

Bellator 60 Results & Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com will report from The Venue at Horseshoe Hammond in Hammond, Ind., at approximately 7 p.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of Bellator 60, which is headlined by Joe Warren's Bellator featherweight title defense against Pat Curran, and features the quarterfinals of Bellator's Season 6 145-pound tournament.

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Dave Mandel

Da Silva took Reardanz out.
Genair da Silva vs. Bobby Reardanz
Round 1
Reardanz misses a couple kicks, lots of circling as they feel each other out. Da Silva clinches and knees against the cage and Reardanz responds with knees. Da Silva controls against the fencing and lands a few body shots before taking it to the ground. Reardanz closes his guard and da Silva stands, then lands a big right hand. Da Silva stands again and Reardanz also gets to his feet. Reardanz lands some big kicks and goes for a single against the cage, but da Silva defends. Da Silva lands big shots and takes it to the ground, where he goes for a brabo. He is landing a huge right hand from the top and continues landing heavy strikes. 10-9 da Silva.

Round 2
Big kicks from da Silva and it goes to the ground. Da Silva attacks the legs of Reardanz, who goes back to his feet. Reardanz goes for a takedown and it’s stuffed; da Silva responds with kicks and goes for an anaconda choke. Da Silva landing big punches from guard and then stands. Reardanz stands again and lands a glancing head kick. Huge low kick, which knocks Reardanz off his feet. Reardanz barely can stand but gets to his feet anyway and is greeted by an inside kick by da Silva. A kick/trip brings Reardanz back to the ground and da Silva lets him stand and then lands a spinning-back kick and more kicks. Reardanz is getting worked here; he keeps standing but can barely get up. Flying knee followed by more knees to the head and body and kicks by da Silva and another kick, which knocks Reardenz down. Reardanz goes for a single but da Silva defends with punches and passes to side control. 10-8 Genair da Silva.

Round 3
Another huge thigh kick by da Silva knocks down Reardenz and the Brazilian follows up by landing a flurry of unanswered strikes until the bout is stopped. Winner by referee stoppage due to unanswered strikes, Genair sa Silva wins at the 0:59 mark of round three.

Bellator Featherweight Tournament Quarterfinal

Alexandre Bezerra vs. Kenny Foster
Round 1
D. Mandel

Bezerra tapped out Foster.
Foster comes out in southpaw stance and Bezzera misses a low kick, then Foster misses a big overhand left. Bezzera lands a takedown and Foster goes back to his feet and holds Bezerra against the cage. Bezzera lands some small shots as Foster looks for a single. The two separate and Bezerra scores with some big kicks. Foster responds by working for a headkick of his own but trips, and then gets right back up. Another hard kick by Bezerra, who also lands some strikes. He shoots for a single and Foster goes for a guillotine. Inside kick by Bezerra, who appears to be winning the striking war. Bezerra misses a knee but Foster does not capitalize. 10-9 Bezerra.

Round 2
Bezerra comes out striking and Foster responds with kicks and strikes; he is pushing the pace more this round and his footwork looks better, but Bezerra still lands hard kicks and a nice takedown. Foster responds with a takedown of his own and looks to have Bezerra's back, but they are against the cage and the angle is awkward.

Bezerra spins out and they're in the center of the cage. Some crazy gymnastics action and Bezerra is pressing forward. Nice left by Foster as the two continue trading. Foster goes for a takedown and Bezerra goes for a guillotine, Bezerra ends up on top and then gets back control, where he lands heavy shots from the top. With just seconds left in the round, Bezerra sneaks in a slick rear-naked choke and Foster taps with just seconds left in the round. Bezerra wins in 4:57 of round two via RNC.

Shamar Bailey vs. Josh Shockley
Round 1
D. Mandel

Shockley decisioned Bailey.
Bailey comes out swinging, landing heavy kicks and punches. Shockley goes for a takedown and then clinches against the cage and they jockey for underhooks, then Shockley lands a huge slam takedown. Baliey maintains the underhook and gets to his knees, and they stand. Shockley lands a straight right hand but seems a bit tentative. Shockley has Bailey against the cage and has a bodylock, but Bailey ends on top in the scramble. Shockley reverses and is working to pass Bailey's half guard. And he's got it, ending up in mount, taking the back briefly but Bailey recomposes half guard. Bailey is back to his knees and Shockley lands some elbows from North/South. He stands back up and they spin around with Bailey briefly on Shockley's back as the round ends. 10-9 Shockley.

Round 2
Bailey lands some kicks but Shockley moves forward with punches. A jab from Shockley. Bailey lands a brutal low kick and the ref gives Shockley time to recover. A bucket is brought in the cage. After what seems like forever, Shockley gets back up and it's on.

Leather swinging and the two trade kicks with Bailey pushing forward. Shockley ends up in Bailey's open guard. Bailey's back to his knees and reverses position, but Shockley lands a takedown off of a body lock. Bailey ties him up to protect himself from damage, but Shockley maintains top position. 10-9 Shockley.

Round 3
Shockley starts the round with a takedown. Bailey's got one butterfly hook in but Shockley lands punches as Bailey tries to tie him up. Shockley passes half guard and holds reverse scarfhold position. Some scrambling and Shockley is in half guard again but lands strikes and elbows from the top. Bailey wants to push off the cage but is unsuccessful and Shockley is landing strikes to the head and then the body. Shockley lands a huge slam with just seconds left in the round. 10-9 Shockley.

Official scores: Scores are not announced, but Shockley takes the unanimous decision.

D. Mandel

Sandro floored and finished Vargas.

Bellator Featherweight Tournament Quarterfinal

Marlon Sandro vs. Roberto Vargas
Round 1
Sandro lands a couple of kicks. Vargos catches a kick and lands some shots and then Sandro wakes up and comes in with heavy hands. Vargas looks for a single, gets back up and is peppered with a big uppercut and flurry of punches. Sandro lands a beautiful flying knee, followed by another knee. They scramble on the ground with Vargas trying to fire back, but Sandro is swinging for the fences. Huge uppercut and is teeing off, then lands on top turtle and is landing punches. He has both hooks in and stretches Vargas out, then sinks in a rear-naked choke until Vargas taps. Marlon Sandro defeats Roberto Vargas via submission (rear naked choke) at 3:35 of round one.

Bellator Featherweight Tournament Quarterfinal

Ronnie Mann vs. Mike Corey
Round 1
Mann lands some kicks and the two circle, then Mann moves forwards with a combination. Corey works a takedown against the cage but the two separate. Mann working strikes and Corey responds but trips and ends up on the bottom. Corey works for an omoplata and Mann pressures him down but Corey gets back up to his feet. Corey's hands are a little low as Mann comes in with punches, but Corey secures a takedown, landing some big shots and some knees to the body from half guard. 10-10.

Round 2
Great footwork and heavy punches from Mike Corey. Mann responds with some strikes of his own and the two continue to trade strikes. Corey secures the takedown and lands punches and elbows from the top. Mann regains guard but is still taking som shots to the head. Mann works for an armbar but can't finish it. Corey landing punch after punch to the face of Ronnie Man, who tries to push off the cage and work for an armbar but does not succeed. 10-9 Corey.

Round 3
D. Mandel

Corey outpointed Mann.
Mann comes out swinging and Corey responds in kind. Corey lands a takedown and it's more of the same: strikes from the top. Mann works lockdown position from bottom half guard but is eating knees and a flurry of punches. Corey seems to be looking for an arm triangle but then switches back to punches. Mann is thinking about an armbar but then closes his guard. Corey is putting on a ground and pound clinic: boy, body head. Mann is turtled and is working for a foot but Corey spins to side control and lands more punches. 10-9 Corey.

Official scores: Mike Corey takes a unanimous decision with scores of 29-28 across the board.

Bellator Featherweight Tournament Quarterfinal

Daniel Straus vs. Jeremy Spoon
Round 1
Spoon comes out with kicks and Straus works a tie and briefly gets Spoon's back but Spoon spins out and the two square off in the center. Spoon lands some clean shots and Straus responds in kind. Big kick from Spoon and a huge punch and takedown from Straus. Spoon has two butterfly hooks and pushes on Strauss's head to try to stand. Strauss maintains control until Spoon rolls out, with Strauss landing knees to the body. Low kick by Spoon and after a break they square off again. Flying knee from Straus. Back and forth punches; inside leg kick and a headkick from Straus. 10-9 Straus.

Round 2
D. Mandel

Straus outhustled Spoon.
Spoon trying for an early takedown which he doesn't finish, but he is pressing Straus against the cage in clinch. Spoon works to reverse and they separate, with Straus landing kicks ... and another inadvertent low blow. Spoon takes some time to recover and they start again. Straus is landing big kicks but Spoon catches one and again works for the takedown. He doesn't finish but has Straus against the cage and they work in the clinch. Spoon is looking for the takedown but the two trade knees. Straus separates and they square up in the center. Big inside leg kick from Straus and Spoon works hard for the single, but Straus defends. Spoon has an underhook but Straus has wrist control and they're trading knees. Spoon gets a takedown, gets Straus' back briefly and they stand.

Again Straus is against the cage, but this time he reverses and ends up on top. He is landing punches with Spoon pressed against the cage and looks to be trying to set up a brabo choke. Lots of scrambling at the end. 10-9 Straus.

Round 3
Lots of kicks traded and Straus works for a takedown. Spoon sprawls. Spoon presses Straus against the cage and is working knees. Straus maintains the whizzer and the two separate. Straus moving forward landing kicks and strikes. Spoon is landing shots too but Straus looks to be controlling. The inside leg kicks from Straus are adding up. Now Spoon works to push forward and Straus responds in kind. Spoon has Straus against the cage again but separates after Straus lands a big punch. Straus follows up with heavy shots, but again Spoon catches a leg and works clinch against the cage. He gets a brief takedown in the last seconds of the round. 10-9 Straus.

Official decision: Daniel Straus takes the unanimous dicision with scores of 29-28 (twice) and 30-27.

Bellator Featherweight Championship

Joe Warren vs. Pat Curran
Round 1
Warren catches a kick from Curran early in the round. Curran stands but Warren has his back. Curran works to squirm out and eats a few knees. A few little shots from Curran and he's up. Curran reverses in clinch. Warren lands a knee and Curran responds with a big elbow and the two separate. Warren works for a takedown again but Curran stands, a nd Warren works for his back. Curran spins out and the meet in the center again. Once again, Warren works for a takedown and Curran stands. Warren works the seatbelt but Curran spins out. Huge headkick from Curran who capitalizes with heavy shots moving forward. Warren is working his Greco but Curran is ready for it. Huge knee from Curran and Warren again works for a takedown but can't finish it. He does land some shots and eventually finishes the takedown, ending in seatbelt position with no hooks in at the end of the round. 10-9 Curran.

D. Mandel

Curran mauled Warren.
Round 2
Warren secures a takedown but Curran reverses and they are back to their feet. Warren moves forward with combinations. Curran is cut but is stuffing takedown attempts from the Greco-Roman wrestler, responding with punches. Warren grabs a leg after a failed shot and is teeing off with knees against the cage, but Curran works his whizzer and defends the takedown, landing punches. Curran lands the takedown and is in side control but Curran again shows poise under pressure and scrambles out. More takedown attempts from the champ but Curran is ready and he turns up the heat, landing big kicks at the end of the round. 10-9 Warren.

Round 3
Warren comes out looking for a takedown but Pat is ready for it and defends. Another failed single-leg takedown attempt by Warren, but he does land some punches. Big knee by Pat which dazes Warren and Curran follows up with a series of brutal strikes, flying knees and heavy punches. How is the referrer not stopping this? Curran is teeing off with straight rights, knees and uppercuts until Warren is knocked out cold. The official time is 1:25 of round three.

D. Mandel

McCorkle stopped White.
Sean McCorkle vs. Richard White
Round 1
Big Sexy landing strikes and secures a takedown. He passes to half guard and lands elbows from the top, then looks to be isolating an arm. McCorkle then transitions to a neck crank for a quick and easy win in just 1:02 into the first round.

Travis Wiuff vs. Anthony Gomez
Round 1
Wiuff comes out swinging for the fences, and it goes to the ground as he continues pounding away. Gomez regains guard and works for head control and to break Wiuff's posture, but Wiuff postures up and lands another big punch. Gomez stands and Wiuff controls the clinch and then lands a beautiful takedown. He is in reverse scarfhold position. Gomez regains half guard but Wiuff works for Gomez's back. They stand and Gomez reverses and it's a pummeling war. Gomez frames on Wiuff's face but gets taken down in the process. Gomez ties up, then gets his hips out and is looking to work seated upright guard. And they stand, with Gomez spinning out. Wiuff fires a few more shots until the bell rings.
Wiuff, 10-9.

D. Mandel

Wiuff bested Gomez.
Round 2
Wiuff works to clinch against the cage and Gomez responds with knees. The two jockey for position but Gomez ends on the bottom, trying his best to tie up Wiuffsarms. Wiuff works for position but Gomez spins out and now he's in Wiuff's half guard. Gomez landing some head and body shots and Wiuff closes his guard and works for head control. Gomez lands punches and passes to half guard. Big elbows and punches. The ref stands them up.

Wiuff lands another takedown but Gomez is punching from the bottom and stands. Knees from Gomez. Wiuff 10-9.

Round 3
Wiuff has Gomez against the fence and they jockey for underhooks. Gomez and Wiuff trade punches. Wiuff has more success, following up his jabs with straight rights. Wiuff gets a takedown. Gomez works butterfly and half butterfly guard and looks to be setting up for an elevator sweep, but then stands up. He is working for a guillotine as Wiuff works for a takedown and they pummel for position. Wiuff lands a knee and a takedown to side control. He is landing knees. Gomez regains half guard, then full guard but Wiuff is landing punch after punch. Wiuff 10-9.

Official Decision: Wiuff takes the unanimous decision with scores of 29-28 across the board.

Cory Galloway vs. Jake Nauracy
Round 1
D. Mandel

Nauracy put away Galloway.
The two trade punches and Nauracy lands a big one which drops Galloway and he ends up inside his guard. Nauracy lands an elbow as Gallowayworks high guard. Galloway is defending but Nauracy lands heavy strikes and elbows and works to half guard. Galloway reverses and the two are back on their feet. Nauracy lands heavy shots. Galloway gets a takedown. They get up with Nauracy swinging for the fences, he is on his back but then works for a single. Galloway lands a big overhand right. Nauracy 10-9.

Round 2
It's a slugfest as the two trade shots but Galloway slips after a kick and Nauracy capitalizes. Nauracy works to pass half guard as Galloway tries to strike from the bottom.

Nauracy postures up and lands an elbow, and Galloway lands some shots to the body from the bottom. Nauracy takes Galloway's back and has both hooks in. Galloway defends a rear naked choke attempt and works to control Nauracy's wrists, but the choke is sunk in tight and he taps. Jake Nauracy wins via RNC at the 4:22 mark.
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