

UFC on Fox 14 Results: ‘Gustaffson vs. Johnson’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com reports from Tele2Arena in Stockholm, Sweden, with live UFC on Fox 14 results and play-by-play.

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Chris Beal vs. Neil Seery

Round 1

Seery misses with his first overhand right but puts a kick on Beal’s lead leg afterward. The Irish southpaw presses foward in the opening minute, looking to land the right hand, but Beal is evading the strikes. Beal comes back to slug Seery with a right hand, then a couple jabs. Seery gets one back with a right hook counter and then takes a punch on the cup, but he recovers without much of a pause in the action. Beal shoots for a double-leg in the center of the cage and puts Seery on the canvas near the fence about two minutes into the round. Seery shifts underneath, trapping Beal’s right arm while working from open guard. After taking three or four punches to the face, Seery pops back to his feet and escapes Beal’s grasp. Beal, still on his back foot, sticks a jab in Seery’s face. Seery answers with a straight left hand, takes another chopping kick to his right leg. Beal keeps the leg kicks coming as the round enters its final 90 seconds. Seery continues to push forward, now switching up his strikes with a body kick and one to the leg. Beal answers with a body kick of his own, and Seery puts a right hand in his breadbasket at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Beal
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Beal
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Beal

Round 2

The round picks up where the last left off, with Seery pushing the action and moving Beal toward the fence. Beal catches Seery with a finger poke just beneath the right eye, and again Seery recovers quickly. As soon as action resumes, Seery tries to put a kick across Beal’s thighs and winds up kicking him on the cup. Beal takes a minute to get his wind back and action resumes with just over four minutes left. Seery lands an uppercut and a leg kick, the latter of which is caught by Beal but soon released. When the flyweights get in close quarters, Seery wraps his right arm around Beal’s neck and jumps guard with a tight guillotine choke in place. Beal hurls himself to the ground, trying to knock Seery loose, and the American winds up in top position, where he’s able to squeeze his head loose. Seery tries a kimura from underneath but loses that as well, and now it’s Beal dropping ground-and-pound from his opponent’s open guard. Seery starts throwing elbows from underneath, targeting Beal’s forehead and the top of his head while referee Kevin Sataki warns to mind the back of the head. Beal stands, allowing Seery to try and scramble up, and now Beal tries a guillotine of his own. Beal soon releases the choke, and the 125ers scramble up. Seery tries a takedown, stuffed by Beal, but Seery soon hits a sweep to get on top anyway. Beal sweeps him back underneath with 20 seconds on the clock, and now Seery attempts an arm-triangle choke from the bottom, but it’s not there. Beal finishes the round on top, dropping punches.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Seery
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Seery
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Seery

Round 3

Seery comes forward swinging but has his punches blocked by Beal’s defensive guard. He keeps moving ahead and pulls Beal to the ground with a slow-motion double-leg. Beal gets right back up, eating a few right hands from Seery as he stands and circles away. Beal is looking tired, stumbling as he moves around the perimeter of the fence, while Seery stays busy with combination punching. Seery lands a grazing overhand right and takes a right hook counter on the other side. A standing elbow scores for Seery behind a knee, then an uppercut and a whipping right hook. Beal is on the run midway through the round, and Seery lets him off the hook a bit as they reset in the center. Beal defends a takedown attempt from Seery but winds up shoved against the cage. Seery decks him with an elbow on the release, and Beal gets him back with an uppercut. Down to the final minute now, Seery continues to move forward, and Beal hits him with a pair of leg kicks. Beal gets a takedown with 30 seconds left, and Seery immediately starts throwing elbows from his back. Beal swings back with right hands, missing with most of them, and the flyweights finish the fight swinging hands on the ground.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Seery (29-28 Seery)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Seery (29-28 Seery)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Seery (29-28 Seery)

The Official Result

Neil Seery def. Chris Beal via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Konstantin Erokhin vs. Viktor Pesta

Round 1

Erokhin stalks from the center of the cage, moving Pesta around the outside of the cage and blasting the Czech fighter with a couple huge left hooks. A right hand on the temple nearly buckles Pesta’s legs, but he stays standing and the “Russian Bear” keeps chasing him down. Face already reddened 90 seconds into the bout, Pesta tries to slow Erokhin with a Thai clinch and lands a knee up the center. Erokhin keeps coming, however, and puts more punches on his opponent’s mug before Pesta changes levels to try a double-leg on the fence. After a struggle, Pesta lifts and slams Erokhin to the ground. Pesta lands in cross side control on Erokhin’s right, trapping the Russian’s right arm and dropping elbows on his unprotected face. Erokhin tries to post and stand, but Pesta traps his legs and keeps him on a knee. One minute left and Erokhin is taking some hard knees to the body as he stands up and gets slammed right back down by Pesta. The Czech fighter spends the final 40 seconds on top, landing sporadic punches while trying to free his right arm.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Erokhin
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Erokhin
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Erokhin

Round 2

Pesta keeps Erokhin out of range for most of the opening minute of round two, using a front kick to fend off the oncoming shorter man. Erokhin is off to a much slower start, sending punches off Pesta’s forearms. Pesta shoots for a takedown about 90 seconds in, gets stuffed and gives Erokhin a knee to the body in the Thai plum before releasing. Pesta connects with a straight right which opens a cut on the outside of Erokhin’s left eye. A telegraphed shot from Pesta is stuffed by Erokhin at first, but the Czech keeps after it and brings down Erokhin on the second effort. With two minutes on the clock, Pesta begins dropping elbows, worsening the damage to Erokhin’s left eye while working from open guard. Pesta passes to half guard with 45 seconds left, drives his head into Erokhin’s chin and keeps swinging with right hands to the end of the frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pesta
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pesta
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pesta

Round 3

Pesta sticks a jab as he backs up, staying well out of range of punches from the tired Erokhin. Shooting against rhe fence, Pesta drags Erokhin down to one knee, the Russian’s right side against the cage while Pesta throws left hands to the head on the other side. The big men stand back up for a moment, but Pesta quickly drags Erokhin back to the mat, and now it’s Pesta working from side control on Erokhin’s left. Pesta traps Erokhin’s left arm and leans across to continue dropping punches from the crucifix position. That’s how they spend the final minute of the fight, Pesta pinning down Erokhin, grinding with forearms and throwing right hands.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Pesta (29-28 Pesta)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pesta (29-28 Pesta)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Pesta (29-28 Pesta)

The Official Result

Viktor Pesta def. Konstantin Erokhin via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Mirsad Bektic vs. Paul Redmond

Round 1

Redmond takes 30 seconds before shooting at Bektic’s waist near the fence, but Bektic reverses the Irish fighter’s advance and turns it into a takedown of his own. Bektic works from Redmond’s half guard, scoring with punches and elbows before Redmond is able to scramble up. It lasts only a few seconds, as Bektic keeps hold of “Redser” and drags him right back to the mat for some more ground-and-pound. Midway through the round, Redmond gets back up for a split second, again only to be whipped back to the ground. Bektic is heavy on top but unable to advance past Redmond’s active guard for any significant amount of time. An elbow opens up a large cut on Redmond’s forehead from which blood begins leaking into his eyes. Bektic finishes the round on top, in Redmond’s closed guard.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bektic
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bektic
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bektic

Round 2

Bektic tags Redmond with a right hook before reversing a body lock and turning it into a takedown of his own. Redmond keeps his guard open, looking to get a knee in to sweep or hit the switch, but Bektic denies him and passes to side control on Redmond’s left. Redmond tries to push off the cage with his feet, drawing a warning from referee Neil Hall about lacing his toes in the chain link. Redmond pushes off the fence and gets to a knee, then gets tripped right back down. Bektic is scoring with heavy left hands now, posturing up and blasting away while Redmond attempts to cling on and negate the space from underneath. With 30 seconds on the clock, Bektic passes to full mount, then back mount as Redmond rolls to his knees. Bektic finishes the round on Redmond’s back, hunting for a rear-naked choke.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Bektic
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bektic
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Bektic

Round 3

Bektic sends Redmond stumbling backward with a straight right hand, then once more reverses a Redmond takedown attempt to shove the Irishman to the ground. Bektic throws punches from Redmond’s open guard, passes to side control on the right and decks him with an elbow. Redmond puts him back in guard, so Bektic passes to half guard on the other side. Bektic nearly establishes full mount, but Redmond keeps a knee in to block the pass, and now it’s Bektic back in Redmond’s butterfly guard, throwing body shots. Bektic finally gets to side control again with 70 seconds on the clock, and he continues to pepper Redmond’s face with short punches down the stretch while referee Hall calls for action.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bektic (30-26 Bektic)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bektic (30-27 Bektic)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bektic (30-26 Bektic)

The Official Result

Mirsad Bektic def. Paul Redmond via Unanimous Decision (30-25, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Anthony Christodoulou vs. Mairbek Taisumov

Round 1

Christodoulou flicks out a few punches but can’t find the mark as he stands flat-footed in front of a busy opponent. The first flush leg kick from Taisumov knocks Christodoulou to the ground, but the Russian allows him to stand. Taisumov lands a few more hard leg kicks, a spinning-back kick to the midsection and then a switch kick to the gut. Christodoulou continues to inch forward and walks into a front kick to the chin. Taisumov grabs hold of his man and dumps him to the ground with ease in the center of the cage. Again, Taisumov wants Christodoulou back on his feet. An outside thigh kick lands for Taisumov, then Christodoulou blocks a head kick with his glove. Another spinning kick connects to Christodoulou’s gut, but he keeps coming at Taisumov. A quick two-punch combo backs up Christodoulou momentarily. He tries jabbing at Taisumov, who scores with more punches and another spinning kick to the body before slamming Christodoulou back down. Referee Leon Roberts orders a stand-up with 10 seconds left, and the round ends before anything significant lands.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Taisumov
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Taisumov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Taisumov

Round 2

Christodoulou reaches for Taisumov’s legs and gets sprawled on, then shoved to the ground. Taisumov pounces and unloads with both hands from half guard, knocking Christodoulou senseless and forcing referee Roberts to intervene.

The Official Result

Mairbek Taisumov def. Anthony Christodoulou via KO (Punches) R2 0:38

Nikita Krylov vs. Stanislav Nedkov

Round 1

Krylov lands an outside leg kick, answered by a pair of looping overhand rights from Nedkov. The Bulgarian tries to close the gap and shoot on Krylov’s legs against the fence, but Krylov pushes him to the ground and nearly finishes the fight with a flurry of hammer fists. As Nedkov resumes his single-leg shot, Krylov grabs for a brabo choke and then stands back up. Nedkov is still working on the leg as Krylov switches to a standing guillotine and cranks on the choke, forcing Nedkov to tap out right away.

The Official Result

Nikita Krylov def. Stanislav Nedkov via Submission (Guillotine Choke) R1 1:24

Andy Ogle vs. Makwan Amirkhani

Round 1

Amirkhani runs to meet Ogle in the middle of the cage, leaps into the air and drills the Englishman with a flying knee to the body. Ogle stumbles backward, eats an uppercut and falls to the ground, where Amirkhani lands one or two punches before referee Kevin Sataki steps in to stop the fight.

The Official Result

Makwan Amirkhani def. Andy Ogle via TKO (Flying Knee and Punches) R1 0:08

Sultan Aliev vs. Kenny Robertson

Round 1

Robertson rushes forward swinging wild punches, not connecting but managing to close the distance, and now he trips Aliev to the ground. Aliev stands but Robertson keeps hold and uses a rear waistlock to try and take the back. Aliev peels his opponent’s hands away and gets some separation to pop Robertson with a jab. Robertson clips Aliev with a left hook on the ear as the Russian presses forward to clinch up. Working in the clinch on the fence, Aliev scores with a couple knees to the body before the welterweights split. Robertson lands a pair of leg kicks but he’s still coming up short with most of his punches. Aliev puts a spinning-back kick on Robertson’s midsection, but he turns around too slow and leaves his hands down, allowing Robertson to club him with a massive overhand left. Aliev falls to the ground in a heap, and Robertson polishes him off with a couple punches on the mat before referee Bobby Rehman stops the fight.

The Official Result

Kenny Robertson def. Sultan Aliev via KO (Punches) R1 2:42

Albert Tumenov vs. Nico Musoke

Round 1

Musoke slaps at the body of Tumenov with a few kicks in the opening minute. Tumenov feints and threatens with jabs but doesn’t connect, then cannot capitalize when he catches a body kick from the Swede. The next kick from Musoke is countered well with a Tumenov left hook. Tumenov catches another kick and tries for a takedown, but again Musoke pulls his leg free and makes Tumenov pay with punches. Tumenov catches yet another kick and throws a right hand; this time, Musoke knows it’s coming and blasts Tumenov back with a lovely straight left that leaves the Russian blinking. Musoke continues to redden the body of Tumenov with kicks; Tumenov keeps firing back with punches, but Musoke is certainly getting the better of the striking through three minutes. With 70 seconds left, Tumenov counters a Musoke kick with a nice right straight. Musoke backs him up with switch and front kicks, rushes into range and puts a pair of right hooks on Tumenov’s chin. Musoke finishes the round with one more body kick.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Musoke
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Musoke
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Musoke

Round 2

Tumenov puts a left hook on Musoke’s ribs but gets pushed backward by another body kick from the taller man. Musoke grabs for Tumenov’s legs and gets shoved away, then chases after Tumenov and throws another body kick. This one is caught and countered by a Tumenov right hand, and now Tumenov is stepping into range, connecting with rights a little more regularly. Musoke blocks a couple high kicks but eats a straight left from Tumenov down the center, splitting Musoke’s gloves. Now it’s a right hook scoring for Tumenov, and another behind a jab midway through the round. Musoke’s face is showing damage now, his left eye dripping blood after absorbing repeated right hands. Tumenov continues to walk down his opponent with 90 seconds on the clock. Tumenov scores with a straight right, a left high kick. After taking a couple jabs on the nose, Musoke changes levels and tries to spin Tumenov to the ground with a single-leg. Tumenov defends the takedown, aided by a cage grab which draws a warning from referee Leon Roberts.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tumenov
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tumenov
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tumenov

Round 3

Musoke presses forward at the start of the final round but it’s Tumenov finding success with his jab. Tumenov stuffs a shot from Musoke near the fence, eats a straight left that knocks him backwards off the fence, and bounces back to slug Musoke with a straight left. A right straight from Tumenov knocks out the mouthpiece of Musoke; referee Roberts waits until Musoke gives up on a brief single-leg attempt to replace it. After Tumenov blocks another takedown try, he punches out the mouthguard of Musoke again. With two minutes left, Musoke’s face is bloodied up and getting worse thanks to the jab of Tumenov. The Russian counters a body kick with a right hand over the top. Musoke comes in behind an overhand right and latches on to Tumenov’s left leg up against the fence. Tumenov peels the arms away and circles out to his right, catching another body kick from Musoke and countering with punches. Tumenov floors Musoke with a double-leg in the center of the cage at the 30-second mark, then immediately allows him to stand. The fight ends with the welterweights clinched up, throwing punches.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tumenov (29-28 Tumenov)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tumenov (29-28 Tumenov)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Tumenov (29-28 Tumenov)

The Official Result

Albert Tumenov def. Nicholas Musoke via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Akira Corassani vs. Sam Sicilia

Round 1

Sicilia lands first with an outside leg kick as he walks after the backpedaling Corassani. A left hook clips Corassani on the temple, answered in turn by “Akira” before Sicilia wraps him up in the clinch on the fence. The featherweights separate and Sicilia continues to press forward, struggling to get into range as Corassani backs up. Corassani steps forward with an overhand right that goes off Sicilia’s shoulder. Sicilia clips Corassani with an uppercut and then floors him with an overhand right on the chin. Corassani drops to the ground, out cold, and Sicilia tacks on another right hand before referee Neil Hall stops the fight.

The Official Result

Sam Sicilia def. Akira Corassani via KO (Punch) R1 3:26

Ryan Bader vs. Phil Davis

Round 1

Bader sticks his jab in the face of Davis, who moves clockwise around the outside. After a minute of feeling out, Bader comes down the center with a couple punches that touch Davis’ face. A left hand lands on Davis’ chin prompting “Mr. Wonderful” to shoot on Bader against the fence. Bader stuffs the takedown attempt and circles out. Davis fakes another shot, grabbing for Bader’s legs and then coming back upstairs to tag him with a wide right hand. With 90 seconds left in the round, Davis pops Bader with a short right hand and then snuffs out a quick shot from the former Arizona wrestler. Bader sends a switch kick off Davis’ arms in the final 20 seconds as the Stockholm crowd begins to jeer the inactive opening round from the Americans.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bader
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bader
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10

Round 2

Bader puts Davis on the fence with an underhook, and then decks the former Nittany Lion with a level elbow on the break. Davis comes over the top with a left hand, kicks Bader’s body and then fakes a shot. Davis ducks under a right hand, resets and pops Bader with a right hook. Bader scores with a kick to Davis’ body, blocks a shot and winds up in the clinch. Davis puts a few knees on Bader’s body, spins to the back and drags “Darth Bader” to the ground near the fence. Bader is on his knees, Davis in ride position. Bader gets back up but can’t escape Davis and gets pushed against the fence. More knees to the body and legs score for Davis as he hugs Bader on the cage in the final 30 seconds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Davis
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Davis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Davis

Round 3

Bader puts a kick on Davis’ midsection and denies another takedown attempt from the Alliance MMA fighter. The wrestlers continue to clash punches as they trade single shots on the feet, neither man landing much clean offense. Bader zaps Davis with an overhand right which sends Davis shooting. Bader sprawls and catches Davis on his knees with a front headlock, throwing a knee to Davis’ body on the release Davis shoots a long double-leg, can’t get it but does manage to pop Bader with a jab when he stands. Bader tries a Thai clinch and gets a right hand for his trouble. With 1:15 on the clock, Davis scores with a snappy overhand right-low kick combo, but his right eye is nearly swollen shut at this point. A leg kick lands for Davis, a right straight for Bader who blocks a right high kick. Davis runs Bader against the fence for one last takedown attempt, but he overcommits and bounces to the ground with Bader landing on top. Bader tries to take the back in the closing seconds and Davis slips out the back door to finish on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bader (29-28 Bader)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bader (29-28 Bader)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bader (29-29 Draw)

The Official Result

Ryan Bader def. Phil Davis via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Dan Henderson vs. Gegard Mousasi

Round 1

Mousasi scores first with a low kick and moves forward on Henderson, who’s crouched low in his usual stance, right hand cocked. Henderson makes a few movements toward Mousasi’s legs, but the Dutchman doesn’t bite on the fakes. As “Hendo” comes in to throw an overhand right, Mousasi clips him with a straight right hand on the temple that takes out the American’s legs. Henderson is dazed at the base of the fence as Mousasi hits him with a follow-up shot. Referee Leon Roberts dives in to stop the fight just as Henderson snaps to it and drives forward to try and take Mousasi down. Henderson protests the stoppage, but it’s all over. Mousasi gets the stoppage via technical knockout.

The Official Result

Gegard Mousasi def. Dan Henderson via TKO (Punches) R1 1:10

Alexander Gustafsson vs. Anthony Johnson

Round 1

England’s Mark Goddard is the referee for tonight’s 205-pound main event, with judges Mark Collett, Jesper Gunnarson and Andy Roberts scoring at cageside. Gustafsson lands an outside leg kick, then one to the inside. He sticks a jab as Johnson pushes forward, swinging huge punches to try and take the Swede’s head off. Another leg kick from Gustafsson is answered in kind by “Rumble,” who backs up as Gustafsson throws a punching combo. A finger from Gustafsson’s outstretched left hand catches Johnson in his right eye. Johnson recovers quickly and catches a kick from Gustafsson on the restart, knocking “The Mauler” to the deck with a straight right hand. Gustafsson pops back to his feet and starts backpedaling as Johnson head-hunts. An uppercut catches Gustafsson near the fence and he falls to the ground, where Johnson wraps his right arm around the kneeling Gustafsson’s waist and smashes away with right hands. Referee Goddard calls for action from Gustafsson, and when Johnson lands three or four heavy rights underneath the Swede’s armpit, rocking Gustafsson’s head, Goddard stops the fight.

The Official Result

Anthony Johnson def. Alexander Gustafsson via TKO (Punches) R1 2:15
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