

UFC Fight Night Results: ‘Bader vs. St. Preux’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine, at approximately 8 p.m. ET with live UFC Fight Night “Bader vs. St. Preux” results and play-by-play.

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Frankie Saenz vs. Nolan Ticman

Round 1

Saenz presses forward and gets clipped with a short right hook, causing the Arizonan to back off. A few seconds later, Saenz blasts through a double-leg takedown, but Ticman gets right back to his feet. Another right hand connects for Ticman, then he mixes it up with one to Saenz’s body. Saenz continues to move forward while Ticman continues to counter successfully with speedy right hands. Saenz initiates a clinch on the fence; Ticman escapes almost immediately and circles out. Both men land right hands in an exchange, and Saenz misses with a body kick as Ticman dips out of the pocket. Ticman comes at Saenz with a leg kick, and Saenz answers with a clean left hand, his best punch of the fight so far. A lead uppercut snaps back Saenz’s head but Ticman doesn’t follow up. Saenz hustles Ticman to the ground in the final 20 seconds, dodges an upkick to dive into the Californian’s guard and finishes the round dropping ground-and-pound.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Saenz
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Saenz
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Saenz

Round 2

Saenz gets in on a high double-leg against the fence, lifts Ticman and slams him to the ground. He can’t hold Ticman there for long, but Saenz keeps applying the pressure once the bantamweights are back on their feet. Saenz misses with a leaping knee but manages to close the gap and bring Ticman to the mat again. Ticman springs back up again, but now Saenz keeps control of the back and uses the position to drive knees into Ticman’s thighs. Referee Keith Peterson calls for action with two minutes remaining in the round. They split, and Saenz slips to the floor as he rushes forward throwing punches. Ticman is all over his man as Saenz stands back up, sticking him with some crisp jabs and denying a takedown attempt. Saenz clinches up on the fence again, drags Ticman to the ground and drops elbows. A few strikes get through, but Ticman covers up well and defends against Saenz’s advances in the closing moments.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Saenz
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Saenz
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Saenz

Round 3

Ticman is playing defense early in the final frame, covering up when Saenz throws hands and circling away when he comes charging in with flying knee attempts. Saenz finally catches up with him after about a minute and pulls him to the canvas, then tries to take the back with a rear-naked choke. Saenz doesn’t secure the position before Ticman spins around, and now they’re in north-south position. The bantamweights scramble up and Saenz takes Ticman’s back, then switches to the outside position in a clinch on the fence. Saenz is landing some hard elbows in the tie-up before scoring another takedown midway through the round. Ticman gets up again, eats a couple right hands as he leans over and then turns to face the cage. Saenz hits him with a left elbow, a knee from the Thai plum, then a couple elbows on the right side. Ticman escapes with under one minute remaining, looking exhausted. Saenz gets him against the fence to finish the fight with a bit more offense.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Saenz (30-27 Saenz)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Saenz (30-27 Saenz)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Saenz (30-27 Saenz)

The Result

Frankie Saenz def. Nolan Ticman via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Sam Alvey vs. Tom Watson

Round 1

Watson moves straight across the cage to flick out punches and front kicks, keeping southpaw Alvey out of the pocket. “Kong” goes inside with a leg kick, misses with a right high kick and then thumps one off Alvey’s body. Alvey is eating a lot of leg kicks early, just staying stationary and not letting his hands go as Watson picks at him. Alvey finally throws some punches, lunging at Watson with a big right cross and more, but the Englishman evades the strikes and then comes back to continue his leg-kicking. Watson hits the deck after a lead uppercut from Alvey, but he’s soon back on his feet, shrugging as if to tell Alvey that it was a slip. Watson is quickly back on his game, shoving Alvey against the fence and working some elbows in the clinch. Alvey deflects a right high kick, sticks a left hand and cuts away. Watson continues to redden Alvey’s right leg with kicks in the final moments.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Watson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Watson
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Watson

Round 2

Watson bloodies Alvey’s nose with a punch early on in the second round. This seems to get Alvey going, as he whacks Watson with a left hand, but Watson takes control again by pushing Alvey to the fence and laying a forearm across his throat. Watson backs off a few feet but continues to keep Alvey’s back to the fence as they trade. Alvey is breathing heavy, popping his mouthguard in and out of place. Watson steps into range and decks Alvey with an elbow, follows up with a right hook and just misses on a teep kick up the middle. After a brief clinch on the cage, Alvey stings Watson with a short punch and blitzes ahead to try and capitalize. Alvey’s winging punches are too wild, so Watson is able to deflect them and recover before round’s end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Watson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Watson
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Watson

Round 3

Alvey charges at Watson with long punches, but Watson backs up and manages to avoid damage. Watson steps into the pocket and gets clipped with a right hand on the temple, which begins an onslaught from Alvey, who is suddenly mauling Kong with punches against the fence. Watson eats everything Alvey has to offer and circles to the center, then tries to tie up. Alvey reverses the position and hits Watson with a couple knees in the Thai clinch before breaking away. Watson is sporting some damage on the outside of his left eye now, and he gets jabbed out of range as he tries to come forward. Alvey is the aggressor now, hitting Watson with another left hook. Watson gets one back with a right straight that momentarily slows Alvey’s roll. Watson takes a kick to the solar plexus, comes back to clinch and eats a couple more punches from Alvey before stepping away. Down to the final 80 seconds now, and Watson hits Alvey with a two-punch combination. Alvey is back to standing flat-footed, waiting to counter Watson with single punches. Watson tries a takedown with 20 seconds left and gets denied by Alvey, who finishes the round with a right hand over the top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alvey (29-28 Watson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alvey (29-28 Watson)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Alvey (29-28 Watson)

The Result

Tom Watson def. Sam Alvey via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Sara McMann vs. Lauren Murphy

Round 1

McMann goes straight after a single-leg takedown and gets it after a little effort, by Murphy immediately begins hitting the Olympian with hard elbow strikes from underneath. Murphy is looking to set up a triangle, too, but McMann has her left leg locked down. Now they adjust positions and McMann winds up in Murphy’s guard, burying her head into the Invicta champ’s chest while working to maintain the position. There’s not much offense to speak of from McMann, while Murphy is keeping relatively busy underneath. Murphy is near enough to the fence that she can push off with her hand, but McMann isn’t giving her any space to stand. McMann sends a single elbow over the top and a pair of punches to Murphy’s ribs on the left side. Murphy just keeps peppering away with short right hands from underneath, pushing off McMann’s hips with her feet and trying to find an angle for escape. With 65 seconds left, McMann postures up and hits Murphy with half a dozen heavy right hands, then goes back to keeping pressure on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 McMann
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McMann
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Murphy

Round 2

Murphy stings McMann with a hard right hand in an early exchange. McMann takes a few steps back, then presses forward to push Murphy against the cage. Murphy escapes the clinch, only to be snatched up and tripped to the ground in the center of the cage a few seconds later. They’re back to the same situation from round one, with Murphy staying active from underneath with short strikes, while McMann focuses on position and occasionally sits up and drop a heavy strike or two. Halfway through the round, McMann advances to half guard for the first time in the fight. A few of McMann’s punches stray to the back of Murphy’s head, but there’s no call from referee Kevin MacDonald. A short while after, MacDonald orders the fighters to stand. McMann goes after another takedown, stuffed by Murphy, who winds up shoved against the cage. Murphy throws short right hands in the clinch; McMann lands a pair of hard knees to the gut before spinning Murphy to the ground. McMann finishes the round in cross side control.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 McMann
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 McMann
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 McMann

Round 3

McMann looks a bit more willing to engage Murphy on the feet in the final round, tagging Murphy with a couple right hands early on. Murphy hits the wrestler with a crisp one-two and then sits down as McMann dives for another takedown. McMann can’t hold Murphy down this time, and now Murphy stands to circle off the cage. Murphy gets popped with another right hook and gets taken down again. This time, Murphy sits up against the fence to whack away with left hands and elbows while McMann clings to her waist. Murphy gets to her feet again, and now she’s drilling with elbows while McMann holds on to a single-leg. McMann isn’t offering anything in return, just staying on her knees and driving for the takedown while Murphy batters her. Murphy tries to set up a kimura with 40 seconds to go, can’t get it, so she stands up and dashes away, and the women finish the fight striking in the center of the cage.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Murphy (29-28 McMann)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Murphy (29-28 McMann)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Murphy (29-28 Murphy)

The Result

Sara McMann def. Lauren Murphy via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Jussier da Silva vs. Zach Makovsky

Round 1

Formiga pops Makovsky with a short right hand, takes a kick on the lead leg and blocks a high kick. The Brazilian grabs hold of Makovsky’s back while still standing, then dives over the top and rolls the wrestler to the ground to secure back conrol. Formiga is unable to secure the position before Makovsky shakes him loose, and now it’s Makovsky on top in Formiga’s closed guard. The flyweights come back to their feet, where it’s Formiga pressing forward, pawing with punches against the southpaw. Formiga wraps up Makovsky again and trips him to the ground, this time coming down on top in the American’s half guard. Formiga drops some elbows as he works to pass in the last 30 seconds, but he runs out of time.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Formiga
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Formiga
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Formiga

Round 2

After a minute of tentative striking, Makovsky hits a single-leg in the middle of the cage. Formiga pops right back up, but Makovsky grabs hold and cracks him with a pair of short left hands. As in round one, Formiga leaps on the standing Makovsky’s back, and this time he has one hook in. Makovsky puts his left hand on the ground, and now the flyweights are in a stalemate with Formiga trying to secure the back and Makovsky standing still, hoping he’ll ride too high and slide off. They finally hit the deck, where Formiga cinches up a body triangle to secure back mount and then begins hunting for a rear-naked choke. Makovsky grabs hold of Formiga’s right hand, so the Brazilian socks his man with left hands to the body and head. Formiga still can’t get his arm under Makovsky’s chin, so he spends the final 40 seconds of the round picking away with punches from back mount.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Formiga
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Formiga
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Formiga

Round 3

Makovsky comes out with renewed aggression, pushing forward on Formiga with bursts of punches and left high kicks, though Formiga is able to deflect or sidestep almost all of the offense. Ninety seconds in, the flyweights tie up, and Makovsky shoves Formiga away as the Brazilian works for an inside trip. Formiga comes back with another takedown attempt and gets tossed to the canvas, where Makovsky comes down into his opponent’s closed guard. Formiga plays wrist control from underneath, tries to kick Makovsky away but can’t scramble up. Formiga luckily misses with an upkick to the kneeling Makovsky which would have been illegal. Makovsky stands with two minutes left in the fight, looks for an opening and then comes back to Formiga’s closed guard when he can’t find one. Makovsky lands a hard right hand, a solid elbow to Formiga’s jaw, but the jiu-jitsu stylist is doing well to control Makovsky’s hands and minimize the offense. Formiga jumps up in the final seconds and tries to hit a single-leg, but he finishes the fight shooting on Makovsky against the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Makovsky (29-28 Formiga)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makovsky (29-28 Formiga)
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Makovsky (29-28 Formiga)

The Result

Jussier Formiga def. Zach Makovsky via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Robbie Peralta vs. Thiago Tavares

Round 1

Tavares grabs hold of Peralta and drags him to the ground, where he quickly secures his position on the Californian’s back with both hooks in. Peralta tries to fight off Tavares’ hands, rolls to his knees and gets flattened out. Tavares sits up in back mount and blasts Peralta with heavy left hands, then switches to the right when Peralta covers up. Tavares is in position for an arm-triangle choke as Peralta sits up, so “Problems” goes back to his belly-down position and Tavares resumes punching. Peralta rolls to his back midway through the round, still mounted. Tavares stays heavy on top as the featherweights scoot away from the fence toward the middle of the cage. Peralta goes stomach-down again, now with Tavares riding high on his back. Peralta gets to his knees and eats a couple hard punches, leaving his neck open for the rear-naked choke. Tavares wastes no time cinching up the submission, cranking the choke and forcing Peralta to tap out.

The Result

Thiago Tavares def. Robbie Peralta via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 4:27

Shawn Jordan vs. Jack May

Round 1

May tries to catch Jordan against the fence with a big overhand right, but the former football player circles out to reset in the center of the cage. Jordan goes back to the outside, where May catches up with him and lands the right hand, countered by a quick two-piece from Jordan. Back to the middle, the big men feint and test the range, and May mixes in a couple kicks to Jordan’s lead leg and body. May lands another right hand, and Jordan comes away from this exchange pawing at a small cut above his left eye. Jordan is cut on the bridge of his nose, too, as he clips May with another counter. May replies with a right hand, a kick to the body, continuing to push forward on the shorter man. With 50 seconds left, Jordan gets in on a single-leg and puts May on the ground. Jordan hits May with a couple grinding elbows before May wraps up from underneath, negating Jordan’s offense for the remainder of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jordan
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jordan
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jordan

Round 2

May gives chase as Jordan circles the outside, catching the “Savage” with a left hand that opens up another cut, and this is a bad one on the outside corner of Jordan’s right eye. Not much action through the first two minutes of the round until May hits Jordan with another hard left and tries to finish the fight, bombing the leaning Jordan with punches on the fence while referee Dan Miragliotta calls for Jordan to fight back. Jordan responds with a takedown, and now May is on his back, breathing heavy as Jordan bullies him against the fence. Jordan sits up in May’s half guard and works some short ground-and-pound with two minutes remaining. Now some hard left hands get through for Jordan, who mounts May but is quickly bucked off as May wall-walks off the fence. Half guard for Jordan now, a forearm across May’s throat. Jordan frames up an arm-triangle choke but loses it as he moves back to full mount in the last few seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 May
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-10
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 May

Round 3

Thirty seconds into the final round, Jordan catches a knee and drags May to the ground, where Jordan instantly secures back control with hooks in place. Jordan drops punches, then elbows as May turtles up underneath, trying to escape out the back door. Jordan is riding high but staying heavy while keeping the pressure on with hammer fists and elbows. May is offering nothing in control, his right arm gift-wrapped, leaving him susceptible to more left hands. May looks finished as he slumps onto his side, and referee Miragliotta has seen enough.

The Result

Shawn Jordan def. Jack May via TKO (Punches) R3 2:03

Seth Baczynski vs. Alan Jouban

Round 1

Baczynski moves in circles around the southpaw Jouban, who attacks both the inside and outside of Baczynski’s leg with some nice kicks. Baczynski is throwing nonstop punches but not landing much clean until he eats a left high kick and counters Jouban with a left hook. Jouban doesn’t see the punch coming, and it takes the legs out from under him. Back up springs Jouban, rushed against the cage by Baczynski. Seemingly recovered, Jouban reverses the position and circles away. Baczynski catches up with him, shoots a double-leg against the fence and brings Jouban to the canvas. Jouban works back to his feet but is put on his back foot by Baczynski, who keeps the pressure on with more strikes. Baczynski ducks under a spinning elbow from Jouban but eats a short left hook. Baczynski is hurt as the welterweights fight on the fence, and Jouban lands a perfectly placed left uppercut that puts “The Polish Pistola” down. Referee Keith Peterson steps in to save the fallen Baczynski before Jouban can follow up.

The Result

Alan Jouban def. Seth Baczynski via KO (Punch) R1 4:23

Tim Boetsch vs. Brad Tavares

Round 1

Tavares pushes Boetsch against the cage with an underhook, and the middleweights try to trade knees on the inside. Boetsch looks for a trip, stuffed by Tavares, who lands a left hand in the clinch and then steps back to the middle of the cage. Boetsch changes levels for a double-leg, can’t finish it and winds up clinching with Tavares on the fence. Tavares reverses to take the outside position and slams Boetsch with an elbow that opens a cut between the eyes of “The Barbarian.” Tavares scores with another elbow before breaking the clinch. The Hawaiian lands a right hand that sends Boetsch backward momentarily, pawing at the blood on his face. Boetsch swings a couple wild overhand punches which miss, then a right hand which lands and briefly puts Tavares on the mat. Tavares recovers right away and powers back to his feet, then stuffs another trip attempt and tries to take the back of a kneeling Boetsch. The 185ers get up and Boetsch leans against the fence, where Tavares drills him with knees to the head and body for the final 30 seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tavares
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tavares
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tavares

Round 2

Tavares connects with a right hand that opens a cut beneath Boetsch’s left eye, then grabs hold and pushes Boetsch against the cage. The middleweights break after an uneventful clinch, and Boetsch comes forward bombing with his right hand again. One punch clips Tavares but doesn’t seem to faze him, and he’s able to reverse again when Boetsch tries for a takedown on the fence. Tavares releases his underhook but Boetsch seems to want to remain in the clinch, maybe looking for a trip. Referee Kevin MacDonald separates the fighters with two minutes left in the round, and they immediately start swinging punches in the center. Tavares takes a left hook on the chin during the exchange and crumbles to the ground, then springs back to his feet and sprints toward the fence. Tavares takes a right hook on the chin and falls to the ground at the base of the fence, where Boetsch polishes him off with three more punches which send referee MacDonald into action.

The Result

Tim Boetsch def. Brad Tavares via TKO (Punches) R2 3:18

Gray Maynard vs. Ross Pearson

Round 1

After a quick touch of gloves, Maynard flashes a left hand and then goes on his back foot when Pearson pushes forward. Pearson catches “The Bully” leaning and pops him with a short right hook. A left high kick touches Maynard’s chin but doesn’t land flush, and now he shoots for a takedown against the fence. Maynard brings Pearson down to his knees, but Pearson comes straight back up, still held against the fence. Maynard rips Pearson with a pair of hard right hooks to the body before backing out. Midway through the round, it’s Pearson coming forward with guard high, and now he opens a small cut on Maynard’s nose with a left hand. Maynard sticks a jab, hits another takedown against the fence and peppers Pearson with short lefts on the mat. Pearson works back to his feet with 30 seconds on the clock, lands a kick to Maynard’s gut and takes a hard right hand on the cheek.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Maynard
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pearson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Maynard

Round 2

Pearson puts a hard kick inside the lead leg of Maynard, who closes the gap and clinches up with the Englishman on the fence. “The Real Deal” resists the takedown this time but can’t do anything offensive in the short tie-up that follows. Maynard goes to the body with a right, Pearson responds with a sizzling right straight upstairs. Maynard looks out of sorts as Pearson hits him with a left hook, and then another right straight sends “The Bully” crashing down to the base of the cage. Pearson gives Maynard no time to recover, swarming with follow-up punches until referee Keith Peterson stops the bout.

The Result

Ross Pearson def. Gray Maynard via TKO (Punches) R2 1:35

Ovince St. Preux vs. Ryan Bader

Round 1

Dan Miragliotta is the referee for tonight’s 205-pound main event. Bader waits for St. Preux to circle into range and changes levels for a quick takedown. Quickly into side control, Bader wraps his arms around St. Preux’s midsection and tries to roll him for back control, but “OSP” thwarts the move and scrambles back to his feet. St. Preux sticks a straight left, tries to follow up and walks into a left hook counter. Bader continues to land the counter left the next few times St. Preux gets into range. OSP wings a big overhand left that bounces off Bader’s chest. Bader ducks in behind a jab to score another takedown with about 10 seconds left and rides out the rest of the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bader
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bader
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bader

Round 2

Bader circles the southpaw St. Preux, pumping his jab and trying to avoid the ex-football player’s big left hand. Instead, St. Preux hits the wrestler with a thudding kick to the body. OSP tries a little shoulder shake to lure Bader inside, then sidesteps the reaching punches that follow. St. Preux is continually changing his stance, holding his hands low to invite Bader inside, but Bader isn’t biting. A sloppy shot from Bader yields a takedown for St. Preux inside the last minute of the round. Bader uses butterfly guard to scramble up and sprint away, and St. Preux gives chase with a pair of heavy left hands. Bader sticks a jab and hits a takedown just as time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 St. Preux
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Preux
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 St. Preux

Round 3

St. Preux takes a leg kick, charges at Bader with some big-swinging left hands but can’t find the mark. OSP’s hands are by his waist as Bader circles around him with hands high. Bader changes levels, pushing St. Preux to the fence and completes a takedown about 80 seconds into the round. St. Preux is back up a few seconds later, only to be ragdolled back to the canvas. Bader works from cross side control, leaning right to left across St. Preux, whose left side is flush to the fence. St. Preux gets back up by wall-walking off the fence, defends against a guillotine attempt and gets planted again with a huge slam. Bader spends a minute working short, grinding ground-and-pound from half guard before St. Preux gets to his knees, then his feet. Bader keeps his underhooks as they stand and then releases to deck St. Preux with a straight right at the close.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bader
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bader
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bader

Round 4

St. Preux rushes at Bader with some long, reaching punches, so Bader changes levels and slows him down with a brief tie-up on the fence. Bader sends a left high kick off OSP’s glove and then denies a takedown from the ex-Tennessee Volunteer. St. Preux goes to the body with a right, answered upstairs with a counter from Bader. The 205ers go to the fence, with Bader on the outside changing levels and then finishing a takedown. Bader rides the kneeling St. Preux and picks away with hammer fists, while St. Preux complains to referee Miragliotta that Bader is grabbing his gloves. St. Preux gets back to his feet, then slammed back down a few seconds later. St. Preux goes belly-down and grabs the cage to stand up, then hooks his arms over the top of the fence, drawing a warning from the ref.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bader
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bader
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bader

Round 5

St. Preux sends a straight left down the center but can’t follow up as Bader backpedals away. A front kick hits Bader’s body, and St. Preux changes levels a few seconds later to hit a takedown straight to side control. Bader spins to his knees, stuck in north-south position for a moment, then powers back to his feet. A moment later, it’s Bader with a takedown, working from St. Preux’s half guard. St. Preux peels away Bader’s controlling arm, rolls to his open left side and scrambles up. Bader changes levels again and takes a couple hard elbows to the forehead which cut him open. OSP gets a takedown, can’t hold Bader down, and now scores with more elbows as Bader works for another takedown against the cage. With 20 seconds left, the 205ers clinch on the fence. St. Preux shoves Bader away, Bader twice dives at his opponent’s legs but can’t find a final takedown before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bader (49-46 Bader)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bader (49-46 Bader)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bader (49-46 Bader)

The Result

Ryan Bader def. Ovince St. Preux via Unanimous Decision (49-46, 49-46, 48-47) R5 5:00
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