

UFC 181 Results: ‘Hendricks vs. Lawler 2’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas at approximately 7 p.m. ET with live UFC 181 updates.

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Alex White vs. Clay Collard

Round 1

Collard comes swinging at White with leaping knees and hooking punches, landing a couple lefts to the body before pushing White against the cage. The southpaw White creates some space and puts a hard, straight left in Collard’s breadbasket, then another. Collard misses with a two-punch combo, lands an outside leg kick behind it, then puts another strike down low after White slips to the ground and scrambles up. Collard swings his way into range and connects with a right hook as he backs White against the cage. The featherweights come back to the center, where White clips Collard with a couple hooks on the chin. Collard answers with a leg kick, sends a switch kick off White’s arm. With just over one minute remaining, Collard catches a kick and drags White to the ground, then presses him against the fence when he stands. Collard exits with an overhand left, lands a leg kick and gets caught by a counter left.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Collard
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Collard
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Collard

Round 2

Collard catches White coming forward and drops him with a counter left hook. White bounces back up, only to be sent back to the canvas by another punch near the fence. Collard tries to jump on his back, but White slips out the back door and takes top position. Just as quickly, White gives up the top to drop back for a heel hook attempt. Collard defends the submission but winds up pressed against the cage, where White drills him with a knee to the face. Another knee from White and he releases the Thai plum to reset in the center. Collard catches White with another left hook and a leg kick which strays low, prompting a verbal warning from referee Mark Smith. Collard catches a kick, can’t convert it into a takedown this time. He sends a straight right down the center to catch White walking into the pocket. White gets backed up by a leg kick and dives for a long takedown, sprawled on by Collard. An uppercut scores for White in the clinch, but “The Spartan” is wearing the worse of the damage on his face, sporting a cut beneath his eye and a bloody nose. Collard denies another takedown attempt, then decides to pull guard and immediately snares White in a triangle choke. White defends well and breaks the choke as Collard attempts to roll to the topside. They’re back on their feet, where White catches Collard with a standing elbow on the fence. Both guys are swinging wildly at the end of the round, and White makes up some ground by catching Collard with a combo.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Collard
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Collard
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Collard

Round 3

The featherweights are in no rush to engage at the start of round three, Collard staying on his back foot while White tries to work his way inside. After a minute or so, White gets through with a combination that appears to hurt Collard, though “Cassius” quickly recovers. Collard throws a sloppy punch and White steps in to lock up, so Collard runs over to the fence. White pops him with a couple punches before Collard drops levels to attempt a takedown. It doesn’t work, but Collard manages to hold White against the fence midway through the round. They’re back to striking with two minutes to go, until White whiffs on a spinning back fist and Collard plows him to the ground. White slaps on a triangle from underneath, connects with some hard shots which bloody Collard’s nose, but he loses the choke as Collard stands up. White misses with another spinning back fist and this time eats a counter left for his trouble. Collard pushes him to the fence with another double-leg shot, can’t get the takedown. Now it’s White with a takedown to side control in the final 10 seconds, and that’s where it ends.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 White (29-28 Collard)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 White (29-28 Collard)
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 White (29-28 Collard)

The Official Result

Clay Collard def. Alex White via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Sergio Pettis vs. Matt Hobar

Round 1

The first left hook from Hobar sends Pettis to the ground, but the Roufusport fighter recovers quickly and grabs hold of Hobar’s legs as “The Crowbar” comes to try and finish. Pettis trips up Hobar and scrambles back to his feet, and now it’s Pettis’ turn to land some hard shots in the pocket. Hobar changes levels and drives Pettis to the ground, where the Texan buries his face in Pettis’ chest and slows the pace. Pettis tries an armbar, can’t get it but does manage to land a pair of upkicks as Hobar stands to escape. Hobar stands up in Pettis’ guard a few moments later, eats a couple more upkicks, and this time Pettis rolls and escapes to his feet with about 2:00 on the clock. Pettis swipes Hobar’s face with a right high kick that has Hobar shooting for his man’s legs, and Pettis snuffs out the takedown attempt. Hobar lands a counter right hook in the next exchange, then a push kick to the body and a low kick inside. Pettis catches a kick and tries to hustle Hobar to the ground, but Hobar winds up on top in north-south position and keeps Pettis kneeling to the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Hobar
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pettis
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Hobar

Round 2

Pettis cracks Hobar with a left high kick, shuts down a takedown attempt and goes back upstairs with the right leg. Hobar is on his back foot now, with Pettis pressing forward throwing body-head combinations. Hobar falls to the ground and begins taking some hard shots to the face while referee Mario Yamasaki looks on from nearby. Ninety seconds into the round, Hobar pulls Pettis into his closed guard and slows the pace again. Referee Yamasaki stands them up with 2:20 left in the round and Pettis immediately resumes his punching, zapping Hobar with a big right hook on the end of a combination. Hobar is getting tagged when he throws, eating straight counter shots, so he gets hold of a leg and drags Pettis back to the canvas. Pettis keeps an active guard in the final minute, threatening with triangles and armbars, then making Hobar pay for escaping with another upkick. Hobar finishes the round on top, in side control.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Pettis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pettis
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Pettis

Round 3

Hobar emerges for round three with a badly swollen left eye and a cut beneath his right eye, but he scores the first offense of the round with a left hand down the middle. Hobar gets in on a single-leg, can’t finish the takedown and gives Pettis a knee to the body as he exits the clinch. The next single-leg try puts Pettis up against the fence, but again Hobar can’t convert. Pettis sticks another straight right on Hobar’s damaged eye, then catches Hobar swinging wildly and catches him leaning with a kick to the head. Hobar’s punches are looping with 90 seconds to go, letting the quicker Pettis dip out of range and come back to counter with straight shots. After a couple jabs snap his head back, Hobar dives for a takedown and gets sprawled on. One last takedown attempt by Hobar is defended against the cage by Pettis as time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Pettis (29-28 Pettis)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pettis (30-27 Pettis)
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Pettis (29-28 Pettis)

The Official Result

Sergio Pettis def. Matt Hobar via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Raquel Pennington vs. Ashlee Evans-Smith

Round 1

Evans-Smith tries for an early takedown but winds up holding Pennington against the cage. After fending off a guillotine attempt, Evans-Smith gets the Coloradoan to the ground and winds up in Pennington’s open guard. Pennington scrambles back to her feet, can’t escape Evans-Smith’s clutches and winds up held against the fence. Evans-Smith lands a solid knee before Pennington slips around the back and gets a waist lock to reverse the position. Now it’s Evans-Smith with her back to the fence, turning the position around again and attacking Pennington with knees to the body. Pennington is cut on her forehead from Evans-Smith’s knee, and now “Rocky” changes levels to floor Evans-Smith with a double-leg in the last 20 seconds. Evans-Smith stands back up and gets caught in a bulldog choke. Pennington spends the final 10 seconds squeezing tight and chokes Evans-Smith unconscious just before the horn sounds.

The Official Result

Raquel Pennington def. Ashlee Evans-Smith via Technical Submission (Bulldog Choke) R1 4:59

Corey Anderson vs. Justin Jones

Round 1

Anderson sticks a right hand and puts a kick on Jones’ midsection, then has to back up as Jones charges ahead. Jones puts his man on the fence and cracks the “TUF” winner with a left hook before Anderson is able to slip out. Anderson gets a takedown, defends a loose guillotine and allows Jones to stand again. Attacking on the fence, Anderson strings together a combination and, a moment later, nearly catches Jones in a standing arm-triangle choke. The 205ers reset in the center and Anderson flicks out a few jabs, then covers up to deflect a right hook from Jones. The next takedown attempt from Anderson is defended by Jones, but “Lazy Bones” eventually succumbs. They’re quickly back on their feet, where Jones drills Anderson’s gut with a pair of sharp knees in the Thai clinch. Jones lands a liver kick and then a left hook on the same side, prompting another takedown from Anderson, who finishes the round in Jones’ half guard.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Anderson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Anderson
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Anderson

Round 2

Anderson takes a body kick to get hold of Jones and shove him up against the cage. Jones defends, but the next takedown attempt from Anderson succeeds and the light heavyweights fight briefly on their knees near the fence. Back up they come, clinching on the cage with Anderson on the outside, then backing up to land a level elbow. Jones creates some space and presses forward with hands outstretched, landing a few leg kicks and grazing with a couple shots, but too slow to stay out of the way when Anderson decides to grab hold again. Another takedown goes for Anderson in the final 20 seconds, and he finishes the round in Jones’ half guard.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Anderson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Anderson
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Anderson

Round 3

Anderson goes straight back to clinching on the fence, holding Jones in the Thai plum and then changing levels to lift him off the ground. Anderson turns Jones away from the fence and carries him halfway across the cage for an anti-climactic slam. Jones works his way back over to the fence and gets on his feet, but it’s only a split second before Anderson drags him down again. Jones struggles back up with two minutes remaining, eats an elbow and gets slammed down to the mat. Anderson tries a straight armbar from guard, loses it and finishes the fight dropping elbows from half guard.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Anderson (30-27 Anderson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Anderson (30-27 Anderson)
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Anderson (30-27 Anderson)

The Official Result

Corey Anderson def. Justin Jones via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-26) R3 5:00

Eddie Gordon vs. Josh Samman

Round 1

Gordon catches a kick and gets an early takedown, but Samman pops back up instantly and breaks free in the ensuing scramble. Throwing a knee to the midsection, Samman’s shin catches Gordon on the cup, and referee Herb Dean pauses the action. When they resume, Gordon hits another takedown and starts landing short left hands from Samman’s closed guard. Samman offers some punches in return from the bottom before the pace slows and the fighters are brought back to their feet by the ref. Samman tries to attack with combos and leaping kicks, but Gordon grabs hold and puts Samman on the canvas again inside the two-minute mark. Gordon closes out the round on top, grinding with ground-and-pound.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Gordon
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Gordon
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Gordon

Round 2

Samman kicks the lead leg out from under Gordon and tries to take the back of “Truck,” but Gordon slips out the back and reclaims his spot from last round, throwing short lefts from Samman’s guard. Gordon spends the next two minutes shoving Samman against the fence, grinding from half guard until referee Dean brings the middleweights back to their feet. Once there, Samman throws a couple punching combinations before going upstairs with a left high kick that lands shin-to-face and knocks Gordon out cold. Samman lands a left hand as Gordon crashes to the ground, but it’s already over, a crushing come-from-behind knockout.

The Official Result

Josh Samman def. Eddie Gordon via KO (Head Kick) R2 3:08

Urijah Faber vs. Francisco Rivera

Round 1

Faber lands a leg kick as he creeps forward, trying to wade into the pocket, clearly wary of Rivera’s punching power. The former WEC champ is pulling up short on his punches and now fakes a level change, but Rivera doesn’t bite. Rivera parries a combination with a counter right hook and then backpedals to dodge a takedown attempt. Faber picks the ankle and trips up Rivera, but “Cisco” bounces right back up. Another double-leg attempt from Faber goes by the wayside, and when he tries to pull the Thai plum, Rivera punches him back out of range. Rivera is getting busy with low kicks but whiffs on a two-punch combo. Faber feints a takedown and Rivera answers by threatening with an uppercut counter. Rivera lands a thudding body kick and shuts down Faber’s single-leg attempt behind it. Faber evades a pair of hard right hands from Rivera, who resumes leg-kicking and then taps Faber with an overhand right. Faber tries one more takedown at the end of the round and eats a knee for his trouble.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Rivera
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rivera
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Rivera

Round 2

Faber rushes into range with an uppercut and gets swept back out by a Rivera right hook. Rivera lands a nice left hook and stuffs a takedown attempt, then comes up grabbing at his left eye, apparently having taken a poke. Referee Mario Yamasaki does not recognize the foul, and Faber locks a bulldog choke on his wounded opponent, forcing Rivera to tap out.

The Official Result

Urijah Faber def. Francisco Rivera via Submission (Bulldog Choke) R2 1:34

Tony Ferguson vs. Abel Trujillo

Round 1

Ferguson gets clipped with a right hand on the temple and hits the deck in the center of the cage. “El Cucuy” jumps back to his feet and gets chased around the outside by Trujillo, who tries to catch up and finish the fight with more punches but cannot. Ferguson seems to have regained his senses but he’s still eating straight punches down the center. Trujillo gets a takedown 90 seconds into the round but isn’t able to keep Ferguson on the ground for long. Once they’re back up, Trujillo takes a few seconds to set up another shot and then runs Ferguson back to the mat. Trujillo drops big punches through Ferguson’s long, kicking guard, but Ferguson is able to create space with the kicks and scramble up. Ferguson lands a whipping right hand that gets Trujillo to cover up momentarily. Trujillo circles away and catches the oncoming Ferguson with a few nice counter jabs in the final 30 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Trujillo
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Trujillo
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Trujillo

Round 2

Ferguson backs Trujillo up to the fence with long punches, then grabs the Thai plum but can’t find the space for the knees he’s cueing up. Trujillo dives for a takedown and gets a long sprawl from Ferguson, who frames up a brabo choke before spinning around to work from the back. Ferguson dives over the top to attempt an armbar or kimura, sacrificing the dominant position for a submission attempt which leads nowhere. Trujillo catches Ferguson as he stands, but Ferguson turns him around for a clinch battle on the fence. Ferguson spins his man back to the mat midway through the round. Trujillo is back up a few seconds later, now backing up against the fence while Ferguson throws long punches from the center and cuts off Trujillo’s angles. Ferguson gets a front headlock and snaps Trujillo down to his knees, then moves to riding position and drops hammer fists to the side of Trujillo’s head. Ferguson sneaks around to take the back and catching the kneeling Trujillo with his hands down. “El Cucuy” slaps on a whip-fast rear-naked choke and has Trujillo tapping out in seconds.

The Official Result

Tony Ferguson def. Abel Trujillo via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R2 4:19

Todd Duffee vs. Anthony Hamilton

Round 1

Hamilton reaches low for a takedown but Duffee backpedals away. Duffee comes back with a combination, misses, but the next right hook catches Hamilton square on the temple. Hamilton hits the ground face-first, and Duffee tacks on another right hand before referee Herb Dean steps in to rescue the “Freight Train.”

The Official Result

Todd Duffee def. Anthony Hamilton via KO (Punch) R1 0:33

Travis Browne vs. Brendan Schaub

Round 1

Browne takes the center of the cage and follows as Schaub circles counterclockwise around the outside. “Hapa” catches a kick and trips Schaub to the ground, then stuffs a takedown as Schaub drives forward. Schaub rushes out to the center and lobs a right hand over the top, though most of his punches are coming up short against the taller man. Schaub drives Browne to the fence with a double-leg and then peels the Hawaiian off to finish the takedown in the center. Browne gets back to his knees, then his feet, still with Schaub clinging to his back. Browne gets free and resets, then catches Schaub coming in with an uppercut. Browne tosses Schaub to the ground in the center of the cage and follows him to the ground, then steps into full mount. Schaub hip-escapes but can’t prevent Browne from mounting again, still with 80 seconds left in the round. After eating a pair of heavy punches which bloodies his mouth, Schaub bucks him out of mount again. Browne goes right back to mount, then takes Schaub’s back and flattens him out, dropping punches with both hands as referee Mario Yamasaki calls for Schaub to defend himself. Yamasaki also warns Browne to watch the back of the head while punching. Browne keeps the punches coming, and with Schaub offering nothing in return, Yamasaki waves off the fight.

The Official Result

Travis Browne def. Brendan Schaub via TKO (Punches) R1 4:50

UFC Lightweight Title Fight:
Anthony Pettis vs. Gilbert Melendez

Round 1

John McCarthy is the referee for the first of tonight’s two title fights. Melendez comes straight across the cage and shoots a double-leg against the fence. Pettis stuffs the takedown and then pushes Melendez away and throws a high kick, but Melendez comes straight back for another try. Pettis goes down briefly, scrambles back to his feet and puts a hand on the mat to avoid knees to the head, so Melendez throws knees to the body. Melendez grapevines Pettis’ left leg and throws left hands up top, working to trip the champion. Pettis covers up to avoid the shots, but some of Melendez’s punches are getting through. With 2:40 left in the round, Pettis slips out and begins backpedaling as “El Nino” storms forward. This time, Melendez gets an easy double-leg, holds Pettis on the ground to drop some ground-and-pound, then stands and has to block a quick high kick from “Showtime.” Pettis can’t get off the fence, now with Melendez shooting a single-leg against the cage. At the one-minute mark, Pettis scores with a hard right hook that backs Melendez out of the pocket. Melendez tries a shot in the center, can’t get it and eats a flying knee for the effort. Back to the fence they go, Melendez on a double but Pettis keeping a wide base with his back to the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Melendez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Melendez
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Melendez

Round 2

Melendez moves straight forward at Pettis once again, but this time Pettis is able to snuff out the double-leg and circle away from the clinch. Melendez stays after him, throwing punches in the pocket near the fence before changing levels again. After a few nice body shots from Melendez, Pettis circles out to the middle. A left hand stings Melendez, who drops to his knees to try for yet another takedown. Pettis shoves Melendez to the ground, then grabs the challenger’s exposed neck and pulls guard with a tight guillotine choke. Melendez resists at first, but when Pettis rolls to the top, Melendez has to tap out. Anthony Pettis retains his UFC lightweight title with a second-round submission.

The Official Result

Anthony Pettis def. Gilbert Melendez via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R2 1:53

UFC Welterweight Title Fight:
Johny Hendricks vs. Robbie Lawler

Round 1

Herb Dean is the referee for tonight’s 170-pound championship main event. Lawler gets straight in Hendricks’ face, throwing heavy left hands and knees to the body while the champion looks to tie up. Lawler slips throwing a punch, pops back up and clinches with Hendricks in the center, throwing knees to the body. Hendricks brings the fight to the fence and tries a takedown, but Lawler stands him up and hits him with a level elbow. Hendricks keeps him pinned against the cage with an underhook, then drops levels and has a takedown blocked as Lawler widens his base. Lawler keeps throwing knees to Hendricks’ body midway through the round, and now Hendricks doubles over to try another double. Lawler stays vertical and the welterweights separate with 80 seconds left in the opening round. Hendricks picks at the oncoming Lawler with inside leg kicks and then shoots again with 35 seconds on the clock. This takedown lands, and Hendricks spends the last half minute in Lawler’s half guard, a forearm across his challenger’s throat.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lawler
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Lawler

Round 2

Lawler scores with a pair of straight lefts and grazes with a left high kick in the opening minute of the frame, then puts a kick on the outside of Hendricks’ lead leg. Hendricks answers with a couple low kicks of his own but eats a jab from Lawler in the process. A sniping right hand has Hendricks doubling over momentarily, but the champ snaps upright to land another pair of hard leg kicks. Lawler is on his back foot now, and he gets shoved against the fence again as Hendricks grabs for a double-leg. While working for the takedown, Hendricks throws knees to Lawler’s legs. Hendricks completes the takedown halfway through the round and drives a knee into the veteran’s sternum. Lawler explodes to his feet with 80 seconds on the clock and puts a front kick on Hendricks’ face. Hendricks comes over the top with a right hand, lands a leg kick and then has his head rocked with a Lawler jab. Hendricks catches a kick and cracks Lawler with a left hand, then tries a last-second guillotine when Lawler slips throwing a punch, but time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Hendricks

Round 3

Hendricks opens with more leg kicks while Lawler goes back to front-kicking, this time targeting the champion’s midsection. A left-right-leg kick combination backs up Lawler, who covers up to block the next round of punches but still takes a chop to the lead leg. Hendricks keeps working his hook-hook-leg kick combination, mixing in uppercuts and knees here and there, and Lawler is offering little in return through the first three minutes of the round. At the 90-second mark, Hendricks hits a takedown in the middle of the cage but gets wrapped up by Lawler, who quickly gets back to his feet. Hendricks shoots a double-leg on the fence, switches to a single and takes an elbow to the head from the sprawling Lawler. The champ completes his takedown with 15 seconds remaining to finish the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Hendricks

Round 4

Lawler pushes forward to begin the championship rounds, but the challenger doesn’t let his hands go. Instead, Hendricks connects with a couple overhand lefts before pushing Lawler across the cage and diving on a double-leg. Referee Dean splits up the fighters with 3:20 on the clock, and Lawler just misses with a left high kick on the end of a combination. Hendricks, for his part, keeps the leg kicks coming and fires jabs back at the oncoming challenger. Lawler slips a jab to counter Hendricks with a jab of his own, then goes upstairs with a left high kick. Hendricks chaneges levels for an easy takedown in the center of the cage with 90 seconds left in the round. Lawler wraps him up and then explodes to his feet, backing Hendricks up toward the fence and looking to tee up the champ for punches. Lawler fails to let his hands go and winds up sprawling on another takedown attempt, throwing punches to Hendricks’ body. Now it’s elbows to the head from the challenger with 15 seconds remaining. Lawler gets some good shots in before the round ends, though Hendricks seems unaffected as he strolls to his corner.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Lawler
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Lawler

Round 5

Hendricks swings punches to keep Lawler at bay early in the final frame, then doubles up on a jab and changes levels to shoot a double. The shot backs Lawler up to the cage, where Hendricks keeps digging for the takedown and throwing knees at his challenger’s legs. Referee Dean calls for work before separating the welterweights with 3:45 on the clock. Lawler inches forward and gets tagged with a combination before Hendricks cuts an angle away. Hendricks sticks a body kick and the fighters land simultaneous right hooks. Lawler sprawls on another shot with 2:45 to go, but Hendricks keeps driving and puts “Ruthless” right back up against the cage. Dean isn’t satisfied with Hendricks’ work on the single-leg, and the ref breaks them up again. Seconds later, Hendricks is back on Lawler’s legs. Lawler sprawls him down to the ground and starts dropping big right hands while Hendricks’ corner calls for the champ to bury his head. With 30 seconds left, Lawler switches to elbowing Hendricks’ body and then allows Hendricks to stand. Lawler is going berserk in the final seconds, launching all of his kicks and punches at Hendricks, but the horn sounds and this one will be decided by the judges.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Lawler (48-47 Hendricks)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lawler (48-47 Hendricks)
C.J. Tuttle scores the round 10-9 Lawler (48-47 Lawler)

The Official Result

Robbie Lawler def. Johny Hendricks via Split Decision (49-46, 48-47, 47-48) R5 5:00
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