, Torres completes a single-leg in the center of the cage. Jedrzejczyk never allows herself to be flattened out, immediately springing back to her feet. The 115ers spend the final 30 seconds clinching on the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk (30-27 Jedrzejczyk)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk (30-27 Jedrzejczyk)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jedrzejczyk (30-27 Jedrzejczyk)

The Official Result

Joanna Jedrzejczyk def. Tecia Torres via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Jose Aldo vs. Jeremy Stephens

Round 1

Stephens blocks an Aldo high kick with his gloves, then fires a right high kick of his own and bounces it off the Brazilian's shoulder. Aldo lands his first low kicks of the bout as they enter the second minute, with Stephens pressing forward, looking to close the gap. Stephens clinches up and throws a knee to the body, then backs up and lands a leg kick of his own. Aldo catches Stephens rushing forward and plunks him with a counter uppercut. Stephens keeps coming, though, and runs "Scarface" against the fence with a heavy barrage of punches. Aldo eats a point-blank uppercut and doesn't budge; in fact, the former champion walks off the fence and backs up Stephens with a combination. Stephens, now sporting some redness and swelling under his right eye, whiffs on a spinning backfist as Aldo takes a turn coming forward. Aldo misses with a one-two but splits the guard of Stephens with a straight right hand. Stephens tries to retaliate and gets blown up with a vicious left hand to the liver. Stephens hits the deck and Aldo pounces, trying to pound out the Alliance MMA product. Stephens is trapped on his right side with Aldo straddling him, dropping punches. Stephens gets caught in an unfortunate position with his head flat on the canvas, and after a few clean hammerfists from Aldo, referee Yves Lavigne decides to stop the fight. Aldo bursts into tears as he's swarmed by his corner, the former 145-pound king collecting his first win in over two years.

The Official Result

Jose Aldo def. Jeremy Stephens via TKO (Punches) R1 4:19

Eddie Alvarez vs. Dustin Poirier

Round 1

English referee Marc Goddard is the third man in the cage for tonight's 155-pound main event. Alvarez immediately goes to the body of the southpaw Poirier, who backs up to the fence and seems unfazed from the first strikes from the Philadelphian. Poirier sticks a jab, then gets backed up by an Alvarez body kick. A calf kick from Poirier nearly sends Alvarez to the ground; Poirier tries to chase down his stumbling opponent, and Alvarez makes him pay with another clean body blow. Alvarez reaches for a single-leg but gets nowhere as Poirier shoves him away. Alvarez is aiming for the liver of Poirier but hasn't quite found the target yet. Poirier stuffs another takedown attempt and backs up Alvarez with a body kick as they hit the last two minutes of round one. Alvarez gets the better of a firefight near the fence, cracking Poirier with an uppercut on the end of a combination. Alvarez continues to dig into the midsection of Poirier with both hands, but both lightweights connect with headshots in the final 10 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Poirier
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Alvarez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alvarez

Round 2

Alvarez connects with a clean spinning backfist, but the flashy strike doesn't seem to bother Poirier all that much. "The Underground Kick" catches a kick from Poirier trips him to the ground and tries to catch him in a guillotine as he stands, but Poirier quickly breaks free. Alvarez drops down for a double as he and Poirier hit the fence, and now it's Poirier trying his hand at a jump-guard guillotine choke. Alvarez works his way free with the help of a fence-grab. The lightweights stand up, then the sequence repeats, as Alvarez changes levels and Poirier snares him in a headlock. Alvarez is in no danger this time, and he progresses to Poirier's back as they fight at the base of the fence. Alvarez tries a rear-naked choke, can't get under the chin, and instead tries a neck crank to which Poirier will not submit. Alvarez slides off Poirier's back and now mounts him, pinning the legs of the Louisiana native as Poirier sits up against the fence. Alvarez throws an illegal 12-to-6 elbow that lands on Poirier's shoulder; referee Goddard pauses the fight and takes the dominant position away from Alvarez, restarting the fighters on their feet with just under two minutes on the clock. Poirier counters an Alvarez kick with a vicious left hand, and suddenly, Poirier comes alive, bombing Alvarez with punches, backing up the former champion against the fence. Alvarez is rocked, wobbling, barely staying up with the help of the wall as Poirier tees off with both hands. Poirier is landing at will, dodging Alvarez's instinctive counters, just waiting for the ref to stop the fight. Finally, Poirier sizes up Alvarez with a nasty left to the temple that puts Alvarez down for good. Once again, an illegal strike costs Eddie Alvarez a fight -- only this time, Dustin Poirier storms back to score a crushing knockout win.

The Official Result

Dustin Poirier def. Eddie Alvarez via TKO (Punches) R2 4:05
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