

UFC 153 Results: ‘Silva vs. Bonnar’ Play-by-Play & Updates

UFC 153 Fight Card

Sherdog.com will report from HSBC Arena in Rio de Jeneiro at approximately 6:45 p.m. ET/3:45 p.m. PT with play-by-play and live results of UFC 153, which is headlined by a light heavyweight duel pitting Anderson Silva against Stephan Bonnar.

Check out the MMA Forums to discuss the card.


Cristiano Marcello vs. Reza Madadi

Round 1
Marcello keeps Madadi at bay with a few front kicks, then drives a solid knee to the body when the “Mad Dog” presses in. He misses a big right, ties up and knees Madadi’s body again. Jabs from Marcello now as Madadi tries to come inside; Madadi backs off, then comes forward with long punches, grazing Marcello with a left hook. Madadi ducks a punch, pops up and lands a left hook, then a right. The lightweights clinch up briefly and split, and Madadi pushes in with another series of hooks. Marcello is on his back foot with Madadi giving chase, and Marcello grabs a headlock. Madadi escapes the clinch and goes back to striking, and Marcello’s nose is bloodied as Madadi starts piling on the punches. Madadi hits a takedown with 40 seconds left but quickly backs away. He doesn’t want to let Marcello up and instead stands over him until ref Fernando Yamasaki orders the Brazilian to stand. Marcello tries to find Madadi with kicks but the round expires.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Madadi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Madadi
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Madadi

Round 2
Madadi comes at the Brazilian with more punches, hooks and uppercuts, and tags him with a few before backing away and covering up from the counters. Marcello gets off a body kick, but Madadi hits him right back with another uppercut-hook combo. Marcello backpedals, then stands firm and hits Madadi with a body blow. Marcello is starting to find a home for his punches now and Madadi is bleeding around the eye. A brief clinch on the cage with Madadi on the outside yields nothing. Madadi sticks a jab, presses in while windmilling and hits an uppercut. Marcello circles off the cage, pumps his own jab and another body kick. Madadi is undeterred and wobbles Marcello with a big right hand. Marcello won’t go down though, and he circles away to return fire with wide, winging punches. Madadi grins at him, then Marcello wraps him up and pulls guard. They’re on the ground 30 seconds before ref Yamasaki orders them up. Marcello finishes the round strong with an uppercut, a front kick and a three-piece combo.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Madadi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Madadi
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-10

Round 3
Madadi is getting the better of the standup early before Marcello pulls guard but it only lasts a moment before Madadi backs out and Marcello is stood up as well. The jabs of Marcello are landing as Madadi constantly comes forward. He gets Marcello against the fence and pops him with a few punches. A spinning back kick from Marcello lands and the crowd cheers; Madadi takes a moment to bow and the crowd boos. Right hand over the top and an uppercut has Marcello on the retreat. He dives on Madadi’s legs, gets stood up and lands a knee to Madadi’s body. Suddenly it’s Marcello coming forward, landing body blows and jabs as Madadi backs off. Both men are spent as the fight enters its final minute, and they take turns coming forward, pawing with punches. Marcello lands an inside leg kick and finishes the bout kicking at Madadi’s body.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Marcello (29-28 Madadi)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Marcello (29-28 Madadi)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Marcello (29-29 Draw)

Official result: The judges score the bout 29-28 Madadi, 29-28 Marcello and 30-27 for the winner by split decision, Cristiano Marcello.

Luiz Cane vs. Chris Camozzi

Round 1
Camozzi comes out with a kick to the body, sticks a jab and then slaps Cane with an inside leg kick. He’s got Cane on the move early, firing left hands over the top at his fellow southpaw. Camozzi takes a finger to the eye but they slap gloves and keep fighting. Camozzi catches Cane with a knee to the body as Cane bounces off the fence. They tie up and Cane whips around to take Camozzi’s back standing, then drags the American to the floor. Cane has one hook in as Camozzi tries to fight his hands off and defend the rear-naked choke. Cane locks up the neck crank, trying to sink his forearm under Camozzi’s chin, but he can’t get it. Camozzi gets to his knees, then his feet, where he pops Cane with a quick knee in the clinch. Two minutes left in the round now and Camozzi is coming forward again, throwing left hands up top and knees to the body. Camozzi is swarming on Cane with leg kicks, hooks and knees , and not letting Cane get off much in return. Both middleweights connect with solid hooks almost simultaneously, just before the horn.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Cane
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Camozzi
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Camozzi

Round 2
Camozzi looking aggressive again early in round two, though this gives way after 60 seconds to a slower pace and leg kicks instead of punches. The kicks still have some zip behind them, but Cane isn’t showing their effects. He gives Camozzi a few in return, and Camozzi attacks the breadbasket while trying to corner Cane against the fence. Camozzi is stringing together some good left hands and leg kicks both inside and out as he moves Cane around the cage. Camozzi tries a standing elbow and gets clinched up by Cane; they split almost instantly and Camozzi keeps leg-kicking. Cane tries to get inside and Camozzi sticks him with a stiff counter jab. Cane throws five punches and grazes Camozzi’s temple with one. He stuffs a shot from Camozzi and gets cracked with a left hook. Cane nearly goes down but regains his balance and finishes the round on his feet.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Camozzi
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Camozzi
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Camozzi

Round 3
Camozzi presses Cane into the fence, lands a few shots but takes a left hand in return as Cane circles out. Camozzi just throws up his hands and urges Cane to come forward. Cane comes on the offensive, landing an inside leg kick and a two-piece combo behind it. Cane misses with a wide right, catches Camozzi with a left hand and keeps coming forward. Another right hand and Camozzi staggers backward a little, but then comes back with a leg kick. Slipping a right hand, Cane changes levels for a takedown but gets stood up by Camozzi. Now it’s Cane pressing the action, looking for the homerun shot and finding a cracking left hand. Another Cane stuff is shot, but he stands up and socks Camozzi with a one-two. Camozzi sticks a left and then makes Cane circle out with a right hook. Cane gets the last word, though, tagging Camozzi with a hard right hand just before the final horn.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Cane (29-28 Cane)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Cane (29-28 Camozzi)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Cane (29-28 Camozzi)

Official result: All three judges score the bout 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Chris Camozzi.

Renee Forte vs. Sergio Moraes

Round 1
It’s a slow start as Moraes circles the outside and Forte stalks toward him in the first 45 seconds. Forte comes forward swinging and Moraes wraps him up to hit an easy trip takedown. Forte is right back to his feet, but Moraes keeps hold and presses him into the fence with a single-leg. Forte fights the wrists of Moraes, pushes him away and gets his back off the cage. Moraes dives on Forte’s waist and slams him down, but again Forte pops back up. After a few seconds on the cage, Moraes drags his countryman down and shortly afterward attempts to leap on Forte’s back. Forte gets out the backdoor and stand over the bicycle-kicking Moraes until ref Mario Yamasaki issues a stand-up order. Forte catches a kick, can’t reach Moraes with a counter right. Forte starts to add on some punches in the last minute, getting inside on the backward-moving Moraes to crack the jiu-jitsu specialist with straight shots.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Forte
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Moraes
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Moraes

Round 2
Moraes wraps Forte up but can’t get him down. He keeps coming forward until Forte catches him with a combo. Moraes raises his arms, then comes inside, grabs hold of Forte’s legs and drags him down along the base of the fence. Forte uses the fence to inch up and gets to his feet, then denies another takedown attempt. Moraes goes to Forte’s legs again and Forte stands him right up. Forte gets off a few kicks and solid hooks before Moraes shoots again. Forte turns him away and punishes him with a knee to the body. Clinch from Moraes now and he puts Forte’s back on the cage as boos start up. Ref Yamasaki doesn’t let the welterweights stay there long and splits them with about a minute left. Forte cracks Moraes with a good hook and an even better uppercut, and Moraes is in trouble. Forte pounces but Moraes wraps him up, and Forte finishes the round slapping at Moraes’ legs from the standing position.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Moraes
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Forte
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Forte

Round 3
Forte slaps with a high kick to the body and Moraes again raises his arms. Forte dips in and out to clip Moraes with a left hand and avoid a wild counter. Moraes times a leg kick well and pops Forte with a good right hand, but Forte charges back with hands flying. Moraes dives on a takedown, keeps after it and latches onto Forte’s back with the second effort. Forte stands up with Moraes on his back, trying to soften him up with a rear-naked choke. Halfway through the final round and Moraes goes for a neck crank, but Forte fights the wrists and escapes. Forte leans forward, trying to shake Moraes off his back. It nearly works the first time, but Moraes keeps his position and rolls through on the next attempt. Forte is caught and he’s forced to tap out to the RNC at 3:10 of round three.

Diego Brandao vs. Joey Gambino

Round 1
Brandao drops Gambino with a head kick early and swarms him with punches from side control. Gambino regains his senses and scrambles back to his feet. He catches Brandao leg-kicking and pops him with a good left hand counter up top. Brandao scores with a hard outside leg kick, then has a high kick blocked. Gambino ducks inside with a combination and Brandao’s counters pull up short. Brandao gets Gambino back a few seconds later with a front kick that sends the American back into the fence. Gambino’s right hand gets through, but a follow-up leg kick is caught by Brandao, who pulls trips Gambino to the canvas after a few seconds struggling on the fence. From side control, Brandao drops short elbows on Gambino’s face. Gambino gets to half-guard when he catches Brandao stepping over. Gambino kicks Brandao’s chest, gets some space and stands up. Brandao slaps him with a body kick as he stands, but Gambino cracks him -- and cuts him open -- with a big left hand. They finish the round clinching on the cage with Gambino on the outside.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brandao
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Brandao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brandao

Round 2
Gambino steps in and pops Brandao with a one-two, gets tripped up and still manages to graze Brandao’s body with a turning kick as he steps away. Brandao drops Gambino with an overhand right and it sounds like a baseball bat. Gambino comes to his senses as Brandao follows him to the floor and nearly steps into mount. Gambino catches him and stuffs Brandao back to half-guard, then full guard. Brandao drops a few stiff elbows through the guard and Gambino pivots his hips for an armbar. Brandao stands up, extracts his limb and wants Gambino back on the feet. Body blow from Brandao is followed by an outside leg kick, and he puts Gambino on the fence with a high double-leg. Gambino nearly escapes but Brandao keeps after it and brings Gambino down again. The action slows on the ground and ref Fernando Yamasaki orders them up with a minute to go. It’s Gambino pushing forward, pawing with jabs and then swinging combinations but not getting through. Brandao telegraphs a spinning backfist just before the horn which Gambino stays clear of.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brandao
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Brandao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brandao

Round 3
Gambino is looking to take Brandao’s head off early in the final frame, swinging for the fences with uppercuts and overhands. He sticks a left in the face of Brandao, who’s trying to bob and weave, mostly steering clear of the punches. Brandao catches a kick and sends Gambino to the ground with a straight counter. He barks at Gambino and tells ref Yamasaki to stand him up. It’s not long before Brandao grabs hold of Gambino again, this time with underhooks, and trips him down. Brandao keeps busy in guard with elbows to the head and punches to Gambino’s body. Gambino swings his hips but Brandao passes to half-guard anyway, and the ref wants them up with 90 seconds left. Good jab from Brandao and he blocks a high kick on the shoulder. Gambino doubles up on a jab and sticks a strong right hand through. Gambino lands another combo but Brandao just stands there with his hands down. Brandao slugs Gambino with a right hand that backs the American up. With 10 seconds left, Brandao begins dancing backward, knowing he’s about to take a decision win.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brandao (30-27 Brandao)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Brandao (30-27 Brandao)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brandao (30-27 Brandao)

Official result: All three judges score the bout 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision, Diego Brandao.

Gleison Tibau vs. Francisco Trinaldo

Round 1
The Brazilians are tentative at first, swinging tight, short punches. After a minute, though, Tibau explodes forward and puts Trinaldo on the ground at the base of the fence. Trinaldo stands up, but Tibau grabs a guillotine and pulls guard, squeezing the choke tight as he takes Trinaldo back down with him. Trinaldo stands again and pops his head loose, so Tibau stands and puts Trinaldo’s back to the fence. Trinaldo punches around the side with body shots and Tibau replies with a knee to the gut as they break. Tibau catches a Trinaldo leg kick and socks him with a left hand before plowing him down again. Trinaldo is quick to stand and move forward on Tibau, who wades backward until he can wrap Trinaldo up again. Tibau has overhooks, pinning Trinaldo on the cage, but Trinaldo pummels and takes the outside. Tibau gets overhooks again and moves off the fence, tries to clinch but gets slipped off by Trinaldo. Now it’s Trinaldo who clinches and he unloads with a series of hard knees to Tibau’s body. Tibau hits another takedown with about 30 seconds left and Trinaldo keeps a tight guard for the remainder of the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tibau
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tibau
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tibau

Round 2
Trinaldo inches toward Tibau, trying to find the range with a few dozen extensions of his right arm. Tibau steps off with a right hand and Trinaldo gives him a stiff jab in return. Tibau comes in to clinch on the cage with underhooks. Trinaldo reverses and lands an elbow over the top as they split. Trinaldo comes forward swinging a wild right hand; that one misses, but the follow-up left lands right on Tibau’s temple, and the UFC veteran wilts to the mat. Trinaldo is all over him, jumping on Tibau’s back immediately and working for a rear-naked choke. Tibau rolls to his back and Trinaldo already has an arm-triangle choke framed up. Trinaldo steps off to the side and squeezes to finish, but Tibau rolls the other way and gets loose. Now working from half-guard, Trinaldo postures up and smashes Tibau with some hard hammerfists. Tibau nonetheless pushes him out to closed guard, but he keeps eating punches, forearms and elbows. Trinaldo keeps moving, getting back to half-guard before the round ends.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Trinaldo
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Trinaldo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Trinaldo

Round 3
Both lightweights are slinging leather at the start of the final frame, and it’s Trinaldo who gets off with a big shot before being taken down by Tibau. Again keeping a closed guard, Trinaldo avoids severe punishment from Tibau, who can only mash with short hammerfists. Tibau passes to half-guard with about three minutes to go and he’s still working to advance when ref Marc Goddard orders them back up. It only takes a few seconds for Tibau to hit another takedown, but again he stalls out in Trinaldo’s guard. He steps over into half-guard, then full mount with 1:40 on the clock. Trinaldo leaves his left arm hanging out and Tibau wraps up an arm-triangle. Tibau stays in mount as he squeezes on the choke and Trinaldo is able to survive, but Tibau finishes the fight in mount.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tibau (29-28 Tibau)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tibau (29-28 Tibau)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tibau (29-28 Tibau)

Official result: All three judges score the bout 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Gleison Tibau.

Rony Jason vs. Sam Sicilia

Round 1
A missed head kick sends “Rony Jason” spinning to the ground, and he dodges a murderous hook from Sicilia. Now it’s Rony landing a knee and a bit uppercut, putting Sicilia on wobbly legs. Sicilia regains his composure and chases the “Ultimate Fighter” winner, ultimately walking into another uppercut. Sicilia hits a takedown in the middle of the cage and sits in Rony’s open guard. Rony threatens to pivot for an armbar, so Sicilia socks him with a few good shots to the body and head, stands and then dives back in. Rony grabs for a triangle-armbar combo, so Sicilia stands up, shakes him off and dives back down. Another quick stand-up from ref Fernando Yamasaki and they’re back to striking. Rony scores with a knee to the body, has a front kick blocked as Sicilia dances out of range. A left hook clips Sicilia’s chin, he backs up and eats another big uppercut. Both men score with blows in the proceeding exchange and they slow down with 25 seconds left. Rony blitzes Sicilia on the fence with a head kick and a flurry of punches, finishing with a wide left hand, and that’s where the busy first round ends.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jason
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jason
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jason

Round 2
Sicilia is coming forward swinging huge right hands while Jason tries to counter, but neither lands anything big through the first 90 seconds of the round. Jason goes to the body and Sicilia just misses with a big uppercut. Sicilia connects with a hard right hook and a kick to the body. Jason blocks a left hook with his forearm but the right-hand uppercut behind it leaves him smiling at Sicilia. Half the round gone now and Sicilia is still trying to knock the Brazilian’s block off with uppercuts. The crowd is quiet until Jason catches Sicilia coming in with a knee, but Sicilia is quickly back in it with a right hand. Left hook to the body and a blocked right hand up top from Sicilia as Jason backpedals away. Jason backs Sicilia off with a pair of left hooks. Sicilia puts a right hand behind Jason’s ear, but Jason catches the body kick behind it and slugs Sicilia with a massive counter right. Sicilia is dazed when he hits the ground, and the extra hammerfists from Jason seal the deal. Ref Mario Yamasaki waves it off, giving the “TUF: Brazil” winner the TKO win at 4:16 of round two.

Demian Maia vs. Rick Story

Round 1
Story lands a left hook off the bat and Maia dives on the wrestler’s legs. It takes some work, but Maia drags Story to the ground at the base of the fence. Story uses the fence to stand and is instantly tripped back down. Maia keeps tight and hangs on as Story stands again, then pulls him to the ground again. Each time, Maia is getting closer to controlling Story’s back, and with three minutes to go in the round, Maia is on there. Maia looks for the rear-naked choke, can’t get under Story’s chin and instead goes with a neck crank. Story refuses to tap at first, but as Maia twists his head at an unnatural angle, Story relents. The tap comes at 2:30 of the first round.

Phil Davis vs. Wagner Prado

Round 1
Both men bounce in and out of range in the first minute, Prado slapping Davis’ forearms with a high kick and Davis backing him away by threatening with a combination. Davis tries to clinch but Prado is fast to escape the tie-up. Davis ducks a hook, changes levels and plows Prado to the base of the fence. Davis has Prado’s right shoulder pinned to the cage as he tries to step into mount. Good job by Prado to sit up against the fence and power back to his feet. Just as he’s standing, Prado stumbles and Davis traps his left leg, then begins working to take his back. Prado is repeatedly warned for grabbing the fence, but the Brazilian can’t help himself, seemingly grabbing the cage out of reflex. Prado manages to get up but is slammed right back down, where Davis socks him in the face with some stiff right hands. Now with a minute to go, Davis repeats the sequence and this time blasts Prado with some hard punches against the fence. The Brazilian crowd boos Davis’ offense, Prado gets up and Davis ragdolls him back down.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Davis
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Davis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Davis

Round 2
Prado is forced to the outside as Davis presses in. He tries to catch the wrestler with a knee, but Davis ultimately gets inside and onto the Brazilian’s legs. Prado gets taken down again, works his way back up and Davis grinds on him a bit before letting go of the clinch. Prado has a high kick deflected and Davis comes forward with a straight one-two. Davis dives on Prado’s legs from a mile out but still gets inside to hit a high double-leg and take Prado down. Prado is shrimping underneath Davis, clinging on and trying to avoid the elbows and punches coming from above. Davis grabs an arm-triangle choke and steps over to get more room on Prado’s left side. Prado twists loose and almost gets to his feet, but from his knees, Davis grabs a tight anaconda choke, rolls Prado and forces the tap. Wagner Prado is dejected as Phil Davis wins their rematch via submission at 4:29 of round two.

Jon Fitch vs. Erick Silva

Round 1
Fitch strikes first with a low kick while Silva stays on the outside with his hands low in a wide open stance. Silva lands a knee to the body, but Fitch grabs hold of it and hustles Silva to the canvas and nearly takes his back in the process. Fitch has one hook and is working for a second as Silva goes up and down along the fence. Fitch whips his right leg across the front of Silva but he doesn’t have the body triangle and he’s losing the position as Silva stands. Fitch recognizes this and slugs Silva with right hands, then tries a stand arm-triangle which looks tight at first, but Silva escapes midway through the round. Silva comes over the top with a cracking right hand and presses Fitch into the fence. Fitch explodes out and wants to clinch, but instead gets pushed into the fence again on the other side of the cage. Silva backs Fitch off with a spinning kick, but not for long. Fitch is soon inside again, now with a rear waistlock which draws jeers from the Rio crowd. Fitch manages to drag him down again before the end of the frame and finishes the round punching from back mount.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Fitch
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Fitch
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Fitch

Round 2
Fitch cracks Silva with a solid uppercut in the clinch, but Silva returns the favor and the Brazilian is all over Fitch as he hits the ground. Silva is waiting to advance position and instead allows Fitch to explode out of the bad spot. Fitch scrambles to pick the ankle and Silva makes him pay with big hammerfists to the body and head. Silva misses with a knee in the clinch and Fitch answers back with one that lands to the face, and another to Silva’s gut. Fitch changes levels on the fence and works to trip Silva down while Silva keeps his back to the fence. Fitch botches a trip and has his back taken by Silva, who drags Fitch to the mat. Silva is trying to get under the chin with a rear-naked choke with more than 90 seconds left on the clock. Silva’s back is on the mat with both hooks in, controlling Fitch, but still he can’t sink the RNC. Fitch does well to peel Silva’s wrists off and twists around to wind up in Silva’s wide open guard with 40 seconds to go. Silva covers up under fire and gives up his back, and now it’s Fitch trying for the choke. Fitch switches to an armbar, extends it, but loses his grip and time runs out.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Silva
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Silva
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Silva

Round 3
It’s a matter of seconds before Fitch has Silva on the ground again, and another few seconds before Fitch steps into mount. Fitch is battering the Brazilian, keeping a steady stream of right hands coming while trying to take full control of the back. Silva slips out, grabs a guillotine and pulls guard. Fitch gives a thumbs-up and Silva soon abandons the choke, now with Fitch on top. Silva looks exhausted and he does nothing to defend as Fitch mounts him and blasts him with punches. Ninety seconds to go and the only question is whether Silva will survive to hear the final horn. Fitch is just piling on the unanswered punches and elbows while Silva weakly flails underneath. Silva tries to wall-walk and escape out the back. It looks futile, but he escapes with seconds remaining, just long enough for Fitch to finish with a guillotine attempt.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Fitch (29-27 Fitch)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Fitch (29-27 Fitch)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Fitch (29-27 Fitch)

Official result: The judges score the bout 30-27, 29-28 and 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Jon Fitch.

Glover Teixeira vs. Fabio Maldonado

Round 1
Teixeira marches straight toward Maldonado and clips him with a combination, then fells his countryman with a left hook on the temple. Maldonado hits the ground, turtling at first and then on his back as Teixeira mounts and brutalizes him with heavy, heavy punches, forearms and elbows. Maldonado has recovered but he’s in a bad spot as he continues to squirm and attempt an escape. He turns on his side and Teixeira pops him with some especially heavy punches. Maldonado rolls to his back and that’s not much better, as a series of vicious elbows bust his face open. Teixeira stops striking, cinches up and arm triangle and steps off to Maldonado’s left side. Teixeira doesn’t have enough space with the cage on his own left, so he creates the space. Maldonado waits out the choke and Teixeira is forced to give it up. It’s not all bad, as Teixeira is able to easily step back into full mount and quickly resumes his punching assault. Maldonado finally gets back to his feet with a minute to go and he is a wobbly, bloody mess. Teixeira stands back and lets Maldonado stand against the fence, measuring his punches. Out of nowhere, Maldonado clips Teixeira with a pair of hard left hooks. Teixeira looks momentarily dazed, but Maldonado can’t capitalize and the round runs out.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-7 Teixeira
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Teixeira
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-7 Teixeira

Round 2
Teixeira hits another takedown early but Maldonado is able to stand back up this time and pumps his jab. Teixeira decides to bring the fight to the ground again and does so with ease by double-legging Maldonado on the fence. Maldonado gives up his back as he’s mounted by Teixeira, then rolls over and stuffs Teixeira back to half-guard. Maldonado’s left side is to the fence with Teixeira on his right, trying to mount again. Teixeira postures up to throw a few punches and it’s enough to get him to side control. Referee Mario Yamasaki watches Teixeira pound on Maldonado for another minute before calling in the cageside doctor. They ask Maldonado if he’s alright to continue, check his cuts and his vision, and the fight resumes. Maldonado lands a left hook but Teixeira comes right back with a left of his own that has Maldonado moving backward. Another hard left hook, then a one-two from Teixeira caps the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Teixeira
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Teixeira
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Teixeira

Soon after Maldonado sits down in his corner, the doctor advises referee Yamasaki to wave the bout off. Maldonado clearly doesn’t agree, as he leaps from his stool as soon as the decision is made. It’s too late, and Glover Teixeira picks up the TKO win via doctor stoppage after two rounds.

Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Dave Herman

Round 1
Herman tries to stiff-arm the incoming Nogueira and throws a body kick, but Nogueira gets inside anyway and wraps up the younger heavyweight. Good hips underneath land Herman on top and Nogueira shrimps underneath, trying to sweep until the American allows him back to his feet. Herman is on his back foot, landing solid knees and kicks to the body before Nogueira ties up again and clinches Herman into the cage. Nogueira wraps Herman’s waist with his right arm and throws left hands to Herman’s head and body. Herman escapes and moves backward, offering kicks as Nogueira marches in, looking to take Herman’s head off. Nogueira gets in the pocket and slugs Herman with a good one-two over the top. Herman lets Nogueira inside again and they clinch on the fence with Nog on the outside. Nog tries to drag Herman down but Herman gets the whizzer and stays upright. Herman forces Nog to block a high kick with his just-healed arm.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Nogueira
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Nogueira
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nogueira

Round 2
Herman comes out again in a wide, awkward stance, trying to keep Nogueira at bay with an extended right arm. Nogueira pays it no mind, steps inside and drops Herman with another right hand. The veteran pounces on Herman and passes to side control, where he leans from left to right, trying to crank a keylock on Herman’s right arm. Herman avoids the submission but gives up full mount, then surrenders his back. Nogueira is high on the back and in danger of slipping out, so he peels off to the side and tries for an armbar. Herman extracts his arm and scrambles up, then gets the better of a tie-up and takedown attempt. The next clinch from Nogueira yields a takedown and the Brazilian is immediately back to working for the armbar he lost before. Herman rolls the right way and tries to step over but can’t. Nogueira stays after it, wrenches the arm and finally forces the tap. The Rio crowd explodes as the local favorite gets the submission win at 4:31 of round two.

Anderson Silva vs. Stephan Bonnar

Round 1
Referee Marc Goddard is the third man in the cage for tonight’s 205-pound main event. Bonnar wastes not time in rushing at Silva, who slips as he moves around the edge of the cage. Bonnar takes the opportunity to lean on Silva and press him against the fence with underhooks. They fight for position on the cage, with Bonnar landing a short punch and changing levels for a double-leg. He doesn’t get the takedown as Silva twice stands him up with underhooks. Silva shoulder-shrugs Bonnar’s face and drives a knee to the body. Bonnar circles out but Silva remains with his back to the fence with his hands at his waist, baiting Bonnar in. Bonnar throws hands and a turning kick but can’t find the middleweight ace, who allows himself to be clinched with again. Silva takes a punch in the face and just keeps standing in front of Bonnar, egging him on. Bonnar tries to wrap Silva up, but Silva latches on to Bonnar’s arm, then trips him to the floor. As Bonnar scrambles up and staggers backwards, Silva hits him with a perfect, high knee to the solar plexus. Bonnar hits the ground in the fetal position and the last few punches from Silva are academic. Referee Goddard waves it off at 4:40 of the opening round, a vicious TKO win for Anderson Silva.

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