

World Series of Fighting 3 Results: ‘Fitch vs. Burkman 2’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com's Mike Sloan reports from the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas at approximately 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT with live World Series of Fighting 3 play-by-play. A free live stream of the undercard can be viewed here.

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Brenson Hansen vs. Josh Montalvo

Round 1
They are tentative to start the fight, both pawing feel-out jabs. Hard kick to the body by Montalvo. Hansen is stalking his foe, but he’s not letting his hands go just yet. The sparse crowd is already restless, not even a minute into the fight. Montalvo inadvertently lands a kick to Hansen’s groin, which leads to a break in the action. Hansen is ready to go after a minute or so of rest. Montalvo tries a spinning back fist then back kick, but misses both. Montalvo delivers another kick to the body, but Hansen answers with a right/left hook to the head, though neither was clean. During the ensuing exchange, Hansen kicks Montalvo in the groin, also accidental. After the fight resumes, Montalvo throws a low kick but eats a right hand. He drops to his back and Hansen pounces, only to have his foe scramble back up to his feet. They flurry, both landing decent punches. Hansen shoots in and scores the takedown, but during the scramble Montalvo latches on an armbar from the guard. It’s not very tight and Hansen escapes, transitioning to side control. The round ends with Hansen in side control. Close round but Hansen got it 10-9.

Round 2
Photo: Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Hansen slipped by a game Montalvo.
Both cautious again to start the round. Montalvo unfurls a hard kick to the ribs. Montalvo is starting to let his hands go more, but his punches are a little bit off-balance as he is lunging with them. Montalvo shoots in for a single leg, but Hansen fends him off. They stand up, with Hansen clinching the Wand Fight Team fighter against the cage. They separate and circle to the center of the cage. Montalvo throws a left kick to the head, which is blocked, but he follows that up with a crunching right hook to the body. Hansen not as busy now as Montalvo lands a left hook up top and then another right hook to the ribs.

Montalvo misses a Superman punch and his taken down hard by a textbook double leg. Montalvo quickly pulls guard. Hansen throws a few sporadic elbows but they are all blocked. The round ends with Hansen in Montalvo’s guard. 10-9 Montalvo.

Round 3
It seems apparent that whoever wins this round will likely win the fight. Hansen lands a glancing head kick immediately into the round and follows with a shin to the ribs. Montalvo answers with a right hook. Montalvo charges in but eats a right hand, and then a left, though neither was clean enough to do any real damage. They trade blows, but Hansen quickly switches levels and shoots in for a double. After a solid sprawl, Hansen finally brings his opponent down. Fighting from within Montalvo’s guard, Hansen delivers a few meager strikes. Hansen eventually gets into half guard, but Montalvo scrambles out and back up to his feet. Hansen quickly drags him back onto the canvas and back into Montalvo’s half guard. A hard elbow opens up a pretty nasty gash on Montalvo’s face. Hansen seems more desperate and lands a series of short elbows until the horn ends the fight. 10-9 Hansen.

Official score: Sherdog sees it 29-28 for Hansen. Official scores are 30-27 (twice) and 29-28 for Hansen.

Kendrick Miree vs. Krasimir Mladenov

Round 1
Miree comes out in a southpaw stance and trying to use his long reach advantage. Miree fakes a shot and tries landing a flying knee, but it’s stuffed by Mladenov. Krasimir has Miree’s right leg and is trying for the takedown, but the Boca Raton fighter has an excellent sprawl. Mladenov almost takes him down, but Miree’s balance prevents it. After about 90 seconds up against the cage, they separate to the center of the cage. Both are sizing each up with pawing jabs, leaving some members of the audience a bit restless. They finally let their hands go and it’s Miree who lands a few decent shots due to his long reach. Mladenov shoots in again with a single, but Miree sprawls nicely. Miree lands a few meager body shots while pressed up against the cage and a left knee to the thigh at the horn. Very dull round with little happening, therefore it was extremely close. It was about as close to a draw as they come, but Miree’s scattered strikes got him the round 10-9.

Round 2
Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Mladenov outpointed Miree on all three cards.
Hard kick to the ribs by Miree a few moments into the round. Mladenov shoots in but it’s from too far away and doesn’t come close to landing the takedown. Mladenov throws a few off-balance punches, both missing, then eats a glancing left hand in return. Miree throws a side kick and then a push kick, but there’s nothing behind either. Mladenov charges in with a few punches and then clinches the American, only to lose his hold, allowing Miree to escape to the center of the cage. Once again the Bulgarian shoots in and grabs the leg, but he is having extreme difficulty in dragging his foe to the ground.

Finally, after a lengthy sprawl, Miree is taken onto his back where he immediately closes a high guard with his head to the cage. Miree has Mladenov’s left arm trapped, but he’s not opening his guard at all to attempt anything. After a short while of non-action, referee Kim Winslow stands them up. Miree shoots in for a single leg but he’s stuffed. They separate and Miree chases Mladenov across the cage, but not landing any of his strikes. Miree tries another flying knee but it’s blocked and Mladenov takes him down right at the horn. Very close round, but Miree’s activity won it for him 10-9.

Round 3
during an early exchange, Miree lands a decent knee to the face. Mladenov backs away to regroup. Miree is stalking his opponent relentlessly, but he’s not throwing anything. They finally engage but neither lands anything hard, though Miree does look to be bleeding from the mouth. Mladenov shoots in and grabs the leg, but Miree once again sprawls nicely. They separate and size each other up. Very little action now; neither man is going for the kill even though the outcome is hanging in the balance. Miree shoots in with a minute left, but Mladenov fends it off. Mladenov spins him around and pins him along the fence. Mladenov won’t let go of Miree’s right leg while he absorbs several hammer fists to his thighs until the horn ends the fight. Very close, albeit dull, fight. 10-9 Mladenov.

Official score: Sherdog.com saw it 29-28 for Miree. Official scores are 29-28, 30-27 (twice) for Mladenov in a fight that easily could have gone to either man. Some people in the crowd are hissing about the decision.

Carson Beebe vs. Joe Murphy

Round 1
The bantamweights rush each other once the fight starts; Beebe delivers a decent leg kick. Beebe is swinging for the fences with huge, wild hooks but they all miss. Murphy shoots in for a takedown but Beebe sprawls and then scrambles up and snatches his back. Murphy defends expertly and eventually reverses his position and latches on a guillotine. Murphy drops down to lock it up, but Beebe snakes his way free and scoots to side control. They scramble again and land with Beebe on his quarters and Murphy in north/south. After a brief pause, Beebe explodes to his feet but Murphy is there to lock on the guillotine again. When he drops down, Beebe rolls out and free, only to fall into the choke again, but this one isn’t deep, either. Beebe breaks free and hops over to side control. Beebe tries to pass over to mount, but Murphy latches on a very tight arm triangle. It’s deep, but Beebe is able to fend it off and eventually pop his head free. Very good round, but Murphy’s continual submission attempts win it for him 10-9.

Round 2
Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Beebe took a controversial decision.
Beebe rushes right at his foe again and lands a decent overhand right. From there he shoots in for a double. After a short while of defending it, Murphy is taken down; Beebe moves to side control. Murphy bridges up and sweeps the Chicagoan, but the ensuing scramble is fruitless; Beebe is once again in side control. Beebe moves to north/south position. After about a minute or so, Murphy is able to suck Beebe into his full guard but that lasts for only a few seconds; Beebe quickly passes and moves right back to side control. Excellent bridge and sweep by Murphy, who flips to side control and then springs back up to his feet.

Beebe grabs a hold of the leg and takes him down again. They scramble again and Murphy locks on an anaconda choke, but Beebe sees it coming and defends it well. Back up to the feet, Beebe has Murphy pressed up against the cage. They separate and Beebe shoots in. Murphy stuffs it and falls into full mount. Beebe rolls out and falls into a rear naked choke, but the horn saves him. Very good, close round but Beebe’s relentless pressure and constant side control won it for him 10-9.

Round 3
Murphy lands a glancing front kick to the head seconds into the frame. Beebe shoots in and scores another takedown and again lands in side control. Not much happens for a while until Murphy is able to pull guard. Beebe scrambles out while trying to pass and in said scramble, locks on an armbar, but Murphy is able to escape. They scramble frantically and Beebe is stuck in a deep anaconda choke. He is wriggling free but Murphy is not letting go. It is deep and Beebe’s face is turning dark red. He turns and spins and wriggles free again, and then scrambles to safety. Finally back on their feet and exhausted with 90 seconds left, they clinch along the fence. Murphy lands a decent knee to the face with his back to the fence. Beebe is trying to drag him down but the Huntington Beach fighter is staying up and landing sporadic knees and elbows from within the clinch. The round ends with both men along the cage. After another close, excellent round, Murphy’s near submission won it for him 10-9.

Official score: Sherdog.com saw it 29-28 for Murphy. The official scores are 29-28 x three for Beebe and the crowd hates the decision. Tons of boos are raining down onto the cage.

Dan Lauzon vs. John Gunderson

Round 1
Gunderson misses a head kick immediately into the fight. Flying knee by Lauzon is blocked, but Gunderson drops down to grab a foot. He misses and tries to pull guard; Lauzon backs away. They clinch along the cage as Gunderson tries for a single leg. Lauzon defends well. They separate and both swing for the fences with wild, loopy hooks but each misses. Lauzon is pressing the action and lands a hard kick to the leg. Gunderson shoots in and scores a single leg takedown, but Lauzon immediately springs back up to his feet. Hard straight left hand by Lauzon seems to have shaken Gunderson a little. Lauzon misses a follow-up left hook and Gunderson slips away to safety and regroups. Gunderson shoots in for another single leg, but eats a left hand instead. Lauzon lets him up and stalks him, waiting to land another hand punch. Gunderson misses another head and then eats a glancing left hand at the horn. 10-9 Lauzon.

Round 2
Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Lauzon dominated Gunderson for 15 minutes.
They exchange wild punches early but nothing lands cleanly. Lauzon is able to land a sneaky elbow from on his feet and then switches to a takedown, but Lauzon fends it off. Lauzon is stalking his prey relentlessly but Gunderson isn’t as wild as he was in the first round. Lauzon scores a takedown and lands in a guillotine, but it’s not deep at all. Eventually Lauzon shakes free and gets back up to his feet. Hard kick to the body by Gunderson, who is bleeding from his nose. They exchange blows, but Gunderson knees his foe in the groin by accident. After a brief pause, they resume.

“Guns” unfurls a wild left hook/right knee/left hook combo that is glancing at best. Lauzon keeps switching from southpaw to conventional, but Gunderson just peppers him with leg kicks. Gunderson backs into the cage and Lauzon digs a nasty left hook to the liver. Gunderson winces and slips out to the center of the cage. Gunderson deliverd another vicious kick to the body but it’s blocked. Lauzon returns the favor with a slicing elbow to the head, followed by another. It's a very close round, but Lauzon won it 10-9.

Round 3
Lauzon stalking again and he delivers two nasty elbows while Gunderson backs into the cage, though they are mostly blocked. Lauzon is applying a lot of pressure now and digs another left hook to the body. Gunderson returns the fire but it’s more out of defense than anything. Gunderson shoots in for a takedown but Lauzon stuffs him. They exchange punches and Lauzon lands a hard straight left hand, though it was blocked. Immediately after, Lauzon shakes his left hand several times, possibly a signal that he hurt it. Lauzon is chasing him down now; Gunderson is backing away on his bicycle and not wanting to engage. A short elbow rattles Gunderson, who stumbles away. He regroups quickly and shoots in for a single, but Lauzon fends it off well. With less than a minute left, it seems likely that Gunderson needs a stoppage to win. Gunderson drops levels for another takedown but Lauzon hammers him with a knee to the body and then two thudding right hooks to the ribs. Gunderson scrambles up and away and blocks a spinning back fist at the horn. 10-9 Lauzon.

Official score: Sherdog.com saw it 30-27 for Lauzon, as do all three ringside judges.

Jerrod Sanders vs. Jeff Smith

Round 1
The two featherweights feel each other out with rangy jabs. Sanders shoots in for a double leg but smith sprawls well and grabs a hold of the neck. He doesn’t have a deep guillotine at all and eventually Sanders is able to scoot over and into side control. Sanders is controlling Smith, who is trying to bridge up and sweep. Finally Sanders backs away, but he quickly leaps back down and lands a decent hammer fist. Smith pulls to full guard. Smith opens his guard and is trying to sweep him but Sanders’ base is perfect. Smith is trying to secure an arm but he can’t. Sanders breaks free of the guard and stands back up. After a brief exchange on the feet, Sanders shoots in again and scores the takedown. Smith pulls guard and holds him there until the horn ends the round. 10-9 Sanders.

Round 2
Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Smith was no match for Sanders.
They come out firing immediately; Sanders with a high kick, Smith with some punches and a high kick. Smith drops down for a single leg, but Sanders drops with him and controls his head. Sanders has a somewhat tight arm-in guillotine, but Smith is not worried. After very little action, Smith pops his head free, but Sanders lands right in side control. Smith is able to pull Sanders into half guard, but very little is happening. The crowd is growing more and more restless. Smith sucks him into full guard, but again, nothing is happening.

Finally Kim Winslow stands them up. Smith explodes with a huge punch, dropping Sanders. Smith quickly latches on an anaconda, but Sanders is clear enough to break free and scramble out and into Smith’s guard. Close round because of the knockdown but Sanders' control wins it for him 10-9.

Round 3
Sanders shoots in after landing a glancing left hook and takes Smith down. Smith quickly pulls guard but Sanders explodes and passes to side control. From the side, Sanders lands a few annoying short elbows. Smith is trying to bridge out but to no avail. A few more elbows from Sanders, who then goes to knee on belly and then to full mount. Smith bucks and rolls and before Sanders can lock on the rear naked choke, Smith rolls back over and sucks him into full guard. For a second Smith tried an armbar, but gave it up before he even secured it. Sanders is landing an assortment of elbows and punches, though none of them are vicious enough to do any real damage. Winslow stands them up again. With a minute left, Smith needs a miracle to pull this one out. Sanders again scores a takedown and lands in side control against the cage. The fight ends as they ride out the rest of the time. 10-9 Sanders.

Official score: Sherdog.com saw it 30-27 for Sanders, as did all three ringside judges.

Justin Gaethje vs. Brian Cobb

Round 1
Gaethje fires a leg kick right off the bat. After a brief exchange, Gaethje misses with a wil head kick and is quickly taken down. Gaethje sweeps Cobb and secures side control, where he crushes Cobb with a hard knee to the body. Cobb latches on a somewhat tight arm triangle from his back, but Gaethje defends it well. Gaethje springs to his feet and engages Cobb. A punch drops Cobb, but Gaethje can’t finish his foe, who jumps back to his feet. Gaethje stalls after a missed flying knee and is quickly taken to his back, where Cobb is pulled into half guard. After a wild scramble, Cobb seizes Gaethje’s back and peppers him with punches. Gaethje stands up, but Cobb locks in the hooks. Gaethje flips him over, but Cobb is still all over him, though he can’t sink the choke. Cobb drags Gaethje to the canvas and secures a body triangle, but Gaethje is defending well. Cobb is landing several punches from both sides while trying to undo Gaethje’s tight defense. The round ends with Gaethje turtle up with Cobb on his back and landing pesky punches. 10-9 Cobb.

Round 2
Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Gaethje chopped Cobb down with low kicks.
Cobb fires a few left jabs, but then eats a wild right hand. Gaethje throws a few wild, sloppy punches but they miss their marks badly. Gaethje finally lands a hard right hand, which forces Cobb into the cage. They clinch, but Cobb can’t take him down. They engage in a wild, erratic exchange, with Gaethje getting the better of them. Cobb clinches and presses his foe into the fence, looking for a takedown. Gaethje reverses position. Cobb breaks free and sneaks off to his left, but Gaethje lands a hard, albeit glancing right hand.

With two minutes left, Gaethje is swinging very wildly, gunning for a spectacular knockout but he’s way off target. Cobb jabs and shoots in but he is stuffed. Gaethje presses him into the cage and lands a nice right elbow to the side of the head. Cobb fires off a right hand, but Gaethje counters with a leg kick and right uppercut. They separate and Cobb opens up in the center of the cage, but Gaethje is all over him. Gaethje lands a jumping knee at the horn; both are exhausted. 10-9 Gaethje.

Round 3
They exchange immediately, but Cobb is kicked square in the groin by accident. He’s given a while to rest and eventually continues. Mazzagatti warns Gaethje. Gaethje lands a few stinging low kicks. Cobb is sticking and moving relatively well, but Gaethje is landing the harder, more telling blows when they exchange. Cobb swings wildly with three hooks, but misses them all. Gaethje answers with another leg kick and right hand. Gaethje is attacking Cobb’s left leg over and over. A vicious kick staggers Cobb badly. His leg is shot and Gaethje swamrs him. Another brutal leg kick, followed by a left hook and Mazzagatti has seen enough. He jumps in to the stop the assault, resulting in the first stoppage of any sort of the entire night. The official time of the TKO came at 2:19 of the third round.

Jacob Volkmann vs. Lyle Beerbohm

Round 1
Beerbohm fires a leg kick immediately when Volkmann drops levels. Beerbohm engages and clinches with his foe along the cage. Volkmann reverses position and traps Fancy Pants into the fence. They scramble and Volkmann is reversed, though he latches onto Beerbohm’s neck. With no guillotine to be had, Volkmann lets go and instead hammers away at his opponent’s body. Beerbohm has control of Volkmann’s left leg, but can’t flip Volkmann over and spring back to his feet. Volkmann reaches down and grabs onto fancy Pants’ leg, but nothing comes of it. After a scramble, Volkmann climbs aboard his foe’s back but can’t sink in the hooks. Finally the hooks are dug and Volkmann tries the rear naked choke. Beerbohm is able to spin out of it and sweep Volkmann, who then scrambles back to his feet. Beerbohm pins him into cage and tries to take him down, but Volkmann’s posture and base are strong. Referee Chris Tognoni separates them with about 30 seconds left and Beerbohm shoots in again. He’s stuffed. 10-9 Volkmann.

Round 2
Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Volkmann cruised past Beerbohm.
Volkmann lands a meager kick to the body right away. Beerbohm is stalking him and quickly presses him up against the cage. Fancy Pants digs a few left hooks to the body and a knee to the thigh. Volkmann grabs the neck, but there’s no choke there. He drops levels to defend Beerbohm’s takedown attempt and when nothing comes from it, they separate. Again Beerbohm presses him into the cage. Very little action for the next minute as they remain clinched along the fence. Volkmann against latches onto the neck, but the guillotine isn’t tight. Beerbohm pops his head out, but remains in Volkmann’s chest.

Thankfully Tognoni separates them with a minute left. They charge at each other, but once again Beerbohm clinches and forces him into the cage. Volkmann forces a separation 30 seconds later but misses his punch and kick. The crowd is booing at the end of the round. 10-9 Beerbohm.

Round 3
Beerbohm rushes in but misses the clinch. They exchange a few clanking blows and after Beerbohm misses a shot, Volkmann slinks around and gets his back. Volkmann digs both hooks in, but he can’t get his arm around for the choke. Beerbohm shucks him off and scrambles out of harm’s way, but Volkmann is quick to react, seizing his back again. Volkmann wraps up the body triangle from the back and gets his right arm under the neck, but Fancy pants defends the choke well. Volkmann is relentless in his pursuit of the rear naked choke, but Beerbohm’s defense is superb. Volkmann is rocking him from side to side in an effort to break the defense, but Fancy Pants is keen to every move. Volkmann peppers him with some reach around punches, but he still cannot sink the choke. With a minute left, Berrbohm needs to do something or else it’s unlikely he’ll get the decision. Volkmann still has his back but simply can’t break through the defense of Beerbohm. The round ends with Volkmann on Beerbohm’s back. 10-9 Volkmann.

Official score: Sherdog.com scores it 29-28 Volkmann. Official: 30-27 (twice) 29-28 for Volkmann.

Steve Carl vs. Tyson Steele

Round 1
Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Carl tapped out Steele in round one.
Steele starts the fight off with a front kick, but it misses. Steele is launching kicks from various angles but Carl is stone-faced and undeterred. Carl unfurls a flurry of punches, but most of them miss. Carl steps on the gas and charges at Steele, who misses a side kick. Carl takes him down hard and immediately seizes his back, latching on an extremely deep rear naked choke. Carl rolls him over, strengthening the choke, forcing the tap. The official time of the submission comes at 1:32 of round one.

Jon Fitch vs. Josh Burkman

Round 1
Photo: D. Mandel/Sherdog.com

Burkman needed only 41 seconds to stop Fitch.
“A rematch seven years in the making” finally is under way. After touching gloves, Fitch misses with a sweeping leg kick. Burkman is moving away from the charging Fitch. The former UFC welterweight title challenger lunges in to attack, but he eats a short right hand. The pounch staggers him back. Fitch is badly hurt and just as he tries to regain his footing, Burkman grabs his neck. The standing guillotine is deep! Burkman drops to guard and locks it in. Fitch is trying to fend it off, but it’s extremely tight. Fitch goes limp and referee Steve Mazzagatii watches as Burkman removes himself from off him, who then raises his hands in victory. The official time is 0:41 of the opening frame.
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